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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
    Hi All!

    I'm new here at Gateworld and to Atlantis (I've seen about half the first season and catching up!) and hope you don't mind if I join in every now and again. I read all the info about atlantis and was surprised to see that Shep and Teyla are supposed to be the big romance-what? They have zero chemistry. While I was watching I noticed sparks between shep and weir and weir and mckay. Personally I am rooting for weir and mckay, hence posting on this thread!

    As I watch more eps I hope that I am right and mackay and weir develop. I don't know if the PTB are aware of it, but how could they not be? And I fell a duty to make them aware!
    Hi there!
    Welcome to the thread and as for minding, of course not, we'd be delighted. We're alway happy to have new McKay/Weir shippers (or even just those who wish to discuss the relationship civily). Join the fun.
    You'll find plenty of links back in the thread, to articles,shippy muisc vids etc. Though do let us know if you come across any broken ones.

    The grand unveiling of the site is currently planned for july 15th. Seemed appropriate and now all we have to do is work towards that. Will be a site update later guys, finally. (I've been a little busy.)



      I just thought I would post my favorite McWeir moment from Before I Sleep:

      Elizabeth: (getting ready to go to the puddlejumper, trying to make eye contact with Rodney) If these ships turn out to be our only way out of here, I don't want you waiting too long to get up to the bay.
      Rodney: (refusing to make eye contact and not responding)
      Elizabeth: (pleading) Rodney!
      Rodney: (finally meeting her eyes) Yes, Yes, Yes, I heard. Now GO!

      Notice how she didn't tell Peter to get to the bay, specifically Rodney. Also notice that when the bulkheads closed in the control room, instead of trying to get the bulkheads removed so he could get to the ship, he worked on the door in the bay so that Elizabeth could get out... sacrificing his life to give her a better chance.
      It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


        BIS had a fair bit of McWeir moments. In the Sheyla thread people believe that if John was to open-up to anyone it would be Teyla. I believe that if Rodney was to open-up to anyone it would indeed be Elizabeth. There is chem there, but I don't think that TPTB do it on purpose, I believe the chem between all charcaters is because of how well the actors/actresses play off one another. It is rare to get that kind of chemistry, between all the cast memebers. The only shows I can think of are SGA, SG-1 and CSI...and that's it...*shrugs*

        As for McWeir fics the only McWeir fics I love to read are the ones created by Hans. For some reason I prefer to read McWeir fics then Sheyla fics...but to be fair there are more Rodney/Elizabeth fics than Teyla/John..

        Just my penny's/ five cents worth.


        British-Indian and proud.


          Originally posted by aaobuttons
          I just thought I would post my favorite McWeir moment from Before I Sleep:

          Elizabeth: (getting ready to go to the puddlejumper, trying to make eye contact with Rodney) If these ships turn out to be our only way out of here, I don't want you waiting too long to get up to the bay.
          Rodney: (refusing to make eye contact and not responding)
          Elizabeth: (pleading) Rodney!
          Rodney: (finally meeting her eyes) Yes, Yes, Yes, I heard. Now GO!

          Notice how she didn't tell Peter to get to the bay, specifically Rodney. Also notice that when the bulkheads closed in the control room, instead of trying to get the bulkheads removed so he could get to the ship, he worked on the door in the bay so that Elizabeth could get out... sacrificing his life to give her a better chance.
          I do love that moment (and poor forgotten Peter!) but this one amuses me slightly in the shippy way, a bit of humour/cuteness in an otherwise distraught episode (it always nearly makes me cry watching it - my friends don't understand why either!).


          INFIRMARY. Elizabeth is standing looking down at her older self, who is asleep. Rodney comes in and speaks quietly to Elizabeth.
          McKAY: I know what you’re thinking. If she’s been waiting in that stasis chamber all these millennia for us to arrive, why didn’t the system automatically attempt to revive her the moment we got here? Answer: it did. I’ve been going over the data from our arrival. One of the first things we noticed was a sudden power surge in the section of the city where the stasis lab was. It was trying to revive her, only we didn’t know that. All we saw was more power draining from an already nearly-depleted ZedPM, so we shut down all secondary systems. Almost killed her ... you. How weird is that, hmm?
          WEIR: Very. Very, very weird.

          Not to mention this part. Maybe it's just me but when Rodney approaches and excitedly rambles about the note etc Old Weir looks overwhelmed. Why? She's never had trouble with him before evne when geeking out on technology etc but here she just can't take it. I like to think it's because he's alive and well there and it brings back memories (and feelings) - like seeing a ghost. After all if we take the explanation of the stasis chamber at face value then she went to sleep, woke up and changed the ZPM, went back to sleep 3 times and as far as she's concerned he's only really just died - matter of days presumably unless she spent a while on Atlantis before they all left. Anyway, the quote.

