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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    I know its old, but I thought I'd post it in the spirit of Halloween. Not to mention I need something to distract me while I watch scary movies in the middle of the night and the internet seemed like a good idea.


      Reichiru awww Reichiru so cute! don't think i've seen that pic before. i didn't do anything on halloween, i cbf
      *throat punch*
      My blog:
      LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


        That's so cute.


          I was just watching one of my old vids and the clip from The Eye where Rodney was trying to tell Liz something came up... and it still drives me nuts. I want to know what he was going to say! Especially since it reminds me a lot of the times from Star Trek: TNG when Crusher would try to tell Picard "something" and always get cut off.

          I just wish TPTB didn't fail so hardcore at romance. But I suppose we should be grateful since if they had decided to throw in some romance it would have been Shweir or something (although I do think a few writers were really rooting for us. ).

          Anyway, I'm excited and horribly scared for the next episode that has Liz in it. On one hand seeing her again will be great (and I'll finally be able to start a fic that has been bouncing in my head) but on the other hand I'm just waiting for TPTB to rip out my heart and stomp it into little pieces. *sigh*


            ^ i know exactly what you mean. i hope that when she does come back, there's too much tension and drama to focus on the romance. that way, we can put our own spin on the events. they haven't been too kind to mcweir in the past, only giving us little bits here and there to nibble on
            *throat punch*
            My blog:
            LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


              so... Tabula Rasa

              So... I did find myself saying "awww" to the Rodney/Katie stuff, since I decided to try to give the ship a chance... the ending irritated me... first off because they were implying that Katie was going to die and after Doppleganger, that would have royally pissed me off. But then I also had mixed feelings... I was kinda hoping she would die... so now I feel evil, lol!

              My sister and I for some random reason were hoping the woman he had a picture of was Weir. then we thought it was Katie. I dunno... maybe there was something before the opening credits about it that we missed, lol! But in any case... photomanip anyone?


                i agree, i too felt all happy with the rodney/katie scenes. she's growing on me i think. but i flashed to mcweir in that scene with teyla and rodney, when she was talking him through the changes to make with the system, how she said something like "you're a scientist, it's what will stay with you the most". i felt that was something lizbeth would have said to him.

                it was a great ep, can't wait to see it again
                *throat punch*
                My blog:
                LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                  I liked it a lot, mainly for the amount of Rodney. I liked the McBrown scenes, too. I don't know if I'll call it my favorite of the season, yet. I want to wait till I see a Rodney episode or the one Elizabeth returns in.



                    TR spoilers
                    The episode was interesting... so interesting that once Brown went unconcious I didn't think about her again until she showed up at then end. And that's the problem i have with her as a character, she's forgetable. There is no spark between them-- which is saying alot since Rodney sparks with almost every girl he's around (Elizabeth, Teyla, Cadman).

                    Oh a McWeir note, since this is a McWeir thread... The end scene where he's holding Brown's hand, I just reminded me so much of the scene that Neb drew for First Strike where Rodney was holding Elizabeth's hand. It kind of sucks that we were robbed our emotionally angsty scene in favor of that scene which couldn't have been "emotionally angsty" if it had tried.
                    It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                      I'm bored... nothing McWeirish to report from the Missing episode... I think I might start writing a series of McWeir Drabbles. Anyone want to throw out ideas? Missing scenes, Tags, episode lines, screencaps, weird word pairing... I"ll take anything for inspiration.

                      Oh, and others are welcome to join in.
                      It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                        Just popping my head in quickly to post something you guys might enjoy reading.

                        M-Rated. Part of my Mcshweir Vision Series - So plenty of McWeir in it.


                        BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                          lol lookie what myn made!

                          awww so cute
                          *throat punch*
                          My blog:
                          LVI now open to all fandoms!!!



                            my photobucket died... or something. school sux so I'm looking for stuff to cheer me up. I went through and snag a bunch of mcweir lifeline pictures: some how that didn't cheer me up *cries*

                            that helped
                            Last edited by nebulan; 14 November 2007, 06:43 AM.


                              Awh, poor Neb! *hugs*

                              In 10 minutes it will be my birthday. Hmm... should I wish for season 5 McWeir, ooor David Bowie to leave Iman and marry me?

                              I think I'll just wish for the quick solution and hope for some new McWeir fics.


                                Happy Birthday!!!!!

                                *throat punch*
                                My blog:
                                LVI now open to all fandoms!!!

