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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Willow'sCat
    Do you mean you are too young to watch it or you can't get it?
    I could buy it in America/ask someone to buy it for me (got some offers) but my DVD recorder couldn't read it because we have other codes or so.
    I guess I'd be too young for the movie, but, hey, who cares?


    Completely left of center sort of... Carson marries Laura. Would tie in with needing a suit and even if Jamie isn't available, they could just use another actress.
    That's possible, but that wouldn't be a "OMG-surprise" thing, you know

    I doubt it has anything to do with slash or shipp, this is more likely to do with the overall show or one character. I am not thinking death either, more change then death.
    Yeah, I think that, too. Maybe the Wraith find Earth and start to attack. Hm. Would be interesting.


      Originally posted by FallenAngelII
      I could see
      Alternate McKay being more free-spirited and flirting with John. And John not down-right rejecting him. Oh, the slashfics and fixes that would generate!

      Not that the PTB would be brave enough to actually do this, but a boy can dream, can't he? >_>'

      Lol! Yep and a girl can dream too!

      I thought of that when we talked about the Red Dwarf thing, I was thinking
      AU Rodney might hit on Sheppard *kind of* payback for all Sheppards kirking *sorry* flirting but again TPTB had a heart attack when they suggested the kiss in Duet, and I don't know if in this day and age, whether fandom or the internet would give a **** if that happened. It is more the suits upstairs that care... they need to get out more.

      Frejya if you want to PM me I may be able to help you...


        Originally posted by Willow'sCat

        Lol! Yep and a girl can dream too!

        I thought of that when we talked about the Red Dwarf thing, I was thinking
        AU Rodney might hit on Sheppard *kind of* payback for all Sheppards kirking *sorry* flirting but again TPTB had a heart attack when they suggested the kiss in Duet, and I don't know if in this day and age, whether fandom or the internet would give a **** if that happened. It is more the suits upstairs that care... they need to get out more.
        The world is still a very homophobic place, and so is the American military, and since Sheppard is in the airforce, and since the show is very pro-USAF, and has a lot of USAF fans, they aren't going to even hint in a joking way like they did with 'Duet' that Sheppard is anything other then straight. Even having an alternative Rodney hitting on him would be too risky, because the logic goes, if a guy hits on Sheppard, then there must be something a bit queer about him for that (and heh, we'd all think that too, but we'd think it's great) but the writers wouldn't and certain members of the American forces (and not all, but a large segment) would go ballistic.

        The character of Sheppard is a Airforce Serviceman, sure he's all anti-authority and a bit rebellious, but they aren't ever going to make him gay anymore then they would turn him into a heroin addict, it's against regulations and the good old 'American way' in the US Military *rolls eyes*

        Although they say that Science-fiction is subversive, Stargate is conservative, in pretty much everyway that matters. (it's why I never bothered with SG1).

        Originally posted by FallenAngelII
        Not that the PTB would be brave enough to actually do this, but a boy can dream, can't he? >_>'
        I share the dream! And if TPTB totally get a backbone and do anything like that, I'll be on this forum defending it left right and centre against all the naysayers. That's for sure. Even if I don't want any canon ships, I'd make an exception for this, because I think the general public should be exposed to a loving, normal gay relationship on television, on shows that are for the family, because it's not sordid, or adult. And it doesn't have to be a big huge event, or big deal, just the same as Carson and Cadman's relationship isn't a big deal.

        I'd feel the same if it was Rodney/Radek, or Elizabeth/Teyla (pfff, you know if they had any time together talking).

        There is something extraordinarily delightful in getting intensely
        serious about something intrinsically silly.


          Originally posted by ladysarah
          The world is still a very homophobic place, and so is the American military, and since Sheppard is in the airforce, and since the show is very pro-USAF, and has a lot of USAF fans, they aren't going to even hint in a joking way like they did with 'Duet' that Sheppard is anything other then straight. Even having an alternative Rodney hitting on him would be too risky, because the logic goes, if a guy hits on Sheppard, then there must be something a bit queer about him for that (and heh, we'd all think that too, but we'd think it's great) but the writers wouldn't and certain members of the American forces (and not all, but a large segment) would go ballistic.
          I don't know, I keep thinking SciFi is a cable network and cable means less restrictions... I am not American so I don't really understand the whole crazy world of US TV/Homophobia/Religious right/mainstream Conservatives... I just don't get it. And although here it is not encouraged to be homosexual in the armed forces, we are a long way forward from DADT. *not saying it is easy*

          Another thing, SGA is not that popular a show, seriously how many main stream news papers have even reported that SG-1 got axed? It barely made a ripple in TV land... no one would even notice.

