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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Damn it, last thought for the night and I'll get back on track tomorrow, I swear:

    "I don't know what you see in him, Elizabeth. The man is so self-absorbed that he's obsessed with his own reflection! Plus, I saw him talking to a wall earlier..."


      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      Damn it, last thought for the night and I'll get back on track tomorrow, I swear:

      "I don't know what you see in him, Elizabeth. The man is so self-absorbed that he's obsessed with his own reflection! Plus, I saw him talking to a wall earlier..."
      ROTFL! Ba'al and his Wall..... (It's so nice to be back on GW!!! )

      The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005


        ooh, yay for being back!
        Toaster - love the "McWe'al" captions...I'm writing that story you know (it's on my list, Baam, McWeal, Grodin/Weir and then the Grodin fic I have hanging)

        But back to true McKay/Weir

        Here are more of Patti's wonderful merges. Links posted for some because some too big for forums.

        From Rising (one of the possible site banners, not quite finished because she needs a better cap for Rodney but soo sweet!)

        The Eye merge of a shot

        38 minutes merge (not sure if they are really that close in the scene but then pj's aren't that big across...and it's hard to tell)

        A very cool large version of composite site banner

        Full 'Home' merge of one cut down for use in banners.

        Oh a quick advert for a new lj community I've created -

        Stargate Lonely Ship fiction

        For the crazy/rare pairings - no McKay/Weir is allowed but we do allowed it if it's multiship (e.g. McKay/Weir and other pairing in story - Simon/Elizabeth anyone?) so it's a great place for the rarer SWAMA and other angst stories and also a place where Baal/Wall etc and McWe'al can be found....


          Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
          Damn it, last thought for the night and I'll get back on track tomorrow, I swear:

          "I don't know what you see in him, Elizabeth. The man is so self-absorbed that he's obsessed with his own reflection! Plus, I saw him talking to a wall earlier..."
          ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!! mcwe'al!!!!!!!!! love it

          and of course, i STILL can't believe those pics are photoshopped, hans


            Hmm...looks like a delayed move for GW. Ah well, at least it gives me more time to post insanity.

            Hee hee, mcwe'al! I had a hand in making a ship! And it's a completely crazy one at that! I'm so proud! *glows*

            OK, back on topic, some thoughts about the rumors for next season:

            So rumor has it that they're going to get Mitch from the X-files (Skinner, yay!) on Atlantis to play the head military role. This means that Sheppard no longer will be head of military, perhaps becoming more of the head team leader guy (Sheppard is O'Neill to Skinner's Hammond, maybe?)
            It's unknown what's going to happen with Elizabeth though. Is she going to still lead Atlantis or is Skinner going to take over everything? If she is no longer the leader then what sort of role will she fill? I sense a lot of angst if that happens; she seems to be hesitant about her leadership from the start and if SGC pulls her then I would imagine she would be rather upset and full of self-doubt. Perhaps Rodney could give her some comfort?
            Now, we all have seen how well Rodney reacts with brash military men, just look at Everett ("Shut up, I have an idea!" *grin*) How well do you think he's going to interact with Skinner? I predict lots of fighting there...


              hehe, i loved how he reacted to everett i was like "yes!! go rodney!" it will definately be interesting to see how the character interactions will change with the shift in leaders and the change in everyone's statuses and positions... we already saw LOTS of different people definately coming together in the tense situation despite a total lack of sleep (), and it will be even more interesting i think to see how relationships change after dealing with the wraith attack together


                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                Hmm...looks like a delayed move for GW. Ah well, at least it gives me more time to post insanity.

