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Team Flyboy (thunking, shipping, discussion) - Lorne/Mitchell/Sheppard/O'Neill

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    Mmm, me too!



      Congrats on making Airman, lg.



        Originally posted by maneth View Post
        Mmm, me too!
        Me, three!


          Thanks, Bay.


            Have you checked your profile lately Lg? Do you have any new options yet, for picking one of the site's default avatars for example?



              Y'know, I hadn't. I got tied up in the Love of Flying challenge and working on that. I'm off to check it out now.


                That's how GW sucks you in... lots of great people, great pics... AND a reward system. *laughing*



                  Originally posted by maneth View Post
                  Have you checked your profile lately Lg? Do you have any new options yet, for picking one of the site's default avatars for example?
                  NO new options, yet. But, I'm hoping I'll get there soon. I understand why I have to wait for a mod to approve my posts, but it's a touch. . .annoying. . .at times.

                  BUT, I guess we all went through this process, so I'll just endure and figure things out as I go.


                    Okay, here's another question. My challenge response for here includes an OC, and I made a banner for it and for the story that will eventually follow it. Can I post it here even though it's got a pic that's not from SGA?


                      Kavan as Deputy Andy never fails to make me smile. I need to put a pic of him on my notepad for work, when am having those tough days...can just look and laugh.

                      Anyone hear back from Brn yet?


                        Originally posted by off_the_post18 View Post
                        Kavan as Deputy Andy never fails to make me smile. I need to put a pic of him on my notepad for work, when am having those tough days...can just look and laugh.

                        Anyone hear back from Brn yet?
                        Not yet. I'm hoping soon, though.


                          I haven't heard from her since this morning Postie Hope we do soon.


                            Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                            Okay, here's another question. My challenge response for here includes an OC, and I made a banner for it and for the story that will eventually follow it. Can I post it here even though it's got a pic that's not from SGA?
                            Yes... it is a response to the thread's challenge so I'd say yes it is more than okay.


                              Awesome. I should have it up sometime today. ;-)

                              Another question: I've received several user messages on my profile here. How do I reply back to them? I've been tryng to figure it out and coming up blank. ;-)


                                I'm guessing you mean PM's, if that is the case then under Notifications at the top you can go into your inbox and check personal messages. If they are VM's visitor messages they can be viewed, but you don't reply to them, although you could always post a VM to them as well.

                                If you right click on the users name on the thread it will come up with options, that is how you would PM or a VM can be done while visiting someones profile I think. VM's can be viewed by anyone who visits that person's profile, so not as private as the other.

                                You are welcome to practice and see how they work using mine if you want and I can tell you if/what worked. It was a little confusing for me the first few times.

