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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    A Stargate Halloween Part 1 (LOL)

    The Stargate quieted to a loud hum behind them as Colonel Sheppard and his team finished stepping through. On planet MH3-669 it was night and the wind howled mercilessly against their faces, causing them to sputter and blink furiously through raised hands in an attempt to look around at the darkened planet.

    Overhead, thunder rumbled loudly and a bolt of lightning streaked wildly across the night sky causing Rodney to jump in surprise.

    “Colonel??!!” he called ahead, trying desperately to raise his voice higher than the surrounding din.

    Colonel Sheppard looked around and through his own squinted eyes; he made out a large cluster of tall trees just to his right and signaled for the others to follow him towards the cover.

    The team rushed into the small shelter beneath the whipping branches and barely threaded brush. They all stood quite close, as the enormous claps of thunder would easily drown their voices.

    “I do not think we should remain!” shouted Teyla as her hair flapped crazily in every direction. “We may return when the weather is less severe and gather our information!”

    “Yes, I agree!” shouted Rodney.

    Colonel Sheppard looked at Ronon, who simply shrugged as a skinny branch slapped hard across his large shoulder.

    Just as Colonel Sheppard was about to instruct them to head back to the gate, another bolt of lightning flashed bright across the sky and skidded down hard, crashing just beyond their hiding point, striking the ground between them and the gate.

    “Never mind! Let’s just stay here!” Rodney said as his face turned pale.

    Colonel Sheppard grimaced and just as he was about to tell Rodney to suck it up, his eyes caught a different light, a softer, constant, twinkling light just over Ronon’s shoulder. He peered hard, forcing his eyes against the strong gusts to make out its source when after a moment; he incredulously realized exactly what he was looking at.

    “Let’s move!” he called, as the others looked at each other curiously and quickly hurried to follow his retreating figure out of the tree line and towards the open field.

    They crossed the land quickly and with each clap of thunder or burst of lightning, Rodney’s step seemed to miraculously increase and soon he found himself even affront the Colonel who had been leading, not caring much where he was running to.

    Soon though, he saw exactly where they were headed. He stopped suddenly at the base of a small hill, where perched atop, was a magnificent looking house that almost stretched the entire plateau. With his wind whipped eyes and gaping mouth, he watched as another streak of lightning flashed just beyond the house, illuminating its greatness and filling Rodney’s mind with a terrible imagery.

    “I am not going in there!” he cried against the howling wind, turning back towards the Colonel who had just caught up.

    “Yes, you are!” Sheppard said as he grabbed Rodney’s collar and began heaving him up the hill with Ronon and Teyla by his side.

    As they neared the house, a massive clap of thunder gave them only a moment’s notice of scattered raindrops before burying them under an angry, hard rain, drenching them completely in a matter of mere seconds.

    Almost there, they began to notice the ornate decorations that directed their path towards the towering double doors that was obviously the entrance. Perched on either side of them, were rows of stone creatures, all of them with monstrous faces carved in granite, their warped faces frozen as they cried out in agony or despair.

    Colonel Sheppard pretended not to notice them as he continued to drag Rodney towards the soft lights cascading down from the many windows above, hoping that inside they would find refuge from the storm.
    Intresting start...

    I wonder what John saw that got him back track out of the treeline... and uhm what kind of weird house have they now stumbled on... statues... might there be trouble
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      Morning all.....

      Congrats Spirited!

      Congrats to all of us!

      OT for Tonights tv -
      SUPERNATURAL WHOO HOOooooo if you guys never saw the show - WATCH IT
      I saw a random episode of Supernatural last week and it was SO GOOD!! I'll have to go back to the beginning and watch them all... like I have time to do that!

      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      A Stargate Halloween Part 1 (LOL)

      The Stargate quieted to a loud hum behind them as Colonel Sheppard and his team finished stepping through. On planet MH3-669 it was night and the wind howled mercilessly against their faces, causing them to sputter and blink furiously through raised hands in an attempt to look around at the darkened planet.

      Overhead, thunder rumbled loudly and a bolt of lightning streaked wildly across the night sky causing Rodney to jump in surprise.

      “Colonel??!!” he called ahead, trying desperately to raise his voice higher than the surrounding din.

