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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by maffieg View Post
    Yep I remember that and think this should be an eppy for s5. Quick mail it to the writers.
    I'll send the link to JM...

    Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
    Thank you! Hmm.. well - I'm thinking about a sequel...
    *Mrs Doyle voice* Ah you will... you will you will, go on go on go on go on go on go on go ON!

    Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
    Bye bye everyone!

    I am away for the weekend, going parachute jumping

    So if I'm not back on monday, I'm still dangling in a tree somewhere...
    Have tons of fun and be safe!

    Originally posted by Hannanora View Post
    Totally agree! Great story x

    And I am soo slow, because I've only just realised that all of these icons on the side are actually SG characters. Duh!!! LOL!!! Ronon's is so funny!
    Thank you m'dear, having a good afternoon? And cue the slow hand clapping

    Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


      Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
      Bye bye everyone!

      I am away for the weekend, going parachute jumping

      So if I'm not back on monday, I'm still dangling in a tree somewhere...

      don't worry, I just grab a stick and come hit you out of the tree

      hehehe bye TF and a sequel would be nice
      I mean we missed dinner


        Ok... slow... not actually doing any work. How's your evening going? And would you like some more LM songs?

        Both sigs made by the lovely Scifan


          Originally posted by Hannanora View Post
          Totally agree! Great story x

          And I am soo slow, because I've only just realised that all of these icons on the side are actually SG characters. Duh!!! LOL!!! Ronon's is so funny!
          You'll get use to it!

          : Huh???


            Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
            So if I'm not back on monday, I'm still dangling in a tree somewhere...
            Am unsure of what you mean by this line, does this mean that if you are in a tree and can't get down, do you want us to help you down? or what if you fail to pull the cord at the right time? do we have to dig you up to bury you?

            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


              I apologise for this long post I'd spilt it into parts but i just don't have time to do that.
              Originally posted by maffieg View Post
     the name. Seriously though that icon should really read ~ Wanting You( cuz that's how he looks to me)
              Ok then how about this

              Originally posted by Mayra View Post
              Love John's face!..great icon wraithlord!
              Thanks Mayra.
              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
              Thanks WL!
              Np TF.
              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
              Here's a cute pic I found David, Rachel and Joe:

              It's probably really old but I've never seen it before.
              Love the pic I've never seen that one before thanks for posting it ruby oh and cool John sigs i love the last one great job.
              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
              Hey Y'all! Can you believe it! Now, I know that I am truly addictied to all of my family up in here! I am sitting literally in the doctor's waiting area waiting for my turn and of course, I find a way to access my JT family! Let me know if all of you get this! Show me some love and (((HUGS!)))! I am here today to get medical clearance for my surgery! Finally! I will let all of know more when I found for sure when the actual date it is going to take place is! I've got to go for now, I don't have all the freedom on this computer like I do on mine! So no really cool piccies of our JT or Shep Whump! Love Ya!! Elfie!!! This computer is really slow! It so bites!!! But, at least I got to post for all of you!!!
              Hi Elf i hope everything goes well.
              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post

              I don't know if any of you remember the Sheyla Device thing... here's a refresher if you don't.

              But anyway, after getting back into the show after my insignificant departure (lol), I watched Outcast and was pleasantly surprised to see Bates, the original Sheyla Device!

              So anyway, I knocked up a new "report". Spoilers for everything up to Outcast.

              LOL!!!! Those are really great HyperCaz.
              Originally posted by maffieg View Post
              Have to run now but will BBL

              I leave you with a question.
              What is your heart desire for JT in season 5?(no negativity and frowns about the stupid PTB, just what you would like)

              For me, my heart desire for JT in s5
              I really want JT to have a moment where John is looking at Teyla and she him for longer than they should. They draw closer to one another, their breaths mingle and then....
              One heck of a KISS
              what i desire in season 5 is more sparing sessions we haven't had one for a while , more moments between them like the one at the end of Spoils of War oh and of course another kiss you can never have too many of those.

              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
              Hey guys, I knowe this is off topic, but it is my mothers 59th birthday today and her favorite characters that bicker a lot are Rodney and Shep, i know it is off topic and such but if somebody could make a Shep/Teyla/Rodney MP or a short picfic would be great!

              PS: I'm trying to convert my mom (she beta'ed Called Home to Heaven for me!) to but I'll need some help!
              Hey Tey
              tell your mom Happy Birthday from me will you...I'd make her something but I'm going to have to go off soon.

              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
              Bye bye everyone!

              I am away for the weekend, going parachute jumping

              So if I'm not back on monday, I'm still dangling in a tree somewhere...
              Bye TF hope you have a great time.


                I know this is off topic cany anyone tell me how many seasons of Bloodties there is and has it been axed?
                Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                  Originally posted by Hannanora View Post
                  Ok... slow... not actually doing any work. How's your evening going? And would you like some more LM songs?
                  Silly question - of course I do! Thanks sweetie!

                  Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                    Congrats on 3,000 posts Ruby!

                    Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                      Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                      I apologise for this long post I'd spilt it into parts but i just don't have time to do that.

                      Ok then how about this

                      Thanks Mayra.

                      Np TF.

                      Love the pic I've never seen that one before thanks for posting it ruby oh and cool John sigs i love the last one great job.

                      Hi Elf i hope everything goes well.

                      LOL!!!! Those are really great HyperCaz.

                      what i desire in season 5 is more sparing sessions we haven't had one for a while , more moments between them like the one at the end of Spoils of War oh and of course another kiss you can never have too many of those.

                      Hey Tey
                      tell your mom Happy Birthday from me will you...I'd make her something but I'm going to have to go off soon.

                      Bye TF hope you have a great time.
                      Very true that would be fantastic indeed.
                      we haven't had any with JT for so long.


                        Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                        Congrats on 3,000 posts Ruby!

                        Thanks Boss!

                        Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                          Title: Of Ghosts, Quests and Magic Fingers.
                          Summary: Lying there, trapped beneath the rubble, John Sheppard had more than enough time to think. The Last Man tag.
                          Characters: John
                          Pairing: John/Teyla, McKay/Keller [ish]
                          Rating: K plus for swear words.

                          Angst, John/Teyla & McKay/Keller, The Last Man
                          don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                          facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                            Originally posted by LandJrule View Post

                            WTF??? CSI???? What the hell is going on in their minds???
                            Unless........they MIGHT be meaning a "CSI" style ep- I mean, like they have to solve a crime like the CSI guys do.......

                            In other news, got to watch about 1/2 of "McKay & Mrs Miller" last night (enough to s****** uncontrollably TWICE at Jeannie revealing Rodney's first name is actually Meridith!!!! It's the first time I've got to see that much of it while it's airing. Usually I stop watching at the first ad break- but last night I got distracted, & didn't want to go!!!!
                            It was a great ep- even though it was more of a McKay centric ep.
                            Looking forward to "Phantoms" next week- a team ep mixed with a Shep ep.......gonna be awsome!!! (especially when I know Tey is gonna be spending some quality 1-on-1 time with him! )
                            S5 spoiler
                            I'm sure he mean as in him investigating something. Maybe a murder. Oh!! Maybe they've been reading our RR fic and they are gonna pin a murder on Teyla and he has to find a way to clear her of all charges.

                            LOL. I loved it when Jeannie said his real name.
                            When Echoes comes on pay attention to it towards the middle. That name will pop up again.

                            Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                            Thanx Mayra!

                            Think he was talking about...
                            The Shrine; thats what is being filmied at the mo

                            Great WP Sci!

                            Prepare yourself Sci...
                            I do beleive Hexed is the EXTREME SHEP WHUMP ep!!! and I can't wait for CSI:Atlantis; my two fave shows!

                            OH Cazz, I still wasn't prepared.
                            Oh by the way...

                            Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                            Awesome Hun
                            Thanks again hun.

                            Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post

                            Thanks sci!

                            Thanks WL!


                            Thanks Maf!

                            Thanks Mayra!
                            NP hun and thank.

                            Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                            Edit: Just posted Shep whump fic at

                            Summery: Colonel Sheppard gets arrested offworld.

                            Blame, Responsibility and Justice
                            I will definately after read when I have time.

                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            Oh believe me,i'll never stop watching as long as Teyla is in it....But i will definately stop watching if they ever get rid of her......Sorry i've just been let down on so many occasions and i'm not just talking about Atlantis and Teyla here that i'm so much a passimist now i can never get out of the hole....Does that make sense!

                            Now this would seriously make me thunk......psssst don't tell cazz i sadi that!

                            I try really i do try to stay away from the blog but i can't help myself I see the spoiler button and it's calling to me,click me click me.....what can i do!

                            HEY......WHAT ABOUT THE LACK OF TEYLA SPOILERS........Whoopie freakin doo,she gets 1 whole ep to herself.....then what,back to being wallpaper,nice wallpaper i might add but wallpaper none the less
                            oh lookie some friendship bonding with Teyla and McKay,is that all the bonding she's gonna get....well at least the others will be bonding while Teyla sits there and files her nails

                            My guess is he'll ignore it.....I've come to realise when it comes to Teyla he ignores everything!

                            AWESOME sci.........Do you know how much i needed this!

                            You didn't say anything stupid asgard so please don't think you should stay away .I'm just totally bummed about Teyla and yes i admit scared of what this season has in store for her that nothing seems to be working to shake me outta this mood i'm in!

                            YES........More artwork,this helps a little!

                            Yes exactly,we've been let down on so many occasions now that whatever JM says we are still gonna be pessimistic!

                            Nope not made me feel better either,if anything it's made me feel worse
                            so looks like it's gonna be the Rodney/Shep comedy hour for the most part again!
                            *Sigh* I do understand your feelings and I think alot of people feel the same. It's weird because I don't think we were like this last year. And we thought season 4 was it. Then came the news of RL's pregnancy.

                            I'm wondering if that's part of the reason.
                            We were built up to believe that this big story was going to happen and it didn't, for Teyla. I'm sure alot of that had to do because of how RL felt and stuff.
                            And now it's the uncertainty of how this baby( alive or dead ) will affect their relationship. I'm just guess here.

                            Try to think positive Linda. I'll try too.
                            And thanks.

                            And I also agree with Ruby.
                            Unfortunately, Teyla never really had any big screen time.

                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            Well i gotta go to the docs now,dunno if i'll be on later...I'll see how i feel!
                            Good luck Linda. Hope all is ok.

                            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                            Here's a cute pic I found David, Rachel and Joe:

                            It's probably really old but I've never seen it before.
                            Awwww. That pic is awesome. Thanks Ruby.

                            Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                            Congrats on 1500 Mayra!

                            yep tis cool and love the colour.

                            Thanks Maff.

                            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                            Hey Y'all! Can you believe it! Now, I know that I am truly addictied to all of my family up in here! I am sitting literally in the doctor's waiting area waiting for my turn and of course, I find a way to access my JT family! Let me know if all of you get this! Show me some love and (((HUGS!)))! I am here today to get medical clearance for my surgery! Finally! I will let all of know more when I found for sure when the actual date it is going to take place is! I've got to go for now, I don't have all the freedom on this computer like I do on mine! So no really cool piccies of our JT or Shep Whump! Love Ya!! Elfie!!! This computer is really slow! It so bites!!! But, at least I got to post for all of you!!!
                            LOL. You're a riot Elf. We all miss you and I'm on IM right now.
                            Hope to catch you tonight.

                            Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                            Have to run now but will BBL

                            I leave you with a question.
                            What is your heart desire for JT in season 5?(no negativity and frowns about the stupid PTB, just what you would like)

                            For me, my heart desire for JT in s5
                            I really want JT to have a moment where John is looking at Teyla and she him for longer than they should. They draw closer to one another, their breaths mingle and then....
                            One heck of a KISS
                            That's a hard question. I love your thoughts though.

                            I think I would love the thought of them doing a pretend couple thing. Almost like Ruby's story. And they have to keep their cover and kiss, but they don't stop. But I definately would like to see them admit their feelings out loud, even if it's to someone else.

                            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                            I would want more of Ronon and maybe Rodney noticing developments between the two of them, Teyla to name the baby after John or name him godfather (and John and baby bonding), and more times when John risks his life to save Teyla!

                            Oh, and another kiss would not be bad...
                            That sounds nice too.

                            Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                            Happy Birthday Kate!!

                            I'll be gone this weekend - so that's why your present is early!

                            So - it's not total fluff, but I hope you like it anyways...

                            Oh man. I'm so behind on fics today.

                            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                            Oh Ruby...I made a present for you...

                            You know, since you made such a wonderful gift for me.
                            Oh you made that sig!!!
                            When I can on to the thread, it was the first thing I saw and I was laughing so hard.
                            *bows to greatness*

                            Originally posted by asgard30 View Post

                            Ow it's so pretty the color, the text all is really great
                            Thank you very much Asgard.

                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            YC - That is too damn funny. You and Ruby should have your own comedy show.
                            I agree. LOL!!!

                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            OT~ LOL Get to it!

                            40 minutes till MrB, the kids and I start our vacation!!
                            Have fun MrsB

                            Originally posted by Padme18 View Post

                            Hello Elf! (((hugs))). I went to my surgeon on Tuesday for my presurgery stuff. I'll be having that acursed tumor removed on May 19th. After that, no more high blood pressure.
                            Oh good hun, I will keep you in my prayers.

                            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                            It's not my birthday - YC just made me the sig coz I made her one the other day! Thanks though, and if the rest of you feel like making me gifts I really don't mind...

                            So y'all know, my birthday is July 2nd, and this year's my 21st!
                            LOL. 21 and holding for how many years?

                            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                            Wonderful job and I really love the first one.

                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            Cool sigs Ruby! I like the song from the first one!!!

                            OT~ MrB and I have off work till next THURSDAY - yeahhhhhhhhhhh killer- so we're going a bunch of places with the kids, Six Flags etc. Its gonna be a blast!!! I'll probably lurk some though. Time to go peeps - so see ya's later!!
                            Oh cool, I'm sure you will have fun.

                            Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
                            He's such a hottie! lol

                            Have fun MrsB!
                            Hey GNB. Did you know it's your turn on RR fic?
                            I know I'm waiting patiently.

                            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                            Hey guys, I knowe this is off topic, but it is my mothers 59th birthday today and her favorite characters that bicker a lot are Rodney and Shep, i know it is off topic and such but if somebody could make a Shep/Teyla/Rodney MP or a short picfic would be great!

                            PS: I'm trying to convert my mom (she beta'ed Called Home to Heaven for me!) to but I'll need some help!
                            Tell her happy Bday


                              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                              Bye bye everyone!

                              I am away for the weekend, going parachute jumping

                              So if I'm not back on monday, I'm still dangling in a tree somewhere...
                              Brave girl. Have fun.

                              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                              Title: Of Ghosts, Quests and Magic Fingers.
                              Summary: Lying there, trapped beneath the rubble, John Sheppard had more than enough time to think. The Last Man tag.
                              Characters: John
                              Pairing: John/Teyla, McKay/Keller [ish]
                              Rating: K plus for swear words.

                              Angst, John/Teyla & McKay/Keller, The Last Man
                              Oh man girl. You write fast.
                              I'll never catch up.


                                Just caught Instinct again

                                and the part I love.

                                TEYLA: Ellia? We want to help you! Doctor Beckett can make you better, but you have to come with us! We will not hurt you!
                                [Pause, while she looks around for any reaction. A twig breaks and Teyla turns around in time to face Ellia as the Wraith leaps from the underbrush and knocks her to the ground with a shriek, which attracts the men’s attention and they rush toward the scuffle. Meantime, Ellia is crouched over Teyla and it looks and sounds as if they’re having a slap fight.]
                                [As the men come over a rise in the forest floor, Teyla tosses Ellia off of her and Ronon seamlessly fires his energy weapon at her. Ellia pauses, then scrambles away out of sight. Teyla is unconscious on the ground, and both men crouch by her.]
                                SHEPPARD: Aww...
                                [He looks up to catch where Ellia is headed as Dex checks Teyla for injuries. Dex’s fingers come away from her head wet with blood. Sheppard strips out of his jacket and puts his vest back on.]
                                DEX: She took a blow to the head when it hit her.
                                SHEPPARD:[indicating Teyla] Stay with her!
                                DEX: Sheppard!
                                SHEPPARD: That’s an order.
                                [Sheppard runs off after Ellia as Dex places the rolled up jacket under Teyla’s head, then stares grimly after him.]
                                [Long shots from a few different angles of Sheppard making his way through the woods, very grim and purposeful.]
                                [Back to Dex and Teyla, as she regains consciousness.]
                                DEX: Teyla!
                                TEYLA:[sitting up] What happened? Where’s Colonel Sheppard?~ first thing she asks upon regaining consciousness)
                                DEX: He went after the creature!
                                TEYLA: You let him go alone?!?
                                DEX: He wanted me to stay with you.
                                TEYLA: [with an exasperated breath] I am fine. Go!
                                DEX: Aren’t we supposed to follow his orders?
                                TEYLA: Sometimes, we are allowed to make exceptions.
                                DEX: And who decides when it’s one of those times?
                                TEYLA: We do.
                                DEX: [springs to his feet] That’s good enough.

