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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Willow'sCat
    Ever get the feeling we read too much into these things? Lol, I would love it if it was a shout out; sadly I don't see TPTB thinking along that line. But we can think whatever we like, so we will.
    Ha, no, I didn't think it was a real shout-out - just in my happy little world.

    It's a great place
    There is something extraordinarily delightful in getting intensely
    serious about something intrinsically silly.


      Anybody fancy accompanying me to bridge Studios (if i had the money) and tying ourselves to the piggin' building in protest of what we're talking about here and get TPTB to *actually* listen to us for at least once??

      Bear in mind that if we actually got our own way, however unlikely, stargate atlantis will probably turn into a big gayfest!! *think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts....*


        Originally posted by Willow'sCat
        The one that just screened in the US Sateda. These I hope believe give no plot away.
        *raises hand* one question!!! what the heck are they doing on the floor?! *Try* and keep the answer PG please, kids!


          so...what do we all make of the latest SPOILERS?

          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by sueKay
            so...what do we all make of the latest SPOILERS?

            Personally I think it is a STUPID idea, what are we 12 years old now?! How is this even remotely relevant to SGA verse, I don't want to see another ep wasted on a bottle neck episode that Trek and Doctor Who have already covered heck even The Simpsons did a similar thing! Oh sure for a small McKay/Sheppard moment it might be interesting but I watch or did watch the show for more then that, but hey I am sure others think this is just dany and will bring in heaps of viewers. Quite frankly unless they are naked while they do it... I see no reason to get excited about it.

            Kady, if I was in Canada no problems I would be there.

            The reason they are on the floor is a spoiler...don't read if you don't want to know.

            McKay gets shot with an arrow and it ends up in his butt, yes it's all very funny...ooh maybe we are 12 years old after all. Anyway he can't sit so he lays down.


              Originally posted by sueKay
              so...what do we all make of the latest SPOILERS?

              OMG! I think that sounds freaking awesome! Talk about playing God!

              Do you realize that this means Sheppard and McKay have been playing this game for probably years? If we thought that moment of them sitting on the floor, looking like two little boys playing a videogame was cute, just imagine them doing that all the time! This is one of those things that makes me certain they're closer than we're led to believe just from watching them on missions, because they obviously hang out in their downtime.

              I wonder what other kinds of things they do together on their downtime? (open gutter, insert mind)

              Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
              McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
              Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
              McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                Originally posted by Willow'sCat

                Well not sure if you mean on the show? Or in general because you know McShep is about them as lovers not just friends... we do have a friendship only thread for them probably on page 5 by now.

                We have this talk often should it be canon or should it just be left to the fanfic and fandom in general, I guess the longer the show goes on and the longer TPTB don't show them actually in a *real* relationship with women, the more I think why not put it on the show even if it was something kept secret *hell* why not make a *oh I don't know* a political statement! *gasp!* No TPTB would never be brave enough to do that even if the ratings were at .7 they would rather blow something up then have John and Rodney kiss (that is all I want ) homophobia in the land of freedom *sorry it is how I see it* is pretty loud in some quarters and down right ugly and TPTB would never without a lot of support from SciFi go with a storyline like that. I mean a serious story line, not one of those faux kisses.

                No it will never happen John is more likely to go and marry Chaya and Rodney Samantha then have them even kissing like they mean it. *stupid prejudices*

                Well I seriously doubt we will get anything like that this season last or not.
                Yes I meant on the show and I agree it would be an awesome politcal statement and I also doubt it will ever happen, I think Rodney and John could have a serious and meaningful relationship but I feel to many peoples phobia's would ruin it and I dont want to offend anybody I just don't want the show to revolve around that relationship (if it ever happens) I dont want it to be dubbed the "gay" sci-fi show, not that being gay is a problem I just like the show for other reasons, and dont want anything to change those things
                I definately do not want to give anyone the wrong impression about where I stand on 'gay' rights, because I stand behind them completely
                (I keep wrapping the word gay in 's because I dont think its the best term, which means I probabkly shouldnt use it) im going to stop before I dig myself into a deep, deep hole
                You can never really know some completely. That's why it's the most terrifying thing in the world, really - taking someone on faith, hoping they'll take you on faith too. It's such a precarious balance, it's a wonder we do it at all. And yet...
                -Libba Bray


