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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by aaobuttons
    You know what sucks.... That is one of the few I don't have taped! I was hoping to catch it this time around and now they arn't showing it! I'd love to do a tag on that one, but without seeing it again.... Anybody have a copy I can borrow? Or can make me a copy? I'll trade it for buttons!
    When do the dvd's come out in the US?
    There's transcripts in the meantime.


      Originally posted by Purpleyin
      When do the dvd's come out in the US?
      There's transcripts in the meantime.
      They come out sometime this fall. Rising comes out this summer first. I wonder if it will be with Season 1 box set, or if it will be separate?

      Thanks for the link to the transcripts, I didn't know they were out there. I can't check out the link right now... stupid work and stupid websense... but I will when I get home!
      It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


        Originally posted by aaobuttons
        They come out sometime this fall. Rising comes out this summer first. I wonder if it will be with Season 1 box set, or if it will be separate?

        Thanks for the link to the transcripts, I didn't know they were out there. I can't check out the link right now... stupid work and stupid websense... but I will when I get home!
        Aw. In the UK I think the 2nd volume is out. I've only just got the first one and can't watch it because of work.
        At least you gyus get extra special features. So far Uk ones haven't had much whilst the info on US ones sounds better. Not even sure if Uk ones will be getting that Storm/Eye commentary that's been talked about. hoping so obviously because it'd be nice to hear David (and Torri?) talknig aobut being pelted with water, poor things.


          Originally posted by aaobuttons
          That episode was so funny. I had always remembered the shield testing scene, but seeing the flashlight scene again had me cracking up! Oh, and my fav. McWeir moment:
          When she yelled "Rodney" when he went in, and then when she went to him, she layed her hand on his chest and kept it there. And she caressed his cheek!
          Yay, my shipper conversion scene!
          She was so worried! And then she was the one who put a hand on his chest, kept it there for a long time, and even touched his face to make sure he wasn't burned! That scene did it for me. Also, those two have had a lot of physical contact this season, whether it's friendship based or something more. I loved seeing all of it, and I hope it continues!
          And their snarking after the shield testing was fun, plus his little jab at her with the flashlight, so funny!
          Plus it was interesting how mad he got when she seemed to imply he was a coward. Marched right up to her and told her how ready he was to help. He must really value her opinion of him.
          But why did Elizabeth call Rodney "McKay" so much in this ep, especially when she was so comfortable in calling him Rodney in Rising? Did they have a bit of a tiff somewhere between the two eps? Did someone joke with her about calling him Rodney while she used last names/military rank with others and it bugged her? Great fanfic stuff there. And there's no Hide and Seek tag yet?!

          Originally posted by aaobuttons
          You know what sucks.... That is one of the few I don't have taped! I was hoping to catch it this time around and now they arn't showing it! I'd love to do a tag on that one, but without seeing it again.... Anybody have a copy I can borrow? Or can make me a copy? I'll trade it for buttons!
          ...Well, there are ways to obtain missing episodes but I can't go into that on this forum. If you're dying to see it send me a PM and I can instruct you, and it...might be possible...that I have a copy (computer file only) that I can mail if truly needed. *Looks around nervously for lawyers*

          Originally posted by Purpleyin
          When do the dvd's come out in the US?
          There's transcripts in the meantime.

          I think Rising pt 1 and 2 is coming out in June, Volume 1 a bit after that etc. until all volumes are released, and then the box set in November. Personally, I don't see wasting my time and money on the other ones, so it'll be a bit of a drought for me until late fall. But there's going to be DH commentary in Storm/Eye, wonder if he'll say anything remotely McKay/Weir? (And I imagine someone will write up the transcript of the commentary and post it on the internet somewhere for all who missed it.)

          Also, this wonderful website has Atlantis transcripts, PLUS all the SG1 transcripts AND all the SciFi specials!!


