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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Just my 2¢...I like McWeir. It is fun and it gets the point across. Plus, a lot easier for a website. Although, after initial bookmarking, you won't have to type it anymore. (Not to mention the fact that it's fun to say. I especially love McShweir! How fun is that! )

    And my blonde moment for the day...(Speaking of McShWeir) whats OT3 stand for? Yeah, I get the 3 people involved part but I'm wondering what the initials are for.

    "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
    "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
    Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
    Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
    "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
    Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
    Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
    (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      I'm confused. We have McKay in the title and yet we don't link to the McKay thunk thread or the Dr. Rodney McKay thread? Plus we have Weir but don't link to the Weir/Torri appreciation thread? Is this because of the "/"?
      I'm thinking so. I've checked out a few threads and although the Sheppard/Weir is linked to the Sheppard thread it appears to be because both have 'discussion' in the title. I think to link to the Mckay character thread all we'd need was to have a space 'McKay / Weir" but since the Weir thread is Weir/Torri and the DH thread DH/Mckay then it wouldn't link up unles we had appreciation or thunk or maybe thread... At least the spaces could help, and maybe if the Weir thread also got changed to "Weir / Torri" then it might link to both character threads.
      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      I think those threads are the most relevant for this thread and we should do our best to make them our similar threads. Kinda bummed that we have to change the title in order to link up rather than have a mod link up for us. However, we should know for sure that changing the title will add the similar threads, otherwise I don't think it's worth it. I kinda like our current title, it's unique and more casual than some of the other ship thread names.
      Well I can ask if we can have "McKay / Weir Shipper here"
      Other choices that might work better would be:
      "McKay / Weir Ship Appreciation and Discussion thread"
      "McKay / Weir Shippers"
      Any other ideas, any preferences?
      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      Being on the similar threads would continue to get the word out for McKay/Weir. Of course, we post enough in here that this thread stays in the front page of the C and R section so we're easy enough to spot there also.

      Oh, and
      It's coming. I'm a tad busy ya know...


        Originally posted by Fanwoman
        You've mentioned your epic fic, and last week you mentioned hurting your hand. I hope your hand's doing better and, selfishly, that your injury hasn't impacted the progress if your epic.
        My hand isn't doing that great but I have still been writing. My problem is mostly finding the time and the motivation to sit here and do it lol.

        Luce x


          Originally posted by ra-hanna
          And my blonde moment for the day...(Speaking of McShWeir) whats OT3 stand for? Yeah, I get the 3 people involved part but I'm wondering what the initials are for.

          I think the OT part stands for "One True", like OTP stands for "One True Pair/Pairing". So OT3 is..."One True Trio? Threesome?"

          Originally posted by Purpleyin
          It's coming. I'm a tad busy ya know...
          Oops, I thought you had it done and were just teasing with us until we begged you to post it and then you would finally give in....

          *Pictures Hans on top of a mountain holding the story above her head, laughing manaically while huge golden beams shoot out around her*

          Carry on.


            Originally posted by hollyshannensangel
            What?! McKay never gets Elizabeth?! *Hugs McKay*. Well, time to do something about that, me thinks. Oh I can picture Peter getting jealous of both Weir and McKay (for obvious reasons) *plot bunny idea*

            Actually, I've seen quite a few stories over on (and other sites) where McKay wins out over Sheppard or at the very least, where Weir obviously prefers Rodney and there's not much mention of Sheppard except for the action parts of the story. Some are quite, um, explicit (in a bodice-ripper romance sort of way) and others are implied. Most are fun to read. Lots of hurt/comfort/angst type fiction. Some show him as Lover-boy par excellence and others show him as a bit shy or lacking a lot of experience with the ladies. The way I see it, since McKay isn't "user-friendly" with most of the guys, let alone the opposite sex, I tend to see him the latter way. But the fanfic authors do present story lines of hot-love for the drooly fangirls and sweet romance for those of us (myself included) who prefer those types of stories.

            And ya know what? (Just my own opinion here...) I just can't imagine them together no matter how many stories do the pairing justice. I mean, they are just TOO different. Opposite attracts, true, but she is just too controlled and subdued emotionally. I'd see Sheppard with her more than her with McKay.


              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
              I think the OT part stands for "One True", like OTP stands for "One True Pair/Pairing". So OT3 is..."One True Trio? Threesome?"
              Yep and I was getting confused by exactly what OT3 is and apparently it's exactly and only that - 3 people in love/lust, rather than love triangles...though since I asked the mods said that thy might take love triangle Shep/Weir/McKay as long as clearly labelled that.

              And since we're getting off topic were sort of with mostly love triangle talk and some OT3 - there is now this thread.
              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
              Oops, I thought you had it done and were just teasing with us until we begged you to post it and then you would finally give in....

