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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Okay, was it just me, or do
    Teyla and the Ex look at LOT alike? I definitely think John has a type! So for whatever reason he married the ex when he wasn't really in love with her. But then he meets Teyla who is everything the ex wasn't (in a good way) and BAM. This other woman was like a pale imitation of Teyla.

    Great Ep, lots of fun and great John back story.
    It explains a lot about why John is the way he is. I had a feeling his family pretty much disowned him. Glad to know I was right.


      Originally posted by scifan View Post

      Oh. Thanks Mayra. Tell her we miss her.
      I'll definitely let her know.

      Thanks everyone for the spoilers on Outcast...i still got about 40 minutes to go.

      Too bad Teyla didn't come out...was she even mentioned?...probably not

      Sig by Camy


        Originally posted by LandJrule View Post
        A while ago, I posted a J/T fic I was writing.
        It's at the top of page 2604 of this thread.

        Anyway, I finally added a bit more onto it.

        Oh- & I'm going away tomorrow to the beach for 2 weeks.
        So anything important (eg screencaps from new episodes, more new ep pics from MGM's site, ect), or responses about my fic- please would you mind PMing them to me as well as being posted here?
        I just won't flick back through much of this thread when I get home in 2 weeks, so a PM would be nice to keep me up-to-date.
        Hopefully that's not a big thing to be asking for!!!!

        Catch ya all in 2 weeks!
        Have a nice time.
        (I put pics of J/T on my Ipod Nano last night, so I have them to look at if I get depressed while away!!! )
        ok, long post (with quote).
        I wrote HEAPS of my fic while on holiday (WAY more than I thought I would! ). It's on paper since I don't have a laptop.
        I'll get it up on the computer in the next few days- too tired to try & do it all now.
        I PROMISE this bit is good- & there's more still to be written (I don't think I managed to explain a lot of it, since I was writing bits & mum kept calling me away from it to do little things around the house).

        And I'm feeling a little better re the disaster I was in last post.
        Would someone mind posting any caps that have appeared in the last 2 weeks?
        This thread has exploded (as I expected it would) since I left it 2 weeks ago, & I'm too buggered to try & conquer all the pages.
        Much appreciated if someone would sum up what's happened with the show (I know Amanda is leaving- but not much else).

        Keep an eye out for the update on my fic!


        All Sigs Made By Me.


          Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
          I had Teyla at around mid 30's. Luttrell won't reveal her age.
          Rachel is actually 37 it was revealed in her last interview how old she was
          Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


            Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
            Rachel is actually 37 it was revealed in her last interview how old she was
            WHAT?!?! NO FREAKING WAY!!!! She looks about 30.


            I just came in to see if you've all see the new details about series five:


            Sounds cool!
            I thought this line was interesting: 'the Athosian who Teyla believes fathered her child'... though it's the words of a Gateworld reporter, so I guess we can't take it too seriously. I'm looking forward to seeing Kannan, anyway.

            Right, I haven't seen Outcast yet so I'm running away again. BBL!

            Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


              Originally posted by Crescere View Post
              It was safe having Carter, but this Porter chick? Please, God tell me that she's not going to ever be anything to Shep. Maybe She'll be the new dib for Rodney. They seem so dismissive with "We think Rachel and Jason will be back." Okay, lets pi** and sh** on the fans here. I guess my problem is that I'm tired of angst. If they're going to close this thing, let's have closure so we can just say. "Teyla and John will never be. I'll have to let that go and just watch SGA for what it is. Then spend my time writing JT fanfics until I'm able to move on with my life." Sad? Five seasons in and the writers can't even follow the cannon they established in Rising. Bitter much? Yeah, that's me.
              I wouldn't worry to much about her...

              She is going to be a military,, so all in all Shep outrank her,, and well we know the rules ... doesn't matter if she is on his team or not,,she is going to take orders from him just as the other military on Atlantis.. so that would be a no go...

              Originally posted by Mayra View Post
              Just read it and wow!
              So this means Kanan or however you spell it will be coming out in the first episode in season 5. So the death of Kanan in Kindred must be some sort of vision or something. I did catch the part that mentions "Kanan who Teyla who believes fathered her child'...or something like that...yup, very interesting!. I agree, i would have thought they would simply say, the father of Teyla's baby...good possibilities!!!. Don't know what to think of the new woman...seems too young for John...i think it said she was 28, so hopefully they don't do the whole flirting thing with her. Wonder if she will take Carter's possition. Guess we will find out on Monday.
              No I wouldn't worry...

              The new woman is a miliatry so I'll say that's a no go for anything with John,,,he outrank her and we have seen that John doesn't just command his own team,,he gives orders to the rest as well...
              I don't know why they feel to bring in her when hey do we really see any more of the miltary besides John and Lorne.. the whole focus is always on John's team.. if she is going to be on John's team for a while..I sure hope Teyla takes her rightful place and kick her back to what ever team *lol*
              And I can't see her taking over for Carter either... she is a captain,,both Lorne and John outrank her and John seemed to have been on some list before but wouldn't matter since he didn't wan the job anyway... JM has said a new base commander,,and if it was this woman which name and job is already revealed then why keep it a that one will be someone new...maybe that is the woman they were talking about..or is that going to be this captain that they were talking about...confused...guess we will know on Monday...

              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post

              And there might be hope for the Carson fans (though it could possibly be Weir):

              Oh, and just so you know, once that press release comes out on Monday - Mark played a big part in ensuring a certain character’s return to the ranks of the recurring.
              Well if I had to pick between those two then I would 100% go for Carson...
              Sigs by Scifan


                DAILY VOTING

                Vote for J/T on Quarantine in the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game

                Pics to follow for use in game: (Under spoiler tags since it's season 4)

                Vote for John And Teyla Favorite Moment Picture Game
                (If one of your favorite J/T moment isn't on the list, simply add it to the list, don't forget to add a pic)

                Vote for Favorite Sheppard Episode
                (If one of your favorite John episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                Vote for Favorite Teyla Episode
                (If one of your favorite Teyla episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                Vote for Favorite Teyla & John Moment
                (If one of your favorite J/T moment isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                (Voting once a day)

                DO YOU WANT LARRIN IN SEASON 5
                Do you want to see Larrin back in season 5 opposite John???
                The poll is kinda confusing but.. it's set up like this..for example
                Female,Sheppard shipper with someone else - no
                Simply means, that you are a female, you ship Sheppard with someone, and then no to Larrin in season 5...

                VOTING UPDATE

                Well Spoils Of War has now made it into the list,,, and can you all believe it ,,Spoils Of War is our 22nd JT episode on

                the list...

                LET THE VOTING BEGIN!!!

                PREVIEW OF SEASON 4

                Check out a preview for the back half of season 4......
                *Be aware of major spoilers*

                *NEW*TRIO PREVIEW

                Check out the preview for the next episode of Atlantis airing February 8 named Trio.

                BEST OF 2007
                Over at you can vote for different categories, and Atlantis is nominated for Best In Genre Show - SciFi so head

                on over and VOTE
                So far Atlantis is on 1st place


                Watch part 3 of Jewel answering fans spoilers for upcoming episodes


                Check out Rachel's official site.. she has updated with a note to her fans, in the form of a little video


                Keep showing her your support and write her a comment to show our love for her.


                Check out Jewel's official website for latest news and projects and send Jewel a note if you like to show her your

                support as well.


                Support Teyla in the poll of who is your favorite beauty in Stargate universe.


                Head over and sugguest some prompts for other people to write or you can also sign up and write one of the prompts,

                for details check this post from Seldear


                Vote for JT as your favorite couple on this survey



                A huge congrats for the cast and crew for winning the Best SciFi Show award on People's Choice Award

                GW post about the win

                Video of the cast accepting the award (Thanks to Prion for vid)

                Longer video of the cast accepting the award, thanking alot of people
                Scroll until you get to Atlantis (PCA site)

                Video with the cast answering a fan question (at the PCA site)
                Further down on the page is a video section, scroll until you find the cast of Atlantis.

                Pics from PCA posted by Kangamoo on her blog

                INFO ON THE JOHN & TEYLA AWARDS 2008

                The John & Teyla Awards are prepping for 2008 and they need your help.
                Read more in this post by Devine27


                It's time again... do you enjoy JT, like doing artwork then this might be something for you to check out..
                John & Teyla Awards is having a banner contest. Check this post for more details.

                2007 STARGATE FAN AWARDS
                Voting is now open at the 2007 Stargate Fan Awards...
                You can vote on your favorite until March 3, 2008

                So go on over and check out the work and vote for your favorites...


                A short little segment from EXTRA about SGA, they go behind the scenes on Harmony.
                As usual Joe likes to goof up, telling the guy pretty much he has to fall more manly *lol* then again I don't think anyone

                really does the falling after being stunned as Joe does...


                I would like to say a big congrats to LoveConquers who rounded up a couple awards on Stargate Music Video

                Award 2007 ...

                She managed to place herself in 5 categories .... AWESOME GIRL
                2nd Place for Teyla's Fight in the Teyla Emmagen category

                1st place for A Breaking Heart and also 2nd place for Finding Home in the Sheppard/Teyla category

                1st place for In The Morning in the Episode category

                2nd place for A Roaring Silence in the Editing category

                And she rounded up snatching also 1st place in the Best Overall Artist category

                If there is anyone here that has a username that I don't know of then I say congrats to them as I also give

                congrats to all that has won in all the different categories

                If you wanna see all the winners then check them out here.
                Last edited by NinaM; 02 February 2008, 11:58 AM.
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Thanks for the links Nina - but SoW just got to 59th place I'm guessing we're doing Quarantine next? It's already got 5 votes.

                  Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                    Rachel is actually 37 it was revealed in her last interview how old she was
                    Thanks for this. I think I'll still keep Teyla younger in my fics becaus RL does NOT look 37.

                    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                    I wouldn't worry to much about her...

                    She is going to be a military,, so all in all Shep outrank her,, and well we know the rules ... doesn't matter if she is on his team or not,,she is going to take orders from him just as the other military on Atlantis.. so that would be a no go...
                    You are so right...thanks for the reminder.
                    Has RL said anything about leaving the show or taking a break because she wants to spend more time as a mom? Maybe this new chick is a filler for her so every ep Shep, Rodney,and Ronon can all say "Wish Teyla was here" or "Teyla could do this so much better."


                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      Saw this on GW first page...

                      Read at own risk...major spoilers for a continueing story from both The Kindred and The Last Man...this is from the season 5 premiere..Search and Rescue...even though the cast list haven't been announced yet they say just the names showing up in the first epi ... and I have one things to say about one name that I saw mention,,,however only a character name of who is even cast for it yet...weird... the one word being is *sigh*
                      also it mentions the new woman onboard... but thank heavens no one they can toss over at John *pheww*
                      Kanaan (How many different ways are they going to take on him *lol* ) even though I have to say it's kind of intresting how they go and say about him...who Teyla believes have fathered her child...hrmm I'm not sure how to take that one ..sounds a little odd... wouldn't been easier saying ..the father of Teyla's baby...hrmmm..oh and by the way can someone kill him here then...I don't want him in season 5...

                      Oh for crying out loud...The more i think i know whats gonna happen the more confused i end up
                      I don't want Twitter in S5...Why oh why does he have to be there......Yeah i'm with you Nina,i'll love Michael for a few secs if he Kills Canoe......Why does it say though "who Teyla believes to have Fathered hger Child".....Is something else going on that we haven't figured out yet *scratches head dumbfoundedly* I can't take much more of these speculatios....Someone kill me now

                      Oh and i wouldn't worry about the new Military lady that's coming onto the show....She's Military so it's a very big no no anyways so no worries there but i do wish it would have been Cadman they brought back...I really liked her!

                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      Yeah I know...

                      Well I read that the list of name might not be a 100% for the who knows...really ,,but yeah I do hope it's either a flashback or something,,and if it isn't and he is alive in the first epi...please Michael I will actually like you for about 5 seconds if you kill him *LOL* I know I'm evil..I just don't want that dude alive in season 5...

                      Hrmm you know I do hope she is on Lorne's team..he doesn't have anyone that always is on his team ... I just hope that with this baby storyline,,if it stays Teyla will step down more from the team and this chick ends up on John's team...oh hell messing with the team dynamic... I want the 4 of them and only the 4 of them... I don't want that messed with,,,I want the team to be 100% intact...

                      Yeah I know... everytime I read something,,it's that then it's the end I've ended up with more questions than answers *lol*

                      AMEN to that!!!

                      Originally posted by Crescere View Post
                      It was safe having Carter, but this Porter chick? Please, God tell me that she's not going to ever be anything to Shep. Maybe She'll be the new dib for Rodney. They seem so dismissive with "We think Rachel and Jason will be back." Okay, lets pi** and sh** on the fans here. I guess my problem is that I'm tired of angst. If they're going to close this thing, let's have closure so we can just say. "Teyla and John will never be. I'll have to let that go and just watch SGA for what it is. Then spend my time writing JT fanfics until I'm able to move on with my life." Sad? Five seasons in and the writers can't even follow the cannon they established in Rising. Bitter much? Yeah, that's me.

                      I feel your pain Crescere!

                      Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                      Well saw Outcast and
                      NO TEYLA...are they trying to kill me. Everything was a blur for me. Nice to get a lil backstory for Shep and Ronon being very gorgeous is always a plus. The ex was...well the ex...nothing more in fact zilch thank god they were divorced. Wonders was John's reason for going to Atlantis based upon the breakup of his marriage.
                      Liked the whole replicator story and what happened to Bates...he was downright civil to evryone even Ronon(who is alien). Did he just have the hots for Teyla why he picked on her????

                      Otherwise, another kinda ok eppy....just wished Teyla was somewhere there to lend her support to shep considering she knows how it is to lose a father.

                      Anyway, might think of other things to add tomorrow but off to bed now. Gnight everyone.
                      NO TEYLA That's two weeks in a row now I don't know if i can take not seeing her next week

                      Originally posted by Crescere View Post
                      Thanks for this. I think I'll still keep Teyla younger in my fics becaus RL does NOT look 37.

                      You are so right...thanks for the reminder.
                      Has RL said anything about leaving the show or taking a break because she wants to spend more time as a mom? Maybe this new chick is a filler for her so every ep Shep, Rodney,and Ronon can all say "Wish Teyla was here" or "Teyla could do this so much better."
                      Nope she ain't leaving,it's been confirmed that she'll be back next season!


                        Originally posted by Crescere View Post

                        You are so right...thanks for the reminder.
                        Has RL said anything about leaving the show or taking a break because she wants to spend more time as a mom? Maybe this new chick is a filler for her so every ep Shep, Rodney,and Ronon can all say "Wish Teyla was here" or "Teyla could do this so much better."
                        Nope nope...

                        She has talked about wishes to continue storylines for season 5...and JM has confrimed when asked before that she is indeed in season 5...
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                          Thanks for the links Nina - but SoW just got to 59th place I'm guessing we're doing Quarantine next? It's already got 5 votes.
                          Yup Yup I think it's given we are going with Quarantine
                          Which means I have to find pics...hrmm now where to find them....
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                            Okay, was it just me, or do
                            Teyla and the Ex look at LOT alike? I definitely think John has a type! So for whatever reason he married the ex when he wasn't really in love with her. But then he meets Teyla who is everything the ex wasn't (in a good way) and BAM. This other woman was like a pale imitation of Teyla.

                            Great Ep, lots of fun and great John back story.
                            It explains a lot about why John is the way he is. I had a feeling his family pretty much disowned him. Glad to know I was right.
                            at first glance, i thought that Nancy looked like L*****, but that's just me. I mean, all three girls look a bit alike (please forgive me for comparing Teyla to L*****), they all have a bit darker skin, same kinda hair colour. Shep does seem to have a bit of a type!

                            Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                            Rachel is actually 37 it was revealed in her last interview how old she was
                            WTH!! Rachel? 37?!?!? NO WAY! She doesn't look a day older than 32

                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            Oh for crying out loud...The more i think i know whats gonna happen the more confused i end up
                            I don't want Twitter in S5...Why oh why does he have to be there......Yeah i'm with you Nina,i'll love Michael for a few secs if he Kills Canoe......Why does it say though "who Teyla believes to have Fathered hger Child".....Is something else going on that we haven't figured out yet *scratches head dumbfoundedly* I can't take much more of these speculatios....Someone kill me now

                            Oh and i wouldn't worry about the new Military lady that's coming onto the show....She's Military so it's a very big no no anyways so no worries there but i do wish it would have been Cadman they brought back...I really liked her!

                            AMEN to that!!!

                            I feel your pain Crescere!

                            NO TEYLA That's two weeks in a row now I don't know if i can take not seeing her next week

                            Nope she ain't leaving,it's been confirmed that she'll be back next season!
                            This is all so confuzzling! Lemme just say that:
                            The new head of Atlantis should be Weir or Carter. Someone completely new just won't roll for me... but if it's Danny boy, I'll be ok!

                            RL isn't leaving, that's fur sure! *phew* She'll be a great mom even if it means a little less time with the little munchkin (aka, Caden)

                            oh yeah- forgot to say good morning!


                              Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                              at first glance, i thought that Nancy looked like L*****, but that's just me. I mean, all three girls look a bit alike (please forgive me for comparing Teyla to L*****), they all have a bit darker skin, same kinda hair colour. Shep does seem to have a bit of a type!

                              WTH!! Rachel? 37?!?!? NO WAY! She doesn't look a day older than 32

                              This is all so confuzzling! Lemme just say that:
                              The new head of Atlantis should be Weir or Carter. Someone completely new just won't roll for me... but if it's Danny boy, I'll be ok!

                              RL isn't leaving, that's fur sure! *phew* She'll be a great mom even if it means a little less time with the little munchkin (aka, Caden)

                              oh yeah- forgot to say good morning!

                              Good Afternoon JT4L!!


                                Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                                This is all so confuzzling! Lemme just say that:
                                The new head of Atlantis should be Weir or Carter. Someone completely new just won't roll for me... but if it's Danny boy, I'll be ok!

                                RL isn't leaving, that's fur sure! *phew* She'll be a great mom even if it means a little less time with the little munchkin (aka, Caden)

                                oh yeah- forgot to say good morning!
                                Why do people think that this new person is gonna be the new Head of Atlantis...Ain't she just a Captain or Major or something!