            Originally posted by aaobuttons
            They come out sometime this fall. Rising comes out this summer first. I wonder if it will be with Season 1 box set, or if it will be separate?
            I actually heard they would not include The Rising 1/2 on the boxed set US version (by someone on GW) but I'm not sure. It's another way for MGM to make more money.
            Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
            :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
              But why did Elizabeth call Rodney "McKay" so much in this ep, especially when she was so comfortable in calling him Rodney in Rising? Did they have a bit of a tiff somewhere between the two eps? Did someone joke with her about calling him Rodney while she used last names/military rank with others and it bugged her? Great fanfic stuff there. And there's no Hide and Seek tag yet?!
              I thought about that too. I would guess that she is trying to establish her authority right now, and even if she feels comfortable calling him Rodney she may feel funny about doing it in front of others. It IS interesting to imagine they had some sort of argument in between eps Also, I think Mckay was acting like a bit of a baby and maybe it's like when your mom/dad call you by your full name when you misbehave. So maybe Mckay for whiny boy and Rodney when he acts more his age?
              Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
              :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


                Okay, whilst we're talknig 38 minutes i'll post this shippy review. i wrote it some time ago - excuse any typos.


                First of all I'm using a transcript by Celsitude, from, with a few modifications.

                38 Minutes

                This at first seems like less shippy episode, or at least one harder to find the shippy moments in. Alot of it can be seen to be Sheppard/Weir but at the beginning when she talks to Lt. Ford she doesn't seem overly concerned to me, stressed and a little concerned, but she considers the quarantine over Major Sheppard. Then when the jumper doesn't come through with all the team she starts to actually look quite worried.

                SCENE: Gateroom. Sirens blaring and Weir is waiting for the arrival of the jumper.
                WEIR: Where are they?
                TECHNICIAN: I don’t know, the gate’s still active. All indications read they should be through by now.
                *Weir stands at the balcony with her arms crossed, a worried look on her face*
                WEIR: *through the speaker* Jumper one, this is Weir, what’s your status?
                SCENE: Changes from jumper to the control room.
                FORD: This is Ford, it’s good to hear your voice. The four of us are still here but, Markham and Stackhouse are inside the event horizon.
                WEIR: Say again?
                FORD: Ma’am, Jumper one is lodged in the Stargate. Teyla, Dr. McKay and myself are in the rear compartment with the major. He’s in bad shape. Markham and Stackhouse are in the forward section.
                *While Ford is speaking to Weir, McKay is moving his hands as though telling them to hurry it up.*
                WEIR: How did that happen?
                MCKAY: Engine pods…
                FORD: We think it was one of the engine pods. But there’s no way to be sure.
                MCKAY: It’s the only viable possibility.
                WEIR: If I understand you correctly, you won’t be able to access the flight controls.
                MCKAY: Yes, Elizabeth. It’s an extremely intriguing conundrum and one that I’d love to discuss with you in detail until this Stargate shuts down and this ship is cut in two…
                WEIR: *Interrupting* Rodney, calm down
                MCKAY: *still going* At which point of course…
                WEIR: *Interrupting and louder* Rodney! If I’m going to be any help to you at all, I need to catch up. Lieutenant Ford, back it up for me.
                *McKay looks frustrated. We pan down to Major Sheppard and Teyla, who is holding a compress to his forehead.*

                The classic example of her calming him down, notice that no one else like Ford attempts to do that here. And his exasperated look is just as if he was standing in front of her and actually talking to her, which they seem to do whenever communicating over radio, like in this scene, where he still a little panicked and testy with her when she is only asking how she can help.

                MCKAY: She hardly meant begin at the beginning.
                FORD: This is intel she needs to know.
                MCKAY: and we have less than 38 minutes.
                WEIR: *looks up in surprise* Hold on! Why 38 minutes?
                MCKAY: Because that’s the maximum amount of time a Stargate can remain open in non-relativistic conditions. It’s one of the more immutable laws of wormhole physics and oh my, look at the time. It’s now more like 35 minutes. Are we all caught up?
                WEIR: I get it. What do you need?
                MCKAY: Help.
                WEIR: *through speaker* All right. *at atlantis* Let me put Kavanaugh, Grodin and Simpson in a room. See what they come up with.
                MCKAY: *through speaker* That’s good. *in jumper* And the Czech, the Czech, the Czech whose name I can never remember.
                WEIR: Dr. Zelenka?
                MCKAY: That’s it. We’ll work it at our end.
                WEIR: What else?
                MCKAY: We’ll call you. Thank you. *ends transmission*

                And just after that before Beckett turns up, she's left with a possibly slightly hurt look on her face knowing there's nothing she can do but organise everyone else.

