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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Shippy Sunday spin!
    Perhaps Rodney reacted with an interested sounding "hm!" when he saw Elizabeth with Mike because he may have realized that Elizabeth's attitude toward dating coworkers/subordinants might have changed? I get the feeling that Elizabeth may have intentionally or unintentionally made her feelings about dating others on Atlantis known to Rodney earlier (perhaps another reason why he's now with Katie?) The "hm!" could have been "hm! That obstacle may now be down!"


      When do you think Rodney started "Making time" for Katie? He said it was when his sister came to Atlantis, but I thinking it might have actually been more "Tao" like he realized that he needed to work on relationships and he thought he'd try with Kaite. Interesting that Rodney claims they are a "couple" (of course Carson knows better) I'm really wondering how that's going to play out. I know a lot of Shep/Weir shippers are Rodney/Katie shippers, so I wonder what they think of it, becuase I got the impression that this relationship isn't going to last long... on the other hand he might find he does like someone who likes him for who he is even though he's convinced she doesn't know him that well, you know, like Liz knows him. I think that Katie/Rodney might even get intimate before they break up.

      *finishes watchin ep for second time* *cries*

      Kay, just because, I capped the whole Rodney "hmm"
      And the only other scene where they're together besides the funeral:

      hmm, I like Rodney in blue and it's nice to see Liz in something besides Red once in a while.


        Originally posted by nebulan View Post

        Rodney is very hot in blue.
        thankee toasteronfire


          Jumping on the "Sunday" spoiler bandwagon.

          With the shippy glasses on, it sure looks like Rodney was really thinking hard about seeing Elizabeth and Mike. (I actually had a thought similiar to Captain-Peregrine's that he thinks Elizabeth looks good in green, but the most profound thought in the Rodney arc (prior to explosion) was that he wants to get married after seeing Elizabeth and Mike. Something there maybe?

          You know if you think about it, his reaction to Elizabeth's date is very similar to Elizabeth's reaction to his (I mean Cadman of course) and Carson's kiss in Duet. Kind of an amusing one really.
          For a copy of "Have A Little Faith in Me", My Kate Heightmeyer Appreciation Vid Click Here

          McWeir Central by PurpleYin (who deserves much appreciation for it) | aka: the reason why the McKay/Weir Thread on GW is Quiet


            I've updated my fic finally!

            Dark Trinity Chapter 5 at

            And at McWeir Central!
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Hey guys, here’s the latest

              McKay/Weir Fanfiction Friday!!

              “The Hostage Situation” by million_moments. “Not many people think they’ll ever be held hostage in a library (part of The Library AU).”

              “Silence Speaks” by autumn_whispers. “Rodney isn't crying, but his eyes are red rimmed. He won’t look her in the face when she lets him inside her hotel room. (Sunday spoilers)”

              Up to part 5 of “Goodbye, McKay” by the dark light. “As Atlantis looses an important member of it's team, Elizabeth struggles to come to terms with unrequited feelings.”

              “Hidden Talents” by LilRicki. “Pure fluff, with a dash of Rodney whump&angst.”

              “Keep a Candle Burning” by SueKay. “Unable to sleep, Sam comes across a contemplative McKay, and gets a glimpse into the harsh realities of living in Atlantis (SPOILERS).”

              Up to part 5 of “Dark Trinity” by SueKay. “After the events of Trinity, Rodney is relieved of his duties. But as he contemplates his actions, a letter from Earth forces him to confront his deepest fears, and make the biggest decision of his life...”

              And don’t forget to peek in at the recently added stories at Central!



                (yes my muse is back!!)

                Dark Trinity chapter 5
                we finally meet a certain someone, and find out some of those secrets! Also features Musical McKay
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)



                  Not very shippy, but I thought I'd cap it anyway (not very high quality )

                  At this scene when Rodney said "There you are" I thought of another beloved mcweir scene...

                  What do you suppose he's saying with his hands??

                  I like this one because he always treats Liz's ideas as good ideas

                  And my favorite:


                    And yet another

                    McKay/Weir Fanfiction Friday!!

                    Up to part 6 of “Dark Trinity” by SueKay. “A letter from Earth forces Rodney to return home with Elizabeth to confront his deepest fears and his most tragic failures. Along the way, a tapestry of espionage and deceit unravels. But where does Rodney's shattered family fit in?”

                    Up to part 18 of “Gemini” by shippedwrecked. “Teyla goes missing on a mission and returns just as mysteriously. What's happened will have far reaching consequences for them all.”

                    Part 1 of “Every Time She Falls” by Cptn. Suz. “Do people come here to swim? Why would they? We live in the middle of an ocean.”

                    “He Listens to Her” by Budong Chow. “Rodney has been working too hard and Elizabeth is the only person that can get him to take a break.”



                      With all the recent angst over all the developments, I thought a humorous, shippy take on things was in order (s4 spoiler-ish):



                        Hehe, love the comic ToF!

                        I posted this over at the Anti Rodney/Katie thread and I thought it was fitting to post it here:
                        Snipet from Sunday Transcript
                        BROWN: For the last little while, you've really made an effort to have time for me. And it has been lovely.
                        McKAY: It's funny, you know. As much as I hate to admit it, you see my little sister is so happy with her family. I just uh... Well, it kind of made me realize that uh... well... I'd like to get married.
                        BROWN: You would?!
                        McKAY: Oh no, not to you.
                        BROWN: Oh!
                        McKAY: [Both BROWN and McKAY starts stuttering] Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, not not to you.
                        BROWN: No, I get--
                        McKAY: Look I was just. I no, no, no, that was not a proposal.
                        BROWN: I- I--
                        McKAY: I was just talking, you know.
                        BROWN: Right.
                        McKAY: I mean, I don't want you to get the wrong. It's not that I wouldn't be interested in getting married to someone. I mean someone like you. I mean someone just like you. You even maybe one day. I just uh...
                        BROWN: I- I- I- ... I know. It's- it's- it's, okay.

                        Where I got the Sunday Transcript from...

                        I mean... I guess I'm biased but I really got mcweir shippy out of this scene
                        He wants to marry someone but not Katie? Come on, he'd just asked Elizabeth out at the end of "Tao of Rodney" I mean... I've talked about all this earlier in the thread, how I think it wasn't after his sister came but after after Tao that Rodney started paying more attention to katie. I wonder where they're gonna go with the Katie relationship. All I know is I hope they don't end it how they ended Cadman/Beckett, that was disappointing.

                        What does everyone else think?


                          Loving your new Submersion icon, neb!

                          About McKay/Katie

                          I think he's just flattered by someone paying that much attention to him.

                          However, I think that if Elizabeth

                          opens to Mike

                          then she might be prepared to open herself to Rodney and give him the attention he craves.


                            Thanks Caz
                            speaking of which.... Stargatecaps Posted some nice high-quality caps for submersion
                            I reposted them at my pb account and thought I'd share some nice caps with you


                            My favorite cap! (tags for size cuz this whole thing is already in spoiler tags for spoilers... er... yeah)

                            Do you mind?!

                            I'm so easily amused (hand porn anyone? Liz is interested ):


                              niiice. I love that first cap...they look so at ease with each other.


                                Are there any more M/W fans comnig to Pegasus 2 convention? So far I know of myself, fififolle, million_moments and suekay. Even if you're only a casual fan of the ship, or a multishipper, it'd be cool to meet up - and we have those wonderful McWeir badges for anyone who wants one. ;D