              *Pictures Hans on top of a mountain holding the story above her head, laughing manaically while huge golden beams shoot out around her*

              Carry on.
              Oh if only...most of my fic is in my head and right now I also have stuff to type up from weeks back when I had a creative spurt whilst at my parents house for Easter. I can say you'll be seeing my fic in this order...
              Grodin fic, A pre-rising M/W, more M/W smut, maybe another pre-rising M/W if I get inspired, McKay's cat fic and then probably I'll take another look at things like more smut, McKay/McKay and McWe'al!
              And all this talk of OT3 has made me want to write some at some point.


                I had to think about this for a while...

                Originally posted by Purpleyin
                Anyone else notice the abundance of future children stories that are McKay/Weir?

                First there was the Solar Flare Saga, then there was What if they hadn't come and now McRaider has started one. I'm sure I've read more too and just not remembered names. Is future kids fic just something everyone is tempted to write, much like doing a Mary Sue?

                Of course there's at least one more on the way, ey MA and Em.
                You know, I hadn't really noticed that many future children fic for McWeir. For me, I see an abundance of death fic and a new tide of SWAMA (is that right?) stories.

                As someone noted somewhere, there are few fic involving our favorite pair and Sam or Simon. Not being particularly fond of love triangles, I don't really mind, but it seems an odd oversight.

                Originally posted by Purpleyin
                But are there certain scenarios people are tempted to write? Is it okay to give in and write them, or should they be avoided at all costs? I guess this raises the point of whether a gifted writer can overcome such cliches.
                Having personal preferences is one thing; I'm all for people writing and liking whatever they want. Thinking one's own preferences should be the yardstick to measure the value, quality or worth of something to anyone but oneself is both myopic and egotistical, imo. Disliking Mary Sue stories, for example, is pretty much the same to me as disliking a particular pairing. If you dislike a particular flavor of fanfiction, then don't read it.

                Originally posted by Purpleyin
                I'd also like to ask, do you all give feedback for fanfiction? I've noticed not many stories get much feedback on and especially on wraithbait (where authors can tell how many views they've had). I make a point of reviewing stories I read most of the time but somehow it seems there's always a large percentage on readers for any story who don't review - why is that? Too busy, didn't like it, had nothing to add? Do you as a reader feel you ought to give feedback or is it something unecessary?
                I usually read a lot all at once. Then I try to go back and find everything I've read to give feedback, though I don't always succeed...

                I don't think it's necessary to always give feedback. I know I'm sometimes stuck without anything particularly meaningful or useful to say. Having said that, I do try to always give feedback and appreciate even the fluffiest of feedback for my own work.
                Don't say "ka" until you've tried it.


                  Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                  Oops, I thought you had it done and were just teasing with us until we begged you to post it and then you would finally give in....

                  *Pictures Hans on top of a mountain holding the story above her head, laughing manaically while huge golden beams shoot out around her*
                  On second thought I'm going to do that once it's written...
                  I'm holding McWe'al hostage until someone writers..hmm...thinking...I would say McKay/Weir/Kavanagh or Mckay/Weir/Grodin but I've plans for both of those...

                  Okay - McWe'al on hold until I get a normal length fic for McKay/Weir/Zelenka - be it OT3 or Zelenka jealousy/angst.

                  (Evil and loving it... and wanting some good other character angst over Mckay/Weir!)


                    Originally posted by lucylou
                    My hand isn't doing that great but I have still been writing. My problem is mostly finding the time and the motivation to sit here and do it lol.
                    Aw! Well, I hope you're feeling better, soon. As to motivation, is that anything any of us on the thread can help with? Also, pardon me for asking if it's been mentioned before and I missed it somehow, but is your epic going to be posted all at once, or is it a WIP with chapters somewhere? I keep hearing mention of it but with no title or link.
                    Don't say "ka" until you've tried it.


                      Originally posted by LadyNRA
                      Actually, I've seen quite a few stories over on (and other sites) where McKay wins out over Sheppard or at the very least, where Weir obviously prefers Rodney and there's not much mention of Sheppard except for the action parts of the story. Some are quite, um, explicit (in a bodice-ripper romance sort of way) and others are implied. Most are fun to read. Lots of hurt/comfort/angst type fiction. Some show him as Lover-boy par excellence and others show him as a bit shy or lacking a lot of experience with the ladies. The way I see it, since McKay isn't "user-friendly" with most of the guys, let alone the opposite sex, I tend to see him the latter way. But the fanfic authors do present story lines of hot-love for the drooly fangirls and sweet romance for those of us (myself included) who prefer those types of stories.
                      Yeah, I can't really get behind the idea of SexGod!Rodney because it seems sort of odd, but some of those stories I do enjoy. *cough* "State Secrets" *cough* Still, many people swear geeks make the best lovers. Maybe fewer opportunities for girls makes them more...appreciative when they get them? Maybe they're more likely to do a little...research reading beforehand?
                      Family forum...sorry