      Colonel Sheppard looked around and through his own squinted eyes; he made out a large cluster of tall trees just to his right and signaled for the others to follow him towards the cover.

      The team rushed into the small shelter beneath the whipping branches and barely threaded brush. They all stood quite close, as the enormous claps of thunder would easily drown their voices.

      “I do not think we should remain!” shouted Teyla as her hair flapped crazily in every direction. “We may return when the weather is less severe and gather our information!”

      “Yes, I agree!” shouted Rodney.

      Colonel Sheppard looked at Ronon, who simply shrugged as a skinny branch slapped hard across his large shoulder.

      Just as Colonel Sheppard was about to instruct them to head back to the gate, another bolt of lightning flashed bright across the sky and skidded down hard, crashing just beyond their hiding point, striking the ground between them and the gate.

      “Never mind! Let’s just stay here!” Rodney said as his face turned pale.

      Colonel Sheppard grimaced and just as he was about to tell Rodney to suck it up, his eyes caught a different light, a softer, constant, twinkling light just over Ronon’s shoulder. He peered hard, forcing his eyes against the strong gusts to make out its source when after a moment; he incredulously realized exactly what he was looking at.

      “Let’s move!” he called, as the others looked at each other curiously and quickly hurried to follow his retreating figure out of the tree line and towards the open field.

      They crossed the land quickly and with each clap of thunder or burst of lightning, Rodney’s step seemed to miraculously increase and soon he found himself even affront the Colonel who had been leading, not caring much where he was running to.

      Soon though, he saw exactly where they were headed. He stopped suddenly at the base of a small hill, where perched atop, was a magnificent looking house that almost stretched the entire plateau. With his wind whipped eyes and gaping mouth, he watched as another streak of lightning flashed just beyond the house, illuminating its greatness and filling Rodney’s mind with a terrible imagery.

      “I am not going in there!” he cried against the howling wind, turning back towards the Colonel who had just caught up.

      “Yes, you are!” Sheppard said as he grabbed Rodney’s collar and began heaving him up the hill with Ronon and Teyla by his side.

      As they neared the house, a massive clap of thunder gave them only a moment’s notice of scattered raindrops before burying them under an angry, hard rain, drenching them completely in a matter of mere seconds.

      Almost there, they began to notice the ornate decorations that directed their path towards the towering double doors that was obviously the entrance. Perched on either side of them, were rows of stone creatures, all of them with monstrous faces carved in granite, their warped faces frozen as they cried out in agony or despair.

      Colonel Sheppard pretended not to notice them as he continued to drag Rodney towards the soft lights cascading down from the many windows above, hoping that inside they would find refuge from the storm.
      TELL me the gargoyles come to life and that there are portraits with eyes that move!

      John = Fred
      Teyla = Daphne
      Rodney = Velma
      Ronon = Shaggy (only in height, really...)

      Now, who would be Scooby...

      Loving it!

      Good news - my muse seems to have returned, and I have two stories on the go for the prompt challenge. Of course, the problem now is that I probably won't get them finished in time to submit them. Oh well, I'll try!

      Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


        I see you SHEPPYNETTE!!!!

        Bonjour!!!!!!!!!!!! Haven't seen you in aaaaaaaaaaaaaages!! How are you?

        Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig



          Vote for J/T on Home in the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game

          Pics to follow for use in game:

          Vote for Favorite Sheppard Episode

          (If one of your favorite John episode isn't on the lis, simply add it to the list)

          Vote for Favorite Teyla Episode

          (If one of your favorite Teyla episode isn't on the lis, simply add it to the list)

          Vote for Favorite Teyla & John Moment

          (If one of your favorite J/T moment isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

          Support John in the H&H Best Hairdos

          (Make sure you have the last page on the thread to make the correct score)


          Home has now 28 votes and needs 22 votes keep it going...



          Nominate videos to the Stargate Music Video Award 2007... let's bring in nominations for John, Teyla and John/Teyla videos....


          Stargate Atlantis

          Joe Flanigan

          Rachel Luttrell

          Sigs by Scifan


            Thanks guys!!!

            hahah Ruby this ones for you

            A Stargate Halloween Part 2

            The four team mates stood crowded together under the slight overhang of the doorway, glad for any kind of relief from the intensity of the storm. Teyla’s teeth were chattering loudly that although Rodney made a pained face, he hesitantly put his hand around her shoulder and rubbed her arm violently, trying to give her some warmth to which she gratefully smiled.

            John looked back once towards his sopping wet team before he raised a closed fist towards the looming doors and rapped loudly three times.


            “Wow…” Rodney said softly.

            The others turned quickly and looked at him as he stared intensely at Colonel Sheppard.

            “What is it Rodney?” Teyla asked through her chattering.

            “Your hair….,” he said, reaching out a hand towards Colonel Sheppard’s dripping wet head. “Its…..just……flat….”

            Colonel Sheppard pushed Rodney’s hand away, giving him a dirty look as Ronon chuckled quietly.

            An impossibly loud creak came as one of the heavy double doors began to slowly open inwards, causing them all to look on in anticipation. Soon, an old man dressed in black stood before them in the doorway. Although, he was covered in large faded liver spots and his spectacles were thick as steel plates, he stood regally and well postured, as his magnified eyes seemed to look past them, almost unfocused, as he said in a monotonous voice, “Good evening.”

            Colonel Sheppard gave a lopsided smile and replied, “Well, a good evening to you too sir. My name is –,”

            The old man cut him off.

            “No need to explain sir, you are expected.” The old man turned sideways and held the door in a polite gesture for them to pass.

            “Expected?” Colonel Sheppard repeated as he looked back curiously towards his friends.

            “Oh, who cares at this point? It’s dry in there, isn’t it?” Rodney said rudely as he pushed past his friends and entered into the grand house, giving the old man a half feigned smile as he dramatically wiped his feet on the rug.

            Sheppard looked at Ronon and Teyla who smiled and shivered as he turned to enter the house with the two of them in tow.

            The inside of the house was unbelievable. The foyer in which they stood was enormous, at least the size of the control room back on Atlantis. The walls to the right were covered in magnificent blackened armor and shields, all emblazoned with strange carvings of serpents and rams.

            Paintings of many men and women dressed in exquisite robes and gowns covered the opposite wall, most of their expressions smug and the paint eerily faded from obvious years of exposure.

            Ronon peered closely at one particular painting. A beautiful woman, no older than him, sat obviously posed for the portrait, a saddened smile across her lips as she peered out a closed darkened window. Ronon stepped closer to the painting as the others shook the rain from themselves and he felt momentarily captivated by the woman’s haunting beauty.

            Movement in the painting caused Ronon to gasp, stepping back quickly as he wiped the straggling rain from his eyes. He thought he had seen the woman’s eyes move from peering out the window to staring straight at him. “Impossible…,” he whispered aloud.

            A hand on his arm caused him to jump and Teyla stood there looking surprised. “Ronon, what is it?” she asked gently looking towards the painting.

            “Nothing….,” he replied, turning and looking back at the image one last time before joining the others.


              Hiii !!!

              OT -

              I'm sorry for not coming theese cople of weeks but I've started university and I haven't a lot of time to answer on the forums. I come when I can.
              I hope everything are going well for you my english, amercian, canadian, scotish, irish etc... favourite JT shippers !!

              I've read some pages you wrote and I've appreciated the caps from Doppelganger... It seems to go really good for JandT and as Elflinn usually says : Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!! and as I usually say : Sheyla powaaaaaa !!

              OT -

              Oh and Congratulations for the milestones!!

              I hope I'll can come back one the week-end.
              Gros Bisous


                Please has anybody got the link for Beya as ive been trying to find it to look at everybodys fics artwork and that
                Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  Thanks guys!!!

                  hahah Ruby this ones for you

                  A Stargate Halloween Part 2

                  The four team mates stood crowded together under the slight overhang of the doorway, glad for any kind of relief from the intensity of the storm. Teyla’s teeth were chattering loudly that although Rodney made a pained face, he hesitantly put his hand around her shoulder and rubbed her arm violently, trying to give her some warmth to which she gratefully smiled.

                  John looked back once towards his sopping wet team before he raised a closed fist towards the looming doors and rapped loudly three times.


                  “Wow…” Rodney said softly.