          Sometimes I just think, it never occurs to TPTB (Jack/Daniel in 200th aside) and that is the real reason they would never do it... that and maybe Joe and David not wanting to do it either, they have to have some say, and well straight guys; actors or not, get weird about this stuff too.

          I take it you have heard the commentary for Duet... what Martin said he had to do to get Paul and David to agree to that kiss made me a little sad.


            Originally posted by Willow'sCat
            ... that and maybe Joe and David not wanting to do it either, they have to have some say, and well straight guys; actors or not, get weird about this stuff too.

            I take it you have heard the commentary for Duet... what Martin said he had to do to get Paul and David to agree to that kiss made me a little sad.
            I don't know David and Joe, but I don't think we should assume they are straight (unless they tell us) . We know they are married to women, and most probably very happy in those relationshps, but that doesn't say anything about their sexuality, (and nor should we have the right to know).

            And even assuming they are 100% straight, I think David has no problem with kissing guys thing (obviously) both Joe and David have played gay characters before, so I'd assume they would have no problem with the challenge, in fact, reading Joe's interviews, he'd be happy to do anything that would give his character some personality other then 'hot guy who gets the babes'

            And don't underestimate the far right or good old homophobia, they managed to get an entire episode of Xena banned, they managed to cause problems with 'Babylon 5' and you wouldn't think anyone watches those shows either, or care.
            There is something extraordinarily delightful in getting intensely
            serious about something intrinsically silly.


              Originally posted by Willow'sCat
              I don't know, I keep thinking SciFi is a cable network and cable means less restrictions... I am not American so I don't really understand the whole crazy world of US TV/Homophobia/Religious right/mainstream Conservatives... I just don't get it. And although here it is not encouraged to be homosexual in the armed forces, we are a long way forward from DADT. *not saying it is easy*

              Another thing, SGA is not that popular a show, seriously how many main stream news papers have even reported that SG-1 got axed? It barely made a ripple in TV land... no one would even notice.

              Sometimes I just think, it never occurs to TPTB (Jack/Daniel in 200th aside) and that is the real reason they would never do it... that and maybe Joe and David not wanting to do it either, they have to have some say, and well straight guys; actors or not, get weird about this stuff too.

              I take it you have heard the commentary for Duet... what Martin said he had to do to get Paul and David to agree to that kiss made me a little sad.
              I don't have the box yet, what did he have to do to get them to kiss? >_>' I only saw a funny clip where Paul claimed David was soooo into him.


                Originally posted by ladysarah
                I don't know David and Joe, but I don't think we should assume they are straight (unless they tell us) . We know they are married to women, and most probably very happy in those relationshps, but that doesn't say anything about their sexuality, (and nor should we have the right to know).
                Oh go and say that on GW, with the rules thing... Joe is married and David has a girlfriend but that is all I am saying.

                And even assuming they are 100% straight, I think David has no problem with kissing guys thing (obviously) both Joe and David have played gay characters before, so I'd assume they would have no problem with the challenge, in fact, reading Joe's interviews, he'd be happy to do anything that would give his character some personality other then 'hot guy who gets the babes'
                I know but often with male actors *sometimes female* when they do the whole 'gay' thing, it is a one off episode or movie, they can even get drunk before hand... I just wouldn't like to assume anything at this stage. *treading very dangerous ground on GW*
                And don't underestimate the far right or good old homophobia, they managed to get an entire episode of Xena banned, they managed to cause problems with 'Babylon 5' and you wouldn't think anyone watches those shows either, or care.
                Oh dear, keep your enemies closer by the sounds of it.

                FallenAngelII He called David and said Paul was fine with doing the kiss, and David said well if Paul is fine with it...

                Then he called Paul and said David is fine with doing the kiss, so Paul said well if David is fine with it...

