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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
    Loved the beginning scene with the bantering/flirting about the chair. She really seems to enjoy poking at him, doesn't she? And he doesn't seem to get irritated or angry with her for doing so, hee.

    Oh no, I missed that! Sheesh, this is the problem with subtle little shippy moments vs. hit-you-over-the-head sappiness. Now I gotta go find the ep and look for that scene. Thanks for giving the heads up!

    Now see, we each see our own things! I didn't see anything sizzle during the chair scene when I watched it, now I have to go back and watch it again!

    And yeah, that look he gave her was so quick, but it was so good it made ME want to squee.... and I"m not a squeeing type of person!
    It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      Have you seen the Darklight pics on the thunk thread? They were the only reason I watched that movie.

      He was in Darklight??? I watched that movie post-atlantis and I don't remember him being in there..... Now I have to investigate!
      It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


        Originally posted by aaobuttons
        He was in Darklight??? I watched that movie post-atlantis and I don't remember him being in there..... Now I have to investigate!
        Yep he's in it, just not for long, not recognisably anyway.


          Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
          OK. Do you think I should post the glossary here, on the Yahoo group, or both? I'd like to post it on GW, but I worry that the post is going to be huge. If that's okay with everyone then I'll do it.

          Oh, and I rated the thread! Sorry I didn't do it earlier, for some reason I though only higher-ups had that honor.
          Not too sure how rating works either. i know all can do but not sure if some people count more or not.

          On the glossary, I'd say post to both. don't worry about length - the updates have been longer before.


            Originally posted by Purpleyin
            Not too sure how rating works either. i know all can do but not sure if some people count more or not.

            On the glossary, I'd say post to both. don't worry about length - the updates have been longer before.
            Okay, I'll grab and dump it later today.

            While we're talking about the forum, does anyone know anything about the "similar threads" feature at the bottom of the threads? It would have links to similar threads, like the Sam/Jack thread would have the Sam appreciation thread and the Jack thunk thread linked at the bottom. I thought it would be nice if we could link up with other threads, maybe the TH/DH appreciation threads and the McKay thread in season one? Get the word out and all...

            Wait, I don't see "similar threads" on any thread now. Did this feature get lost during the move? Am I losing my mind? (...nm...don't answer that...)


     it is! (presented in SquintyText to minimize length)

              McKay/Weir Fanfiction Glossary

              A/A : Short for “action/adventure”. A story that contains a lot of action scenes, such as ones with team missions to other worlds.

              A/N : Short for “authors note”. Authors often use this space to give background or clarification for their story. May also include acknowledgements. Generally found before or after a story.

              Adjective!Character : Used to give the reader an idea of the overall, perhaps exaggerated, mood of a character in a story. Examples include Cranky!Rodney and Strict!Elizabeth.

              AR/AU : Short for “Alternate Reality” and “Alternate Universe”. These stories take place in an alternative timeline to the Atlantis episodes. They often include drastic changes to the characters and plot. For example, a story where the Genii successfully take over Atlantis in “The Eye” would be an AU story.

              Angst : An extremely popular genre that contains plenty of concern, self-doubt, and mental agony.

              Beta/betareader : Someone who reads a draft of the story before it is published online. Betas check for spelling and grammatical errors and also may give advice about the story’s plot and characters.

              Beta Version : A rough draft of a story.

              BYOS : Short for “bring your own ship”. A story that contains intentionally vague details about a character or characters to allow the reader to insert their preferred ship.

              Canon : Canon are facts taken only from Atlantis episodes. The direct opposite of fanon.

              Challenge : Challenges are given to help encourage writing and get people out of writer’s blocks. They often include a basic plot (such as how Elizabeth and Rodney first met) or theme (such as a Christmas story) and the writers then flesh out the story as they see fit. Pictures and screencaps can also be used as a challenge. Challenges generally have a word count limit and a deadline.

              Character Study : A shorter story that explores certain attributes of a character’s personality.

              Character Death : A story where a character dies. See deathfic.

              Ch/Chp : Short for “Chapter”.

              Crossovers : A story where one universe crosses into the Atlantis universe (such as having the SG-1 team travel to Atlantis). The most popular choice is Stargate SG-1, but there are numerous other possibilities

              Darkfic : A story that explores darker, more depressing themes. These stories tend to have lots of angst, mental instability, suicide, and/or character death. Characters also may become evil (for example, Rodney changing sides and fighting for the Wraith).

              Deathfic : A story where a character dies. See character death.

              Disclaimer : A few sentences placed at the beginning of a story stating that the author does not own the Atlantis characters or universe and is not planning on making money off the story. An important precaution to avoid being sued by TPTB of Atlantis.

              Drabble : A very short story, often around 100 words. Drabbles generally consist of the internal dialogue of a character. See Vignette.

