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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Joe is on twitter asking for help for his friend and her family (same one the charitybuzz auction is for). There's also a link for general donations to the family.

    This is the letter he just posted on twitter.

    On Friday 24th September 2010, @JoeFlanigan said:


    Letter from Joe
    I would like to introduce everyone to my close friend Sarah Geary. Earlier this year she was diagnosed with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrigs disease. She has been unfortunately declining ever since. Despite the effects of this cruel disease, she manages to continually enrich the lives of those around her in the most amazing ways. My wife Katherine and I have been profoundly effected by her iron will, piercing intellect and abominable charm. It seems like health and spirit have an inverse relationship with Sarah. Her husband Tim has been overwhelmed with the practical and emotional demands of this crisis, all the while attending to a demanding full time job.

    At the end of the day, however, the outcome is certain. Sarah will slowly and sometimes painfully diminish toward death. The medical demands and costs are staggering and, in some ways, constitute a second tragedy for the family. They have been living in the guest house of some very generous friends, which gives them proximity to the doctors. They have also been spending many of their weekends with my family in Malibu, where Sarah, Tim and the kids feel genuinely relaxed and welcome in their 'adopted home'. Recently Sarah has lost her speech and we now have to carry her in and out of the house. And while she has been robbed of so much of the communication we all take for granted, she manages to almost vibrate silently with affection for everyone and everything around her.

    I feel remarkably blessed in my career. One thing I feel so proud of is the special relationship that we, actors of The Stargate franchises, have with our fans. If there ever was a chip I could cash in on for my success, this would be it. My uncharacteristic seriousness should only underscore the sobering obligation I feel toward Sarah.

    I'm asking all of us to rally for Sarah Geary and her family. We can make her last days as comfortable as possible and help Tim and the kids transition to the next chapter of their lives. Unlike donations to a large organization where it is difficult to measure the impact of your contribution, your money will have a direct and immediate impact on her well-being from breathing apparatus' to night nurses. Tim and I will be keep everyone in touch by informing them of the process.

    David Hewlett and I are auctioning off a lunch together in Los Angeles. David will be forced to eat lemons and laugh at my same joke that I will continually repeat throughout the meal. Additionally, and perhaps more shockingly, I am auctioning off my trusty skateboard that has reliably transported me around the studio-lot for many years and has appeared in scenes through out the Stargate Atlantis series. Yes, folks, I brought my skateboard to space. Please visit:

    So please, join me and my friends in our support of Sara Geary. Look forward to seeing everyone soon.

    Will post ongoing info on the JS/JF Thunk thread.
    John Sheppard - thunkable, whumpable but absolutely NOT shippable - he's mine and I'm keeping him.

    sig and avi by mrscopterdoc for Secret Santa 2015
    Recommended Sheppard/Team Sheppard Fics


      *strolls in* Did this pairing just die? *sighs sadly* I mean come on, last post on September 25th? I remember back in the day when this thread was HOT with posts every hour....i miss the old days lol. But *waves* Hiya anyway lol


      MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
      Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
      Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


        I only come here when I see other posts *shrug*

        Hell half the time I am busy reading slash on LJ or WB.
        Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


          Yeah, not a lot of McShep love on GW - LJ seems to be home for the McSheppers. Still lots of fanfic to read.


            I get the feeling that GW is not very Slash friendly. Slash is not allowed to be rec'ed in the fanfiction part of GW.

            Plus I think That even 2 years later McShep REALLY, REALLY, REALLY overshadows the Rodney/Keller stuff and it irks TPTB. (IMO)

            With all the McShep love on LJ and WB, FF. Those are the places to really feel the love.

            Here it's to squee a little... but that's about it.
            Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


              taris_eirien charitybuzz | @JoeFlanigan Supports Sarah Geary via @AddThis 3 days left! RT to remind everyone.
              John Sheppard - thunkable, whumpable but absolutely NOT shippable - he's mine and I'm keeping him.

              sig and avi by mrscopterdoc for Secret Santa 2015
              Recommended Sheppard/Team Sheppard Fics


                *Hello* I miss the old days too, just been watching season 3 and 4 on HD and enjoying all the McSheppiness in even better detail just popping in to keep the love alive and then catching up on Wraithbait later



                  Anybody watched an Atlantis episode today?

                  I watched The Seed earlier (not any McShep though ) but Broken Ties had a few good moments.
                  Last edited by elliecat; 17 December 2010, 12:11 AM.


                    They repealed don't ask don't tell!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Bring on the coming out fan fics!!!!!
                    Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                      I have a Sparky fic on Deck but I may plan a McShep fic up my sleeve in honor of this. Or we can start a ficathon thing here? This pairing happens to be my guilty pleasure
                      The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                        Neeva (about Rodney) "he complains a lot"
                        Sheppard "only when he's awake"


                          Or he's complaining cause Sheppard isnt awake!

                          That sounded better in my mind
                          The Breeding Ground of Ships.




                              MERRY CHRISTMAS MCSHEPPERS!



                                *flys in*

                                *flys out*
                                The Breeding Ground of Ships.

