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Team Flyboy (thunking, shipping, discussion) - Lorne/Mitchell/Sheppard/O'Neill

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    Originally posted by Morgania View Post
    It's a from a costume package. So that won't really work.
    *bangs head on desk* Why isn't it here yet??!!
    What are you waiting for this time?


      Originally posted by FanGirl View Post
      What are you waiting for this time?

      Slightly ranty..
      My latest paycheck. We were supposedly paid last Friday!! Though that's when those who didn't have direct deposit's checks should have been sent out. Still have not gotten the one from last week. It might even take up to ten days to get here from the Midwest! Which is utterly ridiculous. Why punish those who need to get checks sent by getting it to them a whole damn week latter!!

      *continues to bang head on desk*
      Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


        Originally posted by FanGirl View Post
        Update on the sore finger...

        Doctor said I've bruised the bones, muscles and tendons in my right hand. Gave me a note to take the rest of the day off work and wants me to use it as little as possible over the next 48 hours.
        The not having to work part sounds good, FG... but the painful part doesn't.



          Have you thought about going to direct deposit, Morgania... just to get the money sooner on each pay day?



            They lack the proper forms for that, and I don't use checks. *more head desk*
            Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


              I rarely use checks (a few each year). Hubby does all bill paying on-line and we have bank/debit cards if we need cash. Hopefully you get your pay check in the mail soon! *crosses fingers*



                I should have gotten it last week. Now I had a small chocolate bar to feel better. Ended up just feeling very, very awake. The post had better come before I need to leave tomorrow.
                Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                  Originally posted by FanGirl View Post
                  Update on the sore finger...

                  Doctor said I've bruised the bones, muscles and tendons in my right hand. Gave me a note to take the rest of the day off work and wants me to use it as little as possible over the next 48 hours.

                  you will be up and around walking on it in no time...I mean typing.



                    Hi Bailey.

                    Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post

                    LOL!! Iffy, your sigline!!

                    It's a blamy -24C (-11F) and it's going up to a warm -17C (aka 1.4F)

                    We had nice weather over the weekend, where did it go?? OY!

                    Anyhow, car is almost warmed up!! Coffee is made, time to hit the road for work!


                    Originally posted by FanGirl View Post
                    Update on the sore finger...

                    Doctor said I've bruised the bones, muscles and tendons in my right hand. Gave me a note to take the rest of the day off work and wants me to use it as little as possible over the next 48 hours.


                    Originally posted by Morgania View Post
                    Slightly ranty..
                    My latest paycheck. We were supposedly paid last Friday!! Though that's when those who didn't have direct deposit's checks should have been sent out. Still have not gotten the one from last week. It might even take up to ten days to get here from the Midwest! Which is utterly ridiculous. Why punish those who need to get checks sent by getting it to them a whole damn week latter!!

                    *continues to bang head on desk*
                    That is aggravating ((hugs))



                      Good afternoon everyone. It's another over 95*F day. Hot and tired and sick of summer already. My brain feels like scrambled eggs.


                        now convert that back for this poor sod Creek!


                          Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                          now convert that back for this poor sod Creek!
                          Oops, sorry. That's about 35*C.


                            hot in any language we had 21c....was nice, had sun too, and a light breeze...perfect weather!

                            Did I ever tell you I love New Zealand?

                            As a matter of fact, yes, you have.


                              Ah, beautiful! Apparently we're gonna have 29 on Monday, and then it's going up again.


                                Just checking the forecast, today got to 40.6*C/105*F.

