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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Thank you hutchi4 and Cpt. Ritter! I'm going to try and get some more done tonight, but I'm really sad about SG1 so we'll see if I make things happy or angsty.

    I'm really glad McKay and Weir are safe, but I'm really going to miss my Sam/Cam and Daniel/Vala ships.
    It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


      Yes, sad news about sg1. But I am happy that sga has been renewed for another season. Here's to many more McWeir moments!

      sig by Pandora's_Box


        Originally posted by pavaneofstars
        Yes, sad news about sg1. But I am happy that sga has been renewed for another season. Here's to many more McWeir moments!
        We'll see how long that lasts... In one of the announcements it said that they were going to move some of the SG1 characters to Altantis, and alot of people think that Daniel will take over from Weir and she'll be kicked off entirely or delegated a reacurring role. Although, if she's not in charge of Atlantis anymore, maybe Elizabeth and Rodney can finally get together. *trying to look on the bright side of things*
        It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


          Michael Shanks won't join Atlantis...he'd alreay opted out of season 11 of SG1, and the only reason he was in season 9 was because he got to work with Claudia.

          Even f TPTB intend to put Daniel on Atlantis...I doubt MS will do it.
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by aaobuttons
            We'll see how long that lasts... In one of the announcements it said that they were going to move some of the SG1 characters to Altantis, and alot of people think that Daniel will take over from Weir and she'll be kicked off entirely or delegated a reacurring role. Although, if she's not in charge of Atlantis anymore, maybe Elizabeth and Rodney can finally get together. *trying to look on the bright side of things*
            Missed that bit of news. But if what sueKay said is true (not that I'm doubting what you said is true , it's just everything seems to be so up in the air lately)...Hmm, only time will tell.

            I love you homage to sg1 sig, sueKay. That's really nice.

            sig by Pandora's_Box


              I'll find the sources for my speculation...hang on...

              ...can't find one of them...the other is the video interview with MS on
              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                all I know is if they do move some characters over to Atlantis, I just hope it's not one of the original 4. I'd be ok if it were cam and Vala... tho cam's role would conflict with shep's.... but the main four have done there bit for king and galaxy, it's time for them to kick back and retire

                Maybe what they'll do is have cameo apearances instead??? I think that's more likely. With Sam popping by, or Emerson showing up on the Daedelus... or something? All I know is I don't want Sam to come to Atlantis, because Rodney would be too focused on her

                but I'm holding out for a movie in 200:
                they did imply there would be one after 10 season


                  My first time in this thread and I have to say it beats most of the other shipper threads, although I'm looking more towards a teyla sheppard thing I'll have say I wouldn't mind seeing a McKay/Weir thing in the show.


                    Welcome acendedscopes! Thanks for the complimement about our thread, we really do try and keep it interesting. We have alot of McKay/Weir shippers who also ship Shep/Teyla and visa versa so don't feel bad about likeing both. And if you do happen to spend most of your time over in teh Shep/Teyla thread, feel free to drop in here and say HI once in a while!
                    It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                      Originally posted by acendedscopes
                      My first time in this thread and I have to say it beats most of the other shipper threads, although I'm looking more towards a teyla sheppard thing I'll have say I wouldn't mind seeing a McKay/Weir thing in the show.

                      M/W has always been the easy going ship. We don't seem to offend anybody with our shippy ideas.

                      I noticed something between them from the pilot onwards - especially in how Rodney is so much more considerate around her and how she tries to look after him. There's definitely something between them and whether you see that as a deeper understanding, close friendship or possible romance is up to you. Obviously I choose the later.
                      by Kaaatie


                        Originally posted by sueKay
                        Michael Shanks won't join Atlantis...he'd alreay opted out of season 11 of SG1, and the only reason he was in season 9 was because he got to work with Claudia.

                        Even f TPTB intend to put Daniel on Atlantis...I doubt MS will do it.
                        Thats what I ended up feeling even before the cancellation thing.. I never believed Daniel would take over Weir's job... besides.. that'd be mean to my McWeir sensabilities.

                        Hey acendedscopes, you should remember me.
                        Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                          It is a shame about SG1 I watched it from seasons 1 to 8 but after that didn't watch it that much only sometimes but at least we got SGA for another season so we can have more McKay/Weir Shipper moments lol yay.


                            Originally posted by nebulan
                            All I know is I don't want Sam to come to Atlantis, because Rodney would be too focused on her
                            I wouldn't have been opposed to seeing them together a few more times, but after Pegasus Project it just seemed like their 'relationship' had been stifled.

                            (Still, though, it'd be nice to see something on Atlantis that didn't have to revolve around Sheppard.)


                              Originally posted by NotANumber
                              I wouldn't have been opposed to seeing them together a few more times, but after Pegasus Project it just seemed like their 'relationship' had been stifled.

                              (Still, though, it'd be nice to see something on Atlantis that didn't have to revolve around Sheppard.)

                              I totally agree with you there NotANumber


                                First, welcome Scottish Girl and acendedscopes!

                                Second, some thoughts about SG1's cancellation (pessimism/realism follows, beware!). I believe that SG1 is done. I don't think fan petitions will save it, and I don't think it's going to move over to another channel. I think TPTB right now are looking at either SciFi movies/miniseries or may try to get something on the big screen. Ten years is a whopping long time on the tube, not to mention having the honor of a successful spinoff show. I think now is a decent time to end the show and continue in another format.

                                Now, on to the possibility of SG1 characters moving over to Atlantis. Like doylefan has stated, this info has only come from a SciFi exec so far, and we have no idea what sort of power they have over TPTB. It might be all talk and TPTB refuses, SciFi might somehow be able to force TPTB to do it, or TPTB may like the idea or even came up with it themselves. It's too early to tell if this is really going to happen or not. Lots of fans have talked about the possibility of Daniel coming over, which could put Elizabeth's job at risk. Likewise, there was all this talk last year of having Sam on lots of Atlantis eps, so maybe she could move over, risking both Shep (military), Rodney (scientist) and Elizabeth (command). I'm not a big fan of anyone coming over from SG1, but if I had to chose one it would be one of those two. Still, no thanks to the idea. I like my hints of ship just fine as they are, and I'd be upset to see Rodney or Elizabeth go.

                                Third, something that's been sticking in my brain since RW.
                                Remember how Elizabeth had that conversation with Not!Jack about negotiations or something, he made a hockey comment, and she didn't understand? Well I figure on some level Elizabeth must have that knowledge because it's not like the nanites could have pulled that out of nowhere. But where did she learn about it? Why from our resident Canadian scientist, of course! I just can't decide if he told her about it over coffee or if they were out on a mock-up ice rink in Antarctica.

                                (Yay, lovely banners aaobuttons! Looks like you're learning fast! )

