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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by paulacole
    <<<Does anyone ever get negative feedback for their fiction? I wanna write some but I'm too chicken to post it up for anyone to read... I'd be crushed if someone just said I sucked... lol >>>

    Sorry if this point is a bit outdated, I wanted to put my two cents in...

    I've got twenty fics on, and most of the reviews I've gotten have pretty fluffy 'cute, I loved it' kinda stuff, ten words or less, and the rest have been fairly in-depth reviews along the lines of 'I really liked the story in general, but your grammar/spelling is a bit off, or I thought the ending was rushed, or it was a little out of character', etc. I prefer these longer reviews because even though it brings up the negative aspects of the fic (as far as the reviewer is concerned, at least) it brings my attention to what was wrong that I might have been blinded to, especially when several people mention the same thing. Any credible writer wants to know what was wrong with their work just as much as they want to be told how much the reader enjoyed it

    I've never had a really terrible review, and personally whenever I've come across a truly woeful fic that had nothing to recommend for it, I've said nothing. I think a good writer knows when what they've written is bad, and a bad writer is so delusional me telling them won't make a difference.

    I've never had opposing shippers (Jack/Sam shippers reading my DanSam stuff, or JohnWier shippers reading my McWier stuff) write a scathing review as an anti-shipper, although the one fic I wrote that was trulye anti-Sam/Jack I put a warning on. I have, however, converted a few JackSam shippers, which I was very pleased about

    Oh, and how do you put quotes in the blue boxes?

    Don't be too chicken to post! and i realise this is off topic, but can someone please explain to me how to do the spoilers properly... i'm a newbie... lol and a mcweirer! be nice...

    elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

    HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

    NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

    HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

    Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


      Originally posted by ellymelly
      Don't be too chicken to post! and i realise this is off topic, but can someone please explain to me how to do the spoilers properly... i'm a newbie... lol and a mcweirer! be nice...
      Spoilers work a like quotes, you enclose the spoilery text with [spoiler]spoilery text here[/spoiler]. There's no button to do it for you though, so you have to type it out and it can be easy to miss the end tag off (in which case it doesn't work) so previewing your posts is recommended to check if spoilers work. To find out in more detail and also what the policy is on what spoils or not then the FAQ is where you ought to go.


        aww thanks! *starts experimenting*

        elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

        HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

        NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

        HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

        Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


          A quick reminder:

          Icons are due today by 9PM GMT over at the SGA ship LJ community. That's enough time to finalize an icon or even whip one up from scratch. Good luck to all that are entering!


            I'm just playing with making some wallpapers and I've come to realise something from Trinity...

            That moment when Elizabeth says 'I know Rodney McKay and sometimes I have to protect him from himself' is huge! I've been so interested in the argument at the end that I've kind of brushed over that moment with little more than a large squee. But now I've been really thinking about it, it's a huge thing for her to admit. When else have we heard her say something so personal about another team member? Who else has she so openly admitted that she thinks of in those terms? It's such a huge flag waving moment for our ship!
            by Kaaatie


              Originally posted by doylefan22
              I'm just playing with making some wallpapers and I've come to realise something from Trinity...

              That moment when Elizabeth says 'I know Rodney McKay and sometimes I have to protect him from himself' is huge! I've been so interested in the argument at the end that I've kind of brushed over that moment with little more than a large squee. But now I've been really thinking about it, it's a huge thing for her to admit. When else have we heard her say something so personal about another team member? Who else has she so openly admitted that she thinks of in those terms? It's such a huge flag waving moment for our ship!
              Yeah, that's my favorite quote from the whole series, and the first time I watched the episode I missed like five minutes after that because I was dancing around and squeeing and making a general ruckus about it. Then, later I watched the episode again and she gets this look on her face after she says it. I can't really read the expression but it's interesting.

              On a non-spoilery front, can anyone help me with this fic idea I've had since I first saw the movie Darklight in which David Hewlett played a very interesting villain?

              I have a very specific idea on what I want to do, I just don't know if I can pull it off.

              PM me or e-mail me at [email protected]

              Oh, and I really want to thank Toaster_on_Fire for making those LJ icon bases...I've had a really really fun time with them
              I don't need no stinkin' sig...and yet I made one anyway...


                Originally posted by doylefan22
                I'm just playing with making some wallpapers and I've come to realise something from Trinity...

