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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
    I agree with what has been said this just doesn't seem right it feels so random no matter what your ship preference.
    I know it's really sudden,
    with a completely new character making such a drastic change in a main character's life like this, but I think it will be worth it to keep Teyla in the storyline this season. Afterall, the kid has to have a father (unless it's still some sort of Wraith experiment), and it couldn't realistically be a main character, despite our hopes. Could it?


      Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
      Thanks I know Ships can get testy that's all. I agree with what has been said this just doesn't seem right it feels so random no matter what your ship preference. I do like to multi ship my favorite characters I have several AU for Teyla, Elizabeth and Vala for all the ships I have them in lol. I have a main one in my personal canon ships but then I have what I like to call my Ripple Effect AU where I have my other ships I am sick aren't I.
      I'm a JT'er by heart only this is EXTREMELY random for a guy to suddenly get into Teyla's life, I 'mean, it'd be totally out of character for her wouldn't it? She's got three dudes already, pick one of those guys!

      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


        IT IS DONE!!!! The Trial of the Week! LIVE from Atlantis it's PNN with John Sheppard!!!! NOTE read it as if you are watching the news on TV! also go to my profile page and see the online for the sumup there! Poor Teyla is back in the Infirmary.... with a REALLY bad headache

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          Anything that gives teyla more screen time should be celebrated...and furthermore...
          John's reaction has got to be golden!! jealousy? angst? support? And poor teyla is going to feel vulnerable...she is going to need comfort!!! and only one person could really provide that as was shown by the hug!
          -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

          Thanks Camy!!



            Vote for J/T on Adrift in the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game

            Pics to follow for use in game: (Under spoiler tags with a description of why)

            Vote for Favorite Sheppard Episode
            (If one of your favorite John episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

            Vote for Favorite Teyla Episode
            (If one of your favorite Teyla episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

            Vote for Favorite Teyla & John Moment
            (If one of your favorite J/T moment isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

            VOTING UPDATE

            Adrift has now 15 votes...

            LET THE VOTING BEGIN!!!


            The latest John Sheppard video that was done for the Whump Marathon

            John Sheppard #5 (Trouble)


            Nominate videos to Stargate Music Video Award 2007
            Let's make sure there are video with John, Teyla and John/Teyla
            Nominations are open until 11th November


            Watch part 2 of Joe answering fans questions...just some tiny spoilers in it...


            Check out the Infanity Special that was done on Stargate Atlantis. Behind the scene stuff, talking to the cast, stunts, costumes, visuals and some fan questions.

            Video links


            Check out reports from some fans from the Armageddon Convention in Melbourne where fans got to meet Joe Flanigan

            Report Links

            Video Links
   (bit of Joe's talk and him getting a taste of Vegemite...)

   (First 25 min of his talk)

            Pics links



            You can find some awesome pics of Joe on the Armageddon Convention in Melbourne right here..

            Be aware though that the owner have asked that these pics are NOT to be reposted anywhere... you can snag them for your own enjoyment,,just not post them anywhere public like other pages and here at please respect that request from the owner of these pics



            Check out videos from Joe Flanigan's talk (almost 40 min) and some pics of him from the Armageddon Convention in Auckland. When more turn up it will be added.

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            Video Links

            Pic Links


            Vote for your favorite Stargate Atlantis actor... take the poll now...


            Atlantis has been nominated for a People Choice Award for Best SciFi show..
            Go and vote people..
            Sigs by Scifan


              Just seen Missing Big spoilers so read at your own risk...

              Ok..... my first impression is that it was an awesome episode and Teyla rocked!!! It entertained me from start to finish and I found it really exciting... the ep thread already has some fans calling it boring predictable just because it didn't have their fav characters. Since I felt we got the Sheppard/McKay show shoved in my face for most of season three and Adrift and Lifeline .. this ep was a breath of fresh air. I love Sheppard to bits as you know.. but all that John/Rodney banter was really beginning to get on my nerves.
              Missing was exciting and fast paced and actually scary... for the first time in ages I felt they were in real danger... and as much as I liked Travelers I NEVER got the feeling that John was ever in any real danger.

