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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    A little under seven hours to go to S&R. I would do quotes now, but it is about to storm here so I need to shut off my laptop. Don't want to take any risks.
    Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      I feel your pain Yappi....but this is what is holding me with some hope....

      Season 4 & 5 Spoilers
      I had a long convo about this with two friends...and I just want to write that this is just my thoughts and in no way shape or form am I stating that this is a fact, simply my little happy place for now....*wink*

      Rachel got pregnant, the writers were thrown a curveball. Teyla got pregnant and Kanan appeared and VOILA...she's been seeing someone that we didn't know about!

      Observation number 1: If the writers wanted to make Kanan and Teyla a love story...they would have given us one plain and simple. The actor playing Kanan seems to have been available. Instead they threw us this plot to explain Teyla's pregnancy due to Rachel's real life pregnancy.

      I...*points to self* would have much rather have had a "scifi like" pregnancy, but the majority seem to have NOT wanted that and so did the writers. So, we have a real life pregnancy with a real life daddy.

      Noting that I don't care for this plot whatsoever, I do have to give the writers some credit; in my eyes, they really did try to make this as much as possible in Teyla's favor, if I may use those words carefully. Not taking into consideration how I personally feel about any of this...the bottom line is looking into Teyla's past and what I've seen from her now, I still believe that Teyla didn't "carelessly" spent the night with Kanan.

      Her words "it just happened" still make me shiver at what it could mean. I'm hoping she meant that as the pregnancy and not at the entire relationship between her and Kanan.

      See, if Teyla was the type of character that on occassion we found her to be with other men, then I could buy that comment because it would be within character. But up till then, we knew of Teyla without anyone, hence John and everyone else's surprise, except Ronon.

      So, was she truly hiding Kanan from the others, NO! Ronon noticed it. They were just not looking.

      The bottom line is Teyla owes no explanation as to her affairs after hours just like neither do any of them.

      John might just as easily have a child somewhere in the Pegasus that we don't know about, too.

      So, for me...the writers opted with a storyline that certainly puts some distance between our duo, and yet in Season 4 it brought them even closer and more intimate. And I can only imagine what Season 5 is going to do.

      For me, to have Teyla now go and find John and admit her feelings to him, is really out of character. For me, as much as I don't like it, it's within Teyla's character to continue and fight for the father of her child. In Teyla's eyes and in John's if there was ever any hope of anything else between them, now there is none. So, I don't forsee that Teyla is going to do anything or say anything to John or anyone else that will admit her feelings towards John. For me, Teyla will be truthful to Kanan. That's the Teyla that I know.
      That's the Teyla that I want to continue seeing.

      John....John will continue to be John. In his eyes, he's never had the chance to be with Teyla. For whatever reason, he never admitted his feelings to Teyla and has not only denied it to himself but also to even Ronon. And after S&R and seeing that he wasn't surprised about dreaming with Teyla in a romantic dinner, tells me that he's dreamt of her before, that he's aware of his feelings for her and has chosen not to act upon them for whatever reason, I don't know.

      Hence Teyla went to Kanan. She admitted her feelings to someone and also admitted that she would never do anything or say anything to him because those are not the ways of her people. Hence Kanan must have made the first move and he's part of her people and he has a unique connection with her and they are friends. Teyla chose the second best thing. And I can totally see that in Teyla.

      Right now, what I think we are going to see, is that Teyla is going to want to find a cure for Kanan. But as long as Kanan is bug boy, we aren't going to see anything "romantic" between them, and we haven't yet, either! So, that is a good sign. The writers have to find closure for Kanan in a way that will keep Teyla's character true to herself, and hence JM's comment that Teyla has a man, and has a child from that man. They want to deal with that first. And I like it that they are keeping him bug boy. If he was brought back to normal quickly, then I'd worry because I do see Teyla moving on with Kanan even when she has feelings for John. She's opted not to pursue it and not to wait for it. I can understand that too.

      Lastly, John I see continuing to pursue Teyla because as we've seen in Season 4 he simply can't be without her even while she's with another. I think it will be interesting to see him fight those feelings and hold back on his real thoughts, but one thing I know is that he's going to want her back on the team, and he's going to continue to protect and be with her. He did it in Season 4 when she was trying to pull away from him and I expect nothing less.

      Is she playing with him? I don't think so. Nothing was ever admitted or clearly stated by either one of them, and both have pursued someone else. They've done nothing wrong to each other. Do they both have feelings for one another? I think so. I think we will see Teyla struggle with her feelings both for Kanan and John. But I think after S*R there should be no doubt that her love is John and not Kanan. She trusted him to come for her, she never gave up hope because she counted on him to come find her even while the father of her child was right there with her and clearly out of Michael's grasp.

      These two will face even more challenges this season and I don't expect any romance just like JM commented, and although it saddens me, I think that even moreso after seeing S&R, it is far from over between them. At least I hope the rest of the season continues in that direction.

      What I hope to see is Teyla continue to make a family with Kanan. I expect that from her character because that's the Teyla that I've been show so far. One that doesn't take relationships lightly, that doesn't have an affair lightly and just for convenience and pleasure...she went to Kanan because she needed and wanted pure love and commitment and Kanan gave her that and John didn't. He offer her friendship.

      I think and hope that the whole Kanan story ends this season sooner rather than later. I know that if they do kill him, she will mourn him but she can move on. I know that if he opts to turn bad completely Teyla will try to want to save him, so I rather he just dissappears out of thin air. And I hope that John continues to stand by her and realizes that he needs and loves her so that when she does become available, he will be there to embrace her and never loose her again.

      It can be done. And it can still be done right. Do I like it? HELL NO! But I think it's still beautiful and still something that keeps all characters in tact with who they are. Teyla has shown where she stands with John...she sees him and only him as the number one man in her life. She named her child after her own father and John...that means a lot! Other people can argue she did it out of friendship and respect, and that is true, but hidden underneath everything we saw her do to save Kanan and then to so casually and naturally want her child name after him...Yeah, she loves this man! and then of course there are all the subtle connotations in the episode that clearly show that these writers haven't given up on JT.

      What I hate to see is that this season ends with the same feeling as last season. Last season we thought it was the end because of her pregnancy and in the contrary, we got some of the best scenes in JT history. So, although I don't expect any outright romance, I do expect that closeness to continue and the need to be with one another and seek one another will continue to be there, and if I"m lucky, John will confess his feelings towards Teyla to Ronon or someone else.

      That would be GREAT!

      But, yeah...Yappi, I do think that JT won't be going to that next level that we wanted, but I do think that this will bring them even closer.


      No one answered this and despite the fact that I abhor...~sigh~ Moving on.

      In any event, I do have one comment to make in all that was said, because I feel it's concise, not that I have diverged from my norm. But there are things to be looked at.

      1) Teyla was completely out of character in S4. Which says you're basing the future character on an out of character established in S4. From S1 to S3 we were given a character and a storyline.

      I have said in the past I am not against past relationships or present relationships. However, I am against out of character characterization for a character that I have been carefully watching for 3 seasons before being wrecked and her on screen relationships (on any level---in paticular with John) following suit.

      Now I never subscribed to the idea of "retconning" (jumping the shark) on SGA, but in S4 there were storylines after storylines after storylines that made no sense and were completely disconnected and the same has been done to the characters, not limited to Teyla or John. I liked some of the bits given information on Teyla, however, I was looking forward to a lot of information. I still know really nothing about her past or even her experiences. This relates to her relationship with John which I felt was severed since it would have been great to see her share some of the things eluded too in The Gift in S1 reitered in later seasons and paticularly this season.

      i.e. John was aware of Teyla's father and her past based on his statement to other members of SGA in The Gift. This was never touched on again.

      As a Teyla fan we were shafted and her relationship with John was one of the most ridiculous shafts I have seen on screen. So however you think it's in character there are those of us who see Teyla as a horrible spin on the character we were used to from S1 to S3.

