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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Willow'sCat
    Lol! They choose some interesting moments to cross to Rodney don't they
    They do--and I can't think of any reason why, except

    A. DH is such a terrific actor, they rely on him to make the emotional tone of scenes blossom.

    B. The writers are deliberately trying to torment us McKay/Sheppard 'shippers.

    Or maybe it's C. All of the Above

    Originally posted by Willow'sCat

    SHEPPARD: I've got a weakness for external weaknesses.

    ZELENKA: Any word from Rodney yet?

    SHEPPARD: I'm sure he's fine.

    Lol I love that, why did Radek suddenly start asking about Rodney when John said that? And just what did John mean?
    Yep, there's another scene where you just wonder, don't you? I loved the feeling that
    both Zelenka and Sheppard were worried about their boy.


      Originally posted by smushybird
      B. The writers are deliberately trying to torment us McKay/Sheppard 'shippers.
      [seriously]I go from wanting to see it, to do not go there, TPTB will just ruin it. I would like to generally see a gay couple on one of my *still kind of maybe fave shows *

      I live in my own little world where I can't see what the problem with having a gay couple on the show would be, especially if it was between already established characters, I don't see why it would need to change much on the show, oh I know it will not happen... the main reason they would give to avoid controversy is the "Don't ask don't tell" and the no fraternizing thing *but even in secret? *

      Meh, I know TPTB would ruin it so I will leave it to the fanfic and my warped mind.

      I do think sometimes, that when we are due another
      mind/body swap eppy
      (if they must re-hash that again) that it is McKay/Sheppard's time to lock lips! That would be hot! sweet.


        There is a cute/funny tag for Irrisitable on LJ's cultoftherodney community. ( I believe it has been posted to other communities as well)
        Fic called: Influenced by chocolatephysicist

        It is rated R so not linking. Just search for the community.


          sorry about the spoiler guys - it's now hidden. i guess i'm just used to seeing only the eps that are not considered spoilers, that when i go to write something about the show, i just automatically think i'm not being spoilerish *blushes*

          won't happen again


            Originally posted by STARGÅTER
            sorry about the spoiler guys - it's now hidden. i guess i'm just used to seeing only the eps that are not considered spoilers, that when i go to write something about the show, i just automatically think i'm not being spoilerish *blushes*

            won't happen again
            That's alright, no harm done I think most who post here have seen the eps and as for lurkers well, stop lurking!


              Ok I don't go in to ship threads often but lol my curiosity just gets the better of me.

              So this thread is like a gay relationship between Shep and McKay?
              I've noticed that most of the poster are female (just assumtion ) as I assume that there would be gay guy's who would be all green for this.( soory for the generalization)
              I guess I'm trying to understand the idea/concept behind this or is this just a fun thing fans do.

              Please don't take this post as being rude or anything at all but just me being curious and trying to understand these slash and ship threads better


                Originally posted by travis
                Ok I don't go in to ship threads often but lol my curiosity just gets the better of me.

                So this thread is like a gay relationship between Shep and McKay?
                I've noticed that most of the poster are female (just assumtion ) as I assume that there would be gay guy's who would be all green for this.( soory for the generalization)
                I guess I'm trying to understand the idea/concept behind this or is this just a fun thing fans do.

                Please don't take this post as being rude or anything at all but just me being curious and trying to understand these slash and ship threads better
                Well I know we have had male posters in here in the past, but I would never assume they were gay or anything else.

                Slash in general fic seems to be mainly written by gay males, for gay males or so I have read *can't believe everything you read*

                Fanfic, and especially this paring seems more about females writing for other females who like the idea of their fave male characters being in a relationship. Really in many ways this is no different to Male/Female Ship fic. It just has Male/Male instead.

                For me I like the idea of attractive males together. *butter wouldn't dare melt...*


                  Thank you Willow'sCat for making that clear to me. I get it now, sorry if I sounded bit niave for asking.


                    Originally posted by travis
                    Thank you Willow'sCat for making that clear to me. I get it now, sorry if I sounded bit niave for asking.
                    No worries, 12 months ago I had no idea what either slash or ship meant. Didn't even know there was such a thing as fanfic to be honest but apparently slash in fandom has been around for ages.


                      Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                      Slash in general fic seems to be mainly written by gay males, for gay males or so I have read *can't believe everything you read*

                      Fanfic, and especially this paring seems more about females writing for other females who like the idea of their fave male characters being in a relationship. Really in many ways this is no different to Male/Female Ship fic. It just has Male/Male instead.

                      For me I like the idea of attractive males together. *butter wouldn't dare melt...*
                      I think the majority of ship fanfiction writers and readers, whether it be het or slash are female. If you look at the other pairing threads, Sheppard/Teyla (which I lurk in) the majority are female fans.

                      Slash isn't suppose to be a realistic representation of a gay relationship, any more then mills and boon is suppose to be a realistic take on relationships.

                      It's fantasy, written by women for women. And it's hot
                      There is something extraordinarily delightful in getting intensely
                      serious about something intrinsically silly.


                        Originally posted by travis
                        Thank you Willow'sCat for making that clear to me. I get it now, sorry if I sounded bit niave for asking.
                        I can recommend you some Sheppard/McKay fanfiction if you want (via PM). Well written, stories with plot, and I can even make sure they are PG if the explicit stuff isn't to your taste.
                        There is something extraordinarily delightful in getting intensely
                        serious about something intrinsically silly.


                          Originally posted by ladysarah
                          Slash isn't suppose to be a realistic representation of a gay relationship, any more then mills and boon is suppose to be a realistic take on relationships. It's fantasy, written by women for women. And it's hot
                          Oh no it is never realistic, I mean please first time gay sex and they know exactly what they are doing? Hot yes, realistic no.


                            my view on slash is that sex doesn't matter...what matters is loving the person...if two straight men fall in love and have a homosexual relationship, why should it be different from a heterosexual relationship...all that matters is that they care about each other
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              Originally posted by sueKay
                              my view on slash is that sex doesn't matter...what matters is loving the person...if two straight men fall in love and have a homosexual relationship, why should it be different from a heterosexual relationship...all that matters is that they care about each other


                                Originally posted by sueKay
                                my view on slash is that sex doesn't matter...what matters is loving the person...if two straight men fall in love and have a homosexual relationship, why should it be different from a heterosexual relationship...all that matters is that they care about each other
                                Actually I read an interview with John Barrowman (Capt Jack Harkness from Doctor Who) he is in his words an actor who is gay.

                                Go read this, really interesting his take on being gay and the differences with being gay and straight in his mind. (he also talks about Doctor Who/Torchwood )


                                This was also posted in the Doctor Who forum.

