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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire

    OK, I have a Q to add to the list for everyone: What was your top three favorite McKay/Weir episodes in season one and why?

    Treat? *intrigued*
    Questions first.

    Top 3.

    1.Hide and Seek- for Elizabeth knowing him well enough to just know what was up...
    and for showing such concern, especially at the end of the episode. Also for Rodney's heroics without saying a thing.

    2. Before I Sleep -
    I loved the Weir stuff here and the whole other time was very shippy... plus I'm convinced Old Weir had a thing for Rodney at least

    3. The Storm - out of the two parter I like this one more
    , though the huggle is hard to resist. Just because of the looks, the thing about them walknig together - that meeting up scene, the cute eager scientists explanation and generally his concern etc.
    There's too much to list and I've just realised that this episode should probably be top of my list instead...

    Anyway, to reveal the treat (or at least I hope it's one - made it tonight on quick notice, wanted it to be up with 1000th post but got stuck) I used a brush by Ambiently in it, just crediting.


    Also without text if you don't want any.

    Links to the file on my server are.
    For with words
    800 by 600
    1024 by 768
    1280 by 960

    Without words
    800 by 600
    1024 by 768
    1280 by 960

    Clicking on links will show you a scaled version that you can left click to download or you can click above and save as. If anyone has problems downloading you can find the files in this directory thats browsable.

    Can't promise that's up all the time and the server won't be there foever to take if you like. Obviously no hotlinking to the files on my server and no stealing either, but that should go without saying. Feel free to rec around etc, all I ask is credit. And feedback, suggestions for improvements always great becasue as always I'm still learning how to use the program.
    Last edited by Purpleyin; 08 May 2005, 03:04 AM.


      Wow...1000 posts. It was mostly you guys, but nice to know I had a little something to do with it

      How much of the show have you seen?
      ummm...still haven't seen PTW, Hot Zone, Part of The Storm, Sanctuary...yep, just those

      Favourite moments out of what you've seen?
      Loved watching McKay with the kids in Childhood's End, the pathetic way Mckay says "cheerleaders" when watching football w/ shep and the gang, and Mckay in a spacesuit! Weir and Mckay sitting next to each other in the rain*sigh* how can you not love that?
      What made you see the ship?
      The Eye, cliche as it is. Before that I always enjoyed Mckay/Weir in scenes together but was more focused on the more obvious power stares between Shep/Weir. The Eye changed it all...powerful ep.

      What made you look for others online (if you did)?
      My freakish 13 yr old brother(and fellow stargate fan) suggested GW-remind me to thank him!

      Which do you prefer, friendship or more?
      More please! But I can be very patient.

      Do you want the ship on show and if so when and how, equally if not why?
      As long as the characters don't change in a negative way in the process or mutate from individuals into a pod people "couple". Hate that!

      What are your hopes for the next season and McKay/Weir?
      Weir has a major freak out and Rodney has to calm her down. More day to day Atlantis inclusions-dying to see the cafeteria or Mckay's quarters. Simon needs to be dealt with and Mckay can date but no spork (lol-used correctly?!)

      What was your top three favorite McKay/Weir episodes in season one and why?
      The Eye-- Everything just made more sense in the way of ship afterwards! And wet Mckay/Weir!
      Mckay answers the door in his boxers and feels comfortable in front of Liz..really sweet.

      Hide and Seek --
      When Mckay gets in Weir's face after his personal shield AKA turtle brooch falls off. Also, the look Weir gives him when he mockingly shakes his flashlight at her.
      Last edited by Gate Trippin'; 08 May 2005, 10:38 AM.
      Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
      :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


        What was your top three favorite McKay/Weir episodes in season one and why?


        1. Rising. Its not obvious McWeir but we get to see how comfortable they are with each other right from the start and you can see that they're friends straight away.

        2. The Storm/Eye becase you really get a lot of insight into Rodney and how much he cares for Elizabeth. Their scenes are adorable and he would do anything for her.

        3. Before I Sleep because he sleeps in the Infirmary so he can keep an eye on Elizabeth (well I think so anyways) and he looks gutted when older Liz passes away.