                That moment when Elizabeth says 'I know Rodney McKay and sometimes I have to protect him from himself' is huge! I've been so interested in the argument at the end that I've kind of brushed over that moment with little more than a large squee. But now I've been really thinking about it, it's a huge thing for her to admit. When else have we heard her say something so personal about another team member? Who else has she so openly admitted that she thinks of in those terms? It's such a huge flag waving moment for our ship!

                Hello...someone suggested that I visit this thread and spoke very highly of it...So, just thought I'd let you know that I love this idea of Rodney/Elizabeth...I think the scene that you mention above says it all....
                Elizabeth is the only one in Atlantis that understands Rodney.. likewise Rodney seems to tell everyone else off except her...So, it just seems right...
                Don't know if I will post here often, but keep up the good work...Nice to know that there are some pleasant ship thread around....


                  Originally posted by Camy
                  Hello...someone suggested that I visit this thread and spoke very highly of it...So, just thought I'd let you know that I love this idea of Rodney/Elizabeth...I think the scene that you mention above says it all....
                  Elizabeth is the only one in Atlantis that understands Rodney.. likewise Rodney seems to tell everyone else off except her...So, it just seems right...
                  Don't know if I will post here often, but keep up the good work...Nice to know that there are some pleasant ship thread around....
                  Yes, it is nice, isn't it? So amazingly nice to have a ship thread that welcomes almost everyone, and isn't overun with militant ship people. Infact the only person we probably wouldn't want would be Pam, not unless she actually meant what she said (and repented on Weir bashing!) and turned up as herself.

                  This is the easy-going ship thread after all. Completely tolerant of people who only ship a little bit, or for friendship. I'm really grateful this thread has so many good, decent people on it to have fun and serious discussion with.

                  EDIT: By the way, who do we have to thank for getting you to visit this thread then, huh? And whilst your at it why don't you introduce yourself to us, my name's Hans, what's yours?
                  Last edited by Purpleyin; 08 September 2005, 02:58 PM.


                    I just came onto the Gateworld Forum and saw that this thread was the most recently contributed to one in this forum. That's the first time I've seen that happen, which is pretty special for me. (As I'm sure you can tell I was a somewhat sheltered child.)


                      Originally posted by Purpleyin
                      Yes, it is nice, isn't it? So amazingly nice to have a ship thread that welcomes almost everyone, and isn't overun with militant ship people. Infact the only person we probably wouldn't want would be Pam, not unless she actually meant what she said (and repented on Weir bashing!) and turned up as herself.

                      This is the easy-going ship thread after all. Completely tolerant of people who only ship a little bit, or for friendship. I'm really grateful this thread has so many good, decent people on it to have fun and serious discussion with.

                      EDIT: By the way, who do we have to thank for getting you to visit this thread then, huh? And whilst your at it why don't you introduce yourself to us, my name's Hans, what's yours?

                      You really are persistent...gotta handed to you...
                      I think you are really giving me to much credit...I didn't know that you are following me...Wow! I must have made a really great impression on you...
                      THANKS FOR THE ATTENTION....
                      Go look back in the Teyla Thread and you will see that someone mentioned this to me...
                      STOP HARRASSING ME!!!STALKING ME!!!!
                      or you can continue...I do like the attention....WOW>>>>
                      Should I post my own thread so that you can speak your mind to me all you want and not have the others have to listen to you?
                      OH Yeah....If it makes you happy, I am CAMYPAM!!!!!

                      Sorry for this interruption, Mckay/Weir Fans...
                      I just have a magnetic personality
                      as you can see...I have a secret admirer!!!!STALKER!


                        Originally posted by Camy
                        You really are persistent...gotta handed to you...
                        I think you are really giving me to much credit...I didn't know that you are following me...Wow! I must have made a really great impression on you...
                        THANKS FOR THE ATTENTION....
                        Go look back in the Teyla Thread and you will see that someone mentioned this to me...
                        STOP HARRASSING ME!!!STALKING ME!!!!
                        or you can continue...I do like the attention....WOW>>>>
                        Should I post my own thread so that you can speak your mind to me all you want and not have the others have to listen to you?
                        OH Yeah....If it makes you happy, I am CAMYPAM!!!!!

