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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Fanwoman
    Another reason I have issues with it is that Sheppard pretty much flirts with every new/episodic female that isn't jail bait. First Teyla, then Perna--Rodney wasn't the only one disappointed by her favoring Carson!--, then Sora ("I wasn't hitting on your daughter"), then Chaya. And in The Brotherhood, he seemed almost annoyed that the hot chick was interested in Rodney (a.k.a. Mr. Oblivious). I find it a bit difficult to believe that such a social butterfly would settle for one woman; it would be out of chatacter. I also think it would be odd for TPTB to take a Kirk character and turn him into a one-woman-man. This is perhaps why I'm more of a M/W fan than a S/E fan--McKay has longed for a relationship since day one. Whether or not he's currently capable of keeping one is another matter, but he's no Kirk, that's for sure.
    Oh, good call. Rodney seems more the type who is completely committed (maybe too early?) until the women get sick of him. That view may change though, I distinctly remember DH saying in an early season 1 interview that McKay saw the Pegasus galaxy as a potential dating service or something...

    Shep seems more the type not to be pinned down by a relationship, so a S/W relationship could be seen as OOC. There is that Hollywood dream about women who manage to convert a staunch ladies man to their one true love, but I really don't want to see that here. Also, it may be too early to tell if Shep is truly flighty. For example, maybe he really did want to be with Chaya but that whole
    ancient thingie
    got in the way. We'll never know.

    Sorry Porthos! And I have no McKay/Weir fanart finished today. Still playing around with layers and gradients and textures, ack it's so confusing. Dodge? Burn? Wha?

    I could have sworn that someone somewhere posted a bunch of LJ icons last week and some were M/W. Am I hallucinating, or did anyone see that too? More importantly, does anyone know where they went?

    And I absolutely love wisdomeagle's LJ entry here. Physically incapable! Bwahaha!

    Do I smell a M/W website update coming??? *rubs hands together*


      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      I could have sworn that someone somewhere posted a bunch of LJ icons last week and some were M/W. Am I hallucinating, or did anyone see that too? More importantly, does anyone know where they went?

      Do I smell a M/W website update coming??? *rubs hands together*
      I searched Atlantis_Icons but didn't see any of those there but I did dig up a deviantart stargate community.

      Where one of the members had links to 2 M/W wallpapers, sadly those links don't work but the wallpapers are on their photobucket account (and a M/W banner! ) - sadly they're downsized but maybe if you contact them through deviantart they'd send either of them.

      And of course encouragement on the M/W stuff might mean more...
      And yes, an update is imminent, as are (DH caps) and another fic but I'm feeling pretty busy with moving house in 8 days and a housewarming party. I really wanted to have gotten more done on the site design by now, everything works around that unfortunately, can't add any stuff until we have somewhere to add it to!


        Originally posted by Purpleyin
        Sorry to hear aobut you toes. Fanart? Here's a place for some cool Mckay pieces with one M/W piccy.
        OMG! Those are so frakking cool!!! Gorgeous!

        Angel Rodney! Matrix SGA team!


        Oh, and I love the McKay/Weir pic! Elizabeth looks a tad different (older?) though; maybe the jawline and eyebrows are off. Rodney looks...perfect.

        How on earth do you contact this person to encourage them to do more??!!


          Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
          Oh, and I love the McKay/Weir pic! Elizabeth looks a tad different (older?) though; maybe the jawline and eyebrows are off. Rodney looks...perfect.

          How on earth do you contact this person to encourage them to do more??!!
          I thought she looked a little off there too but still M/W!

          If you follow the link through to the main site it's in German but somewhere there'd be a contact thing I'd presume - there's a blog link on the lefthand menu


            Porthos! I hope you're feeling better soon!

            Originally posted by Purpleyin

            Originally posted by Porthos1013
            When do you think McKay and Weir first fell for each other? I'm not talking about the little crush/attraction between them, because I think that's always been there, since Rising. I mean when do you think they really fell hard in love with the other?
            I never got the chance to answer this, so I hope you all don't mind me draging it back up.

            I agree with what most of you said --that they're not, yet--but I have more specific things to say about it all.

            As for Elizabeth, she has always come off as a very sincere and serious person, even when being scartastic. I've said before, I completely believe she is/was in love with Simon. For me, these two elements combine in such a way that I find it difficult to believe she would ever consciously consider a relationship with anyone else while still involved with Simon. (If she did, she would lose a fair amount of the integrity that is intrinsic to her character.) I think she didn't start thinking about giving him up until
            faced with the possible consequences of her return in

            Of course, the episodes immediately following that were The Storm and The Eye, and we know what significant incidents occur during those. It was the first time since Hide and Seek where she, herself, was directly in danger and some of her people died. These aspects of that conflict could have gotten her to think about her situation a little more personally, as opposed to always being the detached leader. As I've said before, who could not be moved by what he did for her in The Eye? That on top of the eye-opening ending of Hide and Seek, and she has reasons to be impressed by him that have nothing to do with a professional relationship.

            In Letters from Pegasus
            she finally lets go of Simon, thus, in my mind, opening her up to the possibility of a relationship with someone else. Add to that the little fishing for personal information comment, "You don’t wanna send a message to anyone?" and I can't help but want to think he is one of the reasons she's letting go of Simon.
            There is, unfortunately, no time for anyone to really be worried about romance between then and the end of the season, and so the emotional potential remains unfulfilled.

            As for Rodney, his reaction to her visit in Home was so blazé that it's a bit difficult for me to believe, based on his reactions to other women he's shown an interest in, that he was consciously thinking of her as a viable romantic partner at that time. This is perhaps due to her position as his boss, perhaps also due to sensing she's involved with someone else already. Or perhaps it's because she's not blond.

            Then, in The Eye,
            he was faced with the very real possibility of losing her, as an individual (in earlier secnarios, her possible death would have included his and those of many others), and how does he react? He risks his life for her in an act that would make nearly any woman's heart melt.
            He seemed almost as surprised by his action as anyone else (well, maybe Kolya wasn't surprised...). I think this might have gotten him to begin looking at his feelings for her in a different light.

            Add to that his
            bouncing her question back about personal messages and his obvious dissapointment in learning she intended to send some
            in Letters from Pegasus, and it seems like mutual interest to me.

            It's obvious they work well together and trust and respect each other and care for each other, but I don't think either of them see all that as love, yet.

            ...but I WANT them to!!!
            Don't say "ka" until you've tried it.


              Ooh, great post!

              Originally posted by Fanwoman
              I never got the chance to answer this, so I hope you all don't mind me draging it back up.

              I agree with what most of you said --that they're not, yet--but I have more specific things to say about it all.

              As for Elizabeth, she has always come off as a very sincere and serious person, even when being scartastic. I've said before, I completely believe she is/was in love with Simon. For me, these two elements combine in such a way that I find it difficult to believe she would ever consciously consider a relationship with anyone else while still involved with Simon. (If she did, she would lose a fair amount of the integrity that is intrinsic to her character.) I think she didn't start thinking about giving him up until
              faced with the possible consequences of her return in
              I'm a bit confused by the possible consequences. My brain is not working today. Can you clarify?

              I also see her as seriously committed to Simon, although her taped message to him in Rising may have been an indicator that their relationship ultimately wouldn't last. I also can't picture her seriously contemplating a relationship with Rodney while she was still with Simon. However, it's certainly possible that she would consciously find him attractive, feel concern for him when he was depressed or injured, be jealous if he flirted with someone else, and maybe even contemplate what it was like being in a relationship with him. Such thoughts can be harmless if you're in another relationship as long as they don't become obsessive or drown out the relationship, and I don't see Elizabeth obsessing over Rodney at this point.

