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Rodney McKay/Elizabeth Weir Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Cory Holmes
    I have to admit that since you posted this, a plot bunny has snuck up on me, leapt onto my back and latched it's teeth into my flesh with a fervor that would make a Wraith proud. I see fit to blame you for my current predicament.
    Oh, how fabulous! I always love attacking people with bunnies.

    Originally posted by purpleyin
    Well if you don't mind I could open up the character file stuff to everyone, incase anyone else has the time to do it. I know not everything needs finishing by the site launch but I would like the basics covered and anything else done by then it a bonus. And yes, the fic archive is the main priority.

    Cory has my OT3 to go over and really right now I should be betareading or doing the site update but I'm getting distracted by unfinished fics and plot bunnies - just starting a M/W K/W song fic. I swear I can't go a few hours without finding a song that demands a fic or suddenly inspires the mood to help with a started fic.
    Oh sure, anyone can help out with the character files if they want. For those of you that don't know, I was thinking about making separate documents of Rodney and Elizabeth. They would have all of the canon info; stuff like Rodney's family, Elizabeth's diplomatic backstory, etc. I was thinking that they'd be interesting reads plus it would help authors stay close to canon if they wanted to.
    Three Qs though-
    1) Should it be organized by episode or by categeory (past, family info, health info, etc)? Episode is certainly easier (what we learned about the character in that ep) but I think it may be better and easier to read if it's written by category. For example, there could be discussion about Rodney's health concerns and it could be mentioned that he has an allergy to citrus (Redemption pt2).
    2) Should one file be written for each season or should there be one overall file that's update with new info as we get it? The latter obviously sounds better, but I don't know if I'm going to update both files after each new ep. Maybe it's better to update at the end of each season or halfway?
    3) What about spoilers? Since people in different parts of the world get the eps at different times someone could get spoiled if they read an updated character file. Should a disclaimer at the start be enough?

    K/W??!! I hope you're talking about Kolya...

    Oh, and while on the topic of Kolya I found an older fic about the Storm with some M/W stuff! I don't think it's in our C2 community directory either!

    "A Simple Thing"

    "Sanctuary" is on tonight. I'm watching it solely for that little scene with Elizabeth and Rodney where they're arguing and he turns away and she watches him with the faintest smile. Saw it first in Hans's vid and now I want to see it "for real". Are there any M/W Sanctuary-related stories? Didn't think so...

    And now that there's been talk in the sneak peek about
    a kiss I'm thinking about going through the season 2 eps with the info we have so far and incorporating a Rodney/Elizabeth smooch in each one for fun. It can be romantic or friendly, either way. Anyone want to play with me?


      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      Oh, how fabulous! I always love attacking people with bunnies.

      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      1) Should it be organized by episode or by categeory (past, family info, health info, etc)? Episode is certainly easier (what we learned about the character in that ep) but I think it may be better and easier to read if it's written by category. For example, there could be discussion about Rodney's health concerns and it could be mentioned that he has an allergy to citrus (Redemption pt2).
      I think it would be better if the files were written as SGC personnel files, that way they could include things like personality traits as well as the dry facts. I think that'd add some neat flavour and distinguish them from those found on other fan sites.
      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      2) Should one file be written for each season or should there be one overall file that's update with new info as we get it? The latter obviously sounds better, but I don't know if I'm going to update both files after each new ep. Maybe it's better to update at the end of each season or halfway?
      One file would be best, especially since there's only been one season thus far
      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      3) What about spoilers? Since people in different parts of the world get the eps at different times someone could get spoiled if they read an updated character file. Should a disclaimer at the start be enough?
      Yeah, that'd be good enough at the start.

      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      K/W??!! I hope you're talking about Kolya...
      I must admit that while I find myself enjoying Kolya/Weir fics a great deal, almost all of them take place after a period of time has passed. I'd be greatly interested in reading a story that details the start of their "relationship" as Elizabeth goes through the process of deciding how and why she's going to do what she eventually does. That could be an amazing character piece.

      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
      Anyone want to play with me?
      No, you're a sadist.


        Ack! Page 2! *tazers the thread*
        Yep, that pretty much confirms the sadist theory...

        So...Sanctuary. Anyone have additional thoughts about the ep from a McKay/Weir POV? Here's some of mine:

        -Wow, those two were awfully close together in her office when he brought up the computer idea. I swear, their heads were only a foot apart, especially when she leaned in and told him to be discrete. Sure seems like she was flirting with him but he was too distracted with Chaya to notice.

