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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    I do it all toster... drama, angst, romance, fluff, whatever! So I'll just start picking my way through them... leaving reviews as I go... I'm feeding a McWeir/Sheyla plot bunny right now... so I'll post that here once I'm done.
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      Ooh, plot bunnies are always welcome here!

      Guys, I'm going to be out of town tomorrow so I can't do the FFF. If anyone wants to take the helm and post the week's stories from and wraithbait they are more than welcome! Otherwise I'll just hold off and post a double batch next Friday, no prob.

      Thoughts on Progeny:
      I'm excited because it features offworld!Elizabeth and there's tons of possibilities for shippy scenes - Elizabeth in trouble, Rodney in trouble, both of them in trouble...heh. I'm kinda wary about the whole replicator tie-in, but we'll see where the ep goes.

      Enjoy the eps!


        Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
        Ooh, plot bunnies are always welcome here!

        Guys, I'm going to be out of town tomorrow so I can't do the FFF. If anyone wants to take the helm and post the week's stories from and wraithbait they are more than welcome! Otherwise I'll just hold off and post a double batch next Friday, no prob.

        Thoughts on Progeny:
        I'm excited because it features offworld!Elizabeth and there's tons of possibilities for shippy scenes - Elizabeth in trouble, Rodney in trouble, both of them in trouble...heh. I'm kinda wary about the whole replicator tie-in, but we'll see where the ep goes.

        Enjoy the eps!
        Awww, we'll miss you Toaster!

        I hope there is some Elizabeth in trouble. Although I will admit I like seeing Rodney get whumped every once in a while, I do get tired of him always ending up being the damsel in distress. Is it wrong of me to just once want to see Liz in physical trouble (no cat fights please *shudder*)? And then be saved by Rodney, not Shep? Or heck, save herself even. I wanna see her get in the middle of it all and actually have to do some fighting... without an alien in her.

        All in all though, I'm really excited for this episode. I think some of the best ones are when there is a focus on the team and not someone in particular. And when Liz comes along its always a greated bonus. The Replicator thing is kinda shaky, but from the previews it looks like they are pretty creepy and tough. It's about time Atlantis gets some more baddies.

        And just from the previews and the spoiler pics, it looks like we'll get some McWeir scenes which is always a good thing... except in Trinity.
        Last edited by Reichiru; 10 August 2006, 08:53 PM.


          I have hopes that Progeny will at least be interesting
          I don't think we'll get any shippy scenes, honestly, but I think I'm bipolar when it come to shippy optimism vs pesimism, hehe.
          anyway, gateworld doesn't have these pictures from Progeny I noticed.

          They all have Weir in them so I thought I'd link incase someone here hasn't seen them yet. and then 18 has rodney too. since I'm bored, I'm gonna take some pics they've already posted for tonight's ep and do some creative croppying to them *looks around suspiciously*



            Originally posted by nebulan
            I have hopes that Progeny will at least be interesting
            I don't think we'll get any shippy scenes, honestly, but I think I'm bipolar when it come to shippy optimism vs pesimism, hehe.
            anyway, gateworld doesn't have these pictures from Progeny I noticed.
            They all have Weir in them so I thought I'd link incase someone here hasn't seen them yet. and then 18 has rodney too. since I'm bored, I'm gonna take some pics they've already posted for tonight's ep and do some creative croppying to them *looks around suspiciously*


            Elizabeth needs to carry a bloody gun... if Rodney can, then so can she... and then Sheppard can heard them both out of the line of fire... so they can come up with something brilliant... maybe have a heart to heart... that kind of stuff.
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              Popping in to let you all know that the Stargate Fan Awards voting phase is now open!

              Whew! Now I can finally relax and start work on a new McWeir fic. If only I had a bunny.... I have lots of vid bunnies, but I have to work on those at home and there's less opportunity for that with the kids around.

              Enjoy Sci-Fi Friday everybody!
              It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                Nice screencaps nebulan and Cpt.Ritter sounds like Progeny is and interesting episode hope there's alot of McKay/Weir scenes.




                  It's okay Rodney.



                  I'm so sorry...

                  Last edited by aaobuttons; 12 August 2006, 05:43 AM.
                  It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                    Originally posted by aaobuttons


                    It's alright Rodney.



                    I'm so sorry...

                    Squee is right!! as soon as someone can take caps, please
                    The first shippy scene I noticed at the beginning was that Rodney was once again grumbling about liz going on a Mission. I also saw potential ship in the destruction of atlantis scene when they were evacuating, but I might have to rewatch that too see if there are any good caps to be taken

                    I guess the shweirs got their's too with the balcony scene, but I think we got more than them this time, but maybe I just notice the mcweir more


                      Originally posted by nebulan
                      Squee is right!! as soon as someone can take caps, please
                      The first shippy scene I noticed at the beginning was that Rodney was once again grumbling about liz going on a Mission. I also saw potential ship in the destruction of atlantis scene when they were evacuating, but I might have to rewatch that too see if there are any good caps to be taken

                      I guess the shweirs got their's too with the balcony scene, but I think we got more than them this time, but maybe I just notice the mcweir more


                      yeah, I think I did see some shippyness during the distruction scene (Liz grabbing Rodney as they head towards the gate comes to mind), and if that's true then that's REALLY interesting considering this was all from Sheps mind...
                      It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                        I may be a Sparky, but I really loved the
                        "Elizabeth?" scene and when he was sorry for sort of causing Niam to attack her. Rodney is always at his sweetest and most selfless when around Elizabeth, and that showed in tonight's episode!



                          Originally posted by RoryJ
                          I may be a Sparky, but I really loved the
                          "Elizabeth?" scene and when he was sorry for sort of causing Niam to attack her. Rodney is always at his sweetest and most selfless when around Elizabeth, and that showed in tonight's episode!

                          That's okay, we love Sparkies here too!
                          That was a really sweet moment, that look of horror on his face when he realized that something he'd done had caused her life to be put in danger.

                          And I really thought the "Are you okay" question from Shep was sweet too.
                          It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                            Originally posted by aaobuttons
                            That's okay, we love Sparkies here too!
                            That was a really sweet moment, that look of horror on his face when he realized that something he'd done had caused her life to be put in danger.

                            And I really thought the "Are you okay" question from Shep was sweet too.
                            Do you think this might come into play in the next ep?
                            Since the illusion is supposidely caused by something the replicators did... I was thinking maybe it had something to do with Niam strangling her, and if Rodney felt responsible for that, maybe he'll feel responsible in next weeks episode too. Poor Rodney trying to take care of his Elizabeth ^^


                              Originally posted by nebulan
                              Do you think this might come into play in the next ep?
                              Since the illusion is supposidely caused by something the replicators did... I was thinking maybe it had something to do with Niam strangling her, and if Rodney felt responsible for that, maybe he'll feel responsible in next weeks episode too. Poor Rodney trying to take care of his Elizabeth ^^

                              Hmmm, I wonder... maybe Nian left a part of himself in her when he grabbed her and it's trying to take her over...
                              It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                                Originally posted by nebulan
                                Do you think this might come into play in the next ep?
                                Since the illusion is supposidely caused by something the replicators did... I was thinking maybe it had something to do with Niam strangling her, and if Rodney felt responsible for that, maybe he'll feel responsible in next weeks episode too. Poor Rodney trying to take care of his Elizabeth ^^
                                I was looking at The Stargate Project website and
                                I noticed that Progeny and The Real world had a 1 and a 2 in parenthesis next to them. But I don't read German (except for the obvious stuff) so I didn't know if that meant they were grouped together or not. I really do hope that The Real World will have some worried!Rodney though. In the preview of it you get a tiny shot of him and he looks pretty upset. But I'll be mad if in the Atlantis scenes they focus on Shep... cause that wouldn't be very fair.

                                As for Progeny, I seriously loved this episode. Definitely what I would consider the best of the season thus far.
                                I've always found the human replicator episodes pretty interesting while at the same time slightly unsettling. I'm really glad that Elizabeth offered to let him come with them. When Fifth got screwed over in SG-1 I knew that was a bad move. Too bad he got spaced though. Cause of course this means he's not cool anymore and will be all angry like Fifth was... but at least he won't be squicky. When he was malfunctioning I totally thought he was going to ascend or something. But I suppose that really isn't possible. Too bad though.

                                The shippy stuff, or at least what we would consider shippy, was pretty great. I loved when Rodney got protective of her and when he got upset and apologized to her after the strangling scene. I love when sweet!Rodney comes out. I think the shippy stuff is another reason I love these team focused episodes. It gives everyone a better chance of interacting and doesn't just focus on one person the whole time. Although, when it's Rodney I don't usually complain.

                                I totally thought the guys name was Oberon for a bit and it kept making me think about the beer.

