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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Well I asked this to Martin Gero those questions, and here are answers. Season 2 spoilers.


    Q14. Will the Simon/Elizabeth relationship be resolved properly or will we see it explored further in Season 2?
    And he said;
    A14. Yes.
    LOL. teaches me not to ask a direct question but nice to know they're gonig to deal with it.

    Q5. In 'The Eye' at the grounding station, what was McKay going to say to Weir if she hadn't stopped him?
    A5. Something really funny/clever/brilliant.

    Q10. The uniform question has already been asked but I'd also love to know what the deal is with the later half of season 1 change; why McKay gets short sleeved shirt which has a navy stripe down the side, a uniform feature only seen so far on Weir too - is there any particular significance to this change, like a change in status for McKay within the expedition?
    A10. Nope. We just thought it looked cooler (also, it was the summer in Atlantis…buy that?)

    Looking forward to his answers to Lucy's questions now.


      Originally posted by Natacup82
      Ok I'm gonna Delurk here. :waves: I've been a McKay/Weir Shipper I guess since I started watching the show, it just seemed to be there naturally. The whole Shep/Weir thing seems to be kinda forced at lease IMHO. Alrighty just wanted to say hi.
      Holy....! My plan actually worked?! I need to do that more often!

      Welcome Natacup, thanks for delurking and saying hi! Hope you've been enjoying the thread and feel free to chime in whenever the mood strikes!

      My insanity for the evening:
      I've been pronouncing the Weir in McWeir with an eh (as in Stargate, eh? ) but whenever I pronounce Mcshweir Weir has an eee, as in,



        Originally posted by Purpleyin
        Anyone else notice the abundance of future children stories that are McKay/Weir?
        Yes, there has been a bit lately along with quite a few SWAMA fics. Nothing wrong with that!
        I think so many children stories are written because so many fans are interested in what the children of their favorite pair would be like. Take Rodney and Elizabeth; would their children be more excitable or subdued? Lean more toward science, negotiation, neither, or a combination? Can you see them with sons or daughters? How would they deal with their children on Atlantis, if they both are still there?

        I think Elizabeth would be a wonderful calm and protective mother and Rodney would just run around full of pride (you so know he would wear one of those "Galaxy's Greatest Dad" T-shirts! ). Though I bet Rodney would be extremely cautious and nervous at first because of his rough time as a child. Maybe the pregnancy would give him an opportunity to open up to Elizabeth about his childhood, if he hadn't sooner.

        Also, children are the normal progression of a relationship. Writers who have written about the relationship from other points in time (early crush, first admittance of feelings, dating, married maybe) may want to try writing the relationship at later stages which often include children.

        But are there certain scenarios people are tempted to write? Is it okay to give in and write them, or should they be avoided at all costs? I guess this raises the point of whether a gifted writer can overcome such cliches.
        Well, I guess Mary Sues are the one genre that should be written only with extreme caution or humor. Those often go very badly. Fluff can also be way overdone (I admit I have an extremely soft spot for fluff though). Smut can be downright painful to read.
        One of the most frustrating things for me is to read a story where Rodney and Elizabeth go from nothing/mild hints to BAM, admitting their feelings for each other and riding off into the sunset. I feel like I missed out on something. My favorite part of shippy stories is the tension, fear, and worry that the characters are feeling. I like more introspection and caution before anything resolves itself. And I do like an eventual resolution to the stories; it's hard to read a long story that never seems to go anywhere shippy-wise in the end.

        I'd also like to ask, do you all give feedback for fanfiction? I've noticed not many stories get much feedback on and especially on wraithbait (where authors can tell how many views they've had). I make a point of reviewing stories I read most of the time but somehow it seems there's always a large percentage on readers for any story who don't review - why is that? Too busy, didn't like it, had nothing to add? Do you as a reader feel you ought to give feedback or is it something unecessary?
        I try my best to give feedback but I know that there are many stories that have slipped through the cracks. Sometimes I read a great story and then get occupied with something else and forget to review it. It could go for days, weeks, never until it gets reviewed. Sometimes I don't leave a review because I feel the need to add more than "great story, thanks" and I can't currently think of anything more constructive to say. Also, if a story is mediocre then I don't tend to give it a review.
        I always try to send some positive words toward a new author or an author who has written their first McKay/Weir story.

        And Peanut you've given me plot bunnies here, ones not able to be mentioned on the forum!
        Hee hee hee!


          Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
          One of the most frustrating things for me is to read a story where Rodney and Elizabeth go from nothing/mild hints to BAM, admitting their feelings for each other and riding off into the sunset. I feel like I missed out on something. My favorite part of shippy stories is the tension, fear, and worry that the characters are feeling. I like more introspection and caution before anything resolves itself. And I do like an eventual resolution to the stories; it's hard to read a long story that never seems to go anywhere shippy-wise in the end.
          I'd have to agree with you there...if it's supposed to be a shippy story then I want the ship to happen in the end. But, all the in between interaction is often the very best part! I especially like it when the characters get close to being able to admit their feelings and then pull back for some reason (perhaps another person interferes, doubt, etc.). I LOVE fic with multiple chapters...really presents the oft needed time to make the story really developed and differ from other fic. All the McWeir fic is about McWeir, but it's the author's presentation and nuances that make for a great story.
          Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
          :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


            Anyone got any subtle or friendship questions for McKay/Weir to ask Martin?
            I'd love to ask more, when I'm finally allowed to that that is , but having trouble of thinking of anything not already asked...


              Originally posted by Purpleyin
              Anyone got any subtle or friendship questions for McKay/Weir to ask Martin?
              I'd love to ask more, when I'm finally allowed to that that is , but having trouble of thinking of anything not already asked...
              Q: What's with McKay's copying of Weir's phrases? "Rodney, go!" "Going!", etc.


                Originally posted by Cory Holmes
                Q: What's with McKay's copying of Weir's phrases? "Rodney, go!" "Going!", etc.
                Ah but he doesn't just do that for her apparently. Forget who mentioned it but there are lots of examples of him doing that, someone on the Mckay thread pointed it out.


                  Originally posted by Purpleyin
                  Anyone got any subtle or friendship questions for McKay/Weir to ask Martin?
                  I'd love to ask more, when I'm finally allowed to that that is , but having trouble of thinking of anything not already asked...
                  Ha ha, banned.

                  I would do it, but I'm currently on my third set of questions. I think I'm going to take a break after that. Besides, lucylou asked a nice McKay/Weir friendship question a while ago that he should eventually answer.

                  Regarding his answers to your questions:
                  It would appear that the ep "Intruder" is going to be a nice Elizabeth episode, Martin did say we were going to see her "softer side". I'm thinking that she's going back to earth in that one, probably to see Simon and either tie things up or strengthen their relationship. Pretty sure Rodney's sis is not going to be in that ep or Martin would have mentioned it. May be wrong though.
                  And the answer to the Eye's "if this doesn't work" question? He would say something really funny/clever/brilliant? What on earth could that be?


                    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                    Ha ha, banned.

                    I would do it, but I'm currently on my third set of questions. I think I'm going to take a break after that. Besides, lucylou asked a nice McKay/Weir friendship question a while ago that he should eventually answer.

                    Regarding his answers to your questions:
                    It would appear that the ep "Intruder" is going to be a nice Elizabeth episode, Martin did say we were going to see her "softer side". I'm thinking that she's going back to earth in that one, probably to see Simon and either tie things up or strengthen their relationship. Pretty sure Rodney's sis is not going to be in that ep or Martin would have mentioned it. May be wrong though.
                    And the answer to the Eye's "if this doesn't work" question? He would say something really funny/clever/brilliant? What on earth could that be?
                    Yes, but only for a while...
                    How many questions you have in a set? I suppose my 16 questions was a bit much at once... I think a week or two qualifies as 'a while'.

                    On Season 2

                    I'm quite hopeful about that Season 2 episode, from a character perspective.
                    He has said they weren't sure or hadn't planned it fully about Jeannie and so I guess that means she's not in Intruder because it's probably filmed by now. Also I was wondering if Rodney even goes back or if he's resting after everything. Does he have much to go back for if not for his sister or his cat, to see Niagra falls or The Sixth Sense? Either way I'm looking forward to any of the Simon/Elizabeth and it's a good bet that gets dealt with in Intruder.


                      Originally posted by Purpleyin
                      Yes, but only for a while...
                      How many questions you have in a set? I suppose my 16 questions was a bit much at once... I think a week or two qualifies as 'a while'.
                      Let's see, my first set had two questions, the second had three, and the third also has three but they're more about Martin than Atlantis. Yes, the 16 qs at once may have been a bit overwhelming for him, but he did answer all of them, didn't he! I'd say a week or two is fine and them let him have it, especially with the McKay/Weir friendship or more question if he doesn't answer lucylou's in that timeframe. Hopefully he won't get too overwhelmed with all these questions and flee!

                      Oh, and the stuff he said about Duet!
                      How can any proper McKay thunker not be looking forward to that episode now! The question now is will Elizabeth see him in his "stage of undress"?


                        Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                        Let's see, my first set had two questions, the second had three, and the third also has three but they're more about Martin than Atlantis. Yes, the 16 qs at once may have been a bit overwhelming for him, but he did answer all of them, didn't he! I'd say a week or two is fine and them let him have it, especially with the McKay/Weir friendship or more question if he doesn't answer lucylou's in that timeframe. Hopefully he won't get too overwhelmed with all these questions and flee!

                        Oh, and the stuff he said about Duet!
                        How can any proper McKay thunker not be looking forward to that episode now! The question now is will Elizabeth see him in his "stage of undress"?
                        Yes, will give it a week or so before I post more. It's not like they'll get answered for several weeks.

                        And Duet
                        Glad I asked - nice to be able to place it in the context of the storyline for the episode. Still curious about any thing involving Elizabeth in the episode - if they think he's going crazy that'd be quite worrying for her and yes on a lower level quite revealing if she sees him in whatever state of undress all us thunkers are waiting for! I could, and probably will when it happens, squee for the ep! (probably disturb my housemates with that too)

                        And I'm loving how Martin's handling the questions, I'm quite a fan of his now...


                          Hmm...still thinking over if the thread should change it's name and if so, what the name should be...

                          But in the meantime, a Q - What would everyone like to see in season 2 regarding McKay/Weir? It doesn't even have to be romantic hints or UST, it can simply be friendship/bonding. Any general ideas? Any specific scenes? Anything so crazy there's no way it would ever become canon? Here plot bunnies!

                          Me, I'd like to see more of what we saw in season 1; snark, banter/flirting, more of Rodney opening up and caring for Elizabeth and others. I'd also like to see more of the true Elizabeth, the one that she hides behind her "leader" shell, and I'd like to see her show that side around Rodney. I also don't think anything can progress with Elizabeth until she deals with Simon. I thought that relationship was handled rather abruptly. Judging by season two rumors
                          she's probably going back to earth to see him early in the season, so it's possible that the relationship will end there.

                          I also think Rodney needs to grow a bit more before he's ready for a relationship. He's grown a lot this first season; started relying on others more, developed more of a shut-up-and-deal-with-it attitude when danger strikes rather than his panic mode we saw a bit in 38 minutes. But I think he still has a lot of barriers up when it comes to relating to people. I'd like to see him drop those defenses more around Elizabeth next season, maybe talk a bit about his past or how he's worried about not being good enough. Also, perhaps the season 2 rumors where
                          he starts dating someone
                          may help him develop some confidence toward interacting with others, especially Elizabeth.

                          So, what do you guys think?


                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                            Yeah, I can't really get behind the idea of SexGod!Rodney because it seems sort of odd, but some of those stories I do enjoy. *cough* "State Secrets" *cough* Still, many people swear geeks make the best lovers. Maybe fewer opportunities for girls makes them more...appreciative when they get them? Maybe they're more likely to do a little...research reading beforehand?
                            Family forum...sorry
                            LOL!! I couldn't get into that either, though that was why I did like the sweet romance story lines with McKay and 'whoever' it was. More plausible...made me sigh deeply. The hot monkey-love stories just...well, didn't ring true. I figure that if he's that intentionally and unintentionally obnoxious to Sam, who he really likes, then he's probably not had a very great love life. Or a very active one for that matter.

                            Fair enough, but most people here think the complete opposite, naturally. Try my hardest, I still cannot see Elizabeth with Sheppard. I find the banter and mutual support between her and Rodney much more interesting and natural than the dramatic moments and long looks between her and Sheppard. And I also can't rule out a potential relationship just because they are opposites emotionally. Rodney could learn from her calm and quiet demeanor and become a better scientist and team leader while she could learn from his open enthusiasm and emotions and become a better leader and mediator.
                            I know that!! I was thinking more along the lines of fanfic when I posted. If I want to analyze who would go with who, I'd say McKay should either be with Sam eventually (if only for some plot fun) or bring in a new character next season who can play the cat and mouse game with him. You know, look a whole lot like his 'type' (similar to Sam). It would be pretty funny for them to dislike each other at first but then have something slowly develop. It's not that I can't see him falling for Weir and vice versa, I'm thinking about it from a TV script standpoint.

                            Interesting how you can enjoy the McKay/Weir fanfiction yet still not see the ship potential on the show. If anything, it's a major compliment to all those fanfic writers!
                            I enjoy MOST of the McKay fanfiction whether action/adventure, pure angst, pure romance (can't get into slash though, sorry to those who write it). It is definitely well written (much of it). Yes, even the McWeir stuff is great. I enjoy it because of the romantic content. But to me, the "universe" of fanfic and relationships is different than the "universe" of the actual show and that was what I was saying when I didn't see them getting together.

                            Okay, now we need some pro-McKay/Weir shippers to delurk and balance things out.
                            Awww, sorry...


                              Originally posted by LadyNRA
                              I know that!! I was thinking more along the lines of fanfic when I posted. If I want to analyze who would go with who, I'd say McKay should either be with Sam eventually (if only for some plot fun) or bring in a new character next season who can play the cat and mouse game with him. You know, look a whole lot like his 'type' (similar to Sam). It would be pretty funny for them to dislike each other at first but then have something slowly develop. It's not that I can't see him falling for Weir and vice versa, I'm thinking about it from a TV script standpoint.

                              I enjoy MOST of the McKay fanfiction whether action/adventure, pure angst, pure romance (can't get into slash though, sorry to those who write it). It is definitely well written (much of it). Yes, even the McWeir stuff is great. I enjoy it because of the romantic content. But to me, the "universe" of fanfic and relationships is different than the "universe" of the actual show and that was what I was saying when I didn't see them getting together.
                              A lot of us don't always take the pragmatic point of view on this board I'd have to say that in my heart of hearts I would love for McWeir to work our slowly, maybe over a few years, and if it takes McKay dating some new character so be it. As long as she's not a SPORK space girl
                              I've thought about whether or not, from a Stargate POV, the writers would ever do such a thing and I definately think it's a possibilty. One of the writers said that they don't let fans influence them from making the right TV choices, but they do let the performance of actors do that sometimes. Right now I see possibilities between Shep/Weir, McKay/Weir, and Shep/Teyla. The question is, which do you think it will be? As they say, time will tell...we have to wait and see But isn't that one of the most exciting aspects of the show? Another Q- What is the possible of multiple ships on Atlantis? Separate pairings, not OT3? Do you think they would do both McKay/Weir and Shep/Teyla??
                              Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
                              :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


                                Originally posted by LadyNRA
                                If I want to analyze who would go with who, I'd say McKay should either be with Sam eventually (if only for some plot fun) or bring in a new character next season who can play the cat and mouse game with him. You know, look a whole lot like his 'type' (similar to Sam). It would be pretty funny for them to dislike each other at first but then have something slowly develop. It's not that I can't see him falling for Weir and vice versa, I'm thinking about it from a TV script standpoint.
                                Well who he thinks/says his type is and who he might really like aren't necessarily the same thing (and Weir was blonde once ).

                                But Sam would have been interesting with Mckay - shame that S/J gets in the way (sorry guys!) but atleast there's fic, wish there was more though for Mckay/Carter. There's been talk of if Weir/McKay/Carter would be good - at least for Rodney I suppose... especially if it was OT3 and not just a love triangle. (Okay, I must stop talking OT3...)