        -Nice to see Elizabeth supporting Rodney's concern and ideas when no one else seems to believe him. Also, he shows his trust in her by explaining his scanning plan and stating "That way, if I *am* crazy, you and I are the only ones who need to know." Aw...he doesn't mind if she knows that he's crazy...

        -Notice how Rodney picks up on Shep's flirting and Teyla also seems to have some concern/jealously to hint at S/T, but Elizabeth seems completely oblivious? Hmmm...

        -Earlier in the ep we saw Rodney all by himself lean over a railing inside the city and later when Shep leaves we saw Elizabeth do almost exactly the same gesture. Coincidence? I think not!

        -Remember that this ep takes place before BIS and the Bday scene. How did Shep find out about Elizabeth's Bday? The popular opinion here is that Rodney told him, but how did Rodney find out? I'm thinking that Elizabeth and Rodney were working together at Antarctica a year ago on her birthday and either she told him or he found out somehow and surprised her (ooh, fanfic idea!). Maybe she was secretly hoping that he would suprise her again this year and was a bit bummed when Shep got to her first?

        -This ep focuses more on Rodney's dislike of religion in general and/or using religion instead of rational thought. This raises a great opportunity for him to get together with Elizabeth and discuss religion as we all discussed earlier. Is she religious? How do her beliefs coincide or differ from Rodney's? A discussion between those two of their deepest beliefs would help to bring them closer.

        -Overall, it seems like Rodney's trust in Shep has been shaken a bit in this ep. Likewise, Elizabeth's trust of Shep may also have been shaken in Hot Zone. Do you think they would get together and discuss their respective problems with Shep, probably ending by pointing out his good aspects and realizing that he's okay on the team?


          Oh, and here's some pics for good measure.

          (See what I mean about damn close? My goodness!)


            Great pics, Toaster! And I totally need to rewatch Sanctuary now, with everything you mentioned! (Thanks for the excuse!) Also, I just wanted to pop by and say thanks to everyone who's been cheering me up due to real life bumming me out a little lately. You are all wonderful people!

            I haven't been able to log on to GW as much as I would like recently, but hopefully the last week was just a fluke, and I'll actually have some free time next week to chat it up on the threads.

            Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
            McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
            Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
            McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
              Ack! Page 2! *tazers the thread*
              So...Sanctuary. Anyone have additional thoughts about the ep from a McKay/Weir POV?
              Aaahh! I never saw it when it originally aired and I taped it last night because I got persuaded to go see Batman. Sooo not worth missing SGA, by the way! I plan to watch it tonight and then I promise to comment.

              Originally posted by Porthos1013
              I haven't been able to log on to GW as much as I would like recently, but hopefully the last week was just a fluke, and I'll actually have some free time next week to chat it up on the threads.
              We've missed you! I know what you mean...I have a part time 30 hr a week job and it is really cutting into my Stargate/McWeir/DH thunking time! Why don't they have professional thunking??? I bet we would all be more than qualified!
              Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
              :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


                Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
                We've missed you!
                Aww! <warm fuzzies!>

                I know what you mean...I have a part time 30 hr a week job and it is really cutting into my Stargate/McWeir/DH thunking time! Why don't they have professional thunking??? I bet we would all be more than qualified!
                Hmm, how much do you think professional thunkers/shippers/whumpers would get paid? Personally, I'd take the pay of Grant Jansky (sp? Watcher knows how to spell it, she's the Traders buff!) and get my pay in 50 pounds of chocolate!

                Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                  Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
                  We've missed you! I know what you mean...I have a part time 30 hr a week job and it is really cutting into my Stargate/McWeir/DH thunking time! Why don't they have professional thunking??? I bet we would all be more than qualified!
                  Count yourselves lucky. I work between 48 and 52 hours a week (or more), so that severely curtails my GW time.

                  Of course, I have those oh so droolable pictures of Ms. Tapping as my wallpaper, so I get to thunk every time I sit down at the computer


                    Originally posted by Cory Holmes
                    Count yourselves lucky. I work between 48 and 52 hours a week (or more), so that severely curtails my GW time.

                    Of course, I have those oh so droolable pictures of Ms. Tapping as my wallpaper, so I get to thunk every time I sit down at the computer

                    You think that's bad, I worked 57.25 hours this week! Thank goodness I sometimes get assigned a computer job or I'd never get on here!

