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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    i found this video on LJ, just fantastic, 5 years of mcshep !

    Title:Take a Chance on Me
    Summary: ( Behind cut incase of spoilers for 5x06 The Shrine )
    Pairing/Character:John Sheppard / Rodney McKay (Mentions of Keller)
    Category: Slash Format:WMV

    Read this analysis, it was wowwww mcshep
    Last edited by marli; 25 August 2008, 07:09 AM.

    my delicious


      I'm still squeeeeing about The Shrine!!!!

      People keep posting lots of pictures of Shep and McKay from this episode in all the threads, it's great! I'll have to watch it again (except the end) because it was soo good.


        Originally posted by elliecat View Post
        I'm still squeeeeing about The Shrine!!!!

        People keep posting lots of pictures of Shep and McKay from this episode in all the threads, it's great! I'll have to watch it again (except the end) because it was soo good.
        pffff the end, it's creppy, she look the vidéo again and again, pathetic.

        I saw the episode 3 time (it's an obsession lol)

        my delicious


          Originally posted by marli View Post
          pffff the end, it's creppy, she look the vidéo again and again, pathetic.

          I saw the episode 3 time (it's an obsession lol)
          In my mind he is saying
          "I love you John" and John is watching it again and again. That I like much better!

          You've watched it three times?
          I don't blame you, it's so good for McShep, all the little glances, the touches, the "John's" from Rodney *sigh* sooo good, yep still squeeeeeing!!!! I think i'm obsessed too lol!


            In my mind he is saying
            "I love you John" and John is watching it again and again. That I like much better!
            oh yes !!!

            You've watched it three times?
            I don't blame you, it's so good for McShep, all the little glances, the touches, the "John's" from Rodney *sigh* sooo good, yep still squeeeeeing!!!! I think i'm obsessed too lol!
            yes watched no saw (i lost my english since Friday LOL)

            my delicious


              Originally posted by marli View Post

              oh yes !!!

              yes watched no saw (i lost my english since Friday LOL)
              We all know he loves John anyway.

              I think we have all lost english watching The Shine!


                i think have to ask Willows cat, but are you ?

                are you satisfied

                i know you have mentioned this before, but are you satisfied with the hug in The Shrine?
                May the odds be ever in your Favor ! oh and please say hello to me on Skype and Facebook


                  Originally posted by MyStargateLife View Post
                  I was just taking caps of my favorite parts from 'The Shrine' and I thought you guys would like these :0)

                  There are 10 (large) pictures behind the spoiler. I don't want to post more then that at one time so the dial-up users can see them to.

                  I love John's surprised/worried look when Rodney suddenly bursts in and grabs him.

                  I want John's shirt and I want it now xD

                  Looks like John's about to grab Rodney's hand in this shot xD

                  Sorry if they're slightly blurry. They're taken from a copy on my computer so the quality isn't the greatest.
                  A little fact: The cute panda t-shirt that joe is wearing is actually his own, and i've been trying to find it! Darn it!! Anyone know where i can get it (UK)? Anyone?

                  Originally posted by MyStargateLife View Post
                  Part III


                  Ugh... again, John's expression is heart wrenching.

                  I was so mad at the sci-fi logo in this... ruined a perfect shot xP

                  Someone was asking about the shoe thing. You can see here that Rodney is wearing slippers, and John is, indeed, barefoot.

                  I laugh just looking at the pictures. This part is so adorable. xD


                  It's not over yet
                  Oh! Oh my.... bare feet, i have such a thing for bare feet!! *Whimpers* *thud*


                    OMG! My Mcsheppy heart went into over load!

                    When rodney had that panic attack and ran to johns room. OMG! I was like chanting- "Man-hug!" but the hand on the shoulders and touching and stuff was good enough for me lols ^^.

                    Also the part on the pier was like "Ode to the McSheppy fangirl" lols! It was truely brillient! "You're a good friend Arthur" Lmao!

                    Another brillient moment was in the cave when rodney was pleading with john to take him home and the cute way john was trying to distract rodney with mentioning the water fall. And yet again rodney curls up against john when he is in pain. Not to forget in the begining when in the tape rodney started calling for john. AND the part where they go to tell rodney the plan, the smile between them and the nearly tearful look of john. My god...i thought my McSheppy heart was going to pop lols.

