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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    All that wait and I have a bare minimum of stories for you guys! Gah! Oh well, hope everyone can tide themselves over on the latest...

    McKay/Weir Fanfiction Friday!!

    Up to part 3 of “Gemini” by shippedwrecked.”Teyla goes missing on a mission. She returns just as mysteriously, weeks later, but changed. Sheyla angst and McWeir.”

    Up to part 7 of “Moments” by HyperCaz. “The growth of a relationship in short moments. One moment per ep.”

    Up to part 34 of “Saving Grace” by McRaider. “He was just a boy, who needed a home, and they were a family who longed for one more member.”

    “Video Messages” by Jessica. “Why things do not work out between Simon and Elizabeth.”


      ToasterOnFire]1) I was going to go into great detail here asking about that particular quote, but it would seem that alyssa has cleared things up (thank you!) While I can see that Rodney irritates Elizabeth from time to time, especially after the events of Trinity, I just couldn't believe that she dislikes him. Rather, like melpomene stated, I think she can get frustrated with him, but ultimately she respects him, listens to him, and tends to enjoy his company a lot more than other people do. After reading what alyssa reported, that quote makes much more sense and still doesn't really shut the door on McKay/Weir.
      HI...don't visit here often and actually came for a different reason,but I will stick my nose in where it doesn't belong to state my point of view..

      I love the whole Rodney/Weir thing...I have stated though that although I certainly can see it...I don't believe it will happen if the writers go for either Sheppard/Teyla (my favorite) or Shep/Weir...only because I cannot see them turning Atlantis into the "Friends" show where everyone is paired off with a main character...
      Yet, on that note...I had read elsewhere about the comments that Torri makes..sometimes, she confuses people with her comments..but I interpreted it the same way...that in actuality...her favorite is Rodney, but since it is in a way that is annoying and disturbing, then she chose Teyla....strange, but understandable...

      2) Still, there is a great chance that this ship will not become canon. I already know that, and I think most of the shippers here know that too. But that's not the point of shipping for me. For me it's about taking two characters that I personally think work well together and finding canon scenes that can be interpreted as shippy. It's about speculation, what ifs, taking ideas and scenarios and expanding on them in fanfic or discussion. It's about finding people that also like this ship and enjoying talking with them about it. So I don't require canon events to enjoy this ship (though some more scenes between the two in the remaining half of season two would certainly help!)
      Look where there is a will there is a way! I am so into Shep/ is sickening! even to, who cares..I love how you explain this and you are so right...Even if John/Teyla don't get is the little moments that we share with them onscreen and how we have seen their relationship develop and whatever TPTB is still something apparent that there is a special bond..likewise, enjoy your moments with Rodney/ will just make you understand and appreciate the characters better...regardless of whether they become a couple or not! And I love how the fanfics reflect so much of their characters in the stories because the writer clearly understands the real I making any sense here?

      3) If you don't like the idea of McKay/Weir or think that us shippers are all crazy for enjoying it or keeping the torch burning that's fine. I try to respect everyone's opinion and I try to work hard to keep this thread comfortable for everyone - shippers, friendshippers, nonshippers. But coming in here and stating that "you people should give it up" and that we're "dreaming" isn't the best way to go about things. However, looking at your second post it would appear that you weren't honesty trying to stir up trouble here. It's important that everyone respects each other's likes and opinions here. Thanks!
      Ahhhh....someone after my own heart..You said it best..
      so, you guys get some of that in here too...not directed at you Alyssa...
      I have had this problem in the Shep/Teyla thread..yeah, I know hard to believe..and unlike here..we have gotten it pretty nasty! So, I completely agree with you and I encourage you to continue stating that we can agree to disagree, respectfully!

      Jeez, I'm never going to get the FFF done. :
      I am having the same problem with my Shep/Teyla fanfic in
      Since yesterday, I have not been able to open the site...I've since posted my fanfic in that is mostly a Shep/Teyla site..however, they do have a section for other ships...just a suggestion...

      So, the real reason I stop by is to ask you guys how do you think the relationship between Rodney and Weir will be affected with this new idea that Weir is going to turn dark! don't know if you have discussed this already..just wanted to see your input!


        Hi, I actually have gotten a few interesting ideas since I read unknownterra's first post in here, first I'd like to say thanks for clarifying thing alyssa, but my idea was fic plot sort of. See the thought that LIz might not really like Rodney got me thinking, she falls for him and she's thinking, 'how in the world did it happen', but that's all I've got, hehe I know it's weird, but that waws just an 'at the second' type of thing for me. I've actually got something a little better, still not sure where it came form but it was the other day I was thinking 'what if Carter did come to Atlantis, and how would Liz react', so what, somehow, came to me was that Liz and Teyla are sparring and RTeyla notices a change in her mood and asks Liz about it. At first she denies that she's jealous of carter but Teyla sees past that and they talk about it, and did I mention Liz is jealous cuz she caught Rodney and Sam kissing, and so she runs with it, not realizing that it was unwanted by Rodney and he told sam that he's fallen for someone, but Liz doesn't know that and she's upset about it, cuz she just got a glimpse of the kiss , and then she's ticked with Rodney who's clueless, and later comes out and says something along the lines 'I saw you kissing Carter!' and then they eventually resolve it, but that's what I've got, anyone can take it, I'm not sure if I'm gonna writeit personally.
        McKay: I'm invulnerable!
        Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
        McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

        McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

        First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
        My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


          Originally posted by Camy
          I am having the same problem with my Shep/Teyla fanfic in Fanfiction.netSince yesterday, I have not been able to open the site...I've since posted my fanfic in that is mostly a Shep/Teyla site..however, they do have a section for other ships...just a suggestion...

          So, the real reason I stop by is to ask you guys how do you think the relationship between Rodney and Weir will be affected with this new idea that Weir is going to turn dark! don't know if you have discussed this already..just wanted to see your input!
          I haven't really posted anything on FF recently, so I don't know about any of the problems there personally, I have visited 'unique-bond' before because someone made a Weir/Ronan story that I had to check out (I think that's my baby ship) and I had already read most of the sheyla fics I found there, I noticed that our ships tend to end up in fic together sometimes when the writer writes more than one ship, I've even written a mcweir fic with a small amount of sheyla in it.

          Well my thoughts are at the moment (not many) is that Rodney would be the first to notice anytthing, and he'd be there for her, and that's all I've got now, I might have more at some point.
          McKay: I'm invulnerable!
          Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
          McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

          McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

          First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
          My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


            You know it's interesting how people interpret comments. I'd read aobut that one of Torri's and I thought she was talking about who she liked, not who Weir liked, but ...

            Also I went into the city yesterday and had a quick look at the Cult Times which had the Torri interview in. I'm afraid I couldn't afford it (£4 for a magazine!) and was being an annoying person who reads it in the shop but oh well, it was interesting, nothing new per se for anyone who's online but had about Weir's interaction with Caldwell and Ronon (and the respective actors). And of course the comment about how they joke around on set, how it's usually toilet humour, plus using female jokes to shut the male cast up and generally trying to make DH blush (which isn't meant to be that hard).

            Also I thought I'd point out an alternative multifandom archive other than

            Anyway, hope everyone's doing fine, my life is still pretty hectic and I'm never quite recovered from being ill, went to fireworks night thing at a friends and the smoke from it really got to me so I've got a bit of a cough again. But the fireworks were pretty...


              Originally posted by Purpleyin
              You know it's interesting how people interpret comments. I'd read aobut that one of Torri's and I thought she was talking about who she liked, not who Weir liked, but ...

              Also I went into the city yesterday and had a quick look at the Cult Times which had the Torri interview in. I'm afraid I couldn't afford it (£4 for a magazine!) and was being an annoying person who reads it in the shop but oh well, it was interesting, nothing new per se for anyone who's online but had about Weir's interaction with Caldwell and Ronon (and the respective actors). And of course the comment about how they joke around on set, how it's usually toilet humour, plus using female jokes to shut the male cast up and generally trying to make DH blush (which isn't meant to be that hard).

