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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Willow's Cat, have fun!

    On another note, we're still in the 60's in the H&H Slash Atlantis Ships Game. Who cares if McKay/Sheppard isn't GW's pairing of choice, we can still win if people just keep voting. If you haven't voted yet today, go right over there and vote!


      Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
      Willows Cat,

      How the bleepping HELL are you seeing Mr. Hotty Pants???

      and will you come and get me in your flying Jumper so I can see him too and scream myself mute?????????????????????
      He is going to be in Australia in a few weeks! *fingers crossed* and I live in Australia! Whoo! Hmm, not sure I can a fly a puddle jumper, I don't have the gene.

      David is appearing at Armageddon Expo in Melbourne then at Conquest in Brisbane.


        I could.......walk there!

        Just cause I live in Oregon in the USA I could..........oh wait I could'll get back to you in

        Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


          Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
          I could.......walk there!

          Just cause I live in Oregon in the USA I could..........oh wait I could'll get back to you in

          If I manage to get any pics I will be sure to post them in here, I doubt there will be any McShep related stuff as you know how fandom is about that talk at Cons... (no; talk ship all you like... god I love Torchwood... those panels looked like so much slashy fun ) but you know I might get some "it is going to end in tears" type comments re: McKay/Keller. We can hope! I will certainly be keeping an ear out for any such suggestions, hints... might even hint at it myself. Also I think this is the first Con thing he has been to since The Shrine aired so you never know he may have something to say about those moments. I don't know if I will get a chance to ask a question (probably not as I am way too shy and retiring) but maybe someone else will ask... just hope I remember what he says.


            Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
            I know what you are saying... do you know what I am thinking! lol *is a naughty women*

            Very nice, but then David/Rodney is very nice.

            Give me a break. I am completely distracted at the moment over the fact I am preparing to meet David Hewlett in two weeks! I can't think straight at all *no pun* Outcast/Outsiders/Out of the closet... what? Now that would be a McShep ep!
            If that ever happened i'd be like- FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lols And also VERY LUCKY YOU! I would like totally flip out with excitement if i got to meet David hewlett too ^^

            Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
            I think GW as an entity is ship friendly but not so much slash friendly, in the past I have been redded by peeps just cause I have a slash sig or because I dare to say there is nothing wrong with being gay or bi. Or having gay or bi characters on the show.

            Mind you I will say GW seems to be less troll-like now, I am sure there were some folks who just went right out of their way to flame slash fans at every turn *me paranoid? Never* I do however have the red scares to prove my point.

            I could say more but choose not to.

            I do totally agree that David and Joe have an amazing on-screen chemistry, one that I haven't seen in TV for a long time... if ever! It just blows me away how in snyc they (on screen) are with their *little* looks and gestures. No; it is not just great acting it is chemistry that real X-Factor that you cannot manufacture or manipulate just 'cause you want to... *cough* like every dam hetero ship on SGA thus far *cough* it is SO there naturally. If I was new to SGA I would totally believe McKay and Sheppard were hooked up... it is just so blindingly obvious!

            Hmm, so a miss on Outcast then?
            I wouldn't say miss it cause it has some not to be missed, funny as hell Carson and rodney moments. But for the have to wear your Mcsheppy goggles ^_^ tehe cause at least i think there are moments of Mcshep, very subtle but they're there ^^


            MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
            Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
            Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


              Originally posted by Valaslonglostsister View Post
              I wouldn't say miss it cause it has some not to be missed, funny as hell Carson and Rodney moments. But for the have to wear your Mcsheppy goggles ^_^ tehe cause at least i think there are moments of Mcshep, very subtle but they're there ^^
              OK, Goggles on...
              A Fond Look (not really spoilery):
              screen stretcher...

              And two lines from Outsiders (somewhat spoilery):

              John is on the planet and Rodney is stuck with Carson up on the Wraith hive ship.
              From John to Rodney "You're a Good Man" when Rodney is agreeing to sabotage the Wraith weapons.
              Rodney to John "Don't forget about US (emphasis mine)" when signing off. Could of meant don't forget about Carson and me, but the inflection kind of makes it sound like he is referring to John and himself....



                Exactly! ^__^


                MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
                Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
                Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


                  this is the SECOND time in a row......

                  Rodney was kidnapped in front of John....
                  John looked sick when Rodney was swooped up in the beam

                  why don't we complain when Rodney is taken or every other episode like we do when it happens to Keller?
                  Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                    Because some of us are rodney whump addicts lols ^^ Thats why we don't complain Or at least thats why i don't complain ^^


                    MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
                    Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
                    Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


                      Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
                      OK, Goggles on...
                      A Fond Look (not really spoilery):
                      screen stretcher...

                      Sheppard: even though i was with him last night, i can still picture him naked
                      McKay: John is totally picturing me naked , right now lol

                      And two lines from Outsiders (somewhat spoilery):

                      John is on the planet and Rodney is stuck with Carson up on the Wraith hive ship.
                      From John to Rodney "You're a Good Man" when Rodney is agreeing to sabotage the Wraith weapons.
                      Rodney to John "Don't forget about US (emphasis mine)" when signing off. Could of meant don't forget about Carson and me, but the inflection kind of makes it sound like he is referring to John and himself....

                      May the odds be ever in your Favor ! oh and please say hello to me on Skype and Facebook


                        Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
                        OK, Goggles on...
                        A Fond Look (not really spoilery):
                        screen stretcher...

                        He so wants him!!

                        (thanks for posting, it's a lovely pic )


                          Originally posted by elliecat View Post
                          He so wants him!!

                          (thanks for posting, it's a lovely pic )
                          Oh yeah! Right there and then!! *cackles*


                            He's so thinking "wait til I get you back to Atlantis Rodney"


                              Originally posted by elliecat View Post
                              He's so thinking "wait til I get you back to Atlantis Rodney"
                              And you can see that Teyla is not entirely amused by all this!! Hehe!


                                Originally posted by Kady View Post
                                And you can see that Teyla is not entirely amused by all this!! Hehe!
                                No she's not lol, she's like "just get a room already!"


