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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Willow'sCat
    Hi, I read a fic last night and thought I would share.

    Learning to Fly by Cottontail73

    It's at Wraithbait *google* rated R mostly for language, they're really just kissing but their are references to their sex life but no *real* sex scenes. It is more a John POV, and really full of angst.... I cried a couple of times. Spoilers for McKay & Mrs Miller and The Return. Also maybe not one for Elizabeth fans... it isn't really kind to her, nothing overt but bare that in mind if you love Elizabeth.

    I have almost finished my McShep vid, but since GW will be down for a couple of days I am not rushing it... should have finished it by Friday anyway.

    OMFG!! sheppard looks constipated here! *cackles*


      Originally posted by Kady
      OMFG!! sheppard looks constipated here! *cackles*


        Originally posted by Willow'sCat
        LOL! It takes me ages to make a vid, I keep changing my mind on what clips to use. Did you finish the other one? I don't remember you posting a link to it.

        I have finished mine now, but as I said, since GW will be off line/down and out for a couple of days... starting soon I think, I will just wait until it is back up to post.
        I'm talking about my fic, not my vid . An in case you missed it, I'm multitasking a Jack/Daniel vid. My McShep will be extra funny now that I've got the specials with some scenes where Joe just goes nuts XD.


          Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
          I'm talking about my fic, not my vid . An in case you missed it, I'm multitasking a Jack/Daniel vid. My McShep will be extra funny now that I've got the specials with some scenes where Joe just goes nuts XD.
          Ah, I see... so did you finish the first McShep vid from before? Or is this still the same one?


            Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
            And Rodney's saying, "Puuuuuuuuush!!! PUUUUUUUUUUUSH!!!!!" to wind him up!!


              I finished my McShep vid *sigh* I had to upload it to YouTube as my site is %*&^#! atm.


              Title: *Mystery*
              Song: The Ship song by Nick Cave & the Badseeds
              Linky: willowscatVID
              MB: Good question... no idea... around 20MB I think. I uploaded the Medium size version

              There is also a link in my sig Look if it isn't working, it is them not me! It is there, just keep trying.

              Some pretty to pass the time of day....

              Last edited by Willow'sCat; 14 October 2006, 06:47 PM. Reason: Don't ask


                Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                I finished my McShep vid *sigh* I had to upload it to YouTube as my site is %*&^#! atm.


                Title: *Mystery*
                Song: The Ship song by Nick Cave & the Badseeds
                Linky: willowscatVID
                MB: Good question... no idea... around 20MB I think. I uploaded the Medium size version

                There is also a link in my sig Look if it isn't working, it is them not me! It is there, just keep trying.

                Some pretty to pass the time of day....

                Love the vid. Great song. I really like the ending where they are walking off together.
                Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                  Totally agreeing to that^^, wanna see more of it .


                    I guess we're all in agreement.
                    The vid is great
                    Aircowhere are you?


                      Been awhile since I lurked in this thread...but have to say what a nice video that was, Willow Cat. Wasn't a huge fan of the song at first but it really grew on me and fit the video well. The pacing was also very good...mellow and somewhat soothing, lol. Made me remember why I like these two so much.


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                        Originally posted by borgteddy View Post
                        I guess we're all in agreement.
                        The vid is great
                        Yeah, add me to the group of people who think that.

                        I already said it on LJ, but I can say it again: Great video, Willow!

                        It's fascinating, I'm a slasher as in "I like to read (McShep) slash", but I'm not someone who suspects slash in every little Shepard-McKay scene when I watch the show. I can watch an ep without noticing slashy undertones. But when you put all these scenes together for a video then it becomes very obvious that the show is a big slashfest indeed!

                        Bye, A.
                        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                          Thanks for the nice feedback guys, glad you liked the vid glad you liked the song, wasn't sure about it, The Ship Song was a massive 'alternative' hit in Australia for Nick Cave (who is Australian) so it didn't at first seem like an odd choice... it is very tame/romantic for a Nick Cave song.