                    Question for all you McWeir Shippers... If they did end up pairing Sheppard and Weir together, would you be mad? Would you hate the pairing? Or would you give it a chance?
                    It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                      Originally posted by aaobuttons

                      Question for all you McWeir Shippers... If they did end up pairing Sheppard and Weir together, would you be mad? Would you hate the pairing? Or would you give it a chance?
                      I'm forced to delurk once again...don't speak of such things . If they did pair Sheppard and Weir well I would just be forced to stage a protest or something, I'd just rather have no ships than that one it's just waaaaayyyy too forced for me. And now I go back to lurking

                      McKay is Snarky Geek Love


                        Originally posted by aaobuttons
                        You think that's bad, I worked 57.25 hours this week! Thank goodness I sometimes get assigned a computer job or I'd never get on here!

                        Question for all you McWeir Shippers... If they did end up pairing Sheppard and Weir together, would you be mad? Would you hate the pairing? Or would you give it a chance?
                        Hmm...To be quite honest, I'm not sure. On SG-1, I basically was a Sam/Jack shipper, but would have been happy with any pairing, because I liked how the entire team interacted with each other, they all had such great chemistry. (Sure, Sam/Teal'c may have been wierd, but even then I probably would have given it a chance.) On SGA, however, I really don't like the idea of Sheppard/Weir, because I just don't see it. I don't feel any chemistry between the characters, and even with someone pointing out the spots with S/W "chemistry" I still don't get it... I think my problem is that Rodney and Elizabeth just feel so right together, from my POV. I was keyed in to the chemistry between them from the beginning, before I ever became a shipper. As I've said before, I think the reason I like M/W so much is because I feel that in a strong relationship, each person is somehow a complement to the other person, so that any shortcomings and strengths in character balance out. I think Elizabeth is a calming factor for Rodney, and he draws his strength from her support, and I also think that Rodney's depth of emotion (be it fear, happiness, etc), and complete inability to conceal it (try as he might) allows Elizabeth a little more leeway to express herself. She is able to joke more with Rodney, and I think she loosens up a bit around him. Each one of them is able to become a better person because of their relationship to one another. However, between Sheppard and Weir, I don't see this kind of complementary relationship. Between Elizabeth and John, it's all about the angstyness, and the two butt heads a lot, and challenge one another. While this can be considered a good thing, (as I consider the challenging relationship between Daniel and Vala to be,) I think it has to be backed up by something a bit more substantial, emotion-wise. I really enjoy when Rodney and Elizabeth challenge each other, because I know it stems from personal emotions, (like Rodney's feeling of inadequacy, for example Hide and Seek and Sanctuary) but between John and Elizabeth, I feel it comes more from their positions as leaders of Atlantis, and John's general disinclination to trust authority figures. If you want to consider any personal feelings, I'd say the only thing I can think of is John personally not feeling that Elizabeth makes the right decisions, and doubts her leadership ability (I'm thinking Hot Zone, in particular) and that to me does not build a strong foundation for a close relationship. However, I think that even when Rodney disagrees with Elizabeth's decisions, he still has the utmost confidence in her skill as a leader, and even in Sanctuary, when he really doubted her confidence in both Chaya and Sheppard's judgement, he was still appealing to her to make the decisions, like
                        asking for permission to scan Chaya during the meeting.
                        Anyway, the point I'm trying to make (I think...unless it got lost somewhere among my rambling) is that the foundation of any healthy relationship is trust, and I think Rodney and Elizabeth have it, while John and Elizabeth don't. Until the writers can come up with some way of developing the trust and chemistry between S/W that M/W already has in spades, I don't think I'll be as supportive of that ship.

                        Wow, I apologize for my lengthy rant.

                        Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                        McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                        Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                        McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                          Originally posted by Porthos1013
                          However, I think that even when Rodney disagrees with Elizabeth's decisions, he still has the utmost confidence in her skill as a leader, and even in Sanctuary, when he really doubted her confidence in both Chaya and Sheppard's judgement, he was still appealing to her to make the decisions, like
                          asking for permission to scan Chaya during the meeting.
                          Anyway, the point I'm trying to make (I think...unless it got lost somewhere among my rambling) is that the foundation of any healthy relationship is trust, and I think Rodney and Elizabeth have it, while John and Elizabeth don't. Until the writers can come up with some way of developing the trust and chemistry between S/W that M/W already has in spades, I don't think I'll be as supportive of that ship.
                          I wholeheartily agree with you on this. I worry that this 'sparks flying' relationship between Weir & Shep, with them locking horns one ep and then doing the long drawn-out looks the next, is some sort of build up for a possible canon ship. Relationships where two characters butt heads and then, boom, it's love, are popular, but I really don't see that type pf emotion there. I certainly hope not, though I have seen it done before. But Pothos hit on the heart of the matter, that a relationship built upon a foundation of doubt and lack of trust is bound to be short lived. Or really angsty and problematic everytime Weir or Shep does something that the other doesn't agree with. I really wouldn't want to see that all season long!

