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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
    I am getting annoyed by all the Keller inflicted fanfiction for McShep! leave her out of it!
    *hugs* I know, I feel your pain... er anger!

    It will settle down, the same thing happened with Brown and to a lesser extent the Ancient women in Sanctuary, she got singled out a lot in McShep early on. Unfortunately
    you also find they can't "bash" Keller (not that I want that ) so basically the writers have to be nice about Keller in their fics, personally I think some are taking that too far, I mean be nice but not SUPER nice. Balance would be nice she is stealing Rodney from John after all!!!! I say the gloves can come off a bit!

    It will settle down.


      hey guys, ive started to make a dan/cam musical in vids if any of you are interested part 1 part 2


        Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
        *hugs* I know, I feel your pain... er anger!

        It will settle down, the same thing happened with Brown and to a lesser extent the Ancient women in Sanctuary, she got singled out a lot in McShep early on. Unfortunately
        you also find they can't "bash" Keller (not that I want that ) so basically the writers have to be nice about Keller in their fics, personally I think some are taking that too far, I mean be nice but not SUPER nice. Balance would be nice she is stealing Rodney from John after all!!!! I say the gloves can come off a bit!

        It will settle down.
        MMM agreed with just about all you say there willow


          I just wrote my very first ever SGA fic, if anyone would have the time to leave me a review it would be greatly appreciated since I have no idea if I have any talents at all (I have no beta):
          Shep/ McKay Whump -
          The Tok'ra * Rodney McKay * Whump * Ba'al * // "Electric Sperm!" - Jason Momoa [25.10.09]


            I watched Identity this morning and...

            thought it interesting how it was so much easier for John to get along with Neeva. He was trying his hardest to get them switched back too, but I thought it seemed like he was a bit happy for the relief of R/K PDA. lol

            Also, Neeva was kick-ass. She better NOT be dead. It didn't take very long for me to like this character and then they just kill her off after Keller gets her body back? Um, NO. And then that thing that Woosley said. That other people/planets had been alerted about them and that if her accomplice hadn't killed her, someone else would have? What the flying wtf? I am glad this show will be over soon. Really. If they keep pulling this kind of crap.


              Originally posted by generally View Post
              I watched Identity this morning and...

              thought it interesting how it was so much easier for John to get along with Neeva. He was trying his hardest to get them switched back too, but I thought it seemed like he was a bit happy for the relief of R/K PDA. lol

              Also, Neeva was kick-ass. She better NOT be dead. It didn't take very long for me to like this character and then they just kill her off after Keller gets her body back? Um, NO. And then that thing that Woosley said. That other people/planets had been alerted about them and that if her accomplice hadn't killed her, someone else would have? What the flying wtf? I am glad this show will be over soon. Really. If they keep pulling this kind of crap.
              I agree ^__^


              MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
              Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
              Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


                I didn't watch Identity, I didn't watch it!
                Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                  Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
                  I didn't watch Identity, I didn't watch it!
                  I didn't watch it either! I am hearing from some who are still fans of SGA that it was a so-so eppy anyway. Yeah way to go with the last few eps of the show... so-so.

                  Really makes me want to see the finale now....Not!

                  *goes off to read fanfic*


                    I am personally looking forward to "Vegas" John and rodney just look so yummy in that ep! AND.....

                    You got two guys from the Sapranos guest starring! The freakin' Sapranos on freakin' SGA!!that's frelling cool!!!!! I mean first bill nye and Tyson and now the sapranos! YAY! ^_________^


                    MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
                    Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
                    Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


                      Originally posted by Valaslonglostsister View Post
                      I am personally looking forward to "Vegas" John and rodney just look so yummy in that ep! AND.....

                      You got two guys from the Sapranos guest starring! The freakin' Sapranos on freakin' SGA!!that's frelling cool!!!!! I mean first bill nye and Tyson and now the sapranos! YAY! ^_________^
                      To be serious here; so what!? Is that what fandom has come to we get excited by random actors from other shows turning up? That is too sad for words.

                      As for Vegas...
                      well with the newer spoilers *yes spoiler alert* we have a Sheppard who is only just meeting Rodney (all AU btw) and it does seem from the promo shots that Rodney is married and yeah I am not taking any bets on who he may be married to

                      My god it is just push, push, push fraking McKeller with them now!

                      They really have ruined my show.

                      Also I skimmed the ep thread for "Identity" seems
                      it was really a so-so ep and worse then that McKeller again! Do not watch the last moments as apparently Rodney gives her choccies and flowers!

                      Oh and reading the ep thread it seems Ronon knew it wasn't Keller before Rodney... that says a whole lot about where the writers are at, one thinks this is all great and it seems another (CB) thinks maybe there is more to it? I don't know, I am still holding out hope for a funeral in the finale.


