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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Thank you Marli for the delicious pictures!!

    The Shrine

    John's smile in the puddlejumper after the flashback is just beautiful.

    and I agree wholeheartedly with Fumblesmcstupid, John never hesitates to touch Rodney. He always acts awkward touching anyone else (remember how he 'hugged' Teyla in Doppleganger?) but he's never been shy or awkward about pulling, pushing, grabbing, squeezing or hitting (or as I see it, lovetapping) Rodney. Never! It comes very naturally to him.



      Originally posted by Wilson3Girl View Post
      Thank you Marli for the delicious pictures!!

      The Shrine

      John's smile in the puddlejumper after the flashback is just beautiful.

      and I agree wholeheartedly with Fumblesmcstupid, John never hesitates to touch Rodney. He always acts awkward touching anyone else (remember how he 'hugged' Teyla in Doppleganger?) but he's never been shy or awkward about pulling, pushing, grabbing, squeezing or hitting (or as I see it, lovetapping) Rodney. Never! It comes very naturally to him.

      LOL! He's always touching him somehow isn't he? Like a push or a pull or hitting him, any excuse John, we know we can see it VERY clearly!


        Awesome, awesome episode.

        I almost feel like he only said that to Keller just so that the episode wouldn't be really really gay... I agree with what others have mentioned earlier - he keeps running to Sheppard the whole episode, and then 'confesses' to Jennifer? How does this make sense? They have no chemistry the whole episode... sigh.

        BUT BUT BUT

        Such a McShep episode, I love it. Was I the only one who spotted a little Keller-hate on Jeanie's part?


          Originally posted by daestwen View Post
          Awesome, awesome episode.

          I almost feel like he only said that to Keller just so that the episode wouldn't be really really gay... I agree with what others have mentioned earlier - he keeps running to Sheppard the whole episode, and then 'confesses' to Jennifer? How does this make sense? They have no chemistry the whole episode... sigh.

          BUT BUT BUT

          Such a McShep episode, I love it. Was I the only one who spotted a little Keller-hate on Jeanie's part?
          No! I noticed it too, i'm glad it wasn't just me!
          I was watching to see how she would be with Keller, it was interesting, she took charge of things for her brother good for her!

          Yep, that whole end scene was so out of place, there he is asking for Shep the whole ep, and Shep helping him and propping him up etc, and then there's the confession to Keller?! Makes no sense at all!

          If they were brave enough they would have to admit that these two boys have the best chemistry of all the characters, it's right there on screen in the Shrine etc for all to see!


            Originally posted by Wilson3Girl View Post
            Thank you Marli for the delicious pictures!!

            The Shrine

            you're welcome ! it's a pleasure for me.

            John's smile in the puddlejumper after the flashback is just beautiful.
            oh yes, i'm an adult but i say squuuueeeeeee on my chair, a real crazy fangirl.

            have you notice on the pier when john moves after "arthur's" scene his leg is almost near rodney leg, it was delicious.

            If they were brave enough they would have to admit that these two boys have the best chemistry of all the characters, it's right there on screen in the Shrine etc for all to see!
            it's so real elliecat, it must be blind not to see it!

            my delicious


              You know the funny thing about this episode for me is
              the amount of times we get to hear Rodney call John by his first name!

              How long did we have to wait to get just the one "John" out of Rodney's mouth?

              I mean it was a plethora of "John's" in The Shrine!

              Haha! When they make up for a lack of something they really make up for it!

              I expect much hugging to follow soon then.


                ok you guys you have to help me i am going to watch The Shrine, i don't have cable so i'll watch it through itunes, but i want to make it a perfect Mcshep moment so i want all of you Mcshep slashers out there to tell me which parts to avoid or mute so it will be great

                i keep hearing mention of some part with Keller that totally sucks???

                thanks will keep checking the this thread periodically
                May the odds be ever in your Favor ! oh and please say hello to me on Skype and Facebook


                  Well you can watch the whole episode and think to yourself:

                  Rodney is loosing his mind and says something really OOC and chalk it up to his illness!