              Also I thought I'd point out an alternative multifandom archive other than

              Anyway, hope everyone's doing fine, my life is still pretty hectic and I'm never quite recovered from being ill, went to fireworks night thing at a friends and the smoke from it really got to me so I've got a bit of a cough again. But the fireworks were pretty...

              Didn't know that you were sick.. I hope all is well and that you feel better soon.. it's not fun being sick..I know from first hand experience! several times..

              I agree with you that Rodney will be there for Weir and that most likely and kind of ironic, he will be the first to pick up a change in will be interesting how this will all play out and how it will affect the characters and the dynamic of Sheppard's team..if it will change it at all!


                No I was not intending to cause trouble. I just think that Weir
                is not too impressed with Rodney after the events of Trinity so whatever relationship they may have had has taken a back step. She gave him a good yelling and told him to let go of his ego for just one moment. That can't be good. Right now I don't ever see her with Rodney.
                I think he just annoys her a lot of the time then she rolls her eyes and walks away. Someone interested in someone else would give them more respect. They are always saying "Rodney will fix everything" and yell at him if he needs just a bit more time to do it. He's always trying to get her attention but she seems to say "you are not my type" and brushes him off. Rodney would be a hard person to put up with and most of the time Weir looks like she is annoyed at him.
                think Seige 3 where she yelled at him in annoyance a couple of times.
                So in my personal opinion, they are not a good match.

                Originally posted by weirfan517
                I've actually got something a little better, still not sure where it came form but it was the other day I was thinking 'what if Carter did come to Atlantis, and how would Liz react'....
                I think she would be jealous if Rodney started spending time with Sam but I think it would only be a female-style reacion.


                  Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                  1) I was going to go into great detail here asking about that particular quote, but it would seem that alyssa has cleared things up (thank you!) While I can see that Rodney irritates Elizabeth from time to time, especially after the events of Trinity, I just couldn't believe that she dislikes him. Rather, like melpomene stated, I think she can get frustrated with him, but ultimately she respects him, listens to him, and tends to enjoy his company a lot more than other people do. After reading what alyssa reported, that quote makes much more sense and still doesn't really shut the door on McKay/Weir.
                  Hey, everyone gets frustrated with McKay! That's what makes his character so loveable! He's the misunderstood genious!
                  2) Still, there is a great chance that this ship will not become canon. I already know that, and I think most of the shippers here know that too. But that's not the point of shipping for me. For me it's about taking two characters that I personally think work well together and finding canon scenes that can be interpreted as shippy. It's about speculation, what ifs, taking ideas and scenarios and expanding on them in fanfic or discussion. It's about finding people that also like this ship and enjoying talking with them about it. So I don't require canon events to enjoy this ship (though some more scenes between the two in the remaining half of season two would certainly help!)
                  Who knows what will happen with any of the ships... I remember reading somewhere early on that they were looking at Jack/Janet on SG1, and we all know that didn't happen. I think a lot of it depends on the chemistry of the actors, and you have to admit, Torri has great onscreen chemistry with both Joe and David!
                  3) If you don't like the idea of McKay/Weir or think that us shippers are all crazy for enjoying it or keeping the torch burning that's fine. I try to respect everyone's opinion and I try to work hard to keep this thread comfortable for everyone - shippers, friendshippers, nonshippers. But coming in here and stating that "you people should give it up" and that we're "dreaming" isn't the best way to go about things. However, looking at your second post it would appear that you weren't honesty trying to stir up trouble here. It's important that everyone respects each other's likes and opinions here. Thanks!
                  It's all about everyone respecting each other's perspective. Over at Shep/Weir, we have a few McKay/Weir people who post, and even the occasional Shep/Teyla person. We all get along fine, because we treat each other with respect. We may rave on about Shep/Weir over there, but we're not going to have a go at anyone else for having a different opinion.

