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Team Flyboy (thunking, shipping, discussion) - Lorne/Mitchell/Sheppard/O'Neill

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    Originally posted by Morgania View Post
    White stuff? Is that the weather some places have?

    Yes, up here in Northern Alberta, Canada!!

    Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


      I'm secretly Canadian, but that doesn't change the weather here.
      Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


        Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post

        What's all that White Stuff?? Yep, it's coming down big time!"I am not getting out of bed till it's stops!!"

        ONTLL: Guess your gonna be in bed all day!!
        White stuff? Sand? Feathers? Lint?


          Originally posted by Morgania View Post
          I'm secretly Canadian, but that doesn't change the weather here.
          I'm not secretly anything. In fact, I've only been north of the Mason-Dixon line a few times.


            Originally posted by FanGirl View Post
            I'm not secretly anything. In fact, I've only been north of the Mason-Dixon line a few times.
            I don't even remember where that line runs. My state isn't part of it.
            Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


              Originally posted by Morgania View Post
              I'm secretly Canadian, but that doesn't change the weather here.
              You escaped!! Your lucky!!

              Originally posted by FanGirl View Post
              White stuff? Sand? Feathers? Lint?
              Hahaha.. it's cold, it's ugly, and it's Wet. Starts with a "S" has a "No" in the middle and ends with "W", and that is as close to typing as I will

              Originally posted by FanGirl View Post
              I'm not secretly anything. In fact, I've only been north of the Mason-Dixon line a few times.
              What is that?? Chicken!!

              Originally posted by Morgania View Post
              I don't even remember where that line runs. My state isn't part of it.

              you know this stuff, that some from down south come to visit and then run back home to warm up again!

              Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                Sorry about your white stuff 2LL's. we are having what feels like a real early summer...grass is browning off already.
                If it keeps up like this we will have water restrictions before christmas.

                It's not all bad, if the grass dies, I don't have to mow it


                  From Copter..........

                  It's that time of year again...time for Secret Santa and Advent Calendar!

                  How they work:

                  Advent Calendar

                  Sign up for one, two or three days in December that you want to do art. The theme is Christmas or Holiday. You may use any thunk, any fandom or any ship as long as it is Christmasy or Holidayish. It must also include the number of the day you signed up for. {if you sign up for Dec. 4th, it must have a number "4" on the art somewhere.} A good size is 600x400, but it must still follow GW guidelines for posting pics! Here is an example:

                  PM or visitor message me what day or days you want to sign up for. This is going across 5 threads, so please do not post in this thread what days you want, I might miss it. If you are not picky what day you want, just tell me what week or range of days you want {for example.... the first week of Dec. or anytime between the 10th and 22nd} As I start getting sign ups, I will post a list of days that are taken and open.

                  You must PM me your art work by midnight the day before your day is due. If you have Dec. 4th, then I will need your artwork by midnight your time Dec 3rd.

                  I know this is early, this will not start until Dec. 1st, but I wanted to give everyone plenty of time to decide what they want to do, sign up for it and make sure they can follow through, especially those that pick the first few days in December and also the ones doing Secret Santa.

                  Secret Santa

                  Please do not sign up for secret santa unless you are positive you can make something! It is not nice to sign up, get a name and then bail out and not make them something!

                  You will receive an assignment based on what you like and what you are comfortable making. Below in spoilers is the info fill out sheet for SS. Copy and paste the info sign up into a PM to me. I will leave the sign up open until Nov 22nd or 23rd, and I will have assignments out by Nov. 25th. I want to make sure everyone has plenty of time to make gifts! What you make depends on who you get, but a minimum of 2 pieces of art is required. This can mean an avi and matching sig. For fan fic, this means 2 drabbles [500 words or less each] OR one longer one at least 1500 words or more. If you want to make more, please do! But limit of ten please. This is all secret, so no telling who you got! Any questions you have about your assignment please go through me.

                  PM all presents to me no later than midnight your time Dec 19. I will hand out presents and reveal secret santas on December 20th so there is plenty of time to enjoy them before Christmas.
                  This info will be posted on the clubhouse [link in my sig] so you can always refer back to it, and you can always PM or visitor message me with any questions.

                  Info sign up sheet for SS

                  I would like to receive {art/fan fic/both}

                  I can make {art/fan fic/both}

                  I do not like {examples are slash, ships, specific fandoms, etc. anything that you DO NOT want to make or receive}

                  My favorite fandoms/thunks/ships are: {list what you would like to receive. If you like SGA but only like Ronon, please be sure to say that, otherwise you might get a team pic. This is a wish list, so be specific in what you want so your secret santa can make you happy! }



                    already answered that one.

                    Which show is this from?
                    I should know, but can't remember seeing it.


                      Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                      already answered that one.
                      Which show is this from?
                      I should know, but can't remember seeing it.

                      The Return, Part 1 - I remember cuz of RDA at the beginning

                      Oh my glasses!!
                      Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                        I'll have to take way more notice next time.
                        I wonder what it is that distracts me?


                          Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                          I'll have to take way more notice next time.
                          I wonder what it is that distracts me?
                          I still think Sheppard looks the best in Season 5 - I don't know why!! Anyhow...

                          Richard Dean Anderson is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!


                            Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post
                            I still think Sheppard looks the best in Season 5 - I don't know why!! Anyhow...

                            All I can say is, he doesn't get worst looking!

                            Thank you ma'am.


                              I am pondering the secret santa. I am trying to learn gimpshop, but am sucking so far. I would feel bad someone getting the worst fan art ever.


                                Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                                I am pondering the secret santa. I am trying to learn gimpshop, but am sucking so far. I would feel bad someone getting the worst fan art ever.
                                I'm sure it's not as bad as you think. I only do basic stuff.
                                Thanks for the green by the way