                Hee hee, mcwe'al! I had a hand in making a ship! And it's a completely crazy one at that! I'm so proud! *glows*

                OK, back on topic, some thoughts about the rumors for next season:

                So rumor has it that they're going to get Mitch from the X-files (Skinner, yay!) on Atlantis to play the head military role. This means that Sheppard no longer will be head of military, perhaps becoming more of the head team leader guy (Sheppard is O'Neill to Skinner's Hammond, maybe?)
                It's unknown what's going to happen with Elizabeth though. Is she going to still lead Atlantis or is Skinner going to take over everything? If she is no longer the leader then what sort of role will she fill? I sense a lot of angst if that happens; she seems to be hesitant about her leadership from the start and if SGC pulls her then I would imagine she would be rather upset and full of self-doubt. Perhaps Rodney could give her some comfort?
                Now, we all have seen how well Rodney reacts with brash military men, just look at Everett ("Shut up, I have an idea!" *grin*) How well do you think he's going to interact with Skinner? I predict lots of fighting there...
                Oh, yes, you should be proud - I will write it as well... (you also get the blame too)

                onto the discussion

                Angry Rodney standing up for Elizabeth? I was so expecting that in the Seige Part 2 but maybe leniency comes from the stress and military situations. Maybe he'll get quite annoyed if Elizabeth is demoted permanently, can see him getting incensed at that... and there could be comforting both ways. Her over his exhaustion and Peter's death and his over the whole leadership debacle - for both over everythnig too really. Will make for good fics...


                  Originally posted by emily_reich
                  it will definately be interesting to see how the character interactions will change with the shift in leaders and the change in everyone's statuses and positions...
                  Yes, and I hope things only change for the better. I always worry a bit whenever new people are put on a show; a lot of times the older cast are pushed aside and get fewer storylines. Now, I know they aren't going to mess with Rodney, but I am a bit worried about Elizabeth...

                  Originally posted by Purpleyin
                  Angry Rodney standing up for Elizabeth? I was so expecting that in the Seige Part 2 but maybe leniency comes from the stress and military situations. Maybe he'll get quite annoyed if Elizabeth is demoted permanently, can see him getting incensed at that... and there could be comforting both ways. Her over his exhaustion and Peter's death and his over the whole leadership debacle - for both over everythnig too really. Will make for good fics...
                  I'm also surprised that he didn't stand up for her as much as I thought he would. But your scenario of comfort would be great to see. Unfortunately I have to wait until what, July? Gah. Anyone know when Canada and the UK gets the next season? I heard that you guys have to wait until October??
                  If the US gets the new season before others then maybe I stand a better chance staying spoiler-free...


                    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                    Yes, and I hope things only change for the better. I always worry a bit whenever new people are put on a show; a lot of times the older cast are pushed aside and get fewer storylines. Now, I know they aren't going to mess with Rodney, but I am a bit worried about Elizabeth...

                    I'm also surprised that he didn't stand up for her as much as I thought he would. But your scenario of comfort would be great to see. Unfortunately I have to wait until what, July? Gah. Anyone know when Canada and the UK gets the next season? I heard that you guys have to wait until October??
                    If the US gets the new season before others then maybe I stand a better chance staying spoiler-free...
                    Hehe, good luck, hard enough to stay away from S2 rumours as it is. Luckily i'm not too concerned about spoilers, apart from the major ones like character deaths (darn spoiler-ignorant newbies on GW ruined Seige Part 1 for me! )

                    Anyway, who says you have to wait until July or whatever, people could write the fic right now...I would but i'm busy with my Teyla/Bates, Grodin/Weir and McKay/McKay...getting through them to the McWe'al though.
                    I've seen a fair few McWeirish Seige Part 2 tags but not really many on after that.


                      Originally posted by Purpleyin
                      Anyway, who says you have to wait until July or whatever, people could write the fic right now
                      Hmm, that would mean that I would have to either write the fic myself or start bribing another McKay/Weir author.

            , who likes chocolate?

                      Also, the caption contest #2 ends tomorrow, right? Gotta get my submissions done. Were there any decisions regarding which font to use for the caption text? I know we were thinking about Benguiat, did anyone have it? Kip also had a font idea on the Yahoo group that looked good.
                      I've been playing a bit with GIMP again, and yesterday I just discovered...drum roll please...LAYERS! Wow, so it looks like I'll be producing top-quality images in a decade or so


                        Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                        Hmm, that would mean that I would have to either write the fic myself or start bribing another McKay/Weir author.

              , who likes chocolate?

                        Also, the caption contest #2 ends tomorrow, right? Gotta get my submissions done. Were there any decisions regarding which font to use for the caption text? I know we were thinking about Benguiat, did anyone have it? Kip also had a font idea on the Yahoo group that looked good.
                        I've been playing a bit with GIMP again, and yesterday I just discovered...drum roll please...LAYERS! Wow, so it looks like I'll be producing top-quality images in a decade or so
                        Well you can bribe me... I always respond well to bribes of feedback or fic. Just have to wait until i get back into McKay/Weir mood/mode.

                        Caption Contest 2 responses have to be in by Friday lunchtime (1pm?) GMT, since I need to make up the voting polls before I disappear to parents house for Easter weekend.

                        Font not decided on, don't think anyone had Benguiat sadly but there is always the SG font...what does everyone think of using that? It's free as far as I know.

                        I wonder if we could use that Pegasus chevron (that Kip has been playing with on the logo designs) on each of the banners to identify them as ours - like a watermark, our site symbol...

                        Ooh, you've only just found layers..bless you. Layers are one of the main advantages for me over using Paint. Allow for lots of nice stuff once you learn masking (still getting the hang of that), effects, special selections etc


                          *poke* *poke*

                          What about McKay/Carter? Hmm. Still waiting on that


                            Originally posted by Cory Holmes
                            *poke* *poke*

                            What about McKay/Carter? Hmm. Still waiting on that
                            Well it's not very high on my list. But I'll be doing McKay/Carter with McKay/Weir.

                            You have a choice of
                            1. A strange AU type fic with proper mckay/carter and mckay/weir ust and elizabeth/simon
                            2. A crossover fic where sam visits atlantis
                            3. A fic with a quantum mirror, AU carter and mckay comnig through to our atlantis.

                            I wont be writing all three anytime soon but if people pick a preference I can focus on it. Right now I like them all equally, so not sure which will be done first when I get round to it.

                            the stress of having so many plot bunnies...
                            Want to be rid of them, in the way where I've already written them..


                              Originally posted by Purpleyin
                              I wonder if we could use that Pegasus chevron (that Kip has been playing with on the logo designs) on each of the banners to identify them as ours - like a watermark, our site symbol...
                              Yes, the chevron or even another small symbol would be a great "trademark" for the site, maybe it could also go into the mini pic/banner given to other websites to link to the archive?

                              Originally posted by Purpleyin
                              Oh a quick advert for a new lj community I've created -

                              Stargate Lonely Ship fiction

                              For the crazy/rare pairings - no McKay/Weir is allowed but we do allowed it if it's multiship (e.g. McKay/Weir and other pairing in story - Simon/Elizabeth anyone?) so it's a great place for the rarer SWAMA and other angst stories and also a place where Baal/Wall etc and McWe'al can be found....
                              Wow, this page looks quite popular so far! A question though; should I include the multiship McKay/Weir stories in my Friday fanfic update, or should I keep that post for strictly M/W only? I have no prob doing either.

                              Yeah, I'm so proud of the layers but I need to figure out how to blend the pasted images better into the backgroud. And GIMP has something called masking? Hmm...back to the help pages for me!


                                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                                Yes, the chevron or even another small symbol would be a great "trademark" for the site, maybe it could also go into the mini pic/banner given to other websites to link to the archive?
                                Sounds good and in theory (and hopefuly practice too) easy to do.

                                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                                Wow, this page looks quite popular so far! A question though; should I include the multiship McKay/Weir stories in my Friday fanfic update, or should I keep that post for strictly M/W only? I have no prob doing either.
                                Maybe you could list them by categories, if that's not maknig it too much it's almost like having fic archive but in your posts. I think multiship and even very angst or rated fics should be included as long as its clear what they are in the update.

                                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                                Yeah, I'm so proud of the layers but I need to figure out how to blend the pasted images better into the backgroud. And GIMP has something called masking? Hmm...back to the help pages for me!
                                Can be useful, I think it's in most good ggraphics programs, just haven't got the hang of it yet unfortunately. i know masking is one of those highly useful things to be able to do. Problem is half of it is knowing how to do and the other knowing when to use and in what way/order.