                  Jeez, I'm never going to get the FFF done.
                  Glad I could put the comment into context for you. Torri also told a great story about how they filmed in all that rain! she and David spent three days doing that (I think that's what she said!) and she said that when they were told, the production people were expecting them not to be very happy. She just said "fine. That'll make it easier. We won't have to act, we'll just react!". She said half the time they couldn't see what they were doing -- they couldn't even open their eyes!


                    *thinks* hmmmm wonder if they had a wet t-shirt competiton on set? *hihihi*

           TOTALLY COOL is Torri?! It would be funny if Weir did end up on that planet with the guys with.....*ahem*. It would be Rodney's turn to get jealous.


                      Originally posted by Camy
                      Didn't know that you were sick.. I hope all is well and that you feel better soon.. it's not fun being sick..I know from first hand experience! several times..
                      Luckily I haven't been majorly sick, just annoying bout of flu or whatever it is, with it never quite going away. It got in the way when I needed to write my latest essay which wasn't pleasant, but I'm feeling quite a bit better now, but still not quite right you know. I just haven't been able to find the energy to do anything much lately, hence lack of fic - I've got two ficathon entries, a Kavanagh story, 2 Daniel/Vala ones and a Teyla (with Shep/Teyla friendship) story hanging about needing finishing... I really hate having unfinished stuff but I just haven't been up to anything much. It's reading week for me now though, so I get a little time off and I'm concentrating on early Christmas present planning, because it's something fun to do. I need to get my muse back so I can do some fic again.

                      Anyone likely to make any M/W music vids anytime soon? There are never enough...
                      Originally posted by unknownterra
                      *thinks* hmmmm wonder if they had a wet t-shirt competiton on set? *hihihi*

             TOTALLY COOL is Torri?! It would be funny if Weir did end up on that planet with the guys with.....*ahem*. It would be Rodney's turn to get jealous.
                      On the subject of Rodney being jealous, if you don't think Weir would go for Rodney I'm just curious if you could see him having a one sided thing for her, because I have noticed alot of people who don't ship for the normal definition of McKay/Weir are still quite happy to accept that maybe he has an unrequited crush thing going on for her...

                      I thought it would be interesting to ask because this thread is for anything from full on romance of the pair right down to simple friendship, so the one sided thing definitely comes under what is ontopic.

                      And I was wondering if anyone here is going to do the Thanksgiving challenge that was posted up a while back?
                      Last edited by Purpleyin; 07 November 2005, 05:02 AM.


                        Originally posted by Camy
                        I love the whole Rodney/Weir thing...I have stated though that although I certainly can see it...I don't believe it will happen if the writers go for either Sheppard/Teyla (my favorite) or Shep/Weir...only because I cannot see them turning Atlantis into the "Friends" show where everyone is paired off with a main character...
                        That's my thought as well. I would imagine if they're going to do ship on Atlantis (and I still am unsure about if they're doing it and how I feel about it) then they would have only one major pairing, ala Sam/Jack. However, there are many more characters on Atlantis than SG1, so it's certainly possible that TPTB may toy around with other ships, especially minor character/minor or major/minor.

                        So, the real reason I stop by is to ask you guys how do you think the relationship between Rodney and Weir will be affected with this new idea that
                        Weir is going to turn dark!
                        don't know if you have discussed this already..just wanted to see your input!
                        Ack! Camy, can you please put that in spoiler tags? I'm a spoiler whore, but I know that there are some lurking shippers who are avoiding all spoilers and rumors.
                        I think there's lots of potential with Elizabeth turning dark. It was interesting earlier this season to watch Rodney's attitude in Trinity and see how Elizabeth reacted to that, so I'd like to see the reverse where Rodney sees a darker side to her. I would imagine he would be shocked by it, depending on how serious it is, and I think he would do his best to be there for her.