              Of course, the episodes immediately following that were The Storm and The Eye, and we know what significant incidents occur during those. It was the first time since Hide and Seek where she, herself, was directly in danger and some of her people died. These aspects of that conflict could have gotten her to think about her situation a little more personally, as opposed to always being the detached leader. As I've said before, who could not be moved by what he did for her in The Eye? That on top of the eye-opening ending of Hide and Seek, and she has reasons to be impressed by him that have nothing to do with a professional relationship.

              In Letters from Pegasus
              she finally lets go of Simon, thus, in my mind, opening her up to the possibility of a relationship with someone else. Add to that the little fishing for personal information comment, "You don’t wanna send a message to anyone?" and I can't help but want to think he is one of the reasons she's letting go of Simon.
              There is, unfortunately, no time for anyone to really be worried about romance between then and the end of the season, and so the emotional potential remains unfulfilled.
              Oh, I never thought of that comment as fishing! Good point!
              And yes, they had no downtime between LFP and the season ender. Rodney looked like he was getting little to no sleep and I can't imagine Elizabeth was relaxing either. It just doesn't seem likely that she would pursue anything with him because of
              the wraith and she gave up Simon so recently. She seems the type who needs to mourn the loss before moving on.
              Canon pursue mind you. There have been some nice "we're going to die, so I'm coming to you for comfort and love" fics out there.

              As for Rodney, his reaction to her visit in Home was so blazé that it's a bit difficult for me to believe, based on his reactions to other women he's shown an interest in, that he was consciously thinking of her as a viable romantic partner at that time. This is perhaps due to her position as his boss, perhaps also due to sensing she's involved with someone else already. Or perhaps it's because she's not blond.
              He did have no problem with her seeing him in his boxers, didn't he? That could be because he may be attracted to her but be quite comfortable around her (Seems OOC though considering Brotherhood. Maybe it's something about Elizabeth?), he just woke up and his brain isn't working (like mine ), he's focused only on his neighbor and the upcoming date, or he doesn't see her as a romantic interest yet for the reasons you listed above.

              Then, in The Eye,
              he was faced with the very real possibility of losing her, as an individual (in earlier secnarios, her possible death would have included his and those of many others), and how does he react? He risks his life for her in an act that would make nearly any woman's heart melt.
              He seemed almost as surprised by his action as anyone else (well, maybe Kolya wasn't surprised...). I think this might have gotten him to begin looking at his feelings for her in a different light.
              Yep, and his concern over losing her was compounded with the possibility that he would have to actually watch her die. Hearing about her dying and actually seeing her die are two very different things. Perhaps after that day he had a chance to reflect on his actions, wonder why he did something so stupid, and then contemplate why he would automatically risk his life for hers. That could have caused him to realize he had some feelings for her, which he probably buried.

              Add to that his
              bouncing her question back about personal messages and his obvious dissapointment in learning she intended to send some
              in Letters from Pegasus, and it seems like mutual interest to me.
              I wonder if he had been thinking that she had someone back home and her answer was the final confirmation to him that she did. If he didn't suspect she was seeing anyone he might as well have assumed she was sending a letter to her family or something, and he wouldn't have had that little "Oh" reaction. Or maybe (speculation) in Antarctica she told him she didn't have any family/wasn't in contact with them, so he naturally assumed she was sending a message to a boyfriend?

              It's obvious they work well together and trust and respect each other and care for each other, but I don't think either of them see all that as love, yet.

              ...but I WANT them to!!!
              You and pretty much everyone else on this thread!!


                Fanwoman, I just want to say how much I LOVE that post! I've actually been considering writing a second part to my fic "Something Precious" because a lot of people seemed to want a happy ending set after LfP, but I was totally stumped on how to go about it. Your post got the bunnies flying!

                Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                  I made a little graphic based on the behind the scenes photo that got posted up. It's a bit iffy because it's technically the actors and not the characters but... I'm quoting Toaster's caption for the pic. Nothing much but something I made just now by playing around.