          WEIRShe looks at her older self again.) Looking at yourself – how you will be.
          McKAY: Actually, how you will be will be different than how she is right now. You see, the moment she went back in time, she created a separate reality – a second “you” living in a parallel world; well, according to one of many interpretations of quantum theory. I mean, simply put, this interpretation states that, uh, the universe is in fact split into an infinite number of copies of itself in which every possible outcome to every decision ever made all exist somewhere in this infinitely layered multi-universe.
          WEIR: Simply put(!)
          McKAY: Yeah – in a nutshell.
          (Alt-Elizabeth wakes up.)
          ALT-WEIR: Elizabeth? (Elizabeth steps closer to the bed.) There’s so much to tell you. The note ... I had a note.
          WEIR: Yes.
          McKAY (stepping forward): Yes, yes, yes, yes. We got your note and-and, forgive my bluntness, but we really need to know everything about your encounter with the Ancients, um, beginning with the point when you went back in time; specifically, how you went back in time, because that would be very useful for us ...
          WEIR (putting her hand on his arm): Rodney – let me talk.
          McKAY: Yeah. (He backs away a little.)

          On that note, how about BIS tags fic recs?
          I love this one, by Bastet (listmom of the SGAHC yahoogroup). She isn't so much of a shipper and apparently she wrote it for a friend - very pleased she did.

          Before I Forget by OXBastetXO

          Searching by aaobuttons (this one is a WIP, right?)

          Time by Shadowesque13

          All that Matter by PadawanMage

          Dying Thoughts by Purpleyin (my series of 4 tags for 4 PoV's)


            *New to this Thread*

            I think the McKay/Wier could be a likely couple in the future. I say this because McKay is become more and more cool/heroic/brave and these things could really help him get a girl. I don't see him and Teyla and Wier seems like the kind of woman who could stop him from being so cockky all the time.

            Only one Wier married???


              Originally posted by hollyshannensangel
              BIS had a fair bit of McWeir moments. In the Sheyla thread people believe that if John was to open-up to anyone it would be Teyla. I believe that if Rodney was to open-up to anyone it would indeed be Elizabeth.
              I'm pretty surprised to hear some McKay/Weir fans were upset by BIS, thinking it to show off alot more Sheppard/Weir. I know different people see different elements but I was a tad confused to find M/W shippers not seeing the M/W themselves. Personally I usually see Sheppard/Weir friendship or two leaders worknig together rather than anything more.
              But then I always did have some ideas on that particular part people tend to think S/W.
              The birthday gift was given by John but I'm sure finding out of the date involves Rodney somehow (or atleast the angst could be milked out of the event *smirk*) and that maybe he had something planned for later that never happened because of Old Weir's arrival, or could have happened after the end of the episode. After all John's gift was a plot point - with the ashes ending up in it - starts and ends with the pot. However, that doesn't mean Rodney didn't also give/plan to give/do something for her.
              That's where missing scenes come in. I've written 4 tags for it so far, in what turned into a series and yet I've still got at least 4 more BIs tags planned!
              Originally posted by hollyshannensangel
              There is chem there, but I don't think that TPTB do it on purpose, I believe the chem between all charcaters is because of how well the actors/actresses play off one another. It is rare to get that kind of chemistry, between all the cast memebers. The only shows I can think of are SGA, SG-1 and CSI...and that's it...*shrugs*
              Yep, we sure are lucky. I think SGA has more ships though, than SG1 at the same point. Maybe it's simply having more characters or it could be something about the nature of the show, people positioned on Atlantis rather than military at SGC.
              Originally posted by hollyshannensangel
              As for McWeir fics the only McWeir fics I love to read are the ones created by Hans. For some reason I prefer to read McWeir fics then Sheyla fics...but to be fair there are more Rodney/Elizabeth fics than Teyla/John..
              You're pulling my leg, right? Haven't you read MurdocsAngel's fics? Or Fanwomans? Or littknux's. All brilliant McKay/Weir writers than I'm more than a litte envious at times, but then we all have a different style don't we. On Sheyla fics, I think there are quite a few with both - there seems to be a tendancy for them to be paired but often with McKay/Weir at the forefront.I tried reading a few Teyla/John fics but with the except of a handful of entertaining/intereting ones I didn't care for it much.


                Originally posted by Spimman
                *New to this Thread*

                I think the McKay/Wier could be a likely couple in the future. I say this because McKay is become more and more cool/heroic/brave and these things could really help him get a girl. I don't see him and Teyla and Wier seems like the kind of woman who could stop him from being so cockky all the time.

                Only one Wier married???
                Hi Spimman

                Welcome here.