      S5 will be watched with ambivalence and I feel, rightly so.
      Click statement above to read article.


        Hi guys!!!

        Having major problems with the slowness of GW bring up the pages. Since I am work, this will have to be a short post. I just want say thank you to you guys for your comments.

        Awesome artwork the last couple of days everyone. Donna, Asgard, EG, Cazz, CC Mac, Mayra, Sci, TF, Linda etc. I'm so sorry if I miss anyone.

        YC, your Carson's wallie was great.

        Mayra, loved that Carson's icon when I first saw it. Congrats on your wins!

        TF, the icons you did for the challenge were great!

        Linda, great icons!!

        Cazz, that Carson's sig was the da bomb as MrsB would say.

        Congrats to all the milestoners!!

        I see that I missed Steph!! Hi Steph!!! Miss ya girl!!

        Sci, I hope you are feeling better.

        Yeah, the new season begins tonight!! Guys, enjoy watching SR tonight, tomorrow, or whenever. Looking forward to reading you guys responses to the episode after it airs tonight!!
        Sigs made by the talented Cazzblade, Donna, Jeyla, Linda, Luciana, Mayra, Mrs.B, Padme
        Scifan, Teylafan, WraithLord & YC & me.

        Thanks for the memory to the cast and crew of Stargate Atlantis.
        WraithLord - R.I.P.


          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          Some icons...

          Awesome icons, Linda! great job!

          Click here daily to give free mammograms

          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
            Poor little Elf
            you know there is nothing huge who happened except that we all believed that Teyla married Kanaan and we were a lot depressed until Jm deliver us from our suffer ? lol It was only a slip of tongue rom Robert Picardo.
            Since we are waiting desperately for new pics, promo... anything lol.
            Yesterday was Luciana birthday and it's all ?

            At worst you can keep it until the 14th of July it's national day (?) in France
            What's this we you refer to

            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
            ROFL, I think Linda has been in therapy since I posted that.
            Yup i have...Still trying to get over it

            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
            Poor NINJA! She knows we love her!...
            mmhmm maybe

            Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
            Hi guys!!!

            Having major problems with the slowness of GW bring up the pages. Since I am work, this will have to be a short post. I just want say thank you to you guys for your comments.

            Awesome artwork the last couple of days everyone. Donna, Asgard, EG, Cazz, CC Mac, Mayra, Sci, TF, Linda etc. I'm so sorry if I miss anyone.

            YC, your Carson's wallie was great.

            Mayra, loved that Carson's icon when I first saw it. Congrats on your wins!

            TF, the icons you did for the challenge were great!

            Linda, great icons!!

            Cazz, that Carson's sig was the da bomb as MrsB would say.

            Congrats to all the milestoners!!

            I see that I missed Steph!! Hi Steph!!! Miss ya girl!!

            Sci, I hope you are feeling better.

            Yeah, the new season begins tonight!! Guys, enjoy watching SR tonight, tomorrow, or whenever. Looking forward to reading you guys responses to the episode after it airs tonight!!
            Thanks Hope!


              Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
              Awesome icons, Linda! great job!
              Thanks Ev


                SCI!! You are running outta time!! The clock is ticking!! And sadly if I could turn back time I'd have all my files and folders and gifts from last year back but sadly nope WHERE ARE M'FICS?!?! *goes claw happy on all fic writers in the thread*

                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  Nice to see you again I've seen it and in the words of MrsB It's DA BOMB
                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  HEY LC!!!!!

                  How you doing dude?! Good to see ya.....
                  Originally posted by asgard30 View Post

                  lol you really believe ? Have a great day too
                  Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                  Hi LC's lovely to see you here... I hope you can pop in later to give us your thoughts on Search and Rescue.

                  It's such a fantastic JT episode and all round awesome ep. I hope the rest of the season lives up to this episode for me.
                  Originally posted by Elflinn View Post

                  STEPH!! (hugs!)
                  Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                  Hey Steph!! How are you doing? You've been missed!

                  And Happy Premiere Day to you too!
                  Originally posted by Elflinn View Post

                  That's a great big ole DITTO!

                  Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                  *waves to Steph and Elf*

                  Yay, everyones buzzin with premiere fever!

                  Originally posted by Hope24 View Post

                  I see that I missed Steph!! Hi Steph!!! Miss ya girl!!
                  Thanks guys!!!!! Big hugs back to everyone as well! It's nice to be missed! And remembered, LOL!

                  Oh yes, I've seen it and have been discussing and squeeing appropriately with Mayra, Camy, and Cyn. I commented a bit in LJ, but didn't want to post comments here until after it aired though. LOVED it of course.

                  As I've been saying to Mayra and Camy, I have a lot of confidence that season five will be a continuation of much of what we saw in season four. The fact that we still got lovely J/T angst even while Teyla was pregnant with another man's baby tells us this is far from over. When all should have been lost last year, IT WASN'T!

                  I will not get into the character debate right now, as I voiced my opinion on that plenty of times last year and nothing has changed. This year we've already seen in S&R that John continues to have feelings for Teyla and the writers are not afraid to dangle that out there. And we know Teyla will continue to have conflicted feelings over "Buggie Boy" (As Mayra and I have come to call him, LOL) so it stands to reason some of that conflict will include her feelings for John too. To what extent is as yet unknown.

                  Now we know there won't be outright romance. We were told that for season four and we've been told that again for season five. But we knew that before it was even stated. As we've said many times since season two, this is Stargate and romance between main characters just plain does not happen outright during the ongoing series . (Hopefully at series end if we're lucky!) But it's hinted at quite a bit and feelings are established and angst is dangled in our eager faces. I am confident we will see more of that continue. I for one CAN'T WAIT!

                  I've been doing well, thanks for asking!!! You guys are the best! I can't tell you how nice it is to be welcomed back! I missed everyone too! Work continues to be insane. For anyone familiar with the housing crisis in the US, that's what I deal with on a continual and crazy basis. But it's keeping me busy and keeping me employed, so I can't complain too much. My dogs are both doing well and are of course my babies. I just got back from a trip to Bar Harbor, Maine for a dog convention (I know, I know, it's embarrassing saying that outloud, LOL!) and had a BLAST! I'll post some pics in my LJ this weekend. My old kitty is hanging in there. Cancer, kidney failuare, and IBD, and he just keeps on going!

                  Hmm, what else. My website is still an ongoing process. We've got new help, so hope to finally have it up and running in a month or two at most.
                  No new vids or fics lately. Mayra and I are hoping to eventually do a joint vid once time finally allows us to do one! That will be fun! She and Camy have been keeping me up to date on all the news and I still skim through JM's blog every day at least.

                  A few personal blows as my Grandpa has been going downhill rapidly, and we just had to admit him to hospice care this week. It's only a matter of time at this point... One of my good friends just got diagnosed with breast cancer and recently lost all her hair after her third chemo treatment. Yesterday we cried together because some evil person pulled off her wig in public and laughed at her. I will hurt that person if I ever find them again!!! But her spirit is just amazing. So yesterday was a bit of a roller coaster. Today is nice and uneventful at least. And I'm so happy for a new season to start! It's a great escape and great fun to share it with all of you!

                  Anyway, enough rambling.

                  Thanks for the welcome and enjoy the episode if you haven't seen it yet!!! It's WONDERFUL!

                  And can we squee over baby JOHN!
                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                    Thanks guys!!!!! Big hugs back to everyone as well! It's nice to be missed! And remembered, LOL!

                    Oh yes, I've seen it and have been discussing and squeeing appropriately with Mayra, Camy, and Cyn. I commented a bit in LJ, but didn't want to post comments here until after it aired though. LOVED it of course.

                    As I've been saying to Mayra and Camy, I have a lot of confidence that season five will be a continuation of much of what we saw in season four. The fact that we still got lovely J/T angst even while Teyla was pregnant with another man's baby tells us this is far from over. When all should have been lost last year, IT WASN'T!