                  Keller will piss you off in this episode! I was so mad I could have reached inside the TV and B***H slapped her!

                  Rodney says he loves her in the last 30 seconds which I think comes out of the blue!

                  plus she is creepy watching him say it over and over!
                  Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                    Originally posted by MIZA View Post
                    ok you guys you have to help me i am going to watch The Shrine, i don't have cable so i'll watch it through itunes, but i want to make it a perfect Mcshep moment so i want all of you Mcshep slashers out there to tell me which parts to avoid or mute so it will be great

                    i keep hearing mention of some part with Keller that totally sucks???

                    thanks will keep checking the this thread periodically
                    Just make sure you don't watch the very last part - 30 sec to 1 minute? Or if you do, pretend it is AU.


                      Originally posted by MIZA View Post
                      ok you guys you have to help me i am going to watch The Shrine, i don't have cable so i'll watch it through itunes, but i want to make it a perfect Mcshep moment so i want all of you Mcshep slashers out there to tell me which parts to avoid or mute so it will be great

                      i keep hearing mention of some part with Keller that totally sucks???

                      thanks will keep checking the this thread periodically
                      As soon as you seen Rodney talking into the camera at the end, switch off and end the episode right there! I did and I can tell you, it's great, I can pretend like it didn't even happen and just enjoy the slashiness which was great!

                      Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
                      Keller will piss you off in this episode! I was so mad I could have reached inside the TV and B***H slapped her!

                      Rodney says he loves her in the last 30 seconds which I think comes out of the blue!
                      Totally out of the blue, was like WTF?
                      B***H slapped her You are so funny! I always feel like that with Keller!

                      Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
                      Just make sure you don't watch the very last part - 30 sec to 1 minute? Or if you do, pretend it is AU.
                      Rodney was out of his mind, I still think he meant John not Jen, just got the name's wrong! AU works aswell, or clone!Rodney or it was a dream, yes that's it! Keller dreamt the whole thing up, oooh I like that idea!


                        SGA IS A SHOW THAT IS SHOWN IN THE U.S, SO THAT MEANS THAT THEY HAVE TO TAKE IN ACCOUNT THE CENSORS AND SPONSORS THAT ARE (oops caps lock was on) owned by churches! So they really can't show a homosexual relationship like they should be able to!

                        So instead we are stuck with the McKay/Keller ship...Even though they give us all kinds of hints and clues that John/Rodney are in FACT in love with each other!

                        In The Shrine
                        When Rodney was at the worst part of the parasite thing he called out for one person and one person alone

                        Canon LOVE

                        So I won't be watching Tracker or Brainstorm or Infection!

                        for the sole reason that the show has to bow before the Homophobes!

                        So I will just ignore those episodes and remember that the sponsors are likeI said church owned!

                        So lets keep the one true romance alive and that is McShep.
                        Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                          i have a question

                          John give his leather jacket to rodney in his room , is Rodney still always wears it on the planet of the shrine of talus ? If that's right it's a big slash squeeeeeeeee

                          my delicious


                            Well, they are friends/lovers so Rodney might have just left his jacket there!

                            David has broad shoulders, Joe has slim so I doubt Johns jacket would have fit!

                            I think it's cute that they leave clothes at each others places!
                            Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                              OK, thanks for the response, I had not thought of that, it's cute and slashy.

                              I think it's cute that they leave clothes at each others places
                              oye !!!! very slash, so intimate.

                              my delicious


                                Originally posted by marli View Post
                                OK, thanks for the response, I had not thought of that, it's cute and slashy.

                                oye !!!! very slash, so intimate.
                                providing pictures of sharing clothing would do very nicely for us UKers who haven't got the episode yet and can someone answer me a question about the last batch of the shrine pics someone posted on here....

                                Is john and rodney...

                                ...bare-footed in the pier scene where they seem to be drinking? I can't make it out. Evidence would do very nicely!! I'm hope they are because what do that say about the couple? *cackles*

