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Team Flyboy (thunking, shipping, discussion) - Lorne/Mitchell/Sheppard/O'Neill

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    "Hello Sweetie!"

    ONTLL: Oh Jack, I thought you were gonna take a bath!!
    ONTLLJC: Waiting for you??
    ONTLL: *runs after the General*

    P.S. Whump Wednesday on RDA Thread!
    Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


      Okee dokee!!

      Now, a worthy title for the fair ladygris... aaah yes, perfect!

      I now name thee Queen of New York State Of Mind Land. This entitles you to free reign over every part of your state, with the option of choosing a state name of your preference.

      As part of today's special offer, the Empire State of Mind also comes with the option of Alicia Keys as your first lady in waiting.

      *puff of fairy dust, and you're done!!*


      ...with thanks to the wonderful Bay...


        So do we all understand that all titles and positions are Pro Bono?

        Just thought of something. With my title, do I get to christen ships?




            You're welcome!!

            Ooooh, at the moment, I'm Queen of HappyLand, because I've found out tonight that Martin Wood is coming to Chevron 8 here next month!! So I'll be meeting him, along with David H, David N, Paul McG, Dan Shea, Cliff Simon, and Dan Payne!!

            Whooooo hoooo!!


            ...with thanks to the wonderful Bay...



              <====== Take note of the "location"
              Last edited by FanGirl; 03 April 2013, 12:47 PM.


                So noted, Your Majesty, and I congratulate thee on thy excellent taste.

                Am now taking my creakily bowing self to my bedchamber. Well, it's pretty tiring, you know, being this crazy. No, really, please - don't all rush to defend me at once.

                To all newly titled queens, enjoy your new queendoms, and see you back in your respective lands tomorrow.

                Nighty night, kids.


                ...with thanks to the wonderful Bay...


                  'Night, Cate! Dream well.


                    Originally posted by Cate'sCorner View Post

                    So noted, Your Majesty, and I congratulate thee on thy excellent taste.

                    Am now taking my creakily bowing self to my bedchamber. Well, it's pretty tiring, you know, being this crazy. No, really, please - don't all rush to defend me at once.

                    To all newly titled queens, enjoy your new queendoms, and see you back in your respective lands tomorrow.

                    Nighty night, kids.

                    Have sweet flyboy dreams, Cate. Oh and Renner dreams too.





                            Originally posted by Whytewytch View Post
                            Good morning, back. Yeah. Got to bed after 12:30 (had to pop outside and check on the A/C unit, as it was making noise ). Alarm went off at 5:15 because the teen was supposed to leave early for school and then he told me 45 minutes later that he was sick and wanted to stay home. It does make me wonder if the military checks to see how often they are absent, & also how much of it is just BSing his mom.

                            Yeah, the American version was truly terrible, quite the disappointment. I watched two eps and seem to remember the story being the same. Why not just bring the U.K. version to the U.S.? We get other shows here, like "Keeping Up Appearances", "Top Gear" & others. It was ridiculous to make another version.
                            Agreed, if it's not broke, why fix it?

                            Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                            Excited for you, Dell! How cool to see Joe and only a month to wait! *jealous*
                            well that makes a nice change!
                            Originally posted by Cate'sCorner View Post

                            Thanks for the heads up, FG!

                            Luckily, I have a big pot of fairy dust, a nicely shiny titling sword, and a brain full of chocolate and caffeine. Now I've just got to get the wibbly hand under control, and... hey!! Where'd everybody go?!?!?

                            Um asking again....thinking she doesn't read the back log much!

                            Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post
                            Well, thanks for the visuals, next paycheque I pick up the "The Hobbit"

                            Yep, it's me, playing catch-up!!
                            Your welcome 2LL's...btw, the blonde one, Dean...looks better with um...less hair?

                   missed me!


                              Agreed that he might. Used to seeing Aiden/Mitchell with longish hair.

                              Well, PB is not loading, so imagine Kavan with his long, GTBO hair.
                              Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
                              Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