                    I will not get into the character debate right now, as I voiced my opinion on that plenty of times last year and nothing has changed. This year we've already seen in S&R that John continues to have feelings for Teyla and the writers are not afraid to dangle that out there. And we know Teyla will continue to have conflicted feelings over "Buggie Boy" (As Mayra and I have come to call him, LOL) so it stands to reason some of that conflict will include her feelings for John too. To what extent is as yet unknown.

                    Now we know there won't be outright romance. We were told that for season four and we've been told that again for season five. But we knew that before it was even stated. As we've said many times since season two, this is Stargate and romance between main characters just plain does not happen outright during the ongoing series . (Hopefully at series end if we're lucky!) But it's hinted at quite a bit and feelings are established and angst is dangled in our eager faces. I am confident we will see more of that continue. I for one CAN'T WAIT!

                    I've been doing well, thanks for asking!!! You guys are the best! I can't tell you how nice it is to be welcomed back! I missed everyone too! Work continues to be insane. For anyone familiar with the housing crisis in the US, that's what I deal with on a continual and crazy basis. But it's keeping me busy and keeping me employed, so I can't complain too much. My dogs are both doing well and are of course my babies. I just got back from a trip to Bar Harbor, Maine for a dog convention (I know, I know, it's embarrassing saying that outloud, LOL!) and had a BLAST! I'll post some pics in my LJ this weekend. My old kitty is hanging in there. Cancer, kidney failuare, and IBD, and he just keeps on going!

                    Hmm, what else. My website is still an ongoing process. We've got new help, so hope to finally have it up and running in a month or two at most.
                    No new vids or fics lately. Mayra and I are hoping to eventually do a joint vid once time finally allows us to do one! That will be fun! She and Camy have been keeping me up to date on all the news and I still skim through JM's blog every day at least.

                    A few personal blows as my Grandpa has been going downhill rapidly, and we just had to admit him to hospice care this week. It's only a matter of time at this point... One of my good friends just got diagnosed with breast cancer and recently lost all her hair after her third chemo treatment. Yesterday we cried together because some evil person pulled off her wig in public and laughed at her. I will hurt that person if I ever find them again!!! But her spirit is just amazing. So yesterday was a bit of a roller coaster. Today is nice and uneventful at least. And I'm so happy for a new season to start! It's a great escape and great fun to share it with all of you!

                    Anyway, enough rambling.

                    Thanks for the welcome and enjoy the episode if you haven't seen it yet!!! It's WONDERFUL!

                    And can we squee over baby JOHN!

                    Well like i said to blue i have a good feeling about JT this season and if i feel good about it (remember eternal pessimist here ) then it's gotta be good

                    Oh so you're in the housing business then you'll be glad you're not working in the UK...There's alot of jobs going because no one is buying just now...It's a bad time for housing luckily i don't work in housing...

                    Oh i'm sorry to hear about you're papa and friend....That is just plain evil If you catch whoever done that break their freakin fingers!


                      Well enjoy S&R tonight, all those that are gonna be watching it!
                      Banner By Orangelusik!


                        Originally posted by Cherish4 View Post
                        Well enjoy S&R tonight, all those that are gonna be watching it!
                        So that's probably gonna be like.........EVERYONE Well everyone in the US that is.....I'll get it tomorrow by um other means but i've already seen it


                          Teyla icon:



                            Sorry 'bout your friend and grandpa and all dude. Thats rough......but glad to see you back around most def and can't wait till you/Mayra make a vid!


                              Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                              Cazz, that Carson's sig was the da bomb as MrsB would say.
                              Thanx Hope!

                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              Well like i said to blue i have a good feeling about JT this season and if i feel good about it (remember eternal pessimist here ) then it's gotta be good

                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

                              What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                                Teyla icon:
                                oh oh oh Teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyylaaaaaaaaaaa....I want my old Teyla back
                                when's bambino gonna go away!

                                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                                Thanx Hope!


                                Welllllllllllllllllllll am i lying