              Missing was full of twists and mystery and the fight scenes were awesome. Keller started out a bit too whiney but then she got a lot better and I loved her and Telay's interaction.

              So since I was enjoying the ep so much the massive blow about Kanan didn't really sink in until I had finished watching.... The first word that comes to mind is ... really PISSED.... I am stunned that the writers chose such a lame explanation... sheesh !!! So folks, Teyla has been having a secret relationship all along... and doing the horizontal mamba with this guy... sigh... and what makes this SO difficult to swallow is that only a mere few months ago Teyla is telling a close friend that she has feelings for someone .... who is NOT Athosian... and we had this confirmed that she was talking about John.
              So this really has to be one of the worst decisions the writers have ever come up with.... why on earth keep pushing the John/Teyla angle and then do something like this..... this is just SO out of character for Teyla...

              She admits she has feelings for John a few weeks/months earlier but now all of a sudden there has been a guy that she has being seeing all along.. and she has now the hots for him... never!! Telya would never give up that easily on John... and if she has known this guy for so long why didnt she act on it before.... I cannot see Teyla going into a relationship with anyone while she still has feelings for John.

              I have never been a shipper before and could never hang around for years waiting on the possibilty that my fav pairing may hook up... I only actively started following JT because I thought the PTB were going down that route from the beginning. I never expected then to have a full blown relationship or walk off into the sunset, but I need something definite to show me that there are feelings there, and don't mess me around with throwing in other guys or stringing me on forever. I had hoped that the ptb had learned from their disasterous attempt with Sam/Jack.. but I think they are going to go the exact same route with JT... and I don't have the patience for that.

              I am so sick of this kind of crap and also hearing about how romance doesn't belong on Scifi... hogwash.. if it is done well and is subtle and in the background it can enhance both characters and the show will never turn into a soap opera... But when you start to string things out indefinitley then the less chance you are ever going to see any resolution. I know Rachel being pregnant is the reason they are taking this route .. but do the writers have the memories and imagination of a goldfish!!.. Don't they remember that they were the ones who implied on several occasions that JT had feelings for each other.. is this the only thing they could come up... Teyla has got the hots for someone else.....well as I said how bloodly lame!!

              So after all that rambling... my overall feeling is that I don't really care now what the tpb do with JT... sure we will get some angst and maybe a bit of jealousy from John.. but that's not going to change whats happened. Both John and Teyla are adult enough to know what they want, even in relationships and I can't see either of them being that unemotionally developed that they can't tell each other how they feel. And even if it's not verbalised I don't think for one moment that they are not aware of how much they mean to each other.. So if Teyla does indeed care for John and has feelings for him.. would she not even attempt to tell him.. would she give up so easily and fall into another mans arms... I didn't think she would.

              I'm not even going to think along the lines that things will all turn out for them in the end as I don't think I have the patience to go down that route.. but I still love the show and don't just watch it for JT. I loved tonights ep eventhough it's taking Teyla on a journed that I don't think she would ever take.. but I'll sit back and just enjoy the overall stories... because so far I have loved all the season four eps, and see where they take us with JT.. but I'm not holding my breath anymore.


                So we got the dreaded route we didn't want it to take...and I have to say how lame,,,how boring... so overdone it's plainly stupid...I mean is that the only way there is to do these things...come up with something new,,some twist..not a boring route... going for a love triangle..maybe Teyla not having as strong feelings for this boring guy but felt she didn't get anywhere with John,,,well let me tell you Teyla does not strike me as a woman to just give up on something,,, so it just doesn't make any sense...

                So we will play a love triangle,,John getting jealous... this boring guy will most likely not be around anymore... I mean how lame would it be if some of the Athosians die BUT that guy managed to survive..oh sheez how original *lol* hrmm or might all the Athosians die...who the heck knows... I mean how lame is have suddenly a guy there she has been seeing for some time,, and is the daddy most likely if they don't take the baby route with a twist..not that I will hold me breath but whatever... and then the epi we get to hear about him,,oh yes he is missing,, how practical *lol*

                I still love the show... I don't watch it for JT and I will stick around to see what happens... will it work out in the end... the love plot from her might be cliche and lame but as I've seen on other shows... most couples seems to come out stronger and get together anyway...

                Will this guy tell you the brutal truth I hope so... in these times of her people missing she will need support...and as usual it wouldn't surprise me if John will be by her as he always is... we have been told they will have emotional scenes..they will get closer.. and all that...

                We are in for a heck of a ride with this pair it seems this season...our faith in this couple will be tested..heck it's already started..

                Now I'm even more bummed since not only is this favorite pairing of mine in for one heck of a ride this season...I got word a short while back my other favorite pairing on another show will have one heck of a ride there too...sure they do have a relationship..but now I only hope that they will come out of the ordeal he is going to go through stronger then before,,and they will be intact..and hoping to whoever they don't pull a stupid route on his part..becasue seriously that is like commiting character suicide with one of their most popular character..making him look like a real a**hole.... darn this isn't my week....
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  KITTY!!! Strokes Kitty's back! Um i think we're still talking about missing and going through all the different scenarios and basically just confusing ourselves.....AGAIN!!!

                  Great news for Scotland!
                  AWESOMEnews for Scotland,Glasgow won the rights to host the 2014 Commonwealth games....WOOHOO,GOOOooooo SCOTLAND!!!
                  Hee hee, don't get me too excited about that Proud Scottish nationalist here

                  I'm currently downloading Missing.. Hopefully it lived up to expectations??
                  don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                  facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                    Originally posted by SoulSpinder View Post
                    *peeks head in to wave* Um hiya! I know this is strange seeing someone from an opposing side in here...But I had to come in to give all of you hugs. *hugs bunches*

                    In regards to missing...

                    I just know how much it stinks to get something like this to happen to your favorite ship. It's happened to me faaaar too many times. And it really really stinks. And it's only worse when other people start rubbing it in. (which is completely rude and unfair)

                    So please don't give up. (not that something like this would make you. Shippers are rather die-hard!) There is hope! If us Sparkies can live with one of our parties not being there, I'm sure you guys can pull it through. In fact...and I can't believe I'm encouraging "the enemy" ( ) ... it could even be a good thing with this mysterious father being not around she needs her friends and those close to her even more!

                    So hugs to you!
                    well how about that!! sympathy from a sparky-- this is so cool! (i was once a sparky, back in the day.....) THANKS FOR THE HUGS, soulspinner!!!! very much appreciated (seeing as i woke up at 7:40 on a SAURDAY all by myself aka no alarm clock, just because i was subconsiously (sp?) worried about Missing!!!)
                    MISSING IS NOW AVAILABLE ON ITUNES!!! i just finished downloading, so for the next 45 minutes, it's just me and my computer. brb!!!


                      Having just read the reviews of Missing I'm thinking it isn't our favourite epi of the season? I'll wait and see before I give my judgement but that doesn't sound very Teyla-ish. When would she have time for it??
                      don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                      facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                        woah. i just finished watching Missing.
                        that was crazy!! how can they leave us hanging like that (even though we all know that she's pregnant already!) AHHHH!!! but let's face it: the world of Stargate has never gone this route before, making one of the characters pregnant. As much as i KNOW that this is totally out of the ordinary, i think we've got our selves a little 'spoap' (spoap= space+soap)show, folks.
                        now we have 2 wait a whole week 'til 'Seer'! i don't think i can wait for 6 more days..... for all those who haven't seen Missing, see it NOW!
                        but you gotta love Teyla's face when Keller was like "There's something we need to talk about". grrr! i still can't believe that we got cut off RIGHT THEN
                        this'll drive me crazy for a looooooooooooong time!!!


                          Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                          woah. i just finished watching Missing.
                          that was crazy!! how can they leave us hanging like that (even though we all know that she's pregnant already!) AHHHH!!! but let's face it: the world of Stargate has never gone this route before, making one of the characters pregnant. As much as i KNOW that this is totally out of the ordinary, i think we've got our selves a little 'spoap' (spoap= space+soap)show, folks.
                          now we have 2 wait a whole week 'til 'Seer'! i don't think i can wait for 6 more days..... for all those who haven't seen Missing, see it NOW!
                          but you gotta love Teyla's face when Keller was like "There's something we need to talk about". grrr! i still can't believe that we got cut off RIGHT THEN
                          this'll drive me crazy for a looooooooooooong time!!!
                          Lol, well I am endeavouring for that to happen but I have to go back to work soon so don't think I'll be seeing it until tomorrow... or Monday :O I just... can't believe it, the way that they made all of this happen. I thought TPTB would see a bit more sense. A random? Hmmmmm!
                          don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                          facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                            Missing pics..... spoilers




                              Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                              I come in peace I am bummed as a R&T shipper just remember fan fic cures all woes. This Storyline is getting rewritten in my AU. I feel your pain I am being totally serious I am a ship and let ship type of person. I have always loved the J&T friendship. Please don't flame me.
                              Originally posted by SoulSpinder View Post
                              *peeks head in to wave* Um hiya! I know this is strange seeing someone from an opposing side in here...But I had to come in to give all of you hugs. *hugs bunches*

                              In regards to missing...

                              I just know how much it stinks to get something like this to happen to your favorite ship. It's happened to me faaaar too many times. And it really really stinks. And it's only worse when other people start rubbing it in. (which is completely rude and unfair)

                              So please don't give up. (not that something like this would make you. Shippers are rather die-hard!) There is hope! If us Sparkies can live with one of our parties not being there, I'm sure you guys can pull it through. In fact...and I can't believe I'm encouraging "the enemy" ( ) ... it could even be a good thing with this mysterious father being not around she needs her friends and those close to her even more!

                              So hugs to you!
                              Thanks you two for coming in. I know visiting "enemy territory" can be "dangerous"...but I really thank you for sending your sympathy. It seems that all ships have taken a hit this season. And for that, I feel bad for everyone.

                              Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
                              Anything that gives teyla more screen time should be celebrated...and furthermore...
                              John's reaction has got to be golden!! jealousy? angst? support? And poor teyla is going to feel vulnerable...she is going to need comfort!!! and only one person could really provide that as was shown by the hug!

                              But what if John is indifferent after the one "heated argument" we know of? We know the writers have Larrin in at least one other episode (and who knows if she'll come back for Season 5?) his ex-wife makes an appearance, and in "Harmony" we know that he's "smitten" (JM's word, not mine) over the women there.

                              I wouldn't be surprised if we got a "I can't believe you would keep something like this from me!" reaction, but no "I can't believe you would sleep with someone/have a relationship with another man"

                              As for my reaction...

                              Very predictable. You know, I have more respect for writers who don't go the "usual way". However, for the majority, it seems like the standard equation is "one step forward, two steps back."

                              I didn't like the episode very much. (Sorry for you who like Keller) But I can't stand her. The last scene of her in the forest was MUCH better, but overall, I was annoyed as Teyla seemed.

                              I didn't like the fact that Teyla "lied" to John. When he asked if she had a "hot date" and she responded with "Please" like yeah right. It didn't seem...well, honest. And the fact Keller figured it out , but not John??

                              I did giggle on one part...the fact the bad guys were eating suckers. Ok, that was funny.

                              As for the why...

                              she would sleep with a new boyfriend? Maybe it had to do with Larrin...maybe it had to do with seeing Rodney nearly losing Katie and it spurred her into action. I'm fortunate in that Teyla is not my favorite character so I don't feel as burned as some will...but do I like it? No.

                              And hey, if anyone is too least there's fanfiction out there
                              Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                                well, i've just had a totally cool idea for a new sig that i'll TRY to make (key word: "try") but i need a pic.....
                                of Teyla lying in the infermary with the "huh?" face just after keller said "there's something we need to talk about".
                                i can't find anything on my usual source for caps, so if anyone has some, i'll use 'em! thank you ladies and gents!