                          But, if the relationship did become deeper and they became more trusting, then I guess I would give it a chance. And, hey, maybe if they gave it a shot then Liz might realize that everything she really wanted was Rodney and then they could get together Though the chances of TPTB doing something like that seems whatever ship they go with better be done right!!
                          Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
                          :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


                            Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
                            I wholeheartily agree with you on this. I worry that this 'sparks flying' relationship between Weir & Shep, with them locking horns one ep and then doing the long drawn-out looks the next, is some sort of build up for a possible canon ship. Relationships where two characters butt heads and then, boom, it's love, are popular, but I really don't see that type pf emotion there. I certainly hope not, though I have seen it done before. But Pothos hit on the heart of the matter, that a relationship built upon a foundation of doubt and lack of trust is bound to be short lived. Or really angsty and problematic everytime Weir or Shep does something that the other doesn't agree with. I really wouldn't want to see that all season long!

                            But, if the relationship did become deeper and they became more trusting, then I guess I would give it a chance. And, hey, maybe if they gave it a shot then Liz might realize that everything she really wanted was Rodney and then they could get together Though the chances of TPTB doing something like that seems whatever ship they go with better be done right!!
                            Uh, I really hope they don't make S/W canon! Or if they do, give it the Joss Whedon touch and make it begin in glorious angst, continue for a short time in glorious angst, and end in terrible, gut-wrenching, glorious angst (only without the Joss Whedon usual of dramatic character death), because the angst factor seems to be the only reason I can see for developing a canon ship. (I really don't like canon ship, unless it comes at the end as a "happily ever after" type ending.)

                            Sheppard: Why does it smell like I'm on vacation?
                            McKay: (proudly) Could it be the simulated tropical aroma of cocoa butter?
                            Sheppard: Strong enough for anyone within five miles to smell you.
                            McKay: Right, like they haven't been tipped off by the Aqua Velva?


                              Originally posted by Cory Holmes
                              Cory has just finished prereading your fic and has sent the report in two PMs to you. Stupid PM had to be split up because it was too long otherwise.

                              I would've gotten back to you sooner, but I kinda fell asleep since I work graveyard shift two days out of five and it really screws with my sleeping patterns

                              And that's bad for us... how?
                              Don't worry, you got it back pretty quick. I have to apologise to people I'm meant to be beta'ing for because I'm getting through stories soo slowly lately. Used to be a day turn around but think I've been stting on a few fics for weeks.

                              And how the fic is bad is that if I spend time fic writing then nothing is getting done on the website and fic archive!
                              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                              1) Should it be organized by episode or by categeory (past, family info, health info, etc)? Episode is certainly easier (what we learned about the character in that ep) but I think it may be better and easier to read if it's written by category. For example, there could be discussion about Rodney's health concerns and it could be mentioned that he has an allergy to citrus (Redemption pt2).
                              2) Should one file be written for each season or should there be one overall file that's update with new info as we get it? The latter obviously sounds better, but I don't know if I'm going to update both files after each new ep. Maybe it's better to update at the end of each season or halfway?
                              3) What about spoilers? Since people in different parts of the world get the eps at different times someone could get spoiled if they read an updated character file. Should a disclaimer at the start be enough?
                              I think if you point out it has spoilers then you'd be okay and it'd be possible to have them done so you could highlight spoilery stuff. Also I think Cory suggestion of SGC personnel files is good but we'd still need to point out which episode things were from - maybe you could have the files and then put spoilery stuff under Recent Info? And maybe you could leave out the episodes in the main files but still have a concise listing episode by episode for what we find out - if it's okay to do that. Figure it shouldn't be too difficult if several people end up organising the character files - that way maybe updates could come after every episode?
                              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                              K/W??!! I hope you're talking about Kolya...

                              Oh, and while on the topic of Kolya I found an older fic about the Storm with some M/W stuff! I don't think it's in our C2 community directory either!

