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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Alipeeps
    Errrr... god only knows! I've got a few fics needing updates plus a challenge fic in progress and my - now weekly - tag fics to work on! *eep*

    I say again, I so need to win the lottery so I can give up work and just write fanfic!

    *also wishes Ali could give up work and write full time fic*


      Originally posted by SLC
      Goodness I have just been on an innocent thread ( or so I thought) about the Sateda preview.
      Already some idiot is saying it is going to be another episode to confirm that Sheppard should be demoted on the basis of risking many lives to save one!!! Oh my the episode hasnt even been shown yet !!!!
      Astounding isn't it? My thoughts on that are that you've got to consider the flipside... what kind of leadership are you displaying, and how do you motivate your men, if they know for a fact that if they get into trouble, they're on their own. Yeah, yeah, the needs of the many outweight the few and all that but I believe it's also standard practice in the armed forces to believe that your comrades have got your back. With a man like Caldwell, you can forget it. He'll sacrifice you in a heartbeat. At least under Sheppy's command you know he'll do everything he can to bring you back safe.


        Originally posted by IWantToBelieve
        I read the lemon thread and the thing of it is, I didn't care for it that much, kind of in poor taste, *but*, I sure as heck don't blame Sheppard or Mitchell. Someone on my LJ put it better than I could. On paper, the writers thought it was hilarious. Reality though, it's not all that funny if someone is deathly allergic, but no biggie. It's not worth getting up in arms over, sometimes the writers throw stuff out that just doesn't work for people. If the character was consistently doing stupid stuff like that then you can say it's a jerky character, but how many times has Sheppard pulled a lemon from his coat? *never*
        I replied to your post on there and did actually agree with you - if McKay really is allergic as he says then the joke was not funny. But as I explained on the original thread, I think this is more a case of the writers simply not understanding how deadly and dangerous food allergies can be rather than trying to portray Shep as being mean. I honestly had no idea just how incredibly careful people with allergies have to be until I talked to my sister in law (whose daughter has deadly peanut allergy).

        I think whether you find something funny etc depends very much on personal experience and obviously if you have a personal history with deadly food allergies then that joke is gonna fall kinda flat. I did find it funny but then again I am of the opinion that McKay's allergy is at best exaggerated and at worst imaginary!


          Originally posted by Alipeeps
          Astounding isn't it? My thoughts on that are that you've got to consider the flipside... what kind of leadership are you displaying, and how do you motivate your men, if they know for a fact that if they get into trouble, they're on their own. Yeah, yeah, the needs of the many outweight the few and all that but I believe it's also standard practice in the armed forces to believe that your comrades have got your back. With a man like Caldwell, you can forget it. He'll sacrifice you in a heartbeat. At least under Sheppy's command you know he'll do everything he can to bring you back safe.
          Yeah, it's very important to know that no matter what happens, your buddies have your six and you have theirs. Men and women are more willing to put themselves in harm's way if they know their buddies will be there to see it through with them.

          Shep standing up for his men, I damn well expect no less from the boy.



            Evening all!

            'Tis late, so I can't hang around long.

            GateGeek Your poor clone. I hope you tucked him in and comforted him.

            Ali!fic! Squee!

            As for the other threads- well, I tried to stay off them! Honest! But I just have these pesky opinions..
            My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


              GG and Ali, those a very good points. Now, if only everyone were capable of viewing the situation from different perspectives like that!

              I gotta go now, I'm in the process of reading my brother's master thesis and doing linguistic corrections and stuff, and hell, that takes a while!

              But remember, Shep: If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!


                Afternoon all. Poking my head in a friendly thread. Remind me not to post anwhere else, especially where certain posters post. Ignore button is a great idea...


                  Originally posted by Lauriel
                  Evening all!

                  'Tis late, so I can't hang around long.

                  GateGeek Your poor clone. I hope you tucked him in and comforted him.

                  Ali!fic! Squee!

                  As for the other threads- well, I tried to stay off them! Honest! But I just have these pesky opinions..
                  It was a pleasant night for clone and I. After I drugged him up to get rid of the migraine. Those things are a b**ch.

                  BTW Lauriel, How's that writing muse of yours??? *snicker*


                    Catch ya later Penny. Can't say I envy you though.


                      Originally posted by Gate Geek
                      It was a pleasant night for clone and I. After I drugged him up to get rid of the migraine. Those things are a b**ch.

                      BTW Lauriel, How's that writing muse of yours??? *snicker*
                      Bloody thing's been poking me all day. No time today though. No promises I'm afraid.
                      My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                        Picture time:



                          Good afternoon whumpers!!!
                          GG-Glad you found the clone!!! Well at least he was getting whumped, even if it was just a migraine!

                          As for the whole 'Shep should be demoted' thing, isn't he supposed to be the hero of the show? Isn't he supposed to save people that get left behind? What would you expect from the lead role of a scifi seris?
                          Were those people all hyped up when Shep tried to save Sumner on Rising, too?


                            Originally posted by jonasgurl1
                            Good afternoon whumpers!!!
                            GG-Glad you found the clone!!! Well at least he was getting whumped, even if it was just a migraine!

                            As for the whole 'Shep should be demoted' thing, isn't he supposed to be the hero of the show? Isn't he supposed to save people that get left behind? What would you expect from the lead role of a scifi seris?
                            Were those people all hyped up when Shep tried to save Sumner on Rising, too?
                            I suppose 'Shep should be demoted' is a step up from 'kill Sheppard' at least.
                            My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                              Yeah at least there's that. Why do they have to be so negative all the time though? Why do they bother posting if all they have to say is how bad the character is? Here's an idea....Stop Watching The Show If You Hate It So much!!!


                                Originally posted by jonasgurl1
                                Yeah at least there's that. Why do they have to be so negative all the time though? Why do they bother posting if all they have to say is how bad the character is? Here's an idea....Stop Watching The Show If You Hate It So much!!!
                                Perhaps they are just in whump denial? If they would only realise that you can whump the stuffing out of our poor baby and still love him, they would be much happier!

                                LSC: All I can say about the other threads is
                                My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward

