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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ladysarah
    I can recommend you some Sheppard/McKay fanfiction if you want (via PM). Well written, stories with plot, and I can even make sure they are PG if the explicit stuff isn't to your taste.
    I wouldn't mind having some PG recs like that LadySarah. Just drop me a PM. Thanks.
    Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


      very interesting interview...And I agree with almost everything that he was saying.

      ...while I'm here...anyone want a sig?
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        By the way, a really good explanation of the whole slash phenomenon can be found here:

        Slash fiction

        A year ago I hated slash - and I thought I'd surely never write it! But well, then I became a SGA fan, and what can I say, McShep really converted me, quickly and completely!

        Bye, A.
        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


          chemistry's chemistry

          and McShep's DEFINITELY got that
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by Arlessiar
            A year ago I hated slash - and I thought I'd surely never write it! But well, then I became a SGA fan, and what can I say, McShep really converted me, quickly and completely!

            Bye, A.
            I hear you. I first heard about slash back in the late 90s and there was no way that I was going there. Now, I read at least 1 story a night, sometimes more.

            So last night a friend came over since her water was shut off in her condo. We were watching tv and at 11pm the local Fox station is still running Season 1 in syndication. She had never seen any Stargate shows before, so she watched with me. It was Thirty Eight Minutes. After about 10 minutes into the show, she pointed at the tv and said:

            Her: Those guys are totally doing it.
            Me: Which guys?
            Her: The one with the bug and that one you like. I can see it in their eyes.
            Me: Baw hahahaha!

            Thought I would share
            Sig by im_meli
            More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


              Chemistry the number one reason, I could never see them together if they didn't have that, that is why my McKay/Beckett love kind of died.

              On the PWP v (I suppose) PG fics, I don't personally care sometimes PWP is all I want, other times a straight up PG or a NC-17 story that has oodles of plot and twits but maybe one small intimate *cough* moment is fine with me. Really like everything it depends what you like, no one is right or wrong, no kind of fic is more valid IMO. And I think all the fics tend to like to have them in love or just finding it with each other, even PWP.


                Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                I live in my own little world where I can't see what the problem with having a gay couple on the show would be, especially if it was between already established characters
                You're not living alone in that world. I want to see that, too, and I'd even be willing to risk the damage the TPTB could do, just to see it happen.

                It would not change much on the surface of the show, not really, but of course a percentage of the audience would be thrown for a loop. It would be good for them to become accustomed to it, I think--and I personally don't really believe it would hurt the ratings and it might improve them (It didn't hurt BtVS for Willow to discover her true sexuality--but yeah, girl/girl sex is generally more palatable to the public). Even people who claim to be squicked are sometimes curious, despite themselves.

                It would intrigue, just because it would be something you don't see on a tv show of this genre. And all those chicks out there writing the slash fic would go wild. I know I would. Heck, the don't-ask-don't-tell issue would just make it all the more interesting. C'mon, there's nothing more exciting than a forbidden love affair. I think Sam and Jack should've had a secret thing going on, too--why the heck not? It's fiction and it's supposed to explore all those wild notions people shy away from in the real world.

                Originally posted by Willow'sCat}[I
                [I]I do think sometimes, that when we are due another
                mind/body swap eppy
                (if they must re-hash that again) that it is McKay/Sheppard's time to lock lips! That would be hot! sweet.
                Everyone's been so cranky over those eps, I'm not sure the writers will dare another one for a long time, if ever. Not that it seems the writers listen that much to us here...

                I'd love it, too. In fact,
                I still wish that had been "Duet", because Sheppard and McKay would have been FAR more interesting in that situation than McKay and some character we didn't know (i.e. Cadman).

                Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                Oh no it is never realistic, I mean please first time gay sex and they know exactly what they are doing? Hot yes, realistic no.
                Why don't you think they'd know what to do? It's not that to figure out.

                I think slash fic is generally unrealistic in the sense that a lot of writers tend to feminize one character to the extent that it ends up reading like a m/f romance, which, to me, takes away the point and the fun of it. And it is hugely unrealistic in that the two men talk to each other, including a lot during sex. From what I've heard from friends, seen, and read, I don't get the impression that even gay guys talk to each other the way women do with each other or women try to do with men. And when it comes to the sex, I think there's essentially no conversation at all.
                Last edited by smushybird; 31 July 2006, 03:40 PM.


                  Originally posted by Mercury973
                  I hear you. I first heard about slash back in the late 90s and there was no way that I was going there. Now, I read at least 1 story a night, sometimes more.

                  So last night a friend came over since her water was shut off in her condo. We were watching tv and at 11pm the local Fox station is still running Season 1 in syndication. She had never seen any Stargate shows before, so she watched with me. It was Thirty Eight Minutes. After about 10 minutes into the show, she pointed at the tv and said:

                  Her: Those guys are totally doing it.
                  Me: Which guys?
                  Her: The one with the bug and that one you like. I can see it in their eyes.
                  Me: Baw hahahaha!

                  Thought I would share
                  That's so funny. It still cracks me up that with all the painfully obvious efforts from the very start of SGA to 'ship characters like Sheppard and Weir, Teyla and Sheppard, McKay and Weir, etc etc, ad nauseum, the purest, most obvious, and most fun chemistry on the show by miles is between two guys.
                  I just love that.


                    Originally posted by smushybird
                    Why don't you think they'd know what to do? It's not that to figure out.
                    Well I was trying not to bring the thread into non PG realm. I just think when they are not gay and suddenly find they are there are certain things even *cough* women can have a hard time with; you know the first time. *some people take to it like a duck to water* This is so not PG. Going now.


                      Originally posted by smushybird
                      That's so funny. It still cracks me up that with all the painfully obvious efforts from the very start of SGA to 'ship characters like Sheppard and Weir, Teyla and Sheppard, McKay and Weir, etc etc, ad nauseum, the purest, most obvious, and most fun chemistry on the show by miles is between two guys.
                      I just love that.
                      Yeah, it's pretty obvious. Even for people like my friend who had never seen the show before. Hate to jump into your convo, but it really does all come down to chemistry. You can tell that both actors like each other and the characters like each other. It's believable and very sweet to see them together. There was a rumor
                      that there might be a ship soon and from what i have heard that the odds are Sheppard/Weir which would make no sense to me since they do not have the chemistry
                      but who knows. But to have McKay & Sheppard together. How brave would that be? I can't think of many other shows that have out characters (Will & Grace comes to mind, except one is a stereotype and the other *never* dates).
                      Sig by im_meli
                      More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


                        Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                        Well I was trying not to bring the thread into non PG realm. I just think when they are not gay and suddenly find they are there are certain things even *cough* women can have a hard time with; you know the first time. *some people take to it like a duck to water* This is so not PG. Going now.
                        Oh sorry! I keep forgetting that by posting at this site, we're assuming parental responsibility for the rest of the world's children.

                        I think almost all writers, even "pro", pretty up the sex in fiction and glam over the awkwardness. If you want to read realistic first-time stuff, you'd have to turn to literary fiction, I'd guess. I've seen some slash fic that does try to give it a more realistic edge, but for the most part, it's written like a lovely little fantasy where sex is the dreamy, perfect physical expression of true love. (or it's written violently, but I don't want to get into that.)

                        I also don't have a problem with the characters discovering that they are bi. It's just when they deny afterward that they are anything but straight, and that they're only attracted to this one guy and no other guy ever--that kind of scenario feels like a cop-out to me. I have more respect for the characters (and the slash writer) if they acknowledge their bisexuality (even if they don't discover it until they're forty-five. )


                          I've heard

                          that Teyla will admit who she has feelings for in the near future, and I don't think TPTB want their flyboy (Shep) to get permenantly omantically entangled with anyone yet. So I think it's going to be Teyla/Ronon...though according to Rachel Luttrell, TPTB had considered McTeyla, but dropped the idea

                          Personally I think that homosexuality is something that's vastly under-represented in Sci Fi, and I'd welcome any canonic slash, especially if it were my pairing of choice!
                          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                            Originally posted by Willow'sCat

                            On the PWP v (I suppose) PG fics, I don't personally care sometimes PWP is all I want, other times a straight up PG or a NC-17 story that has oodles of plot and twits but maybe one small intimate *cough* moment is fine with me. Really like everything it depends what you like, no one is right or wrong, no kind of fic is more valid IMO. And I think all the fics tend to like to have them in love or just finding it with each other, even PWP.
                            It depends on the mood. I love, LOVE first time stories, especially if they are plotty, and have a lot of romantic build-up.

                            But I also like fact, I'm pretty good with most stories, and most genres if they are written well.

                            And there are such good writers out there. I keep wishing they would do the same as they did with Xena, when the TPTB hired a popular fanfiction writer to do an episode, not once, but twice!

                            Wouldn't that be brilliant?
                            There is something extraordinarily delightful in getting intensely
                            serious about something intrinsically silly.


                              Originally posted by sueKay
                              I've heard

                              that Teyla will admit who she has feelings for in the near future, and I don't think TPTB want their flyboy (Shep) to get permenantly omantically entangled with anyone yet. So I think it's going to be Teyla/Ronon...though according to Rachel Luttrell, TPTB had considered McTeyla, but dropped the idea

                              Personally I think that homosexuality is something that's vastly under-represented in Sci Fi, and I'd welcome any canonic slash, especially if it were my pairing of choice!
                              I'm not against het pairings in the show. I toy a bit with Teyla/Sheppard, but I'd like the show to keep that strictly UST. I would not mind seeing Ronon/Teyla, I know a lot of people think it's predictable and boring that the aliens would get together, but I think it makes a great deal of sense, also, I think Teyla would keep Ronon in line

                              I don't want to see Rodney with any of the established female characters on the show, whether they are credited, or recurring. Which is weird, I can't work out why, I'm happy with the UST between Sheppard and Teyla, but I don't want the same with Rodney.

                              But I do have two true OTPs on the show (yeah, in my world I can have two), and that's Sheppard/Mckay and Rodney/Radek.
                              There is something extraordinarily delightful in getting intensely
                              serious about something intrinsically silly.


                                Originally posted by Mercury973
                                Yeah, it's pretty obvious. Even for people like my friend who had never seen the show before. Hate to jump into your convo, but it really does all come down to chemistry. You can tell that both actors like each other and the characters like each other. It's believable and very sweet to see them together. There was a rumor
                                that there might be a ship soon and from what i have heard that the odds are Sheppard/Weir which would make no sense to me since they do not have the chemistry
                                but who knows. But to have McKay & Sheppard together. How brave would that be? I can't think of many other shows that have out characters (Will & Grace comes to mind, except one is a stereotype and the other *never* dates).
                                Oh you must jump into the convo at any time! That's the beauty of convos online, they're made for jumping into. W&G was very depressing to me for that reason--the gay guys were still not allowed to be gay guys, except to live up to near-century-old stereotypes and make funny quips and flounce around--the producers tried their darnedest to keep Will and Jack as unthreatening as possible--and that means no real relationships for the public to imagine and get squicked over.
                                I admired W&G for being somewhat ground-breaking, but in the end, it was disheartening that they weren't a little braver in the relationships department.

                                The challenge of a gay couple on a show like Stargate is that it has to be more realistic (And I can't believe I just said that after "Irresistible"... )

                                It would take an incredible amount of courage to establish a gay relationship on SGA and even more courage to maintain it in the face of some negative viewer response and possible withdrawal of advertisers (though does that really matter on Sci Fi? God knows most of their ads are for other shows--I can't even recall, off hand, a single product they advertise on that channel. Can you guys? Maybe it's just that I'm online while I'm watching SG1 and SGA, so I tend to entirely tune out the commercials.)

                                I'm not surprised
                                they're considering forcing a 'ship to quick fruition on SGA. That's how producers' minds work (or fail to work). If the ratings slip, get a m/f couple in bed together and voila, all is good. Getting Sheppard and Weir intimately involved would kill the UST, if there was any. Honestly, on every show I've ever watched, I've never seen two people as completely lacking in sexual chemistry as Weir and Sheppard. There's no spark when their eyes meet, no heat when they flirt or kiss. It's just as flat and awkward as can be. That's why I'm always dazed at Shep/Weir 'shippers. I'm trying to see what it is they see. I just don't see it.
                                And I didn't see it from the first ep--which was considerably before I thought Sheppard and McKay had chemistry. I didn't link Shep and McKay until the invulnerable scene a few eps later on. So you can't say that I'm not seeing Sheppard and Weir because I want Shep/McKay. Realistically, I know I'll never have Shep and McKay as anything more than friends. But I think there's more chemistry between Weir and Caldwell (not much, but more). I haven't felt Sheppard click with any female on the show yet, nor any BOTW so far. Maybe it's me, but I don't think they've found the right girl for him yet, or his chemistry with McKay is so outstanding that any chemistry with a chick just fizzles in comparison.