                And onto the meeting with the scientists and Beckett

                WEIR: All Right, you’ve all been briefed. We have less than half an hour. Where’s Dr. Zelenka?
                KAVANAGH: He’s working up a simulation in Puddle Jumper Two – He went straight there.
                WEIR: That’s good.
                KAVANAGH: If there was time, it would be.
                WEIR: Let’s not admit defeat just yet, Doctor. There are six people on that ship.
                *Kavanagh looks annoyed*
                BECKETT: I’m just the medical doctor here, so forgive me if this is a stupid question. If they just stepped through the event horizon, wouldn’t they come through the front part of the ship when the gate shuts down?
                KAVANAGH: The front half won’t rematerialize on this side.
                GRODIN: The Stargate transmits matter in discrete units. The front half of the ship cannot re-materialize until the whole ship has crossed into the event horizon. The Stargate is essentially waiting for the contiguous components, meaning the jumper and everyone inside, to enter completely before it can transport them.
                WEIR: He says the gate only sends things through in one piece.
                BECKETT: Right, Sorry.
                GRODIN: Unfortunately, the outgoing Stargate won’t transmit the matter stream until the demolecularization is complete. When it shuts down, the entire forward section, along with the men inside, will cease to exist.
                WEIR: And what about the others?
                GRODIN: The ship will be severed instantaneously along the event horizon. They’ll be exposed to hard vacuum, in 29 minutes.

                Nice to know everyone, including her, aren't as ready to give up like Kavanagh and cute to see Elizabeth interpreting technobabble for Beckett - she must have got used to it with Rodney. There's also the small reaction of hers after they reveal that those still in the jumper will be exposed to space in 29 minutes. Looking like she's particularly concerned about AR-1 (though already seemed not so concerned about Sheppard to begin with - I like to think her mouth drops open becuse she's worried about Rodney) and is even distracted for a second before getting back to the others working on a solution.

                SIMPSON: What if they closed the bulkhead door?
                WEIR: The rear portion of the ship would remain pressurized, become a sort of lifeboat.
                GRODIN: It will leak atmosphere like a sieve.
                SIMPSON: But it could buy enough time to send a second jumper.
                KAVANAGH: And do what?
                WEIR: Figure it out. Contact jumper one and make the recommendation.

                SCENE: Jumper 2, Weir walks up to Dr. Zelenka.

                ZELENKA: *speaking in Czech*
                WEIR: Dr. Zelenka
                ZELENKA: Apologies for not attending your briefing Dr Weir there was no time…
                WEIR: I don't want to slow you down but I need to know what you're working on so I can communicate it to the team on Jumper one.
                ZELENKA: We are attempting to retract the um…the er… the gt…the drive pod back into the fuselage from inside the rear compartment.
                WEIR: Anything yet?
                ZELENKA: Well there is much redundancy in ancient technology, making it dangerous for them to experiment with it in this way.
                WEIR: So they might accidentally open the rear hatch or shut life support off entirely.
                She looks away, hiding her reaction to it but either crossing arms or hugging her arms to herself after the thought.
                ZELENKA: Yes, yes, yes, yes…which is why we are attempting to isolate the correct control pathway.
                WEIR: Understood…What could I do to help?
                ZELENKA: Stop talking please *Dr. smiles at Weir, then continues working on panel, Weir leaves, Dr. begins speaking Czech again*

                Oh, I love that bit. Not shippy at all but Zelenka is a great character and he says the equivalent of 'shut up' politely somehow.
                Onto the second scene with the think tank, discussing a problem they've found which adds more tension to the whole episode leaving me almost as panicked about the outcome as McKay seems.

                WEIR: So?
                KAVANAGH: So depending on the extent of the damage, we can’t rule out a catastrophic power feedback in the drive manifold.
                WEIR: Without the technobabble, please.
                SIMPSON: Dr. Kavanagh was pointing out that there is a very slim chance that with the cockpit controls interrupted and the pod damaged, the main drive could overload.
                KAVANAGH: She means to say explode. Especially if McKay starts nosing around inside the control conduits to retract the drive pod manually. And he will. I know I would.
                Elizabeth shifts her position, biting her lip and moving her hands crossed in

                But that's not the only resistance she finds. Having also to deal with the Athosian customs surrounding death.

                HALLING: You do not know this, but among our people there is a ritual prayer that is said when one knows death is upon them.
                WEIR: We don’t know that it is.
                HALLING: I am told it is all but inevitable.
                WEIR: By whom?
                HALLING: That is not important. What is important is that Teyla be allowed to prepare for death. Knowing the time and place of one’s end is a very rare thing among our people. It is a simple rite that would not take more than a few moments.
                WEIR: Halling. We need to concentrate all of our efforts on saving them.
                HALLING: At the risk of forsaking Teyla’s own beliefs?
                WEIR: It is important that we use what little time we have to try everything…
                HALLING: *Interrupting* I would ask you not to tell me what is important and what is not in this case.
                WEIR: I’m sorry, I can’t have this conversation right now.
                HALLING: Why not?
                WEIR: Because we are wasting time.
                HALLING: This is time that Teyla could use to prepare.
                WEIR: All Right. You perceive death a certain way. I accept that. In fact, I respect that. But we do not prepare for death, we do everything we can to stave it off. That is who we are.
                HALLING: I am not asking you to suspend your efforts.
                WEIR: No, you want me to tell everyone on that ship that they should expect to die? I will not send them that message and if you feel that that violates Teyla’s personal rights, I apologize, I truly do. But there’s nothing I can do about that right now. I have to go.

                Love the fact she won't back down. In particular I bet Rodney was the one she least wanted to subject to such a message because it's really not too good to tell an already panic stricken man responsible for their survival that he *is*going to die. He'd just give up for sure then, which isn't good for anyone, but from a McKay/Weir PoV she wouldn't like to do that to him even ignoring that she doesn't want him to die.

                part 1 (post was too long..)
                Last edited by Purpleyin; 24 April 2005, 06:57 AM.


                  Part 2 of 2 for the shippy review


                  *Weir is walking to her office but Kavanagh is catches up, both stopping on the bridge between the control room and her office.*
                  KAVANAGH: Dr. Weir.
                  WEIR: Kavanagh. I hope you’ve got something to tell me. *She turns*
                  KAVANAGH: Yes I do. What the hell was that?
                  WEIR: *looks angry and shocked* Excuse me?
                  KAVANAGH: I happily left the SGC because I had had it up to here with the military running things, and you just busted me like a private.
                  WEIR: Don’t be so dramatic. Besides, the Air Force doesn’t even have privates. *She begins to turn and walk away*
                  KAVANAGH: Neither do I. You just cut them off. *Weir turns back to him* Right in front of my research team.
                  WEIR: That’s what this is about? You’re embarrassed?*looks like she can't believe his nerve*
                  KAVANAGH: Well, humiliated would be a little more accurate.
                  *The raised voices cause people to notice, with people in gate room looking up to see what's happening*
                  WEIR: I haven’t worked up to humiliation yet.
                  KAVANAGH: I just assumed that with a civilian in charge of the expedition, there would be a little bit more…
                  WEIR: *cutting him off* A civilian is in charge. And we are cut off from Earth, which makes Atlantis almost like a colony, doesn’t it?
                  KAVANAGH: I suppose.
                  WEIR: Well, I’m Governor of that colony.
                  KAVANAGH: You know, that’s all very well and good…
                  WEIR: Do you have a problem with that?
                  KAVANAGH: *sighs and looks down* You’re missing my point.
                  WEIR: No, you’re missing mine. If you waste one more minute which could be used to help the people trapped on that ship because of your ego…I promise you, I will dial the coordinates of a very lonely planet where you can be as self-important as you want to be.
                  KAVANAGH: *smiles uncertainly and huffs*
                  WEIR: You think I’m kidding?
                  KAVANAGH: You wouldn’t do that.
                  WEIR: Kavanagh, get back in there!
                  KAVANAGH: *smiles and nods arrogantly* We’ll talk about this later.
                  WEIR: Never again! Go! *Kavanagh doesn’t move* Go!
                  *Kavanagh turns and walks away. Weir looks really pissed.*

