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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    So many great posts and so little time to respond to them all individually so I'll take the lazy way out and make a general post instead.

    First, shipping for McKay/Weir makes as much sense as shipping for any other pairing, IMO. If you enjoy those two together more than any other possibility then you have every right to want to ship them, especially given the fact that there isn't a canon ship on the show.

    I also agree with those who are concerned about how Shep is being written this season. At first, I found the Kirk references amusing... now, not so much. Having him come across as such a flirt and locking lips with so many women in such a short period of time does the character a great disservice, IMO. I can't think of who the target audience is for this kind of Shep because I can't see the shippers, the anti-shippers or the non-shippers embracing this characterization.

    If this is the future of Shep, then it may be great news for McKay/Weir shippers because the more Shep is Kirkified (Yikes! I can't believe I typed that!) the less appealing he becomes as ship material, IMO. Although I'm not quite on the McKay/Weir ship board, they do have an appeal that I would like to see explored more.
    Sig by Luciana


      Originally posted by Purpleyin
      It can be put up on the hosting if you're interested...
      ooh! really?


        Originally posted by HyperCaz
        ooh! really?
        Yep, have uploaded it here. So you can direct people to it there, though I should point out it saves bandwidth if people download it rather than watch it - so if you could tell people to do that if possible then that'd be good.

        Also, I don't know if anyone here has read my new fic Tainted but I've just finished a draft for the second chapter with Rodney's point of view. Just need beta for it now...



          I've been trying to throw together a christmas fic


            Originally posted by maxbo
            First, shipping for McKay/Weir makes as much sense as shipping for any other pairing, IMO. If you enjoy those two together more than any other possibility then you have every right to want to ship them, especially given the fact that there isn't a canon ship on the show.
            Indeed. No ship is the "right" ship, and even if a ship becomes canon it doesn't mean that people have to stop shipping others. Canonizing Sam/Jack (and I'm still not sure if it really was canonized...) didn't stop Daniel/Jack or Daniel/Sam shippers.

            There are numerous reasons for why the shippers here like McKay/Weir and all of them are valid. Same thing for all the other shippers and their ships. I don't see the point in "competing" against other ships because I've found a ship that I enjoy and found other shippers that feel the same. It's more productive to enjoy your ship rather than try and tear other ships down.

            I also think shipping makes as much sense as not shipping at this point on Atlantis and I dislike how some shippers think nonshippers are crazy for not seeing their ship and how some nonshippers think shippers are crazy for seeing it. So far TPTB have put in scenes that can be interpretable as shippy or not. There is no canon ship, only whispers in the wind, and it's pointless to argue over which interpretation is the "correct" one.

            If this is the future of Shep, then it may be great news for McKay/Weir shippers because the more Shep is Kirkified (Yikes! I can't believe I typed that!) the less appealing he becomes as ship material, IMO. Although I'm not quite on the McKay/Weir ship board, they do have an appeal that I would like to see explored more.
            I must admit, I have a hard time shipping Shep with anyone simply because he's been flirting with numerous different women throughout these two seasons. And while I think there's a possibility that TPTB are going to have Shep "settle down" with someone eventually, such a transition has the potential to be forced and awkward if they don't handle it just right.

            I'm glad you see the appeal of those two - there are plenty of people here who really like their dynamic and are happier keeping things friendly rather than shippy. I certainly enjoy their scenes together, I just happen to also squeeze every drop of ship out of them.


              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
              I must admit, I have a hard time shipping Shep with anyone simply because he's been flirting with numerous different women throughout these two seasons. And while I think there's a possibility that TPTB are going to have Shep "settle down" with someone eventually, such a transition has the potential to be forced and awkward if they don't handle it just right.

              I'm glad you see the appeal of those two - there are plenty of people here who really like their dynamic and are happier keeping things friendly rather than shippy. I certainly enjoy their scenes together, I just happen to also squeeze every drop of ship out of them.
              Perhaps this is why Sheppard and slash works so well for people, not to imply all slashers would be happy with the kirk behaviour but it could be argued to be a front...

              I think out of all the possibilities for Shep, I can accept Shep/McKay best, or maybe Shep/Carson. I can't really see Shep ship, apart from fleeting or him as fickle. I can see OT3 for McKay/Sheppard/Weir fairly easily despite his... wonderings?


                Hey guys! new mcweir vid!

                SHIVER by ellymelly


                this is what happens when you -oh hold on, spoilers lol
                explore shweir, mcweirers retaliate with vids!

                elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

                HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

                NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

                HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

                Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                  niiiice elly I like the song. that's from your mcweir mix isn't it?

                  I finished mine too


                    Really enjoyed both vids, especially the fast pace of Shiver - and ellymelly, I uploaded yours to the vids directory, hope that's okay.


                      wow! thank you no that's fine lol

                      elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

                      HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

                      NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

                      HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

                      Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                        just finished my multiship vid as it's not completely mcweir I won't post link here


                          Originally posted by HyperCaz
                          just finished my multiship vid as it's not completely mcweir I won't post link here

                          No, no - the rule is if it has ANY McKay/Weir - whatever the type or however little - we need it here.

                          Don't deny the people vid!


                            caz i'll download yours shortly! lol have to wait for server to calm down

                            nice website Purpleyin! *explores*

                            elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

                            HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

                            NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

                            HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

                            Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                              hey elly! does the title of my mcweir vid on look familiar? It should

                              ahem, new vid! multiship. the ships are all ships I support: mcweir, sheyla, beckett/cadman and...*cough* well there's this thing called beckett/chair..



                                Originally posted by HyperCaz
                                hey elly! does the title of my mcweir vid on look familiar? It should

                                ahem, new vid! multiship. the ships are all ships I support: mcweir, sheyla, beckett/cadman and...*cough* well there's this thing called beckett/chair..

                                Added that to the vids directory too.