                    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                    I'm a bit confused by the possible consequences. My brain is not working today. Can you clarify?
                    I guess I didn't say that very well.
                    I see Home as kind of a test run as to what might happen in reality. She had to deal with the possibility of not being able to get back to Pegasus. She also had to deal with how unfair she had been toward Simon. Remember, she was expecting him to be angry. Would/could he ever really understand and forgive her for what she did? (Not that she necessarily had done anything that required forgiving...) Even if it had been real, would/could they overcome what had happened and still have a healthy relationship? A lot happened in that episode, and I think it's the one of the two primary reasons for her Dear John video in LfP (the other being imminent death). I think she really had to confront the realities of her relationship with Simon because of Home. In the end, she realized it was unfair and let him go.

                    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                    I wonder if he had been thinking that she had someone back home and her answer was the final confirmation to him that she did. If he didn't suspect she was seeing anyone he might as well have assumed she was sending a letter to her family or something, and he wouldn't have had that little "Oh" reaction. Or maybe (speculation) in Antarctica she told him she didn't have any family/wasn't in contact with them, so he naturally assumed she was sending a message to a boyfriend?
                    This supports my thinking that, even as oblivious as he is, he suspects she has someone back home.

                    Ulitmately, he could be jealous at the implication that she has strong family bonds while he doesn't...but since we already know McKay has poor family relations, why would they waste time showing us that?

                    Originally posted by Porthos
                    Fanwoman, I just want to say how much I LOVE that post! I've actually been considering writing a second part to my fic "Something Precious" because a lot of people seemed to want a happy ending set after LfP, but I was totally stumped on how to go about it. Your post got the bunnies flying!

                    LOVE the graphic, Hans!
                    Don't say "ka" until you've tried it.


                      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                      He did have no problem with her seeing him in his boxers, didn't he? That could be because he may be attracted to her but be quite comfortable around her (Seems OOC though considering Brotherhood. Maybe it's something about Elizabeth?), he just woke up and his brain isn't working (like mine ), he's focused only on his neighbor and the upcoming date, or he doesn't see her as a romantic

                      Or that just supports my theory that they not only knew each other before Atlantis, but it was a romantic relationship. Think about it, why else would he be so comfortable in not only answering her while wearing so little, but also getting dressed in front of her? Enquiring minds want to know.


                        Originally posted by Cory Holmes

                        Or that just supports my theory that they not only knew each other before Atlantis, but it was a romantic relationship. Think about it, why else would he be so comfortable in not only answering her while wearing so little, but also getting dressed in front of her? Enquiring minds want to know.
                        Did he know it was Elizabeth when he answered the door like that? I can't remember...

                        Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                        McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                        Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                        McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                          Originally posted by Cory Holmes

                          Or that just supports my theory that they not only knew each other before Atlantis, but it was a romantic relationship. Think about it, why else would he be so comfortable in not only answering her while wearing so little, but also getting dressed in front of her? Enquiring minds want to know.

                          That sounds like a cool idea for a fic. Maybe how they decided to break things off when they were going to Atlantis, and how they feel about just being friends when they were so much more!
                          It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                            Originally posted by Porthos1013
                            Did he know it was Elizabeth when he answered the door like that? I can't remember...

                            He didn't know. He was woken up from a nap by the door and just answered it and saw it was her.

                            I think that scene shows just how comfortable he is around her. He thinks of her as a friend, a real friend that he can be himself around. No need to look smart or show bravado, just to be himself knowing that she accepts him for who he is.
                            It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                              Check out this M/W shippers LJ entry - yay for wallpapers (though you have to email her to get it fullsize)


                                Originally posted by Purpleyin
                                Check out this M/W shippers LJ entry - yay for wallpapers (though you have to email her to get it fullsize)
                                And she has a slew of LJ icons with some McKay/Weir here!

                                Sigh, I love LJ icons. So purdy.

                                *prods Cory to write that Antarctica fic*
                                *prods aaobuttons to write that Gift Bday fic*
                                *prods everyone else to write, period*