        There are also plenty more moments but those are some of my favourites.

        Luce x


          Just a reminder that spoiler tags should really be put on major plots points like the Eye
          Rodney stepping in front of the gun
          , so maybe when answering questions people should consider what might give away certain things to anyone popping in here that hasn't seen all the episodes.


            Yeah. I was just about to ask how to do the spoiler tags, but then I looked up, saw your sig and went "HEY!!!!!!!!!!! There it is".

            Wow, what a day.

            I like the relationship these 2 have, it's fun and The Storm and The Eye was nice because it gave them a chance to stick together and Rodney got to be brave, that was cool.

            I still recon the hug is there best moment though. It's not a real romantic type hug or anything, its just a nice sorta moment. Definitely the best.
            Support SHEX, wear a shirt ... I did!


              Originally posted by John_Sheppard
              Yeah. I was just about to ask how to do the spoiler tags, but then I looked up, saw your sig and went "HEY!!!!!!!!!!! There it is".

              Wow, what a day.

              I like the relationship these 2 have, it's fun and The Storm and The Eye was nice because it gave them a chance to stick together and Rodney got to be brave, that was cool.

              I still recon the hug is there best moment though. It's not a real romantic type hug or anything, its just a nice sorta moment. Definitely the best.
              Yay. The first time I've been aware that having that info in my sig has paid off. Because people often ask or don't realise because they've not read the FAQ...

              Anyway, on that bit - yep. Great for friendship and even for more if anyone likes to take it as that. It shows Rodney cares.


                Since there have been new people lately I thought it was links time.

                The yahoogroup for pretty much all McKay/weirness you want except for Adult rated fiction.

                Not if it's the adult rated stuffs you like (and you're over 18 too) then you'd be wanting this. Don't be put off by the group name - I subscribe to the theory that an interest in such things is healthy and nothing to be ashamed of, and I try not to be - works mostly... Anyway you can join us here - always in need of new authors there too.

                For LJ people there is also

                For those who like Mckay/Weir within love triangles or OT3 then you could try

                OT3/LT thread
                And SG Lonely ship LJ community

                And presuming shippers like both characters here are some actor/character links.

                DH/Mckay thunk thread
                Mckay character thread

                David Hewlett sites

                McKay daily LJ community - lots of pics and news on appearances etc
                And another LJ presumably related to the geeklove site

                Weir/Torri appreciation thread

                Torri LJ community

                Torri fan site
                Last edited by Purpleyin; 08 May 2005, 04:33 AM.


                  Whoops, forgot to answer my own question...

                  My fav. McKay/Weir eps:

                  1)Storm/Eye: For
                  him fighting with Zelenka to tell her first, his concern about her knee, her "There I am", him watching her being taken away, him stepping in front of the gun, her grabbing him after Koyla attacked him on the balcony, and the infamous huddle scene.
                  All in all two great eps that showed the concern they both have for each other and cemented the ship for me.

                  2)Home: For
                  the fact that those two only saw each other in the false reality, how she sought him out when she was put off the team, and how they both were stunned when the other didn't want to fight for Atlantis. Plus his complete lack of concern of her (well, the fake her but he didn't know that...) seeing his boxers.
                  A wonderful ep that showed how much they rely on each other.

                  3)Hide and Seek: For
                  Her concern over the shield testing and their banter at the beginning ("green with envy"), his utter shock and anger over her reaction when the shield fell off, and the best scene at the end where she was so worried and couldn't keep her hands off him.

                  And 300 posts for me finally, with half of the posts living in this thread. Crazy, crazy.


                    Okay, answering own questions now.

                    How much of the show have you seen?
                    All of it. Even the s2 preview - read al the spoiler I can get for season 2 too.

                    Favourite moments out of what you've seen?
                    Ship wise - End of hide and seek, The Eye
                    Kolya holding rodney over the railings and Elizabeth holding him back
                    , plus Home
                    When they're both releasing they're speaking to fakes.

                    General moments - the end of hide and seek - love the special effects there.
                    Siege Part 2 - agian the effects... and Hotzone, that Mckay moment, BIS
                    one word: Janus

                    What made you see the ship?
                    Oddly enough Home...followed by the Storm - the first 2 episodes I saw.

                    What made you look for others online (if you did)?
                    Well I didn't look for others, I looked for fic. I'd read fic for Farscape and X files in large quantities before and thought hmm, maybe has Atlantis fic - it did and then after a few stories I cam across MA's Of chocolate series... which gave me the link to weirmckayship.

                    Which do you prefer, friendship or more?
                    Friendships good, but I might like a little more, some angst perhaps. but I can be very happy with deep friendship.

                    Do you want the ship on show and if so when and how, equally if not why?Not sure right now. I'd only want it if it could be done well and i'm not presuming they can't but I'm not sure if they can either. Holding out on that one - probably best if they don't but that won't necesarily stop them from doing some - whoever they choose.

                    What are your hopes for the next season and McKay/Weir?
                    Lots more friendship stuff - supporting each other, dealing with the events of Season one and coping with new stuff too of course, the stuff of spoilers


                      Originally posted by Purpleyin
                      Okay, answering own questions now.

                      How much of the show have you seen?
                      All of it. Even the s2 preview - read al the spoiler I can get for season 2 too.

                      What S2 preview? Darn UK'ers and your ability to see stuff I can't! Was there anything good in it?
                      It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                        Originally posted by aaobuttons
                        What S2 preview? Darn UK'ers and your ability to see stuff I can't! Was there anything good in it?
                        Yep, a few good clips, they go by real fast because it's all of about 20 seconds. Is right there up on the scifi channel Atlantis site. It's more of a trailer or teaser really. But it's there for who ever's noticed it.


                          Originally posted by Purpleyin
                          Yep, a few good clips, they go by real fast because it's all of about 20 seconds. Is right there up on the scifi channel Atlantis site. It's more of a trailer or teaser really. But it's there for who ever's noticed it.
                          A whole 20 seconds? Is this different than the one they've been airing on SciFi with
                          happy!Rodney holding a ZPM and Cadwell's voice?

                          Oh crum, now I have to dl Flash for Mozilla so I can see it. And of course that means logging out and logging back in as the admin on this computer just so it installs properly. Gah, such a nuisance.


                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                            A whole 20 seconds? Is this different than the one they've been airing on SciFi with
                            happy!Rodney holding a ZPM and Cadwell's voice?

                            Oh crum, now I have to dl Flash for Mozilla so I can see it. And of course that means logging out and logging back in as the admin on this computer just so it installs properly. Gah, such a nuisance.
                            Um I think it's the same one, maybe 20 second was an overestimation, more like 15? I thought it seemed longer than 10 anyway. But sounds like same one, has that same bit in.

                            There were however rumours that there'd be some actual previews on scifi channel in the US or something, through out May, unless I was very mistaken or if the preview is that same 10/15/20 second thing.


                              Originally posted by Purpleyin
                              Um I think it's the same one, maybe 20 second was an overestimation, more like 15? I thought it seemed longer than 10 anyway. But sounds like same one, has that same bit in.

                              There were however rumours that there'd be some actual previews on scifi channel in the US or something, through out May, unless I was very mistaken or if the preview is that same 10/15/20 second thing.

                              Oh, that one! I thought there was like a 1/2 hour special or something like the Lowdown they did last year. Ok, I've seen that one, and yeah, I heard that during Mondays reruns they were going to show a sneak peak for SG1, I didn't know it was Atlantis too.... I'll have to tape it (I work monday nights).
                              It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                                Gotta lol at the Sg ... eh? Canadian signiture. Thats gold!

                                I wish we had the sci-fi channel, sounds like you get a lot of little StarGate previews. It's only on TV-1's sci-fi sector here and thats not that great. Only little bits and peices.

                                Oh hey, and that banner before. Ermmm, I think someone quoted it at the top of this page. The one with Weir and Kay standing back to back. It's really good.
                                Support SHEX, wear a shirt ... I did!