                        Originally posted by dahan
                        A little thought on "GUP" while I'm here.
                        Since we already know Carter is going to be a hallucination, doesn't that seem to suggest that for the most part Rodeny is going to be out of contact with the rest of the team for as long as he's sunk?
                        Kinds of cuts off Elizabeth and Rodney interaction at the knees doesn't it?
                        aaobuttons summed up my thoughts quite well.
                        The episode does have some shippy potential, but it all depends on what happens. It's possible that the entire episode only shows Rodney and his reaction to things, no contact with Atlantis, no pretrip or posttrip scenes on Atlantis, no cutscenes featuring the people on Atlantis. In that case there won't be any interactions with Elizabeth and all shippy stuff will have to be missing scenes and the like. However, it is possible that they may have a pre or post trip scene on Atlantis, ideally post so we can see how Elizabeth reacted to everything. A cutscene featuring her would be nice too.

                        Originally posted by unknownterra
                        I thought she meant that she personally liked Rodney but he's not Elizabeth's favourite? Rodney is so hard to like considering the way he treats people a lot of the time, and I think
                        Trinity really made Weir angry at Rodney so right now he's on a balancing wire.

                        Personally I think Rodney needs more 'individually saving people from doom scenes' to get a good reputation in the eyes of Weir. We SO need more of hero Rodney on the show.
                        I think your first comment may be right - she does like him but there are numerous times when he's difficult to be around. I'm not really sure who her favorite would be if it's not Rodney though - she does seem to be developing a friendship with Shep but there's the whole military/authority issue, she doesn't really spend any time with Teyla, and she's not really sure how to handle Ronan. She seems to be somewhat detacted with everyone, possibly because she feels she has to because she's the leader.

                        I like how Rodney is difficult to be around and I like how there are times that Elizabeth seems to calm him or focus him or read him. I guess I just like the concept of someone who normally pushes others away but there's someone else who doesn't take that crap and honestly wants to get to know them better. It makes their friendship much more challenging and much more satisfying in the end.

                        I do agree that
                        the events of Trinity have potentially hurt their friendship. However, we've seen little backlash or mention of the events in any of the later episodes so far, and Rodney and Elizabeth have spent minimal time together, so it's hard to really know what's going on. Hopefully later episodes will give us a better idea of where things stand.

                        And I also don't want Rodney to turn into a full-blown hero. Heck, even Shep isn't a full-blown hero - he has his flaws and questionable decisions. I like Rodney as the doubting hero, the one who questions why they're doing things, the one who voices self-preservation comments, the one who always has a biting remark ready to fly, but ultimately the one who tightens up and gets the job done when it's needed, ala Hide and Seek and BIS. I just don't want him to turn into the sniveling sidekick or make obviously stupid mistakes to serve as comic relief. His character is better than that.


                          Hey all

                          How are you. I am Dr. Elisabeth Weir and I FINALLY found this thread. It is getting a bet confusing how many threads there are about Doc Weir I visit the Weir/ Sheppard thread also and the Weir WOW thread of course
                          We are facing our future together - Dr. Elizabeth Weir
                          Dr. Elisabeth Weir is a proud member of the GTA !
                          *~'.:GTA 199:.'~*

                          Stargate Omega: so much more than a website ! Join the place today.



                            Ack! Camy, can you please put that in spoiler tags? I'm a spoiler whore, but I know that there are some lurking shippers who are avoiding all spoilers and rumors.
                            OOOOpppssss...sorry....I am just too caught up with too many things...

                            You've made an excellent point here...I never thought of her behavior towards Rodney in Trinity as a "dark side" just more like a frustrated and exhausted Weir who knows that Rodney may need some "spaniking" in order to bring down his alter ego....Personally, I didn't like that scene at all...As a person who is in a leadership position, it is not becoming and it only demeans your I hope that if this side of Weir is going to come out..that it will be a short lived experience caused by some unknown force...otherwise, how is this going to affect her role as the leader of Atlantis..? and as much as I love Rodney and Sheppard..I don't want them taking over..or anyone else for that matter....I want Weir to continue as the leader of Atlantis and I want her to be successful at it...thus my frustration and total denial of anything more than friendship between her and Sheppard......So, when the writers start playing with the characters like that it concerns me...hopefully this will only be a short episodes type of thing for her and it will only make her character come alive( which I think she needs it) and it will bring her closer to Rodney....

