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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by doylefan22
    There's no way I'd like to see them get together on the show....unless it was imminently going to end of course.

    I'm happy to have just a strong suggestion of their being something there. Of them really caring about each other. I find that strangely more satisfying than blatant ship...
    YES PLEASE! More friendship! More trust and confessions! More protection and concern! Heck, more eating together in the cafeteria! All of these things are great fun to watch and are vital for paving the way for any ship, be it canon or fanfic.

    Originally posted by Purpleyin
    Well I'm still here, not on holiday *don't ask*... I went over the dialogue for Trinity and my best listening skills came up with this, in addition to doylefan's transcirption.
    Thanks for the transcript Hans! Except now I'm even more curious about what came before and after their discussion. Dissection? Section? What could that be?
    And bummer about your stalled vacation. Oh well, at least you were a day early instead of a day late. Hope you still have a good time!

    Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
    Oh, and Toaster! I think you should enter your icons HERE. They're awesome and I bet you'd win They even have McWeir on the banner...yay!
    I saw their message over on the M/W LJ group and I'm thinking about it. I am a tad nervous however, since I'm still getting my footing making icons and I may be playing with the "big boys". Still, I'd be honored to represent the M/W shippers and post some great icons for the challenges.

    Originally posted by weirfan517
    I also want to say welcome newbies, don't worry we're kinda nice and don't bite.
    Speak for yourself. My victims tell me I have mean little pointy teeth.

    And nice sig doylefan!


      Now I really want to know what came before in the argument as well. I should be able to listen to it in a little while, and I'll see if I can come up with anymore.
      Welcome to the newbies!! Nice to see more shippers coming on the boards!
      Originally by ToasterOnFire
      YES PLEASE! More friendship! More trust and confessions! More protection and concern! Heck, more eating together in the cafeteria! All of these things are great fun to watch and are vital for paving the way for any ship, be it canon or fanfic.
      Agreed! I'm definatly waiting for more little bits. They're the best parts Hopefully we'll get to see more into just the regular day(as in not running/fighting for their lives) on Atlantis sometime too.
      In other news, I finally saw Hide and Seek today,lol. Yes I know it's the third episode of season one, but I missed it the first time it was on cause I wasn't home, and haven't gotten a chance to see it until today. There was some squeeing of course, and it was just in general a really good episode Oh and Toaster I love the icons! ::saves them::


        okay i have been listening through it, like a gazillon times, and i have other possibilities for the first line:

        1. deception
        2. this discussion
        3. this is actually
        4. this is not actually
        5. the section is not
        6. this discussion is not a

        anyway, im not very sure about any of them, and i will continue to listen and try and pin it down, and maybe get rid of some possibilities, but in all likelyhood i'll probebly just think up more instead


          Originally posted by fatesfortune
          okay i have been listening through it, like a gazillon times, and i have other possibilities for the first line:

          1. deception
          2. this discussion
          3. this is actually
          4. this is not actually
          5. the section is not
          6. this discussion is not a

          anyway, im not very sure about any of them, and i will continue to listen and try and pin it down, and maybe get rid of some possibilities, but in all likelyhood i'll probebly just think up more instead
          Well at least those possibilities are much easier to fit into a fic than 'dissection' was! Now I just have to decide which one to use.... Thanks
          by Kaaatie


            Originally posted by fatesfortune
            okay i have been listening through it, like a gazillon times, and i have other possibilities for the first line:

            1. deception
            2. this discussion
            3. this is actually
            4. this is not actually
            5. the section is not
            6. this discussion is not a

            anyway, im not very sure about any of them, and i will continue to listen and try and pin it down, and maybe get rid of some possibilities, but in all likelyhood i'll probebly just think up more instead
            Hmm...well 5 can probably be thrown out as I can't think of anything in that discussion that would warrant the word "section". Unless she's talking about the
            section of the galaxy that was blown up. Or remains
            And I don't know about "deception" either; I don't think Rodney was being intentionally deceptive to Elizabeth.
            Looking forward to seeing what the fanfic writers do with that scene!

            And it would appear that there are new promotional photos of Rodney and Elizabeth indivdually here. Looks like I have some chopping and merging to do! There's also a slightly different photo of the two (with Carson ):

            So serious, so sexy!


              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
              And it would appear that there are new promotional photos of Rodney and Elizabeth indivdually here. Looks like I have some chopping and merging to do! There's also a slightly different photo of the two (with Carson ):

              So serious, so sexy!
              I love that pic, and love all the new ones in that link, really nice. This one is a good Torri pic :

              McKay: I'm invulnerable!
              Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
              McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

              McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

              First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
              My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


                Ooo! I hadn't seen that picture of Torri yet. Its a good one. On the otherhand I had seen the picture of Rodney, Elizabeth, and Dr. Beckett. Now if only Dr. Beckett wern't actually in it. Not that I don't love him too or anything, but... I definatly think they look so cute together in that pic, and if I may say so, I think...huh wait. It's a diffrent picture!!!! I have a similar one but diffrent!! Hold on I'll post it!!!
                Yes, just went over and saw all the promotional pics I won't be able to do anything tonight, but tommorow,you can bet I'll be at the photoshop whipping up mcweir images, group images, sigs, and icons

                ...hmm, have previewed the pic, and its small, but it leads to a link where its larger, so I guess its okay


                  Originally posted by fatesfortune
                  Ooo! I hadn't seen that picture of Torri yet. Its a good one. On the otherhand I had seen the picture of Rodney, Elizabeth, and Dr. Beckett. Now if only Dr. Beckett wern't actually in it. Not that I don't love him too or anything, but... I definatly think they look so cute together in that pic, and if I may say so, I think...huh wait. It's a diffrent picture!!!! I have a similar one but diffrent!! Hold on I'll post
                  Yeah, those are two almost identical pics except for Rodney's pose. I love them; Rodney and Elizabeth are just so smoldering HOT together and the back-to-back pose reminds me how much those two depend and protect each other.
                  ...and aren't their bum's touching?