                      And ya know what? (Just my own opinion here...) I just can't imagine them together no matter how many stories do the pairing justice. I mean, they are just TOO different. Opposite attracts, true, but she is just too controlled and subdued emotionally. I'd see Sheppard with her more than her with McKay.
                      Fair enough, but most people here think the complete opposite, naturally. Try my hardest, I still cannot see Elizabeth with Sheppard. I find the banter and mutual support between her and Rodney much more interesting and natural than the dramatic moments and long looks between her and Sheppard.
                      And I also can't rule out a potential relationship just because they are opposites emotionally. Rodney could learn from her calm and quiet demeanor and become a better scientist and team leader while she could learn from his open enthusiasm and emotions and become a better leader and mediator.
                      Interesting how you can enjoy the McKay/Weir fanfiction yet still not see the ship potential on the show. If anything, it's a major compliment to all those fanfic writers!

                      Okay, now we need some pro-McKay/Weir shippers to delurk and balance things out.


                        Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                        Yeah, I can't really get behind the idea of SexGod!Rodney because it seems sort of odd, but some of those stories I do enjoy. *cough* "State Secrets" *cough* Still, many people swear geeks make the best lovers. Maybe fewer opportunities for girls makes them more...appreciative when they get them? Maybe they're more likely to do a little...research reading beforehand?
                        Family forum...sorry
                        Yes...though easy to see where being good with his hands for science, could, um, come in handy in other areas. And he did say he knows almost everything about almost everything... so if he isn't so knowledgable then he's do some research I'm sure. And Peanut you've given me plot bunnies here, ones not able to be mentioned on the forum!
                        Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                        Fair enough, but most people here think the complete opposite, naturally. Try my hardest, I still cannot see Elizabeth with Sheppard. I find the banter and mutual support between her and Rodney much more interesting and natural than the dramatic moments and long looks between her and Sheppard.
                        And I also can't rule out a potential relationship just because they are opposites emotionally. Rodney could learn from her calm and quiet demeanor and become a better scientist and team leader while she could learn from his open enthusiasm and emotions and become a better leader and mediator.
                        Interesting how you can enjoy the McKay/Weir fanfiction yet still not see the ship potential on the show. If anything, it's a major compliment to all those fanfic writers!

                        Okay, now we need some pro-McKay/Weir shippers to delurk and balance things out.
                        Answering the call.

                        I can see Shep/Weir to some extent but it interests me less, now Shep/Weir with Mckay angst I find interesting or even the OT3 (though most of those seem to be more S/W S/M than much M/W - he doesn't get the girl even when they're all together!). Personally I see McKay/Weir easily in episodes - it seems natural to me - it doesn't need any music for example to get me to notice it.

                        And I'd also say they aren't too different. I see all 3 of them being quite different but I feel her and Rodney have a stronger friendship - something I can see developing into more with time and even possibly there being feelings there from the start with, ones that have been ignored or not realised... I just see chemistry there - less lust but deeper and still with a potential for alot more (and there are M/W smut stories out there without sex god Rodney.)


                          Chalk up another vote for having the url as but have the name on the site say McKay / Weir archive or whatever.


                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                            Okay, now we need some pro-McKay/Weir shippers to delurk and balance things out.
                            Ok I'm gonna Delurk here. :waves: I've been a McKay/Weir Shipper I guess since I started watching the show, it just seemed to be there naturally. The whole Shep/Weir thing seems to be kinda forced at lease IMHO. Alrighty just wanted to say hi.

                            McKay is Snarky Geek Love


                              Originally posted by Natacup82
                              Ok I'm gonna Delurk here. :waves: I've been a McKay/Weir Shipper I guess since I started watching the show, it just seemed to be there naturally. The whole Shep/Weir thing seems to be kinda forced at lease IMHO. Alrighty just wanted to say hi.
                              Hi :waves back:
                              Nice to see another McKay/Weir shipper join the thread, hope you have fun here.

                              Oh and everyone - captions contest 4 is still accepting captions. The deadline is this Friday 11pm GMT (if I remember correctly)


                                Originally posted by Natacup82
                                Ok I'm gonna Delurk here. :waves: I've been a McKay/Weir Shipper I guess since I started watching the show, it just seemed to be there naturally. The whole Shep/Weir thing seems to be kinda forced at lease IMHO. Alrighty just wanted to say hi.
                                HI! Thanks for adding to the number of folks who actually post. Yay!
                                Don't say "ka" until you've tried it.