                On the question, a very common one for some reason, Weir isn't married to Simon. She's obviously involved in a serious enough relationship to be able to get clearance for the video tape he sees in Rising but it's unclear if they live together and she also went off to another galaxy with the possibility of never returning.Other than that not being something people would do to their husband she has no ring (engagement or otherwise) and events later in the series seem to strongly suggest they are only boyfriend and girlfriend.

                Hope that adequately addresses the question, if not then feel free to say so.

                Slightly separate part of the post...
                Peanut - I think considering how many times this comes up (not just on here) this question should be addressed in the FAQ


                  Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
                  PS- I'm also from the midwest. Thanks goodness the bitter cold is over and spring has arrived!
                  I heartily agree! Bye bye snow, hello grass and flowers! We shouldn't be reading fanfic, we should be out absorbing our vitamin D!

                  Originally posted by purpleyin
                  The grand unveiling of the site is currently planned for july 15th. Seemed appropriate and now all we have to do is work towards that. Will be a site update later guys, finally. (I've been a little busy.)
                  Oh yay! *does a little dance* I'm all for helping as usual, just let me know or I'll wait for an update and grab stuff to do.

                  Kip posted this link over on the Teyla/Weir thread
                  If you look under photos > SGa they have McKay/Weir section
                  Yeah, but only 5 pics?! And one of them is Elizabeth with Carson? I fail to see how that is McKay/Weir...unless Carson is nudging her toward Rodney of course.


                    Originally posted by Purpleyin
                    How about the question of overused and underused plots for McKay/Weir (or SGa in general) stories.
                    Well, I'm not so sure about cliches, but there are some things that I see popping up in lots of McKay/Weir stories (not that any of these are bad):
                    -balcony scenes or scenes where one seeks the other out to talk (man, this happens so often I'm tempted to label it "fanon")
                    -lots of comfort or H/C, often entailing Rodney's concerns about being a good enough person and Elizabeth's concerns about being a good enough leader.
                    -well, yesterday I saw the second story about a trashy romance novel...

                    Obviously there are very few smut stories anyway (is everyone too embarassed to write any?) but I've not seen a 'do it or die' story. Well not yet. Surprising since it's the biggest smut cliche isn't it and its bound to happen sometime.
                    Embarassed maybe, also maybe people don't like writing smut or are worried that they can't write it well enough. Smut is extremely difficult to impossible to write well, so I can see how many writers avoid it.

                    Lacking plots - not seen many stories actualy dealing with Elizabeth/Simon directly (as in on Earth at some point in the future) yet, nor many with Elizabeth angst over Rodney.
                    Yes, there hasn't been a backstory with Elizabeth and her relationship with Simon, nor one where she goes back to Earth in the future to talk with him. I'm interested in their relationship; how did they meet? what did she see in him? why was she so willing to leave him to go to Atlantis?
                    And also not many stories where Elizabeth is jealous over Rodney, more stories feature Rodney jealous over Elizabeth with Sheppard, Simon, or...Zelenka?!

                    What stuff would you despise reading in terms of M/W fic?
                    Well, I was at first really worried about the whole Sheppard/Weir-ship-while-poor-Rodney-watches-all-sad kind of stories, but I have to admit some of them have really grown on me. Character death stories are quite hard on me. Blatant interactions, whether from alcohol or alien influence, also make me wary because they can be written poorly.

                    Oh, and while we're on the topic of recommending fanfic, I agree with all the authors that Hans recommended above and have some more to add.

                    I really, really like the tag series that MegTDJ has been working on, and all the stories go together to form a wonderful little AU. She's done suspicion, the eye, defiant one and hot zone (crum, doesn't appear to be currently online) so far.

                    My favorite stories by Hans are, of course with my luck, not yet finished! Check out Lilith, The Perfect Pair, and Too Many Scientists Spoil the Plot.

                    Also, the funniest damn McKay/Weir story I've come across is Estellio's "Revenge, Two Sugars, No Milk" (also not yet finished!!) Includes pantsless!Sheppard making tiger noises at Rodney, mwahahal!


                      Originally posted by emily_reich
                      OMG!!! i missed a lot wow!! those pics and wallpapers are gorgeous!!! *snags the wallpaper*

                      any chance i could get a sheyla one
                      Slight thread hijack, but I've pretty much finished that wallpaper for you. Just needs a screencap or something.


                        Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                        Yeah, but only 5 pics?! And one of them is Elizabeth with Carson? I fail to see how that is McKay/Weir...unless Carson is nudging her toward Rodney of course.
                        Yes, well that's what they've got. See this is exactly why there was a need for a site. But you couldin the meantime always nudge the site owners into correctly that mistake and seeking more. I'm more than willing for any of my McKay/Weir caps to be put on there.


                          Originally posted by Spimman
                          *New to this Thread*

                          I think the McKay/Wier could be a likely couple in the future. I say this because McKay is become more and more cool/heroic/brave and these things could really help him get a girl. I don't see him and Teyla and Wier seems like the kind of woman who could stop him from being so cockky all the time.

                          Only one Wier married???
                          Hi Spimman and welcome! I agree; out of all the women that we've seen so far on Atlantis Elizabeth seems like the one best capable of breaking through Rodney's barriers and truly understanding him. That's a major reason why I am so interested in this ship.

                          Hans already did a great job answering the marriage question, so I won't restate it here (and I agree that it should go into the FAQ).


                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                            Well, I'm not so sure about cliches, but there are some things that I see popping up in lots of McKay/Weir stories (not that any of these are bad):
                            Mmmm. 'Fix'
                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                            -balcony scenes or scenes where one seeks the other out to talk (man, this happens so often I'm tempted to label it "fanon")
                            Yep, that or Elizabeth coming to his lab, though to be fair she did in a later Season 1 episode.
                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                            -lots of comfort or H/C, often entailing Rodney's concerns about being a good enough person and Elizabeth's concerns about being a good enough leader.
                            Overused but for a good reason. I think those are both things they are uncertain of that we haven't seen explored on the show.
                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                            -well, yesterday I saw the second story about a trashy romance novel...
                            Hehe, I've started a M/W trend.
                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                            Embarassed maybe, also maybe people don't like writing smut or are worried that they can't write it well enough. Smut is extremely difficult to impossible to write well, so I can see how many writers avoid it.
                            Well I have some links for writing tips for such stories. I admit I sometimes find it pretty hard, have to be in the right state of mind to be able to. Reading alot of wraithbait stories has helped *cough*corrupted*cough* me.
                            I'm finding it pretty fun when I do write. Bantering is always good and it's cool when they get to do innuendo.
                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                            Yes, there hasn't been a backstory with Elizabeth and her relationship with Simon, nor one where she goes back to Earth in the future to talk with him. I'm interested in their relationship; how did they meet? what did she see in him? why was she so willing to leave him to go to Atlantis?
                            I want to know too, am desparate for them to explore this on show but fic would be good in the meantime or if they don't. It seems like alot of people don't want to touch on this/wish to ignore it. Personally I find Simon/Elizabeth interesting even if I feel they lack chemistry and he isn't right for her.
                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                            And also not many stories where Elizabeth is jealous over Rodney, more stories feature Rodney jealous over Elizabeth with Sheppard, Simon, or...Zelenka?!
                            Yep, well I'd like to see more of Elizabeth pining for Rodney but I think it's harder to see and consequently harder for people to write. I'd also love stories with Zelenka McKay competition - would make a nice change from Shep Mckay one, though Workday Wonders is great right now.
                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                            Well, I was at first really worried about the whole Sheppard/Weir-ship-while-poor-Rodney-watches-all-sad kind of stories, but I have to admit some of them have really grown on me. Character death stories are quite hard on me. Blatant interactions, whether from alcohol or alien influence, also make me wary because they can be written poorly.
                            I adore SWAMA but then I can't get enough angst, nor write enough. I'm pretty happy reading deathfics if they have meaning to them. Alien influence onces and alcohol can be fun. The key to any fic is good writing anyhow, it just show up better if it's bad in such stories - like people use it as an excuse for lack of characterisation. Obviously it can be used to explain OOC but there are limits to that which badfics ignore.

                            There's very little I won't read considering I'm happy with all ratings, multiship, OT3+, slash, angst, death... I just eat fanfic up.
                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                            I really, really like the tag series that MegTDJ has been working on, and all the stories go together to form a wonderful little AU... Hot zone (crum, doesn't appear to be currently online) so far.
                            That would be Starlight? Is on her own site. Aren't you glad I keep such close tabs of fics? Hmm
                            She has a few cute fluffy ones too. Disbelief is very fun.
                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                            My favorite stories by Hans are, of course with my luck, not yet finished! Check out Lilith, The Perfect Pair, and Too Many Scientists Spoil the Plot.
                            Yes, why are all of mine you like best WIP's? It is bad luck for you. But atleast I'm really into SGA and not likely to stop being so. I have a 7days and also a few HP fics that haven't been update for over a year... Of course once I finish all my WIP's you won't see any more. I've made a resolution that I ought to finish stories before posting in the future because I don't like the stress of having to update and possibly not being able to write fast enough/at all.


                              Ok I bring you all a fic now it has some spelling probs and the author keeps saying "Ethosians" but it has rodney confessing that he thinks weir is hot (while a uberdrunk weir is right behind him) enjoy!


                                and another! (mcweir is just sucking me in today)

