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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post

    Now go stand in the corner, right next to me!

    I LOVE living in the gutter with my dirtY mind!

    Well, make room for me in that corner , i didn't even read the post and already i thought that
    May the odds be ever in your Favor ! oh and please say hello to me on Skype and Facebook


      Thanks for the reports and all the beautiful pictures!! You have definitely captured the yumminess that is David! All those nice close-ups give us lots of imagery for Rodney (and John!) fic-writing and imagining!


        Originally posted by Valaslonglostsister View Post
        Tehe I just wanted to show you guys something. I draw these on my notes in school. These guys have attacked my formulas and shapes in math LOL! ^^ Either they are hanging off of the shapes or sitting playing chess on the formulas ^^ -


        Aren't they cute?! I was bored one day in math and i just started drawing them lol ^^
        Also, i know it's blurry, my camera just doesn't focus lol ^^
        Oh that is too cute for words! Whee! Matchstick McShep! lol

        Originally posted by GateEngineer17 View Post
        I think John has already changed Rodney.
        You make some very, very good points, sadly I have neither the mind today or the time to respond in the way I normally would to such a well thought out post.

        What I will say is that this is a pro McKay/Sheppard thread so we are letting off steam so when I say I am reading posts about

        Jen changing him and people being happy about that, well that is what I am saying not that it is true per say.... but the impression this relationship is giving out there in certain sections of fandom is that Jen is this great white hope in McKay's life (Martin Gero even alludes to that kind of sh*** in his comments on this episode.... which I did watch ).

        That, more then anything, annoys me about this pairing, that and the fact it is way too soon, and she is a women and she is not John!

        I like Jen but not anywhere near Rodney.

        Anyway, it is plain from TPTB perspective that they think they can rush into this kind of development (relationship) that has indeed in the case of John/Rodney taken 5 seasons to achieve.

        While I agree with you on the way Rodney and John treat each other sometimes *hello* they are not being written on the show as lovers.... Jen and Rodney will be from now on, have been in some ways already but it isn't working/convincing IMHO.

        BTW I do think McKay has changed but I do not always agree it is for the better, I don't like him as much today as I did in season one and that is a real pity as he is the best thing (sorry Sheppard fans) about SGA IMHO. Nothing annoys me more as a McKay fan then when people say he has changed and they like it! Grrr, I don't mind him growing as a character, but what I believe they mean is he is not as much of a ******* as he was.... in other words it is a back-handed comment.

        Originally posted by Lythisrose
        Please, Please DON'T resist!!!!!!!
        Oh I think I have to, I respect Mr Hewlett too much. *cops-out*
        Originally posted by GateEngineer17 View Post
        Thanks for the reports and all the beautiful pictures!! You have definitely captured the yumminess that is David! All those nice close-ups give us lots of imagery for Rodney (and John!) fic-writing and imagining!
        Glad you enjoyed them, yep I think I got really lucky with some of my pics, mind you when he is not moving too much he was easy to 'capture' *g*


          Originally posted by perkin127
          Good luck with that resisting lol
          *dripping with sarcasm* Yeah, like THATS gonna work!!



            LIttle reminder

            this is the pro mckay and shppard slash thread, it is NOT the 'let's bash any other pairing we don't like' thread.

            You want to pick on another pairing, please go to the appropriate thread and let's keep this one on topic
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

              LIttle reminder

              this is the pro mckay and shppard slash thread, it is NOT the 'let's bash any other pairing we don't like' thread.

              You want to pick on another pairing, please go to the appropriate thread and let's keep this one on topic
              And in the spirit of getting back to the wonderful glory ship that is McShep, before i go to bed, i shall leave you with a present, i know its a day late, for Thanksgiving, but its full of McSheppy goodness.

              Night and Take Care All



                Originally posted by badboyzII~86 View Post
                And in the spirit of getting back to the wonderful glory ship that is McShep, before i go to bed, i shall leave you with a present, i know its a day late, for Thanksgiving, but its full of McSheppy goodness.

                Night and Take Care All

                AWWW!!!! SUPER CUTENESS! Johns happy face is soooooooo adorable! lol and i just can't get over how cute their little nubbly hands are lol!


                MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
                Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
                Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


                  Originally posted by badboyzII~86 View Post
                  And in the spirit of getting back to the wonderful glory ship that is McShep, before i go to bed, i shall leave you with a present, i know its a day late, for Thanksgiving, but its full of McSheppy goodness.

                  Night and Take Care All

                  Thanks BB, very cute!


                    I love the scenes between John and Rodney, they can just be STANDING next to eachother and you can feel the love these two men have for the other one!
                    Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                      Hey guys! I made a Mcshep vid to my own song! The vid quality is kinda sucky but i wanted to get my song out there ^__^



                      MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
                      Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
                      Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


                        Originally posted by Valaslonglostsister View Post
                        Hey guys! I made a Mcshep vid to my own song! The vid quality is kinda sucky but i wanted to get my song out there ^__^

                        Will check it our later today.

                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                        LIttle reminder

                        this is the pro mckay and shppard slash thread, it is NOT the 'let's bash any other pairing we don't like' thread.

                        You want to pick on another pairing, please go to the appropriate thread and let's keep this one on topic
                        Well given that tptb are messing about on the show with a pairing that totally interferes with our slash... I say it is on topic. I mean bashing isn't but I see no bashing just discussion.

                        I can't guarantee to not talk about it in here in the future, I will ask you in the Ask the Mods why we can't discuss it in here in a way that relates to this slash.



                          How about considering that not everyone that loves McShep hates any and all things Keller. There are probably some people that love the pairing that also like the Keller character...yet I'm sure they feel very unwelcome with a lot of disparaging posts about a character they may like.

                          I'm seeing shades of something very much like the sam&Jack vs jack/daniel 'wars' that plagued the SG1 fandom.
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            How about considering that not everyone that loves McShep hates any and all things Keller. There are probably some people that love the pairing that also like the Keller character...yet I'm sure they feel very unwelcome with a lot of disparaging posts about a character they may like.

                            I'm seeing shades of something very much like the sam&Jack vs jack/daniel 'wars' that plagued the SG1 fandom.
                            I see no shades because Sam/Jack was never spelled out on the show, regardless of what Sam/Jack shippers like to think.

                            Well I read loads of post in other threads being disparaging about McKay, even from you so yeah they are characters not real so fair game.

                            I love Keller btw, I just don't think the pairing is a good one for canon and that is what I refer to in here, but again how do you post about McShep in relation to the show and not comment *good bad* on McKeller?

                            Not possible IMHO.


                              The point of this thread is to post your PRO thoughts about the pairing...and pro thoughts automatically = 'my pairing is so much better than another'? That's the only positive things you can say about your pairing is that another one is bad?

                              You're well on your way into turning peoples' enjoyment in a show into a pairing war. Which really sucks the fun out of it for everyone.
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                The point of this thread is to post your PRO thoughts about the pairing...and pro thoughts automatically = 'my pairing is so much better than another'? That's the only positive things you can say about your pairing is that another one is bad?

                                You're well on your way into turning peoples' enjoyment in a show into a pairing war. Which really sucks the fun out of it for everyone.

                                I agree but where did I say that? All I am saying in here is that TPTB are making a huge mistake with canon shipping and McKeller in particular, look around almost all threads on McKeller have good and bad posts I don't see them being deleted or Mods coming in and slapping writs.

                                It is my opinion, I am entitled to it and it is about TPTB not about other fans shippy threads (if a Pro McKeller reported this thread, then they have to realise this is a Pro thread where many folks do not like the canon pairing of McKeller).

                                It is not about being Anti (even if I am) it is about discussion of a canon pairing that "interferes" with a wanted slash pairing. It is about discussion of where this leaves Rodney and John, if we just stick to fanfic or vids or whatever you are suggesting, then you are saying we should totally ignore the reality of what TPTB are doing on the show.... I don't understand how you *in general* can do that when it is so in our faces.

                                I said in here before I do not want us to be known as a thread that hates McKeller, and I stand by that, we are just discussing it here not spewing hatred.... if there are posts filled with hatred please delete them, I am fine with that, but discussion should be allowed. IMHO
                                Last edited by Willow'sCat; 28 November 2008, 06:15 PM.