                  Originally posted by SGA_Love
                  Yes I meant on the show and I agree it would be an awesome politcal statement and I also doubt it will ever happen, I think Rodney and John could have a serious and meaningful relationship but I feel to many peoples phobia's would ruin it and I dont want to offend anybody I just don't want the show to revolve around that relationship (if it ever happens) I dont want it to be dubbed the "gay" sci-fi show, not that being gay is a problem I just like the show for other reasons, and dont want anything to change those things
                  I definately do not want to give anyone the wrong impression about where I stand on 'gay' rights, because I stand behind them completely
                  (I keep wrapping the word gay in 's because I dont think its the best term, which means I probabkly shouldnt use it) im going to stop before I dig myself into a deep, deep hole
                  Mmm, I know what you mean, but really I would love to see a Gay Scifi show! Hey why the heck not? We have oodles of 'straight' ones!

                  Anyway I don't see why it has to be seen as gay (either meaning) just because it has two gay characters, I wish people would just get over their homophobia, because that is what it is homophobia/prejudice and discrimination!!!! Or it could be, they just don't bother to think beyond their own heterosexuality!

                  They could make their new spin off *that will never happen* a gay one!

                  I can't wait for Torchwood.


                    Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                    Mmm, I know what you mean, but really I would love to see a Gay Scifi show! Hey why the heck not? We have oodles of 'straight' ones!

                    Anyway I don't see why it has to be seen as gay (either meaning) just because it has two gay characters, I wish people would just get over their homophobia, because that is what it is homophobia/prejudice and discrimination!!!! Or it could be, they just don't bother to think beyond their own heterosexuality!

                    They could make their new spin off *that will never happen* a gay one!

                    I can't wait for Torchwood.
                    I dont know what torchwood is

                    the more I think about it the more a more then friendship relationship between John and Rodney intriques me....

                    and I agree about the homophobia statements
                    You can never really know some completely. That's why it's the most terrifying thing in the world, really - taking someone on faith, hoping they'll take you on faith too. It's such a precarious balance, it's a wonder we do it at all. And yet...
                    -Libba Bray


                      Originally posted by sueKay
                      so...what do we all make of the latest SPOILERS?

                      Okay, first off.. Squee! That might be my episode.

                      Ahem.. sorry, just a little excited there.

                      Secondly... it sounds like an interesting concept but, like Irresistable, I can't see it being more than a 'one off' episode. Unless of course there's something there that will fit it into the rest of the season's overall storyline.. if there is an overall season storyline. All in all, it should give us some nice McKay/Sheppard stuff.


                        Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                        homophobia in the land of freedom *sorry it is how I see it* is pretty loud in some quarters and down right ugly and TPTB would never without a lot of support from SciFi go with a storyline like that. I mean a serious story line, not one of those faux kisses.
                        No need to even apologise, if you ask me, because I think anyone in the world of even the meanest intelligence can see the difference in attitudes regarding homosexuality. I live in one of the most conservative counties in Texas and I see it constantly, the ignorance and hate, and it's depressing that people can be so selfish and small-minded. That's the reason I advocate as much exposure as possible. Even the ignoramouses, with enough exposure, will start to take it for granted and at some point gay marriage will be a commonplace event in the USofA. I see that eventuality reflected in polls that show the majority of the younger generation doesn't care if gays marry. I see it reflected in my son's off-hand remark that no one on his college campus cares that same-sex couples walk hand in hand or sit under the trees cuddling. That's progress, slow but sure.
                        Take the shock out of seeing two guys kiss and you can melt away the fear and hopefully the hate that grows out of fear.

                        As far as McKay having a Big Hero moment
                        --he did have one in Hide and Seek, one that seems to get brushed off by a lot of people who still want to think McKay a sniveling coward. I have to ask just how many of these people, even with the green turtle on their chests, would willingly risk their lives for their colleagues the way McKay did. McKay has courage, we know McKay has courage, and that's not something that can be taken away from his character now.

                        As for making him the constant butt of jokes, I've wondered how DH feels about it. He seems to enjoy every bit of the work he does on SGA (and does it ever come across in the finished product! Wow.) and I'd suspect he finds it all pretty funny. I think the female fans are the ones who want to see McKay respected more than he is by the writers. Male fans, from posts I've seen on GW at any rate, just get a big kick out of the poking-fun thing.
                        McKay has decidedly evolved from the guy we saw on SG1, but maybe the writers (and even DH?) still see in that McKay the sort of personality that should get the occasional embarrassing comeuppance. I don't know. I think DH has developed McKay so far beyond the nemesis-for-Sam that he was in SG1 that he's no longer the character to be constantly made fun of. As a fully fleshed out character that we can relate to, he should now receive more of the respect that other characters do. I don't see Sheppard or Weir getting shot in the butt with an arrow. I don't see Teyla or Caldwell hanging upside down in trees. Granted, DH has such a beautiful sense of comic timing, I'm sure the writers love writing this stuff for him and, true, it is funny--but more and more, it hurts a little too, to see a character we've come to love being expected to act like a buffoon. I would just like to see the writers incorporate humor that is more suited to this more well-rounded McKay. I don't think that's so much to ask.


