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Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Slash/Discussion/Appreciation

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    They (David and Joe) might sneak something if they're both game to play this up. Of course, that goes back to if they're aware of the relative popularity of this pairing and are good sports about it. If anything, we might get lucky and have some odd outtake where they play it up. I vaguely recall the guys in "The Sentinel" knew about the slash pairing of Jim and Blair.. and there's an outtake where Burgi (Jim) kisses Garret (Blair).

    Still, it doesn't hurt to watch and hope.


      Well JF seems pretty easy going, and DH did it before . . .

      BTw is DH single?


        Um, according to IMDB he got divorced last February, but don't really know for sure.


          Originally posted by Atlantisluva
          I am waiting for an episode when they look at each other this certain way.

          Still waiting....
          Did you see The Siege??? Pt 1 & 2?

          I thought there were a few times they looked at each other in... a certain way.

          Poor shep did not seem happy about Weir not letting him fly the jumper with rodney.

          And I swear rodney's gaze as shep left the room lingered a little longer than was entirely necessary....

          Then there was poor rodney's reaction when he realised shep might be flying to his doom...

          poor rodney!


            Originally posted by strivaria
            Um, according to IMDB he got divorced last February, but don't really know for sure.
            I should probably know this but I have a mental blank: what's IMDB??


            But also, Gateworld doesn't like us discussing the actor's personal lives.

            Which, curious as I may be , is a good, respectful thing.


              Originally posted by Atlantisluva
              Well JF seems pretty easy going, and DH did it before . . .
              we can only live in hope!



                My new best friend.

                No , didnt see sanctuary yet

                Gotta run, I am in a sudden shopping mood for egyptian items :O

                I actually just bought a mummy cloth from ebay, but back to the shop!


                  Oh, speaking of Egypt, I am close to finishing an Egyptian fic on McShep ^^.

                  Also, a new part of my Highschool mcshep is close to being finished!


                    Oh I love your fics Soraya!

                    BTW, I am a major egypt buff myself. Mummy cloth ^^?

                    I have tons of Egyptian statues
                    RADEK ZELENKA FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                      Yes a mummy cloth. eBay is miraculous isn't it? I am planning a trip to Abydos in the future. My cousin does work there.

                      And thank you!!!! I love when people tell me what they think! I am sooo excited about McShep in Ancient Egypt . My two passions toghether !!!

                      Plus that sk*** Teyla is going to be an evil priestess. Evil because John is a prince and he is in line to be the next Pharoah she conspires to marry him and assisinate him bleh bleh bleh Rodney saves the day.

                      However, I am changing names to the characters.

                      "Abdullah, fetch me my assistant!"

                      "Yes my god John Sheppard!"

                      Doesn't sound right does it?


                        UGh! Totally forgot.

                        Teyla is going to be killed!! Isn't it great?

                        First her, then Weir in the sequel. If need be, maybe even Sam, just so shes out of the way.....


                          Another Teyla hater! Yay~!!!

                          The fic sounds really creative. I will be sure to read
                          RADEK ZELENKA FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                            Yeah here are the names:


                            The names meanings all fit with the portrayal of their characters, like Rodney's means hope as he tells john of Teylas evil plot. Likewise, Teyla's name means black. And Teylas assistant Weir's name means Shadow. What duya think?


                              Originally posted by Atlantisluva
                              Well JF seems pretty easy going, and DH did it before . . .

                              BTw is DH single?
                              To answer your question, while I think still being respectful of actor's personal space, I believe he said in an article (going from memory so not exact) that he was talking to his girlfriend and gave an order like McKay would. I think it was the article with him and Amanda Tapping interviewing each other and they were discussing staying in character after the cameras stop rolling. I think.
                              "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
                              "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
                              Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
                              Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
                              "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
                              Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
                              Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
                              (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


                                McShep wp from 'The Brotherhood', which was a brilliant Sheppard & McKay episode. They light up a scene individually but put together it's fireworks all the way.

                                Two Heads are better than One.
                                ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
                                FBI - Body Preservation Division