                  Yes, just went over and saw all the promotional pics I won't be able to do anything tonight, but tommorow,you can bet I'll be at the photoshop whipping up mcweir images, group images, sigs, and icons
                  Ooh, another photoshopper! Excellent!

                  ...hmm, have previewed the pic, and its small, but it leads to a link where its larger, so I guess its okay
                  I think that's because you're using imageshack to upload photos. I prefer photobucket, it doesn't shrink down the pic like that.

                  And I hope Hans is okay! It would appear that Switzerland and Austria have had heavy flooding recently!


                    Well, lookie what I found! Arlessiar was kind enough to link to an interview thingie with PM (Beckett) here, which had some interesting spoilers for the upcoming episode "Hive"

                    Paul notes that he's rehearsing a scene with DH, and he says "Very intense scene for David – where’s he’s basically going through withdrawal symptoms." There's later mention of strapping David to a gurney and having him lunge at Carson (!) and later, "Scene 28 – enter Torri Higginson (Dr. Weir) looking as gorgeous as ever. What a relief! I was getting fed up of looking at David. A calming scene, where David has finally passed out, and we pretend we care about his well-being."

                    Lots of unanswered questions there! What exactly is causing Rodney to go through withdrawl? Could it be the wraith enzyme? If so, how did he get it? Was there some sort of accident? Did Ford (who is also in this ep) intentionally inject Rodney with it? Or could he be withdrawing from something else? Maybe he was so upset/traumatized from the events of Trinity that he started abusing some sort of drug? It's not too likely, but it would be nice and dark! Either way, I would assume the gurney is needed because Rodney's symptoms are so violent! Poor guy!

                    And, yay for my shippy heart, it would appear that Elizabeth is aware of Rodney's predicament and comes down to the medical area to check up on him. Go H/C!! Poor gal, it seems like she's been doing that a lot this season! One of these eps I'm hoping that she comes down and tells him "We have to stop meeting up like this."


                      *Flutters* Be still my shippy heart!

                      That sounds like it has got bags of potential to me. It'll be interesting to see David playing that too. He's such a terrific actor....And how will Elizabeth cope when a man who she sees as a dear friend at least is in such bad shape?
                      by Kaaatie


                        Well then, as I said, I was working away at photoshop, and I have one pic to upload for now. It took me a while to do, but im very happy with

                        By the way, thanx for the tip on photobucket!


                          Originally posted by fatesfortune
                          Well then, as I said, I was working away at photoshop, and I have one pic to upload for now. It took me a while to do, but im very happy with

                          By the way, thanx for the tip on photobucket!

                          Whoa nice pic, its funny is I was thinkin that those 2 pics would go nice together, but I don't know how to make photoshop pic like yall, and whaty you made is alot better than I imagined and they're so cute together. Amzing, awesome, keep it up.
                          McKay: I'm invulnerable!
                          Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
                          McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

                          McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                          First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
                          My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


                            Loved the picture, fatesfortune! So cute together! Loved the spoiler as well, Toaster.

                            Sorry about not stopping in to chat. Been busy loading brother #2 off to college. It'll be so weird with both of them gone. But anyway, managed to finish the third chapter of "Forsaken Future" done for anyone who wanted to know. It will be a while before Hans gets to beta it, but I'd rather you guys wait and be pleased than have to read my horrible un-betaed stuff.

                            The M/W ficathon is really going along well now. Four more days to sign up if you already haven't! At least on Monday I'll have things to sort through to cure my start-of-school depression Anybody up for doing Alg. 2 homework? Anyhow, thanks to everyone who promoted the ficathon around!

                            I tried to catch the conversation in "Trinity", but my hearing isn't nearly as good as yours. Sorry!


                              Originally posted by fatesfortune
                              Well then, as I said, I was working away at photoshop, and I have one pic to upload for now. It took me a while to do, but im very happy with
                              WOW, that's great!! I was working on the same thing and only got to here so far:

                              I never thought to actually alter the hands like you did. It looks wonderful!

                              Originally posted by LittleKnux2008
                              The M/W ficathon is really going along well now. Four more days to sign up if you already haven't! At least on Monday I'll have things to sort through to cure my start-of-school depression Anybody up for doing Alg. 2 homework? Anyhow, thanks to everyone who promoted the ficathon around!
                              Ooh, how many people are signed up so far? I'd do it, but I write absolutely terribly under pressure. I think I'm going to stick with the Atlantis ship icon challenge over on LJ.
                              And yuck, homework. It's a wonderful feeling when you're finally done with homework and tests. However, that generally means you're either a grad student or in a full-time job and then you're working all the time with NO SUMMER VACATION. I miss that most of all.


                                I have a question.....***cover the ears, kiddies!*** I'm sort of wondering as to whether there is any Mcweir smut floating around out there. I've never read any and I am rather curious. Ok, I'm embarrassed now....
                                Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
                                :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:

