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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
    NP! You've got almost all of my fave ships in there! Where'd you get the pic of John and Aeryn? It's AWESOME!
    LOL, I found it on my "Great Ship Search" LOL. Here it is in its full size (which isn't that big):
    Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


      Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
      LOL, I found it on my "Great Ship Search" LOL. Here it is in its full size (which isn't that big):
      That is hotttt!


        Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
        Perhaps everyday phrases, like "how are you today?" and so on and so on. Or what about "I ship John and Teyla!" How d'you say that?
        How are you today - Hoe gaat het vandaag?
        Hello- Hallo
        Bye - Doei
        Goodmorning- Goedemorgen
        I ship John and Teyla... well we don't really have a word such as shipping.. but I guess it would be -
        Ik ben voor John en Teyla!
        I love SGA!!- Ik hou van SGA!
        Most things will be hard to pronounce for you guys though..
        Any other things... ?
        *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

        “Because you can.”



          Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
          How are you today - Hoe gaat het vandaag?
          Hello- Hallo
          Bye - Doei
          Goodmorning- Goedemorgen
          I ship John and Teyla... well we don't really have a word such as shipping.. but I guess it would be -
          Ik ben voor John en Teyla!
          I love SGA!!- Ik hou van SGA!
          Most things will be hard to pronounce for you guys though..
          Any other things... ?
          That's so cool! Thanks TF! Anything else I wanna know? Whatever you think that we should know I guess!


            Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
            That's so cool! Thanks TF! Anything else I wanna know? Whatever you think that we should know I guess!
            My pleasure Well are ya planning on coming here some time then..?
            Anyway I'm really going now Welterusten allemaal! (g'night everybody)
            See ya later
            *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

            “Because you can.”



              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
              My pleasure Well are ya planning on coming here some time then..?
              Anyway I'm really going now Welterusten allemaal! (g'night everybody)
              See ya later
              I probably won't be going anywhere soon, but just knowing the stuff is cool in my books!
              'Night TF! aim... target.... and ... WHACK!


                Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                LOL, I found it on my "Great Ship Search" LOL. Here it is in its full size (which isn't that big):
                Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                That is hotttt!
                Hells yeah, that's hot! Btw, don't John and Teyla have hot black leather outfits like that? Do you think they'd pose like that if we asked nicely?
                You know, I'd actually like to see Teyla be a little more Aeryn Sun badd a**! sigh...I like many others in here am tired of John and Rodney eps. I'll stop before I write any blasphemy. Let's just say that lately I've been having more fun than I expected watching SG1 eps.


                  Originally posted by Crescere View Post
                  You know, I'd actually like to see Teyla be a little more Aeryn Sun badd a**! sigh...I like many others in here am tired of John and Rodney eps. I'll stop before I write any blasphemy. Let's just say that lately I've been having more fun than I expected watching SG1 eps.
                  As would I....

                  Jack's got the "Insult System Lords" skill at in the oh say (roll one six sided die(or two of them) and ) BOOM the insult hits home no matter what the number is!!!

                  I think Jack's skill for Insults is in the near thousands range of how easy he hits his mark!!

                  what i miss guys!!!

                  I see TeylaFan and Linda have gone to bed now fook and I wanted to whack them!! Oh nevermind I see JT4L has taken out TeylaFan, nice shot too by the way!! and thanks for keeping up my job!! *hugs everybody*

                  what I miss?!

                  OOOOO!!!!! Canoe bites the dust?! do we get to see him do it?!?!?! Does he.... uh... smooch Teyla? *gets whacked with a crowbar from Teyla* OW!!

                  This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                  "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                  "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                    Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                    As would I....

                    Jack's got the "Insult System Lords" skill at in the oh say (roll one six sided die(or two of them) and ) BOOM the insult hits home no matter what the number is!!!

                    I think Jack's skill for Insults is in the near thousands range of how easy he hits his mark!!

                    what i miss guys!!!

                    I see TeylaFan and Linda have gone to bed now fook and I wanted to whack them!! Oh nevermind I see JT4L has taken out TeylaFan, nice shot too by the way!! and thanks for keeping up my job!! *hugs everybody*

                    what I miss?!

                    OOOOO!!!!! Canoe bites the dust?! do we get to see him do it?!?!?! Does he.... uh... smooch Teyla? *gets whacked with a crowbar from Teyla* OW!!
                    crowbars...nice image

                    As for Jack, he annoyed me a bit, I think it was in season 4, but he has such a well developed character. Elizabeth got 86d because they didn't develop her. She was boring and I think the writers got tired of writing her. I feel that Teyla is being neglected. You develop a character through personality not plot (though plot helps).

                    In SG1 every team member contributes evenly. Functionally Jack=Sheppard/ Sam=Rodney/ Daniel=Teyla/ and Teal'c=Ronon...the problem is that the writers seemed to find a way to keep the balance through 10 seasons. We're on number 4 and it seems to be just Rodney and John, but then John and Rodney are the only two characters who have been absolutely developed. I love Teyla and Ronon and wish they'd give us more.


                      Title: Moment
                      Summary: He knew it was wrong to go but now it wasn’t right to stay.
                      Characters: John, Teyla, Grae
                      Pairing: John/Teyla, Teyla/Kanan
                      Rating: K

                      He slipped into the quiet, darkened infirmary and breathed a sigh of relief when he noticed no one was around. In the far corner, tucked behind a small partition, John saw the faint light of a night light spilling onto the sterile infirmary floor. Many times he’d almost lost his nerve on his way here and as his heart rate increased again, he’d be damned if he’d actually lose his nerve now.

                      He raised a hand to his eyes and calmed his breathing as he pushed off from the wall. His body ached in a way that he’d never known before; his nerve ends tingled with anticipation as his feet carried him helplessly to the far end of the room; his leg, which he’d only recently had removed from plaster, throbbed in protest and his head shrieked in pain at the light piercing his eyes. He hadn’t known how long he’d been holed up on his secluded balcony – he was only glad no one had come to find him – but a chill had settled deep into his bones urging him indoors. He’d been fully intent on making his way to his quarters when something tickled the back of his mind. Before he knew it, he’d reached the infirmary and was mentally cursing Emotion for dragging him down here.

                      But as he stepped into the dim light and his eyes landed on the tiny figure inside the incubator, all thought evacuated his mind. He stopped, just inside the partition and stared in awe at the tiny baby. His heart filled with something akin to pride, almost like love and for a moment he was motionless, thoughtless, empty. His eyes took in the miniscule fingers and arms and the tiny bald head, the thick black eyelashes and tiny parted lips, while his heart tried to take stock of the sudden flood of emotion waving through him.

                      In two strides, he was beside the plastic container, his fingers pressed against the wall. Despite his body’s groan of protest, he lowered to his knees and stared, slack jawed at the tiny wonder inside the simple machine that was doing its’ best to keep him healthy. He stroked his fingers over the form of the infant, no bigger than John’s forearm and he wondered how it was possible that Teyla had been so big while the little man was so small. He felt something in the back of his throat, solid and immovable. A sound escaped past it and he chided himself. A vague mist appeared before his eyes and he lowered his lids, sucking his lips in between his teeth and propped his head against the plastic with a gentle thud.

                      John really didn’t want to think about how close they’d come to losing the little guy. He tried not to think of the images that Keller’s words had conjured up as she’d recapped how the umbilical cord had wrapped around his neck, how both he and his mother’s blood pressure had plummeted minutes before she’d stepped through the ‘Gate, how they’d had to cut open Teyla’s womb open and extract the baby, how Teyla’s heart had stopped.

                      Tears seeped through his lids and he squeezed them tighter, hoping to ward off the coming pain. He’d known something would go wrong because nothing – nothing – ever went fine in the city of the Ancients. He opened his eyes slowly, a small sad smile warping his lips as he watched a tiny arm stretch, little fingers flexing towards him. He tapped his index finger against the partition and let out a watery laugh as the tiny, almost green eyes opened and stared at him through tiny slits. A silent sob passed his lips and he closed his eyes tightly, hoping to loosen the tightness in his chest.

                      He wasn’t very good at emotion.

                      There was a whisper of sound behind him and he stilled, reigning in the urge to dim the lights further. There was another shuffle and a groan, followed by an almost silent “John?” He swallowed, almost didn’t answer, almost stayed still in hopes that she would succumb to slumber again but he couldn’t. Slowly, he turned and stared up at her from his crouched position, meeting her eyes with a helpless, tear soaked gaze. She tried to talk and he stood, painfully, moving towards her bed, shaking his head.

                      “Shh, it’s okay.” His hand reached for hers, his knuckles tracing over hers in a gentle, familiar caress. He felt something surge through him and he looked away, shifting his stare to the ceiling, warding off more tears. She didn’t need to see him like this. He felt her hand shift beneath his and he stared down at their hands as her fingers twined through his, squeezing gently. He hitched a breath and it caught in his chest. He shook his head and looked away, towards the reason he’d snuck into the infirmary and sniffed. God, he needed to get a handle on his emotions. But he was just so glad... He turned back to her and raked in her appearance, noting the paleness of her face, the blackness of her eyes, the redness of her lids. His other hand reached out and stroked a sweaty lock from her forehead. She closed her eyes and he rested his fingers in her hair. “Are you...” he cleared his throat and flexed his fingers, hoping to reassure her of... something. “You’re going to be all right,” he managed and withdrew his hand.

                      She nodded tiredly, slowly and licked her lips. John looked about for something to drink but couldn’t see anything. He didn’t really want to leave.


                      He frowned at her.


                      “That is his name.” John turned to the baby and studied him, wondering why on Earth she’d chosen that name. If she was going to name him after a colour, he’d have thought something like red, rose – maybe even violet would have been appropriate... but Grae? He wasn’t sure about that. “After Dorian.” John turned back to her sharply, and stared into her open eyes. She smiled up at him before settling back against the pillows and closing his eyes.

                      Despite his over-whelming desire to leave after her confession he stayed for a few moments more until her breathing evened out. He turned to the incubator, his hand still trapped in Teyla’s, and touched the edge of it again. He felt something strange in his chest, could feel something connecting him to the small baby held inside but he pushed it aside, not willing to dwell on it right then. He stayed that way, one hand in Teyla’s, the other hovering over her son, for a few minutes before he felt it was inappropriate if he stayed any longer.

                      As he disentangled his fingers and took a step away, a sense of desolation hit him and he found he was unwilling to leave. But he knew he couldn’t stay. Glancing around, he made sure the area was empty before kissing his fingers and placing them near to Grae’s hand.

                      He felt her hand on his wrist before he heard her whisper his name. Pausing, he turned back to see her eyes open, her lips smiling at him evanescently.


                      He watched her for a moment as her eyes fluttered shut, wondering if she knew what she had asked of him. If he stayed, he wasn’t sure he would be able to leave ever again. But if he went, he knew he would never be able to come back. He scanned her body, felt something tug and closed his eyes. It was wrong to stay. But it wasn’t right to go.

                      He closed his eyes as he took a step back towards her and sank onto the chair that he’d ignored before, drawing the incubator closer to him.

                      And it was there he stayed, between Teyla and Grae, a silent vigil over their slumbering forms, until dawn tainted the dark horizon, seeping realisation into John’s mind. And as he stood to leave, hours later when the city began to waken, he raised her hand to his lips, brushing them together before murmuring close to her ear;

                      “I’m really glad you’re okay.”

                      And as he moved to leave he felt the tug again.

                      He knew it was wrong to go, but now it wasn’t right to stay.
                      don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                      facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                        Originally posted by Crescere View Post
                        crowbars...nice image

                        As for Jack, he annoyed me a bit, I think it was in season 4, but he has such a well developed character. Elizabeth got 86d because they didn't develop her. She was boring and I think the writers got tired of writing her. I feel that Teyla is being neglected. You develop a character through personality not plot (though plot helps).

                        In SG1 every team member contributes evenly. Functionally Jack=Sheppard/ Sam=Rodney/ Daniel=Teyla/ and Teal'c=Ronon...the problem is that the writers seemed to find a way to keep the balance through 10 seasons. We're on number 4 and it seems to be just Rodney and John, but then John and Rodney are the only two characters who have been absolutely developed. I love Teyla and Ronon and wish they'd give us more.
                        can I say this again? I said it already but here goes anyhow!!

                        There are two sides, or versions to every character EVER made in anything, the canon version (in this case the show version of the character that are not very well developed) and a Fanon version, meaning that in fanfics the underdeveloped characters are either twice as developed as the canon character are, or not.

                        To me personally the writers are getting bored with writing Teyla and Ronon, OR they are running out of ways to bring them more screentime, in many team centeric fics I've seen a hell of a lot of Teyla and Ronon. heck I wrote Teyla so well in my story Ascension, that one review said, and I quote, "why aren't you working on the show?" and I could not respond to the person because there was no return email.


                        The reason the person asked me that is because in the next review he said how well Teyla was written, her actions, speech, the way she and John acted with the other, how she and Ronon acted around each other. How she acted when alone.

                        The way I did that was, I understand the character from the characters point of view. and that's mostly how I write my stories. if it is a character centeric story for Teyla written by the author named AutumnStarr, you KNOW it is a good story!!!


                        On top of that, a very richly detailed story as well in terms of clothing and reactions to in terms of thoughts AS WELL AS interpting her dreams in a dream state.

                        I'm done

                        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                          Originally posted by Crescere View Post
                          crowbars...nice image

                          As for Jack, he annoyed me a bit, I think it was in season 4, but he has such a well developed character. Elizabeth got 86d because they didn't develop her. She was boring and I think the writers got tired of writing her. I feel that Teyla is being neglected. You develop a character through personality not plot (though plot helps).