              Epic : An extremely long story with numerous chapters or series with numerous stories.

              Fanon : Fanon are ideas that are often thought up by fans and fanfic writers but have not yet been used in actual Atlantis episodes. Examples of fanon at the time of writing this glossary include using Quentin as Rodney’s middle name and using AR-1 to designate Sheppard’s away team.

              FF : Short for “fanfiction”

              Fluff : A cute, sweet story that contains lots of romance. Generally inspires lots of sqeeeing.

              First-Time : A story where two characters have sex for the first time.

              Hint : A story that hints at a relationship between characters, often by using subtle physical contact, without outright stating the ship as fact.

              H/C : Abbreviation for “hurt/comfort”. A story where a character is hurt mentally or physically and another character comforts them.

              Mary Sue : A female OC. Mary Sues are generally all-around perfect and loved by all characters. They often hide a tragic flaw and generally sacrifice themselves to save the day. Mary Sues are generally disliked by the fanfic community and authors should use extreme caution when attempting to write one.

              Missing Scene : A story, generally short, that depicts a scene from an Atlantis episode that was not filmed. For example, a story that details Rodney’s torture by Koyla in “The Eye” would be a missing scene.

              Non-con/NC : A story that has non-consensual sex / rape.

              OC : Short for “other character” or “original character” A character that has not been introduced in the Atlantis episodes.

              One Shot : A complete story, almost always one chapter,

              OOC : Short for “out of character”. A depiction of a character that does not fit with the one seen in the Atlantis episodes. Examples include Rodney successfully playing the ladies man, Kavanaugh suddenly respecting Weir’s leadership, and anything involving the Atlantis team, alcohol, and dares. Often intentionally used for humor.

              Plot Bunny : An idea for a story. Discussion and speculation about Atlantis often lead to fabulous plot bunnies.

              Poemfic : A story that features a poem.

              PWP : Short for “plot? What plot?” Often used to describe smut, but may also be used for stories that contain lots of fluff.

              POV : Short for “point of view”.

              Rating : (A description of the archive’s rating system will go here, once we figure out what system we’re going to use)

              Round Robin : A story where the first few paragraphs or chapter is written by one author and then the story is given to other authors until it is finished.

              R&R : Short for “read and review”.

              Ship : Short for “relationship”. The term can be used to describe a group of people who support a particular relationship on Atlantis (also known as “shippers” ) and to describe the relationship itself. The main Atlantis ships so far include McKay/Weir (obviously), Sheppard/Teyla, and Sheppard/Weir.
              Ships are often abbreviated. For example, the McKay/Weir ship is often abbreviated as M/W or MW, Sheppard/Teyla as S/T, and Sheppard/Weir as S/W.

              Script format : A story that is written like a transcript for a television episode.

              Slash : A story focusing on a homosexual relationship. Most commonly used to describe a male/male relationship, however it is also used for female/female relationships.

              Smut : A story revolving entirely around sex with little to no plot development. See also PWP.

              Songfic : A story that is heavily influenced by a particular song. The lyrics of the song can be placed at the beginning, end or throughout the story.

              Spoiler : A warning that the story will include details about an episode/episodes that will spoil the episode for anyone who has not yet seen it. All authors should do their best to include spoiler tags at the beginning of their stories.

              Squee : The high-pitched sound made by a fan who has just seen or read about a particularly cute or poignant shippy moment. Used to denote excitement.

              SWAMA : Abbreviation of “Sheppard/Weir and McKay angst.” A genre where Sheppard and Weir are in a developing or established relationship, leading to angst and jealousy from McKay.

              Suicide Fic : A dark story where a character contemplates and/or attempts suicide.

              Tag : A story, generally short, that details the events that occur at the end of an Atlantis episode. For example, a story that detailed how Elizabeth helped Rodney cope after the events of “The Defiant One” would be a tag.

              Teaser : A short summary of a story or an update.

              TPTB : Short for “the powers that be”. Refers to the writers, directors, etc for Atlantis that decide what material is canon.

              UST : Abbreviation for “unresolved sexual tension”. In these stories the characters have obvious feelings for each other, as shown by concern, long looks, and/or physical contact, but the feelings are not acted upon.

              Vignette : A very short story that contains mainly internal dialogue. Vignettes are often written as a series. See drabble.

              WIP : Short for “work in progress”. This story has not yet been completed and the author plans on updating sometime soon.

              All in all I think it's just about done, except for the corrections/additions from Hans. Please let me know if any of the definitions need work or if there are any other terms that need to be addressed.


                Woohooo! We have a rating now

                Oh and that interview...Smallgirl was hosting it but it got taken down because of space issues. I contacted her and it's now hosted here on my server. Hope everyone enjoys it.




                  Thanks Hans for hosting this. Now hopefully we'll never lose it again...

                  Oh, and page 3 is required reading for all McKay/Weir shippers! Read it! Memorize it! Copy it and put it under your pillow!


                    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire

                    Thanks Hans for hosting this. Now hopefully we'll never lose it again...

                    Oh, and page 3 is required reading for all McKay/Weir shippers! Read it! Memorize it! Copy it and put it under your pillow!
                    Hopefully it can get put up on the main site...
                    And yes page 3 is so cool. I lvoe the way she describes Weir and McKay.


                      Bit off topic but did people see the cool behind the scenes clips of Torri and David?
                      They're over at TorriSquee Lj community, though you do have to be a member to get to them I think.


                        Originally posted by Purpleyin
                        Meeting - well she said in Rising she handpicked everyone of the expedition members herself. So figuring she picked chief officers first like Carson and Rodney and had to spend lots of time with him going over science staff- ooh late night meetings...
                        Yeah, that makes sense. Hee, I can just see them meeting in her office talking about all the scientists. He wouldn't want Kavanaugh but she would insist (comes back to bite her later), he starts his long escapade of not remembering Zelenka's name, she thinks it's all amusing. She first learns about his long-standing addiction to coffee. Perhaps once they got finished they could relax a bit and talk about their pasts, hopes for the mission, etc.

                        In 'Home' (which I just rewatched for making a vid) she is surprised he mentions Simon, saying she never told him about Simon...but I'd bet Carter had told her something possibly, from when she was at SGC and got transfered to the expedition. Probably that Sam was needed there but suggested, reluctantly, Dr. McKay.
                        Ooh, an interaction between Elizabeth and Sam, I never thought of that! It could go something like this...Elizabeth goes looking for Sam to ask her to go to Atlantis, she sadly refuses (ala Daniel) but hesitantly admits Rodney would be the next best choice. Elizabeth picks up on Sam's concern and gets her to talk about his blatant flirting. Sam tells her not to worry, since she isn't blonde. Elizabeth laughs and tells her that she used to be...

                        Hmm..for some reason that little scene in Home made me think he knew about Simon. It went:

                        McKAY: Oh, now you’re just being paranoid. Why don’t you go home, spend some time with Simon?
                        WEIR: Simon?
                        McKAY (smiling): Yes. He’s important to you, isn’t he?
                        WEIR: Yes. I just don’t remember ever telling you that.

                        So for some reason I thought he knew about Simon, but he didn't know that they were dating/SOs. I have NO idea why I thought that, though...

                        I saw Home about a week ago, and I've been sitting on my fraking hands waiting until it reairs in the US before posting my thoughts on it. Plus, I have this great little AU bit running around in my head that just screams to be let out...


                          Originally posted by Purpleyin
                          Bit off topic but did people see the cool behind the scenes clips of Torri and David?
                          They're over at TorriSquee Lj community, though you do have to be a member to get to them I think.

                          I don't think the link works. I'm a member and I couldn't access it.
                          It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                            Originally posted by aaobuttons
                            I don't think the link works. I'm a member and I couldn't access it.
                            It's because you need to be a member.
                            Anyway, I'm hoping it's alright with the original poster but I've put them up here.
                            As far as I know they are very small clips of what you get on the Vol2 dvd. Now I can't wait to get my dvd. I thought they didn't have any special features.


                              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                              Elizabeth picks up on Sam's concern and gets her to talk about his blatant flirting. Sam tells her not to worry, since she isn't blonde. Elizabeth laughs and tells her that she used to be...

                              Hmm..for some reason that little scene in Home made me think he knew about Simon.
                              So for some reason I thought he knew about Simon, but he didn't know that they were dating/SOs. I have NO idea why I thought that, though...

                              I saw Home about a week ago, and I've been sitting on my fraking hands waiting until it reairs in the US before posting my thoughts on it. Plus, I have this great little AU bit running around in my head that just screams to be let out...
                              I really want to see someone use the used to be blonde thing sometime.
                              As for Rodney knowing of Simon, Home gave the impression[spoiler] he didn't and that was why Fake Rodney got caught by Weir - she'd obviously never mentioned by name at least or in any great detail.[/spoilers] Personally I go for thinking he didn't know and that in LFP
                              he had an idea she might and was sort of testing the waters. I was thinking they might have had a bauge chat after the events of home where he might have wondered if she'd had someone back home but had never dared ask and had been wondering ever since

                              As for that Au of Home
                              don't suppose she went home to find Rodney or something? Like she could also control her reality somehoe and subconscously created rodney there instead of Simon?


                                The hug in "The Eye" was nice. Took me by suprise though ... I was like "what the ...?"

                                Then I realised they were probably trying to keep warm. Or so I thought .......
                                Support SHEX, wear a shirt ... I did!