                    AND didn't you guys notice how fast john got up and ran to rodney when Jen took rodney away from the shrine and he started screaming in pain? And lets not forget how long he kept his arms around rodney! This episode is now my all time favorite! ^__^



                    MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
                    Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
                    Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


                      Originally posted by marli View Post
                      pffff the end, it's creppy, she look the vidéo again and again, pathetic.

                      I saw the episode 3 time (it's an obsession lol)
                      Yes, but at the same time (in a totally different way) you almost feel bad for her in the sense that you where just thinking that. Weird... Hard to explain too...

                      Not really! I rematched it three times too! (magic of DVRs, alol) With the exception of the last 45 seconds of course.


                        Originally posted by Valaslonglostsister View Post
                        OMG! My Mcsheppy heart went into over load!

                        When rodney had that panic attack and ran to johns room. OMG! I was like chanting- "Man-hug!" but the hand on the shoulders and touching and stuff was good enough for me lols ^^.

                        Also the part on the pier was like "Ode to the McSheppy fangirl" lols! It was truely brillient! "You're a good friend Arthur" Lmao!

                        Another brillient moment was in the cave when rodney was pleading with john to take him home and the cute way john was trying to distract rodney with mentioning the water fall. And yet again rodney curls up against john when he is in pain. Not to forget in the begining when in the tape rodney started calling for john. AND the part where they go to tell rodney the plan, the smile between them and the nearly tearful look of john. My god...i thought my McSheppy heart was going to pop lols.

                        AND didn't you guys notice how fast john got up and ran to rodney when Jen took rodney away from the shrine and he started screaming in pain? And lets not forget how long he kept his arms around rodney! This episode is now my all time favorite! ^__^


                        Now that the writers have done this episode, it will be great to see if they continue to develop Shep & McKay's 'relationship'... *smiles at the thought*
                        Last edited by Skydiver; 26 August 2008, 04:02 AM.


                          Originally posted by MyStargateLife View Post
                          Part III
                          Thanks for sharing all the truly lovely caps, MSL!

                          If you'll forgive me for being slightly greedy, there's a couple other moments of the one scene which you didn't post, which were, for me, the the most intense part of the moment. If you have caps of them, I'd love to see them. Here's the moments I'm thinking of . . .
                          When John and Rodney are on the pier discussing saying goodbye, and Rodney keeps pushing and John finally does the pointy finger at him and says something like "No, that's final!". It's that shot across Rodney's face to John's fierce face and pointy finger.

                          The other shot I'd love to have is Rodney's capitulation to John's "that's final", when he hangs his head and says "okay", giving up. Finally, it's how John continues to stare him down, making sure he's not going to start up the goodbye request again, then finally relaxes and has his beer.

                          I just love how Rodney gives in to John here, because John makes it clear he just can't deal with it. It just seems like evidence of the incredibly strong connection between them.

                          One of my favorite lines of all time: "You're stuck with me, Rodney - just accept it." Sigh.

                          Gawd, what a great episode. Happy sigh.

                          Thanks again!


                            Originally posted by GateEngineer17 View Post

                            One of my favorite lines of all time: "You're stuck with me, Rodney - just accept it." Sigh.
                            Oh my god! John actually says that?!


                              Originally posted by MIZA View Post
                              i think have to ask Willows cat, but are you ?

                              are you satisfied

                              i know you have mentioned this before, but are you satisfied with the hug in The Shrine?
                              NO! Where was this
                              hug you speak of??? I saw no hug.

                              While I enjoyed the moments of comfort John offered up to Rodney and the shoulder to rest upon, the endless contact between John and Rodney in The Shrine was wonderful but this in no way placates me!

                              Oh no! They do not get off *cough* that easily! LOL

                              I want a McShep hug!!! A genuine full frontal contact hug! Anything less then that is not a hug IMHO. So far Ronon has man-handled almost hugged John... Teyla has hugged John, Weir has hugged John... hmm, I see a pattern of John not liking hugs, OK so maybe Rodney KNOWS John hates hugs so that is why they never hug!?!

                              Not that I am obsessed with this or anything.


                                Originally posted by Kady View Post
                                Oh my god! John actually says that?!
                                By your question does that mean you haven't watched it yet?

                                Well if not then yes I can confirm he does indeed say that word for word.