                              "A Simple Thing"
                              Yep Kolya. I'm not quite crazy enough to attempt Kav/Weir - not unless it's from Kav only...

                              And my new K/W like my other is Kolya wanting Weir and not the other way round. It's not a normal pice - song fic and not really set in a tense exactly. It's odd, probably more poetic than anything else. Twisted too.

                              As for that fic above - I think I've read that. Thought it was on the c2 but must have got missed out when MA and I moved the c2 once (from general to SGa category). Anyway, it's added now.
                              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                              "Sanctuary" is on tonight. I'm watching it solely for that little scene with Elizabeth and Rodney where they're arguing and he turns away and she watches him with the faintest smile. Saw it first in Hans's vid and now I want to see it "for real". Are there any M/W Sanctuary-related stories? Didn't think so...
                              Love Sanctuary for M/W and on Sanctuary fic. Can't recall any, only my one When No Words Are Said which sort of happens after Sanctuary and it better understood by having seen the episode.
                              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                              And now that there's been talk in the sneak peek about
                              a kiss I'm thinking about going through the season 2 eps with the info we have so far and incorporating a Rodney/Elizabeth smooch in each one for fun. It can be romantic or friendly, either way. Anyone want to play with me?
                              Don't quite understand what you mean but I'm game, I think.
                              Originally posted by Cory Holmes
                              I must admit that while I find myself enjoying Kolya/Weir fics a great deal, almost all of them take place after a period of time has passed. I'd be greatly interested in reading a story that details the start of their "relationship" as Elizabeth goes through the process of deciding how and why she's going to do what she eventually does. That could be an amazing character piece.
                              Interesting. Though I've never seen a fic where she wants to be with Kolya...


                                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                                So...Sanctuary. Anyone have additional thoughts about the ep from a McKay/Weir POV? Here's some of mine:

                                -Notice how Rodney picks up on Shep's flirting and Teyla also seems to have some concern/jealously to hint at S/T, but Elizabeth seems completely oblivious? Hmmm...

                                -Earlier in the ep we saw Rodney all by himself lean over a railing inside the city and later when Shep leaves we saw Elizabeth do almost exactly the same gesture. Coincidence? I think not!
                                Love the mirroring and maybe on the other thing, it's because she's not looking for that/doesn't care?
                                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                                -Remember that this ep takes place before BIS and the Bday scene. How did Shep find out about Elizabeth's Bday? The popular opinion here is that Rodney told him, but how did Rodney find out? I'm thinking that Elizabeth and Rodney were working together at Antarctica a year ago on her birthday and either she told him or he found out somehow and surprised her (ooh, fanfic idea!). Maybe she was secretly hoping that he would suprise her again this year and was a bit bummed when Shep got to her first?
                                I've got about 3 bunnies for this... all came from thinknig on the matter. Is it okay if I discuss this in bunnies?

                                I figured if Rodney hadn't known he'd have looked it up on the system. My ideas where that maybe Shep got Grodin to look it up (Grodin does the computer systems well so makes sense) and have Grodin PoV for how McKay reacts that Shep wanted to know...
                                Also it'd be an interesting dilemma for regardles of how Rodney knows, what he'd do and how he'd fell if Shep asks him to tell him? Or asks him to ifnd out (not knowing Rodney already knows).
                                I also figured Rodney could have had a gift or surprise planned but that plans were ruined by the events of the day. After all it looked early in the day when Shep was giving his gift. I wanted to do a fic where Rodney went on to give her her surprise anyway... including a balcony scene.

                                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                                -This ep focuses more on Rodney's dislike of religion in general and/or using religion instead of rational thought. This raises a great opportunity for him to get together with Elizabeth and discuss religion as we all discussed earlier. Is she religious? How do her beliefs coincide or differ from Rodney's? A discussion between those two of their deepest beliefs would help to bring them closer.

                                I'd love to see some discussion on this, maybe her having a chat on how he can't be so dismissive of others and him explaining the why in that case.

                                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                                -Overall, it seems like Rodney's trust in Shep has been shaken a bit in this ep. Likewise, Elizabeth's trust of Shep may also have been shaken in Hot Zone. Do you think they would get together and discuss their respective problems with Shep, probably ending by pointing out his good aspects and realizing that he's okay on the team?


                                I can see a chat between Elizabeth and John but I get the feeling Rodney wouldn't be there after how the episode ends. I could see Elizabeth pointing out how much he hurt Rodney though, sort of about all three of them and trust issues etc surrounding the vents but Rodney not being present.