                            Your thoughts...?


                              Originally posted by weirfan517
                              Hi, I actually have gotten a few interesting ideas since I read unknownterra's first post in here, first I'd like to say thanks for clarifying thing alyssa, but my idea was fic plot sort of. See the thought that LIz might not really like Rodney got me thinking, she falls for him and she's thinking, 'how in the world did it happen', but that's all I've got, hehe I know it's weird, but that waws just an 'at the second' type of thing for me. I've actually got something a little better, still not sure where it came form but it was the other day I was thinking 'what if Carter did come to Atlantis, and how would Liz react', so what, somehow, came to me was that Liz and Teyla are sparring and RTeyla notices a change in her mood and asks Liz about it. At first she denies that she's jealous of carter but Teyla sees past that and they talk about it, and did I mention Liz is jealous cuz she caught Rodney and Sam kissing, and so she runs with it, not realizing that it was unwanted by Rodney and he told sam that he's fallen for someone, but Liz doesn't know that and she's upset about it, cuz she just got a glimpse of the kiss , and then she's ticked with Rodney who's clueless, and later comes out and says something along the lines 'I saw you kissing Carter!' and then they eventually resolve it, but that's what I've got, anyone can take it, I'm not sure if I'm gonna writeit personally.
                              I like that plot idea, especially because it involves a scene with Elizabeth and Teyla!

                              Originally posted by alyssa
                              Glad I could put the comment into context for you. Torri also told a great story about how they filmed in all that rain! she and David spent three days doing that (I think that's what she said!) and she said that when they were told, the production people were expecting them not to be very happy. She just said "fine. That'll make it easier. We won't have to act, we'll just react!". She said half the time they couldn't see what they were doing -- they couldn't even open their eyes!
                              Yeah, I felt so bad for Torri and David when I saw the stills from that shoot! Wasn't one of them sick too? Or maybe they were worried that Torri was getting too cold or something...
                              There's a cute shot of both of them in one of the DVD extras where they're both smiling at the camera while soaking wet, so the scene seemed at least a little bearable.

                              Originally posted by Dr. Elisabeth Weir
                              Hey all

                              How are you. I am Dr. Elisabeth Weir and I FINALLY found this thread. It is getting a bet confusing how many threads there are about Doc Weir I visit the Weir/ Sheppard thread also and the Weir WOW thread of course
                              Welcome to the thread! We've had Rodney McKay in here recently too and even earlier John Sheppard was posting as well, which was awfully amusing.

                              Hans, I stumbled across the SGA Secret Santa community over on LJ and as I was browsing through all the requests I thought of you and how you should have signed up. And then several pages back there you were.


                                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                                I like that plot idea, especially because it involves a scene with Elizabeth and Teyla!

                                Don't know if I posted this here. Probably not because I think I put all my convention stuff in the Torri thread, but Torri said that Teyla's her favourite character (as I mentioned when I clarified the Rodney comment!) and she said she wants to have more scenes with her. She says the two of them are always asking if they can have scenes together. Torri was joking that they should have a boozy night and laugh at the boys! Also, she and Rachel are the first on the set each morning, both taking their dogs in. The two hair and makeup girls also take their dogs in, so she said from 5.30 til 7 it's nice and quiet, just the girls and their dogs. Then the boys get in at 7, carrying on like children about how they feel sick, haven't had enough sleep etc. Typical boys!

                                Yeah, I felt so bad for Torri and David when I saw the stills from that shoot! Wasn't one of them sick too? Or maybe they were worried that Torri was getting too cold or something...
                                There's a cute shot of both of them in one of the DVD extras where they're both smiling at the camera while soaking wet, so the scene seemed at least a little bearable.
                                I think maybe both of them had a cold or something? I recall Torri saying something... Oh, maybe it was David who was sick??? Can't remember the details! They spent days filming those scenes, so you can imagine them getting sick! I walked in the rain for about half an hour today, and that was bad enough! Imagine that much water coming at you for days on end!! Poor things!
                                You know what? I like it here! I might just hang around for a while

