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Team Flyboy (thunking, shipping, discussion) - Lorne/Mitchell/Sheppard/O'Neill

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    Whoa! Nice butt shot, Mac!

    Okay, heads up ladies...and Mac. I need a full length pic of Lorne/Kavan in civies. Can anyone help?


      Hi FG

      Full length Lorne/Kavan in civvies is harder than I thought! I have (spoiled for size so I don't have to shrink them):




        Also this:




          And slightly different, these:




            Morning Flyboy Thunkers



              Love those GTBO pics... especially the one of him on the couch with the colored lights about the room.


                Mr. Mac, I love the pic! Nothing like an in-shape man doing proper push-ups to get the ol' blood flowing.

                Sha! You have Red caps! I can't wait for the DVD to come out.

                Hi FG--sorry I missed you!

                Hiya Bay, lg!

                Stupid work is pulling me away again.

                Will pop back later.

                ETA is spoilered for naughtiness:

                Originally posted by ShaViva View Post
                Hi FG

                Full length Lorne/Kavan in civvies is harder than I thought!
                ROFLMAO! Was the double entendre on purpose? Cause I want one of those!
                Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
                Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


                  Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                  Love those GTBO pics... especially the one of him on the couch with the colored lights about the room.
                  I like that one too ... in case you haven't seen GTBO and want to
                  Seth is my kind of guy - good looking, down to earth, great with his hands , and has his own cinema in his barn

                  WW - yes, Red caps Movie wasn't my fav Kavan appearance plot/story wise but damn, he looks good in that one!



                    Originally posted by Whytewytch View Post
                    So what is this program and does it work for downloaded Kindle on my laptop? I would love to have all my favs downloaded there, as well as seeing my own fic in "book" form. I was just about to break down and lose my scruples and read "Mosaic" when I saw y'all talking about your other, non-Lorne fics. **does happy dance** I have decided that, rather than waiting until I've written all my Lorne, I'm going to write down the basic outline of how I see his life, then I can go on to read some fics. **rubs hands together in anticipation** Now, to find time to write that outline.
                    I should start by saying that I don't have a Kindle or any other type of ereader. I do know that Hifield was able to download stories so simply using this website from her computer and they went right to her Kindle. Not sure if she has Kindle set up on her laptop too... will have to check later.

                    I was able to go to that site and simplly put in the i.d. number from the story I wanted, put in my email address and then I picked pdf as the format and within a few seconds I had an email from Flag with my story as a pdf complete with a cover page, disclaimer, summary and an index of the chapters that I could click on and be taken to that chapter. So I set up a new folder on my computer for stories I've downloaded.

                    The only downside I saw was that some of the formatting disappeared or was slightly altered, but very minimal and didn't really interfere with the story overall. I'm not sure if that happens for the other types of downloads... like to an ereader or kindle since those wouldn't be pdf format, but rather Mobipocket format for the kindle and EPUB for other ereaders.

                    One of the other upsides is that the .pdf file is named with the author's name then a dash and the name of the story, so it will be easy to sort stories by author on my computer later.


                      Before I forget... loved this beaming out sequence... still grin when I look back at it... fit perfectly!



                        Originally posted by Whytewytch View Post
                        And 25 minutes later, I am caught up on one evening's worth of posts. Good morning, all! Was fun reading your convo, Bay, Brn & Sha.
                        Hi WW - took me at least that long to catch up too! Lots of great pics though

                        Originally posted by Whytewytch View Post
                        Sha, I agree you've got plenty of quality. Frankly, I don't know how you do all that writing. I love writing, don't get me wrong, but have so little time and you working and with little little Shas--I never had time when the little WWs were small. And yes, there is a new victim fan of GIMP, but I have no time to play with it. I've got an ITB chap to finish.
                        Thanks WW - not sure how I fit writing in either sometimes - to be honest it's probably way too many late nights when I should really be sleeping, plus ignoring other things I should be doing as well ... I get focused (the polite way of saying obsessed!) with things so if I get into a story I'll just hammer it until it's done (for Mosaic I wrote the whole thing in about two weeks - I was on holidays then though so I did have extra time - love holidays!!) ... if I get distracted then sometimes it's a while before I can recapture that focus. I type fast too just as well because my hand writing is TERRIBLE ... lol. I still say even a hundred words a day will be a story before you know it ... trying to reclaim that habit myself!



                          Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                          Before I forget... loved this beaming out sequence... still grin when I look back at it... fit perfectly!

                          yay!! I had the beam in sequence all set to go too but got distracted by FGs request for full length Kavan. Who could ignore that? lol ... will have to use the beam in another day



                            I like this pic, even though you can't see Lorne's face



                              Waaaa .. it's so late here again ... bed time is stalking me ...

                              Lorne: I'll take care of that for ya


                                It will be fun to see the beam in sequence in the future sometime.

                                It was 27F here this morning... but sunny... on top of that it is Thursday. Time to start counting down to the weekend.