                          Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                          It's fascinating, I'm a slasher as in "I like to read (McShep) slash", but I'm not someone who suspects slash in every little Shepard-McKay scene when I watch the show. I can watch an ep without noticing slashy undertones. But when you put all these scenes together for a video then it becomes very obvious that the show is a big slashfest indeed!
                          I have to say I was kind of disappointed with The Return pt 1 until...
                          I read some one's take on why John&Rodney didn't need to have a moment like the others all had (even Radek, Rodney & Carson had their moment) they pointed out that a) it was made obvious that John&Rodney talked everyday on the phone when they got back to Earth b) it was their idea to have dinner together and Carson probably just invited himself and dragged Elizabeth along and c) they only live a few states apart and yeah John can fly a plane, so not that far from each other anyway!

                          The thing I love about this pair is that they can be viewed as just friends or if you tilt your head just so... lovers. I have to say it wasn't until I started looking at some Jack/Daniel slash vids that I understood where the slash for them was coming from, I had always seen just friends when I viewed them; the vids opened up a whole new world. Although McShep is still the only fanfic I find myself reading regularly.

                          Bit of a spoiler piccie from Aurora



                            ITA, Willow's Cat about The Return, Pt 1:
                            I loved that bit in the episode with John and Rodney on the phone (probably my favorite from the episode). To me, that scene spoke VOLUMES about their relationship in a way that a "goodbye" wouldn't necassarily have done. They didn't need to say goodbye because it obviously wasn't for them and they knew it.

                            I can't even convey how happy I was to see how close the two were. I mean, sometimes you wonder how John feels about Rodney because of all of the complaining he does...but then when John could easily shrug off and distance himself from Rodney, he doesn't. These two obviously have a stronger bond than even they may realize. That was good writing on TBTB's part and it really created a nice sense of family.

                            Wow...look at me getting all giddy and rambling on and on about one scene.


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                              Originally posted by Stef View Post
                              I can't even convey how happy I was to see how close the two were. I mean, sometimes you wonder how John feels about Rodney because of all of the complaining he does...but then when John could easily shrug off and distance himself from Rodney, he doesn't. These two obviously have a stronger bond than even they may realize. That was good writing on TBTB's part and it really created a nice sense of family
                              The thing with John.... I put certain things down to the DADT it really comes in handy when John is being an ass... he has to keep up a front so no one thinks anything is going on between them. I think he forgets that Rodney already knows there is something going on!

                              The stuff in M&MM is why I really see it like that,
                              he was such an ass in the cafeteria, but then he *allows* Rodney into his quarters while John cleans his phallic symbols golf clubs *come on that wrist action alone!!!* and of course he shows Jeannie that video.... I mean he HAS that video to show her!

                              I'm not saying Rodney can't be an ass too but you really expect him to be, it is just such a part of his personality I hardly notice it anymore... John is a little schizo... DADT definitely to blame IMHO.


                                Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                                The stuff in M&MM is why I really see it like that,
                                he was such an ass in the cafeteria, but then he *allows* Rodney into his quarters while John cleans his phallic symbols golf clubs *come on that wrist action alone!!!* and of course he shows Jeannie that video.... I mean he HAS that video to show her!
                                Yeah, that moment was great...and very subtle. Nobody brought it up or said "thanks" just happened. It was nice to see John do something genuinely nice for Rodney, presumably something he didn't think Rodney would necassarily know about. I think that their more "tender" or "sweet" moments (ones that you really get a sense of how much they care for one another) aren't as blatant as some of the other characters' are....but I think that's why I like them so much. I love that they bicker but I also love the underlying bond between them.

                                Having said that, I can acknowledge that sometimes John can seem very antagonistic towards Rodney. But you know what, I was working on a little fic and realized that Rodney is the only character that I think John ever really expresses any emotions/feelings about...openly. Yes, they may not be positive but you could sit and analyze what he's really saying. One way or the other, John is passionate about McKay....and that makes me happy


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