                        Originally posted by generally View Post
                        I watched Identity this morning and...

                        thought it interesting how it was so much easier for John to get along with Neeva. He was trying his hardest to get them switched back too, but I thought it seemed like he was a bit happy for the relief of R/K PDA. lol

                        Also, Neeva was kick-ass. She better NOT be dead. It didn't take very long for me to like this character and then they just kill her off after Keller gets her body back? Um, NO. And then that thing that Woosley said. That other people/planets had been alerted about them and that if her accomplice hadn't killed her, someone else would have? What the flying wtf? I am glad this show will be over soon. Really. If they keep pulling this kind of crap.
                        (Spoilers for Identity, Brainstorm, Prodigal, Vegas trailer) . . .
                        Easier for John to get along with Neeva??? John could banter with her because he knew he didn't need or want to have any sort of emotional connection with her at all. He banters with Acastus Kolya and Wraith Queens in the same way. John was all business with Neeva, he didn't trust her as far as he could throw her. He offered only harsh conditions on her cooperation, and wouldn't consider the things she was angling for (PJ, weapons, letting her stay behind when they went into the village). John had absolutely no concern whatsoever as to what happened to Neeva, and had no problem telling her that to her face. He was interested only in saving the life of a member of the expedition. Go John, as far as I'm concerned.

                        Neeva was a psychopath, out only for her own gain, guilty of multiple previous murders and robberies and guilty of attempted murder of Zelenka. Zelenka is only alive because some security officer happened to find him before he totally bled out. Dr. Z was being so sweet, nice and helpful, and she stabbed him with needle-nose pliers and left him to die. Nice lady, a character I connect with - not.

                        She was about to shoot Rodney in the face for the same thing after he gallantly refused her advances in the PJ. I'm quite certain Rodney would be dead if Ronon hadn't arrived in time. The "oh, I'm sorry, I felt threatened," excuse was just baloney to try to wriggle out of her culpability. I have no like whatsoever for someone who is so casual about killing people. Her "attempt to seduce first, and if that fails, shoot in cold blood" policy was revolting.

                        I am perfectly happy with Woolsey's statements. Murderers should be brought to justice, especially ones as cold-hearted and callous as Neeva. The John Sheppard I know and love from five seasons of SGA would not find Neeva a relief at all. He would find her a dangerous adversary. She almost succeeded in killing Rodney. Anyone trying to hurt Rodney makes John Sheppard very, VERY mad.

                        I think that stating that John liked Neeva as relief from R/K PDA is an OTT bending of what was broadcast. In the beginning of Brainstorm, Sheppard observes Rodney and Jennifer having a meal together in the mess hall, and wonders aloud to Ronon if Rodney will ever make a move. From John's perspective, there is no PDA going on, because he's still wondering. He knows about Rodney and Keller, but he hasn't seen public canoodling, because it hasn't been public.

                        Rodney still shows John plenty of affection and concern as well. I am particularly fond of Rodney's reaction to John's suicide-mission-of-the-day in The Prodigal, not to mention their secluded RC car races. I also liked the verbal and non-verbal interaction between John and Rodney in the PJ on the way to the planet to shut down the ancient comm device in Identity.

                        The SciFi preview for Vegas has me quite interested in the ep. It looks to maybe a John and Rodney AU buddy episode. That bit that went something like "I met another you in another universe" sounds very interesting, and the "scifi" banter seems right on for good John and Rodney interaction.

                        Will John and Rodney hop in bed as broadcast between now and the end of the series, almost certainly not. I personally don't find that to be a reason to be all angry and complaining about a series which has given us extraordinarily interesting and sympathetic characters to chew on for almost five seasons now. I'd gladly take more seasons, and barring that, movies, and through it all, lots and lots of J/R fanfic.


                          Originally posted by GateEngineer17 View Post
                          (Spoilers for Identity, Brainstorm, Prodigal, Vegas trailer) . . .
                          Easier for John to get along with Neeva??? John could banter with her because he knew he didn't need or want to have any sort of emotional connection with her at all. He banters with Acastus Kolya and Wraith Queens in the same way. John was all business with Neeva, he didn't trust her as far as he could throw her. He offered only harsh conditions on her cooperation, and wouldn't consider the things she was angling for (PJ, weapons, letting her stay behind when they went into the village). John had absolutely no concern whatsoever as to what happened to Neeva, and had no problem telling her that to her face. He was interested only in saving the life of a member of the expedition. Go John, as far as I'm concerned.

                          Neeva was a psychopath, out only for her own gain, guilty of multiple previous murders and robberies and guilty of attempted murder of Zelenka. Zelenka is only alive because some security officer happened to find him before he totally bled out. Dr. Z was being so sweet, nice and helpful, and she stabbed him with needle-nose pliers and left him to die. Nice lady, a character I connect with - not.