                          In SG1 every team member contributes evenly. Functionally Jack=Sheppard/ Sam=Rodney/ Daniel=Teyla/ and Teal'c=Ronon...the problem is that the writers seemed to find a way to keep the balance through 10 seasons. We're on number 4 and it seems to be just Rodney and John, but then John and Rodney are the only two characters who have been absolutely developed. I love Teyla and Ronon and wish they'd give us more.
                          But remember when Michael Shanks left? Because he wasn't getting enough screen time *ahem* sorry, development? After season 5, they started to work on the other characters, not just Jack - and Sam to an extent. Sometimes, watching the early SG1 eps, you feel like you are watching the Jack O'Neill show, with a bit of everyone else thrown in to decorate the set. Season 3 was riddled with Jack stories (100 days, followed by Shades of Grey). So, I wouldn't be too worried about not seeing much Teyla and Ronon development, I think that will come later.

                          As for the balance you mentioned that stretched ten years in SG1. That was achieved by people leaving and new people coming in, like is happening in Atlantis. I think the way the episodes are written gives the episodes balance. Because even though it feels like you're watching Stargate ShepKay every now and again, they do throw in the other characters - and it works. Except, maybe, Miller's Crossing where there was absolutely no need to have Ronon.

                          I don't think that made any sense.

                          BUT! I agree about Elizabeth. She had to go. I just... I didn't like her character and I think... I dunno, I'm just glad she's not about any more.
                          don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                          facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                            Originally posted by Crescere View Post
                            Hells yeah, that's hot! Btw, don't John and Teyla have hot black leather outfits like that? Do you think they'd pose like that if we asked nicely?
                            You know, I'd actually like to see Teyla be a little more Aeryn Sun badd a**! sigh...I like many others in here am tired of John and Rodney eps. I'll stop before I write any blasphemy. Let's just say that lately I've been having more fun than I expected watching SG1 eps.
                            That would be wonderful... like JM's ever gonna give it to us straight though! Maybe if we ask realllly reallllly nicely and make Puss In Boots faces?

                            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                            As would I....

                            Jack's got the "Insult System Lords" skill at in the oh say (roll one six sided die(or two of them) and ) BOOM the insult hits home no matter what the number is!!!

                            I think Jack's skill for Insults is in the near thousands range of how easy he hits his mark!!

                            what i miss guys!!!

                            I see TeylaFan and Linda have gone to bed now fook and I wanted to whack them!! Oh nevermind I see JT4L has taken out TeylaFan, nice shot too by the way!! and thanks for keeping up my job!! *hugs everybody*

                            what I miss?!

                            OOOOO!!!!! Canoe bites the dust?! do we get to see him do it?!?!?! Does he.... uh... smooch Teyla? *gets whacked with a crowbar from Teyla* OW!!
                            Thanks! As for
                            the smooching, god I hope not!!! ewww! The whole Canoe dies thing has got to have some kind of curve ball to it, or it just wouldn't be SGA, if you know what I mean!


                              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                              can I say this again? I said it already but here goes anyhow!!

                              There are two sides, or versions to every character EVER made in anything, the canon version (in this case the show version of the character that are not very well developed) and a Fanon version, meaning that in fanfics the underdeveloped characters are either twice as developed as the canon character are, or not.

                              To me personally the writers are getting bored with writing Teyla and Ronon, OR they are running out of ways to bring them more screentime, in many team centeric fics I've seen a hell of a lot of Teyla and Ronon. heck I wrote Teyla so well in my story Ascension, that one review said, and I quote, "why aren't you working on the show?" and I could not respond to the person because there was no return email.


                              The reason the person asked me that is because in the next review he said how well Teyla was written, her actions, speech, the way she and John acted with the other, how she and Ronon acted around each other. How she acted when alone.

                              The way I did that was, I understand the character from the characters point of view. and that's mostly how I write my stories. if it is a character centeric story for Teyla written by the author named AutumnStarr, you KNOW it is a good story!!!


                              On top of that, a very richly detailed story as well in terms of clothing and reactions to in terms of thoughts AS WELL AS interpting her dreams in a dream state.

                              I'm done
                              I know what you mean.
                              Fan fics fill the void. Despite all complaints, we keep watching.


                                Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                                That would be wonderful... like JM's ever gonna give it to us straight though! Maybe if we ask realllly reallllly nicely and make Puss In Boots faces?
                                Thanks! As for
                                the smooching, god I hope not!!! ewww! The whole Canoe dies thing has got to have some kind of curve ball to it, or it just wouldn't be SGA, if you know what I mean!
                                I wonder if it is possible to do a kitten face, i can do it easy!! nad I agree EEEEWWWWW to that thought for Teyla!!!
                                Originally posted by Crescere View Post
                                I know what you mean.
                                Fanfics fill the void. Despite all complaints, we keep watching.
                                They sure do! every story I write gives WAY MORE detail then we'd even see in a movie, I'm like Toliken, that guy was one hell of a writer!!

                                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress

