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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Just dropping by *sorry I was going to do this two days ago so it may be old* but burningchaos has posted chapter 8 of "A Different Sort of Life" on her LJ fic journal dreaminginchaos. Not surprisingly I love it. Can't link although at the moment it is more because of the language then *cough* anything else. But do a search on LJ (dreaminginchaos) and you will find it and the other chapters too they are worth a re-read.

    Also I mad a new GW avatar. it is so hard to get them this small and still have text. I know some can't use custom avatars but if you want it you can have it.

    This is the original... well kind of.

    I was thinking of using it in a sig.
    And yes if you want to snurch you can. Spread the McKay/Sheppard love.


      Oooooooooo..that is excellent. They look positively like a cuddly couple.
      Like an advert for the real live gay couple we'll never get to see. Lovely.


        Originally posted by Arlessiar
        Not 100% on-topic, just something I noticed earlier and had to mention:

        Are you guys famiilar with penguin fics? They exist in the SGA fandom, I have no idea where this came from, I accidentally read one once, and it seems they became popular, because I came across many penguin fics by now (didn't read them though) - and icons and manips. All I know is that a penguin can be found in this story, most of the times a character is one or gets transformed into one, and there are many McShep penguin fics.
        Are they penguin fics because of the gay penguins? I haven't heard of them.
        It looks like a penguin with deer antlers attached. It looks familiar, too.


          Originally posted by smushybird
          Are they penguin fics because of the gay penguins? I haven't heard of them.
          When the fandom first started someone *can't remember* wrote a fic where they are (turned into) Penguins, the url for the fic seems to have been removed some time ago anyway some other peeps wrote them as Penguins too and there you go....

          Penguins = McShepp love. All before March of the Penguins.


            Originally posted by Willow'sCat
            This is the original... well kind of.

            Hey, that's a cool manip! Good work!

            Your avatar looks nice *hates GW for not letting her use custom avs*

            Btw, is it McShep or McShepp with 2 'p's? I always write it with one 'p' so I just wondered


              Thanks for the heads up on the stories, Willow. This past month, I have been obsessively reading all the slash I can get my hands on. For the most part, 3/4 have been pretty terrible, so I am always on the look out for good stories. It really is becoming a daily thing for me. And I know I haven't said it, but I dig your sigs. =)
              Last edited by Mercury973; 28 July 2006, 07:32 AM. Reason: Spelling
              Sig by im_meli
              More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


                Originally posted by Freyja
                Btw, is it McShep or McShepp with 2 'p's? I always write it with one 'p' so I just wondered
                It is McKay/Sheppard the rest I believe it up to whatever floats your boat and McShepp floats mine. I just think if we must shorten it, two p's looks better... er nice.


                  Originally posted by Mercury973
                  This past month, I have been obsessively reading all the slash I can get my hands on. For the most part, 3/4 have been pretty terrible, so I am always on the look out for good stories. It really is becoming a daily thing for me
                  I know that all too well!
                  Originally posted by Willow'SCat
                  It is McKay/Sheppard the rest I believe it up to whatever floats your boat and McShepp floats mine. I just think if we must shorten it, two p's looks better... er nice.
                  I used to write it McShepp, but noticed then that all over the fandom most people use McShep, so I switched to that. Or, as you say, use the long version.
                  Penguins = McShepp love.
                  I think that sums it up pretty nicely.
                  Thanks for explaining the penguin thing to smushy. Yes, I think the whole thing started with a transformation fic and then people went crazy and wrote more and more penguin fics. Guess they are a symbol today, a symbol for the McShep love, like Willow said.

                  Can't give links to penguin fics here, they are often not PG and I simply don't have good links right now because I don't read this kind of fic very often.
                  It's possible that there's a LJ community for this or a sub-category on

                  Btw, I like the McShep manip you made a lot, Willow!

                  Bye, A.
                  ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                  ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                    Originally posted by Arlessiar
                    I know that all too well.
                    Me too, if I read another thing about how they both like to watch Starwars... *groan* and bad writing is bad writing in any fandom. Yes I know if I can do better why don't I but there really are some wonderful fics out there, they are just few and far between.
                    I used to write it McShepp, but noticed then that all over the fandom most people use McShep, so I switched to that. Or, as you say, use the long version.
                    Well I am never one to go with the majority. Majority be damned! It looks better as McShepp and I think in English that is were the break in his name should be... *what?*

                    I have been thinking about the title of this thread and since we only have a few regular posters... you guys mind if I request yet another Thread title change to make it McKay/Sheppard? That will be the fourth Thread title name change.


                      Regarding tonight's SG1/SGA crossover:

                      "We're quite close."

                      As far as I'm concerned, slash is now canon! Wooo hooo!!!!!!!!

                      Seriously, tho....fifteen minutes into the show and this is already the best SG1/SGA I've seen in ages.

                      Why can't they make all eps this entertaining??


                        Originally posted by smushybird
                        Regarding tonight's SG1/SGA crossover:

                        "We're quite close."

                        As far as I'm concerned, slash is now canon! Wooo hooo!!!!!!!!
                        ROFLMAO! For some reason *can't think* this is that kind of talk that makes me happier then any declaration of love ever could. But who said it to whom?
                        McKay to Sheppard? I assume.

                        Is this really a spoiler??? EDIT: It just occurred to me you are talking about SG-1's episode right? So was it Sheppard to Mitchell??? Please say yes!


                          Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                          ROFLMAO! For some reason *can't think* this is that kind of talk that makes me happier then any declaration of love ever could. But who said it to whom?
                          McKay to Sheppard? I assume.

                          Is this really a spoiler??? EDIT: It just occurred to me you are talking about SG-1's episode right? So was it Sheppard to Mitchell??? Please say yes!
                          Aww I wish I could.
                          Shep is advising Mitchell on how to handle McKay and McKay tries to reassure Mitchell (and maybe himself too) that he and Shep are really pals...the line's included in that, said by McKay to Mitchell. Shep gives Mitchell the lemon to keep McKay in line...which comes into play later on. It's so funny. Poor dear Rodney. Oh this ep is just FULL of adorable banter between several of the characters, including some cute Shep/McKay moments. It's delicious. I wish all the eps bounced along so charmingly as this one. It's so interesting to see the interaction between the two different shows' characters.


                            Originally posted by smushybird
                            Aww I wish I could.
                            Shep is advising Mitchell on how to handle McKay and McKay tries to reassure Mitchell (and maybe himself too) that he and Shep are really pals...the line's included in that, said by McKay to Mitchell. Shep gives Mitchell the lemon to keep McKay in line...which comes into play later on. It's so funny. Poor dear Rodney. Oh this ep is just FULL of adorable banter between several of the characters, including some cute Shep/McKay moments. It's delicious. I wish all the eps bounced along so charmingly as this one. It's so interesting to see the interaction between the two different shows' characters.
                            Bugger. Lol So they go with the whole
                            lets tease McKay bit... well how original. I did suspect that as I saw the lemon pic in a mag not long ago. At least Sheppard knows something about McKay. Oh and we couldn't possibly have big hero Sheppard saying he likes McKay. Crap. More of the same, I was looking forward to this.


                              Originally posted by Willow'sCat
                              Bugger. Lol So they go with the whole
                              lets tease McKay bit... well how original. I did suspect that as I saw the lemon pic in a mag not long ago. At least Sheppard knows something about McKay. Oh and we couldn't possibly have big hero Sheppard saying he likes McKay. Crap. More of the same, I was looking forward to this.
                              Yeah, I would've liked that too. Was a mostly light hearted ep, tho'. I suppose that would've been too serious.
                              Still, it was a sweet ep. Heaps of cute banter. I am hoping against hope it's a trend that will continue with both shows.


                                Ok, show of hands!


                                Rodney and Shep were having the Batman discussion and Rodney looked at him for a long moment there, you were thinking, "Go on, Rodney! Go ahead and kiss him!"

                                Because I sure was.