                  Yay for Weir! Standing up to Kavanagh. Not only does it annoy me he questions her authority but that he questions it in that situation and publicy and is risking lives of those in the PJ by wasting precious time! Bad man. Way more of a jerk than McKay ever was when he first appeared in SG-1 - at least he was lovable, where as Kavanagh is only amusing in his unbelievable nerve and bad fashion sense. The guy we all love to hate.

                  Then they start making progress.

                  MCKAY: Zelenka’s identified the control pathways to the engine pod, which means that’s increasing my chances of fixing this from one in a million to one in a thousand, but, uh…it’s something. Elizabeth?*calls her by her first name too!*
                  WEIR: Yes? *listening intently *
                  MCKAY: I’ll only have seven to nine seconds to warn you if I accidentally trigger a catastrophic overload, so if I tell you to raise the shields…*looks very pained* don’t hesitate.

                  And is it because he's worried he can't do it and save them (and himself) or also because he's worried his mistake could hurt those on Atlantis, including Elizabeth?

                  WEIR: We’re aware of the risk, Rodney. Do your best.

                  Aw, she supports him. Trying to boost his confidence, letting him know whatever happens it will be fine. And both of them have pained looks as they think about that posibility of the jumper exploding.

                  Skip to after Sheppard gets sent through the horizon with Teyla.

                  WEIR: Thank you, Lieutenant. Rodney, you have seven minutes.

                  Looking quite worried again, mostly showing through the eyes, sicne she is remaining rather neutral after the relief that Sheppard has the thing off him but is technically dead and that all six will die unless they make some progress. Once again she tries to help, not really being able to.

                  WEIR: Time?
                  GRODIN: Two minutes, Twenty seconds.
                  WEIR: Rodney, we’re down to two minutes.
                  MCKAY: I know the time. I’ve still got over two dozen circuits I haven’t tried.
                  WEIR: Don’t be so methodical, just pick one at random!
                  MCKAY: If I do that, I run the risk of attempting to activate the same circuit twice.
                  WEIR: Just try!
                  MCKAY: I’m telling you, there’s no way I can…
                  *Suddenly there’s a noise, the engine starts to whir.*
                  MCKAY: Wait!
                  *The drive pods retract*
                  MCKAY: I think I did it! Elizabeth, I think the engine pod’s retracting.*he looks to be in disbelief, a strange sort of happiness as he says so*
                  *Weir sighs in relief and smiles brightly as they all turn to see the ship come through the gate*
                  Only it doesn't
                  WEIR: *speaking to McKay but looking desparately to the control room for answers*Then why haven’t you shown up?
                  *Rodney staring trying to work it out, a fear showing on his face*

                  Luckily Rodney figures out they need inertia and says to Ford he's wasting his time trying to bang against the jumper walls.
                  Elizabeth still waiting on balcony, flaps her arm at her side in frustration and leans against the balcony
                  GRODIN: One minute.
                  We see Elizabeth and Rodney's reactions to this, Rodney looking so distraught but saying absolutely nothing.
                  Then comes Kavanagh's one redeeming action. He solves it! Along with Ford's brave decision to pull the hatch lever they manage to get back just in time.
                  Everyone clapping broadly and Weir clasping her hands together and bringing them up to cover her mouth.
                  She makes her way to the jumper bay.

                  WEIR: Well done, Rodney.
                  MCKAY: We’ll see.

                  She tries to praise him but he's being in being hard on himself mode, all guilty but not sure why since he didn't cause Sheppards predicament and i fact saved them all in nick of time.
                  They wait, Elizabeth looking to Teyla supportively and watching the progress of Beckett, with Rodney looking to Elizabeth briefly.
                  Then Sheppard is revived, every one sighing and McKay looking to her again and her looking back before sitting down - with him pacing.

                  Next last scene is everyone visitng Sheppard in the infirmary, with Rodney looking quite smart in a short-sleeved blue shirt and beige trousers and Elizabeth in pale tshirt, black trousers and brown leather jacket. I noticed that as she walks in she nods to Rodney, who straightens up, looking a little nervous (he'd just been smiling at and watching Sheppard's nurse - checking her out maybe) but smiles back at her before they all pay attention to Sheppard.

                  After that even when he's talking about John's 'hickie' (pointing to his own neck as he said it) and when others are talking he looks between them but always back to her. When they all start to leave he is waiting back for her as she asks Sheppard something.
                  Then as they wait for Sheppard to admit to what he wanted to say earlier when dying, Rodney looks worried (maybe worried that it was what Shep/Weir fans say he meant to say) and then very happy to hear Sheppard say what it was (or what Rodney is happy to accept he was going to say even when Elizabeth doesn't believe it).

                  WEIR: By the way, what were you going to say?
                  SHEPPARD: When?
                  WEIR: Before, when you thought, you know…
                  SHEPPARD: Oh that…
                  WEIR: I didn’t want you to say it at the time, but now I’m curious.
                  SHEPPARD: I was going to say, um, *he takes a lengthy pause*, take care of each other.
                  WEIR: That’s nice.
                  SHEPPARD: Yep.
                  MCKAY: And, indeed, we did.*looks relieved to hear it*
                  SHEPPARD: Yes, you did. Thank you. Again.
                  MCKAY: You’re welcome.*smiling happily at the sentiment*

                  Anyway, that's that and quite a hard episode to be shippy about if you ship McKay/Weir but it's still there. It's always there, if you look for it.

                  EDIT: After doing the screencaps I caught so many looks that I know feel it is a very shippy ep, but it's all in those subtle looks.
                  Last edited by Purpleyin; 24 April 2005, 06:58 AM.


                    Last night when I was watching SGA, listening to Mckay speak, I noticed again how cute it is when he says Weir's name. He mushes "Elizabeth" from 4 syllables to two, making it more like "lisbeth." No one else does that and it sounds adorable when he says it. Sorry... ...that just keeps running through my head!

                    Anyone else notice that?
                    Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
                    :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


                      I agree with Gate Trippin'. I think the difference between him calling her Elizabeth vs Dr. Weir and her calling him Rodney vs Dr. McKay depends on the formality of the situation as well as how public it is.

                      Season 1 spoilers.

                      Did anyone else notice in The Gift, when Weir, Teyla and Heightmeyer were talking, Weir referred to him as McKay? (Why not Dr. McKay?)

                      Anyway, a perfect example of how they use their names differently depending on the situation is when, in The Siege, Part 2, Rodney pushes past Everett to get to her to tell her what he learned about the chair. For that, he calls her Dr. Weir.

                      Taking the information to Weir, it was such the subtle Rodney snub to Everett. Who knew he could be subtle!
                      Don't say "ka" until you've tried it.


                        I think it's sweet how he uses her first name more often than her title and the same with her in regards to him. It's just so sweet and comfortable and awww! I so hope they explore the friendship that they had on Antarctica in Season 2. It would be nice to see how they got to be so comfortable in each others company. Especially Rodney who is usually so bumbling and sarky with women hehe. With Elizabeth he's just sweet!

                        Luce x


                          Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                          ...Well, there are ways to obtain missing episodes but I can't go into that on this forum. If you're dying to see it send me a PM and I can instruct you, and it...might be possible...that I have a copy (computer file only) that I can mail if truly needed. *Looks around nervously for lawyers*
                          Um, I'm a bit confused as to what is considered "bad". I know we arn't supposed to talk about downloading episodes from the internet, but I didn't think that applied to physical copies. Like borrowing/trading tapes or DVD's. I'm pretty sure US copyright laws state that they can't be replayed in a public forum, but private use is ok. So downloads that are accessable to everyone would be public, but borrowing/trading would be private? Unless we're just talking about a gateworld rule of nothing at all, then sorry I brought it up (wants to follow rules!).
                          It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                            Originally posted by aaobuttons
                            Um, I'm a bit confused as to what is considered "bad". I know we arn't supposed to talk about downloading episodes from the internet, but I didn't think that applied to physical copies. Like borrowing/trading tapes or DVD's. I'm pretty sure US copyright laws state that they can't be replayed in a public forum, but private use is ok. So downloads that are accessable to everyone would be public, but borrowing/trading would be private? Unless we're just talking about a gateworld rule of nothing at all, then sorry I brought it up (wants to follow rules!).
                            I have to say I have no clue about physical copies. Taping stuff isn't illegal in the Uk but not about trading/lending - though of course people do that anyway.
                            Are you asking if private downloads are illegal? I'm not sure if I understand what you're askings. Anyway, any divx etc copy of tv shows or whatever is illegal in the Uk as far as I know - don't even think backingup is legal if you own the DVD since I've heard UK's fair use laws don't allow for that. Anyway, point is Gateworld will not allow talk of downloads - is a sticky somewhere on it. No clue how that relates to people lending VHS taps though.


                              Okay, I want to raise an issue I've been noticing coming up around the forums. Ship name amalgamations.

                              There seem to be quite a number of people who it really gets on the nerves of and I have to admit it bugs me now, when every ship has on (Feyla?! Teykay?! What would Weir/Beckett end up as?!). I'm pretty sure at the start there was only Sheyla, Mcweir and maybe Shweir/Sheir which never caught on with Shep/Weir shippers - by now it's getting a little ridiculous. I'm wondering if it's still a good idea to have the sites on or if would be better (thoughts on that welcomed).

                              So, what do people think?
                              Does using cutesy meshed names for a ship degrade or detract from serious discussion?
                              Does it project an image of shippers being fluffy preteens?
                              Or is just some fun that's got carried away and something to show shippers aren't deadly serious and intent on taking over the world?

                              Discussion please.


                                Originally posted by Purpleyin
                                Okay, I want to raise an issue I've been noticing coming up around the forums. Ship name amalgamations.

                                There seem to be quite a number of people who it really gets on the nerves of and I have to admit it bugs me now, when every ship has on (Feyla?! Teykay?! What would Weir/Beckett end up as?!). I'm pretty sure at the start there was only Sheyla, Mcweir and maybe Shweir/Sheir which never caught on with Shep/Weir shippers - by now it's getting a little ridiculous. I'm wondering if it's still a good idea to have the sites on or if would be better (thoughts on that welcomed).

                                So, what do people think?
                                Does using cutesy meshed names for a ship degrade or detract from serious discussion?
                                Does it project an image of shippers being fluffy preteens?
                                Or is just some fun that's got carried away and something to show shippers aren't deadly serious and intent on taking over the world?

                                Discussion please.
                                McWeir is just an easy way to type something, like GW or, so you're not taking up all your time with McKay/Weir.

                                I don't think it detracts at all from serious discussion, unless you allow it to. If you want to be serious, then the tone of your message will be serious, whether you use McWeir or McKay/Weir.

                                Now, we are already calling ourselves the McWeirites...well I'm calling you the McWeirites, but let's not get into semantics here...I think that's proof enough that we're intent on world domination.

                                As to the other shortenings...some of them are akward, more so than typing the full names, so it rather defeats the purpose of shorthand, wouldn't you say?
                                I don't need no stinkin' sig...and yet I made one anyway...