                          Originally posted by strivaria
                          Okay, first off.. Squee! That might be my episode.

                          Ahem.. sorry, just a little excited there.

                          Secondly... it sounds like an interesting concept but, like Irresistable, I can't see it being more than a 'one off' episode. Unless of course there's something there that will fit it into the rest of the season's overall storyline.. if there is an overall season storyline. All in all, it should give us some nice McKay/Sheppard stuff.
                          Well sounds like a stupid ep but yes they will need lots of extras so you maybe right.

                          Originally posted by smushybird
                          --he did have one in Hide and Seek, one that seems to get brushed off by a lot of people who still want to think McKay a sniveling coward. I have to ask just how many of these people, even with the green turtle on their chests, would willingly risk their lives for their colleagues the way McKay did. McKay has courage, we know McKay has courage, and that's not something that can be taken away from his character now.
                          Yes I know, he has been the Hero in many eps but nothing where we get him being acknowledged, all we got in Hide and Seek was a collapsed Rodney at the end. In The Defiant One, we didn't get anything either to say yeah he helped Sheppard (well saved him by buying time) and it is the same in other eps, but this is all for the discussion thread not here.

                          I am re-reading "General and Dr Sheppard" by Xanthe atm, and finding it a little addictive *again* I read 6 chapters yesterday alone! I just love the AU Rodney & John, now I am not saying I would like to live in their 'verse but the acceptance of 'many' things is something I can back 100%. Although I love *our* Rodney & John's 'verse too. I am just starting to get to the very interesting part for them. *although RL will stop me from reading anymore today... maybe*


                            Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                            Yes I know, he has been the Hero in many eps but nothing where we get him being acknowledged, all we got in Hide and Seek was a collapsed Rodney at the end. In The Defiant One, we didn't get anything either to say yeah he helped Sheppard (well saved him by buying time) and it is the same in other eps, but this is all for the discussion thread not here.
                            Which discussion thread? I agree, yep, we need acknowledgment of the brilliance and bravery that is Rodney McKay. That Rodney isn't Mr. Stoic Action Hero is something I have always especially loved about him. Heroes that never express fear or dread or worry are so dull and unbelievable. I love that Rodney is altogether human and frightened and panicked sometimes and still brave when he's called upon to be brave. You have to love him for that.

                            Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                            I am re-reading "General and Dr Sheppard" by [B]Xanthe
                            I haven't read that one, but I don't like AUs. I prefer the guys in the universe they're in. Stepping out of that somehow feels like a cheat to me.
                            You know what I hate about Wraithbait is the search engine--I can't seem to narrow down enough to get a list of certain types of fic. It's always telling me it's found too many stories and won't list 'em. I put in for the character McKay and look for whump stories and all I get is Shep whump. Shep is nice enough when he's squished up too, but McKay's the vulnerable boy I want to see people rally around. Aren't there more McKay squishies out there? I've found like four of them. I've read most of the older ones of fanficnet. I'm looking for ones written, say, within the last three or four months.
                            Also on the hunt for the most recent vids. Watched a vid last night, totally McKay, very sweet and now I want moooooore. Took ages to download--but was so worth it.


                              OT - Strivaria - read your LJ...too cool!!! Is it extra work, or a talking part or what?!?!
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                Originally posted by smushybird
                                Which discussion thread?

                                I haven't read that one, but I don't like AUs. I prefer the guys in the universe they're in. Stepping out of that somehow feels like a cheat to me.
                                Oh it is our verse with John & Rodney; but we have interlopers in the shape of an AU Rodney & John as well. It is not to every one's taste as it is full on NC-17 *well it is* but seriously hot and sweet and cute and I think you could call it, whumped Rodney in some ways as well...but not really getting whump myself it may just be normal angst!

                                I am making a slash vid for them but it is taking a while and I keep wanting to change the song!