                I don't know if Martin was joking, but it was kind of sad to me that he felt he needed to do that, and also kind of like "The Parent Trap"


                  Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                  Oh go and say that on GW, with the rules thing... Joe is married and David has a girlfriend but that is all I am saying.
                  And now David has married his girlfriend (*sigh* off the market*)

                  I've seen a few of Davids roles, he's fond of roles which involve him being nekkid, a serial killer, a genius, or gay.... (sometimes one or more of those things). And since he sometimes writes those roles, I assume he doesn't mind so much

                  I wonder if the writers asked Torri and Joe if they were OK with kissing? Maybe it's something they ask all the actors with kissing (on that show).
                  There is something extraordinarily delightful in getting intensely
                  serious about something intrinsically silly.


                    Originally posted by ladysarah
                    And now David has married his girlfriend (*sigh* off the market*)
                    Since when? He still calls her his girlfriend... well he did last week. You don't mean that silly Con report a while ago? This is news to me if true.


                      Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                      Since when? He still calls her his girlfriend... well he did last week. You don't mean that silly Con report a while ago? This is news to me if true.
                      In one of the extras on the Season 2 commentaries (which I downloaded) he talks about how his wife gives him five minutes when he gets home from filming to get the character of Rodney out of his system, he's allowed to be obnoxious for five minutes, then after that he gets into trouble.

                      He mentions his 'wife' a couple of more times. I emailed a couple of friends about that, and they said 'yep' now he's married. Come to think of it, I don't know what he said on his blog, but he certainly said wife on the interview, I watched it about sixteen times

                      Don't ask me when that happened. I also remember him referring to her as his fiancee in Season 1, so I expected marriage eventually.
                      There is something extraordinarily delightful in getting intensely
                      serious about something intrinsically silly.


                        Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                        He called David and said Paul was fine with doing the kiss, and David said well if Paul is fine with it...

                        Then he called Paul and said David is fine with doing the kiss, so Paul said well if David is fine with it...

                        I don't know if Martin was joking, but it was kind of sad to me that he felt he needed to do that, and also kind of like "The Parent Trap"
                        Sounds more like a joke, a funny anecdote or he just played a joke on them. I doubt they would've refused to if he'd asked them straight out since they were all "Well, if the guy I'm kissing's fine with it" (obviously, they, themselves, are fine with it).

                        And which episode of Xena was banned? O_o


                          Originally posted by FallenAngelII
                          Sounds more like a joke, a funny anecdote or he just played a joke on them. I doubt they would've refused to if he'd asked them straight out since they were all "Well, if the guy I'm kissing's fine with it" (obviously, they, themselves, are fine with it).
                          You are probably right, Martin has a weird (good) sense of humour and so does Paul and David....


                            Dammit! I just discovered the McWeirers are beating us in posts by 3000 posts! Damn McWeirers!


                              Originally posted by FallenAngelII
                              Dammit! I just discovered the McWeirers are beating us in posts by 3000 posts! Damn McWeirers!
                              I don't care. Also they have a slight advantage, this thread was originally an anti thread or rather the person who started just wanted to know why or if anyone slashed Rodney&John.... This was not a slash thread as such.

                              Also the McWeir shipp like most hetero ones, fits GW rules about fic posting better, not that there are not many wonderful G/PG fics out there, it is just that most McShep fans do not bother with GW because the rules are so strict on what you can say and the links to fics you can post... why waste your time here when you have LJ communities everywhere, with free and open discussion.

                              Just remember, McShep is the most written for pairing in this fandom and they have the largest fanbase.


                                Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                                I don't care. Also they have a slight advantage, this thread was originally an anti thread or rather the person who started just wanted to know why or if anyone slashed Rodney&John.... This was not a slash thread as such.

                                Also the McWeir shipp like most hetero ones, fits GW rules about fic posting better, not that there are not many wonderful G/PG fics out there, it is just that most McShep fans do not bother with GW because the rules are so strict on what you can say and the links to fics you can post... why waste your time here when you have LJ communities everywhere, with free and open discussion.

                                Just remember, McShep is the most written for pairing in this fandom and they have the largest fanbase.
                                I'd think Jack/Daniel were bigger than McShep. Or did McShep go past them already? Anywhere I go, it's either Jack/Daniel or McShep that's dominant, that's for sure XD.