                          She was about to shoot Rodney in the face for the same thing after he gallantly refused her advances in the PJ. I'm quite certain Rodney would be dead if Ronon hadn't arrived in time. The "oh, I'm sorry, I felt threatened," excuse was just baloney to try to wriggle out of her culpability. I have no like whatsoever for someone who is so casual about killing people. Her "attempt to seduce first, and if that fails, shoot in cold blood" policy was revolting.

                          I am perfectly happy with Woolsey's statements. Murderers should be brought to justice, especially ones as cold-hearted and callous as Neeva. The John Sheppard I know and love from five seasons of SGA would not find Neeva a relief at all. He would find her a dangerous adversary. She almost succeeded in killing Rodney. Anyone trying to hurt Rodney makes John Sheppard very, VERY mad.

                          I think that stating that John liked Neeva as relief from R/K PDA is an OTT bending of what was broadcast. In the beginning of Brainstorm, Sheppard observes Rodney and Jennifer having a meal together in the mess hall, and wonders aloud to Ronon if Rodney will ever make a move. From John's perspective, there is no PDA going on, because he's still wondering. He knows about Rodney and Keller, but he hasn't seen public canoodling, because it hasn't been public.

                          Rodney still shows John plenty of affection and concern as well. I am particularly fond of Rodney's reaction to John's suicide-mission-of-the-day in The Prodigal, not to mention their secluded RC car races. I also liked the verbal and non-verbal interaction between John and Rodney in the PJ on the way to the planet to shut down the ancient comm device in Identity.

                          The SciFi preview for Vegas has me quite interested in the ep. It looks to maybe a John and Rodney AU buddy episode. That bit that went something like "I met another you in another universe" sounds very interesting, and the "scifi" banter seems right on for good John and Rodney interaction.

                          Will John and Rodney hop in bed as broadcast between now and the end of the series, almost certainly not. I personally don't find that to be a reason to be all angry and complaining about a series which has given us extraordinarily interesting and sympathetic characters to chew on for almost five seasons now. I'd gladly take more seasons, and barring that, movies, and through it all, lots and lots of J/R fanfic.
                          AWESOME POST!!! I would green you but GW won't let me.
                          Let me just say, I totally agree.

                          John was NOT into Neeva at all in my opinion. I know that everyone has their own perspective,, no. Not into her at all. You are right when you say that he was pissed when he found out she'd almost shot hisboyfriend/Rodney. He was not a happy camper. Although, I did want to smack him upside his head later when she made a rude remark about Rodney and he replied by saying something like, "Yeah, you're telling me....." ppbbbfffftttt. But I have fanwanked that to mean that he was pleased to hear that she did not like Rodney and he was just more than eager to get her away from him.
                          Also, Neeva's statement to Keller about Rodney: "You can do better." I want to smack Neeva and the writers. What is their problem? Seriously. Why must they have others treat Rodney rudely? Never fails to tick me off.
                          Ronon kicked butt by saving McKay from Neeva. She was absolutely, most definitely going to kill him without an ounce of remorse. I believe her exact words before attempting to pull the trigger were: "You should've taken me on that ride......." and she had a smirk on her face to boot. Nah, I find nothing cool about this chick and I'd be happy if she didn't turn up in these last couple of episodes. No love lost there.
                          The only high point of the episode for me was when the gang was talking about how Keller and Neeva switched identities and they were pondering why the symptoms didn't show up sooner. John piped up immediately by saying, "Well, when Rodney was infected, it didn't show up until a few days later." He said this without a speck of shyness. Love. He's got the medical stats on his boyfriend and he's not afraid to prove it.

                          Too bad we have to wait until January 2nd for the next episode. It's not that I'm excited about it. It's more of a "pull the band aid off quick" kind of thing. I want it to be over. Then I'll watch them all again from the beginning. Maybe that'll help me get some kind of closure.



                            Personally I think John is a mass murder never brought to any kind of justice but heh! Save it for the anti thread, which I do.


                              Oh wow. I certainly didn't mean to imply
                              that John was into Neeva at all. It was just a throwaway line that I found John seemed to get along with Neeva!Keller as opposed to Keller!Keller for a little bit in the woods there.

                              Also, how do you know
                              that Neeva is a killer? All we know for sure is that she is a thief. I don't think, in her situation at the point she had just woken up and disoriented, stabbing Zelenka makes her a killer.


                                Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
                                I didn't watch Identity, I didn't watch it!

                                yeah i haven't watched it either it just bugs me even if they have sprinkles of McKay Keller stuff

                                but i will pick and choose which episodes i will watch once the show is unfortunately off the air

                                i just hate it when they cancel really great shows like that
                                May the odds be ever in your Favor ! oh and please say hello to me on Skype and Facebook