                        Sorry for this interruption, Mckay/Weir Fans...
                        I just have a magnetic personality
                        as you can see...I have a secret admirer!!!!STALKER!
                        Don't flatter yourself. If you're refering to my latest post on the S/T and the examples I gave, that was because you asked for why people were getting annoyed at/offended by you and I gave you examples. I addressed you on the S/T thread because the issue was relevant to the thread, but here it is not. If you really wanted to tell me the above you could have easily done it in a PM, so why'd you choose to post if here? It's not remotely relevant to this thread AT ALL. And my reply to your post here, you came here... that's not me stalking you! Seems like you actually want the attention or you'd not jump on over to this thread to diss me and get some big sympathy vote for people who believe you, instead of handling it in a mature way. (Oh and tick for excessive smile usage cropping up )

                        And now for everyone else, how about some McKay/Weir to cheer the place up and get back that easy-going feel?


                          Originally posted by Purpleyin
                          Don't flatter yourself. If you're refering to my latest post on the S/T and the examples I gave, that was because you asked for why people were getting annoyed at/offended by you and I gave you examples. I addressed you on the S/T thread because the issue was relevant to the thread, but here it is not. If you really wanted to tell me the above you could have easily done it in a PM, so why'd you choose to post if here? It's not remotely relevant to this thread AT ALL. And my reply to your post here, you came here... that's not me stalking you! Seems like you actually want the attention or you'd not jump on over to this thread to diss me and get some big sympathy vote for people who believe you, instead of handling it in a mature way. (Oh and tick for excessive smile usage cropping up )

                          And now for everyone else, how about some McKay/Weir to cheer the place up and get back that easy-going feel?

                          I came here and posted nothing bad about you....If you were the one that gave me the advice...then why are you all upset...when you told me to come and check this site out and that is what I am doing...
                          Again, I don't see what I have done to cause you to get so rude and nasty with me....Show me how have I attacked you.?.... Give it a rest will you?
                          I have the right to post wherever I want and whatever I want....I have not said anything wrong, ANYWHERE! Prove it....
                          And this is the second time that you are following me.....Check the postings...
                          You want to have a mature conversation with me...Then by all means let's do it...otherwise...leave me BE!!!!!!!! If I want attention, I go to my husband...I don't get that in a forum! I am not that kind of a person...All I want is to chat with people that are willing to respectfully share their ideas with me and with others....

                          I won't humor you anymore.....

                          Again, sorry about that folks.....


                            Originally posted by Camy
                            I came here and posted nothing bad about you....If you were the one that gave me the advice...then why are you all upset...when you told me to come and check this site out and that is what I am doing...
                            Again, I don't see what I have done to cause you to get so rude and nasty with me....Show me how have I attacked you.?.... Give it a rest will you?
                            I have the right to post wherever I want and whatever I want....I have not said anything wrong, ANYWHERE! Prove it....
                            And this is the second time that you are following me.....Check the postings...
                            You want to have a mature conversation with me...Then by all means let's do it...otherwise...leave me BE!!!!!!!! If I want attention, I go to my husband...I don't get that in a forum! I am not that kind of a person...All I want is to chat with people that are willing to respectfully share their ideas with me and with others....

                            I won't humor you anymore.....

                            Again, sorry about that folks.....
                            Again, why with the posting it here and not in a PM or the thread where this started? When did I tell/give you the advice to check this thread out??? Also, you're sorry about this, well maybe you shouldn't be disrupting this thread with this - there's reason for PM's, and the only reason I'm replying here is because you're accusing me here.

                            Me following you, you mean to this thread? I've been here long before you and post here all the time, that's not me following you, I just happen to post here alot as my subscription is set to instant mail. Or are you admitting to when I also gave you examples of the same reasons for the clone thing when you were Crystal? I won't check the postings thank you very much, if you think I'm following you then you prove it to me because I really don't see it.

                            And again, back to the real topic of the thread before this gets even more offtopic (maybe some people should respect that point).

                            Doylefan, you're definitely right
                            that line is such a great one, cause for squee and also a very good insight into their relationship. Who'd have thought such a small amount of dialogue could be so telling?


                              M/W photo time!

                              Gods, I love that last one. So damn cute!
                              *Leans back and turns up the downtempo music*


                                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire

                                Gods, I love that last one. So damn cute!
                                *Leans back and turns up the downtempo music*
                                Yes! Definitely something suited to the easy-going ship.