                  The others turned quickly and looked at him as he stared intensely at Colonel Sheppard.

                  “What is it Rodney?” Teyla asked through her chattering.

                  “Your hair….,” he said, reaching out a hand towards Colonel Sheppard’s dripping wet head. “Its…..just……flat….”

                  Colonel Sheppard pushed Rodney’s hand away, giving him a dirty look as Ronon chuckled quietly.

                  An impossibly loud creak came as one of the heavy double doors began to slowly open inwards, causing them all to look on in anticipation. Soon, an old man dressed in black stood before them in the doorway. Although, he was covered in large faded liver spots and his spectacles were thick as steel plates, he stood regally and well postured, as his magnified eyes seemed to look past them, almost unfocused, as he said in a monotonous voice, “Good evening.”

                  Colonel Sheppard gave a lopsided smile and replied, “Well, a good evening to you too sir. My name is –,”

                  The old man cut him off.

                  “No need to explain sir, you are expected.” The old man turned sideways and held the door in a polite gesture for them to pass.

                  “Expected?” Colonel Sheppard repeated as he looked back curiously towards his friends.

                  “Oh, who cares at this point? It’s dry in there, isn’t it?” Rodney said rudely as he pushed past his friends and entered into the grand house, giving the old man a half feigned smile as he dramatically wiped his feet on the rug.

                  Sheppard looked at Ronon and Teyla who smiled and shivered as he turned to enter the house with the two of them in tow.

                  The inside of the house was unbelievable. The foyer in which they stood was enormous, at least the size of the control room back on Atlantis. The walls to the right were covered in magnificent blackened armor and shields, all emblazoned with strange carvings of serpents and rams.

                  Paintings of many men and women dressed in exquisite robes and gowns covered the opposite wall, most of their expressions smug and the paint eerily faded from obvious years of exposure.

                  Ronon peered closely at one particular painting. A beautiful woman, no older than him, sat obviously posed for the portrait, a saddened smile across her lips as she peered out a closed darkened window. Ronon stepped closer to the painting as the others shook the rain from themselves and he felt momentarily captivated by the woman’s haunting beauty.

                  Movement in the painting caused Ronon to gasp, stepping back quickly as he wiped the straggling rain from his eyes. He thought he had seen the woman’s eyes move from peering out the window to staring straight at him. “Impossible…,” he whispered aloud.

                  A hand on his arm caused him to jump and Teyla stood there looking surprised. “Ronon, what is it?” she asked gently looking towards the painting.

                  “Nothing….,” he replied, turning and looking back at the image one last time before joining the others.
                  Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! I literally have the biggest grin on my face.

                  I had really crappy news last night and this has cheered me right up!!It's so funny and something I'd totally love to see! Can't wait for more!

                  Originally posted by Sheppynette View Post
                  Hiii !!!

                  OT -

                  I'm sorry for not coming theese cople of weeks but I've started university and I haven't a lot of time to answer on the forums. I come when I can.
                  I hope everything are going well for you my english, amercian, canadian, scotish, irish etc... favourite JT shippers !!

                  I've read some pages you wrote and I've appreciated the caps from Doppelganger... It seems to go really good for JandT and as Elflinn usually says : Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!! and as I usually say : Sheyla powaaaaaa !!

                  OT -

                  Oh and Congratulations for the milestones!!

                  I hope I'll can come back one the week-end.
                  Gros Bisous

                  Hope all goes well at uni - I've just arrived back myself so I'm really busy too! Much JT love!

                  Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    Thanks guys!!!

                    hahah Ruby this ones for you

                    A Stargate Halloween Part 2

                    The four team mates stood crowded together under the slight overhang of the doorway, glad for any kind of relief from the intensity of the storm. Teyla’s teeth were chattering loudly that although Rodney made a pained face, he hesitantly put his hand around her shoulder and rubbed her arm violently, trying to give her some warmth to which she gratefully smiled.

                    John looked back once towards his sopping wet team before he raised a closed fist towards the looming doors and rapped loudly three times.


                    “Wow…” Rodney said softly.

                    The others turned quickly and looked at him as he stared intensely at Colonel Sheppard.

                    “What is it Rodney?” Teyla asked through her chattering.

                    “Your hair….,” he said, reaching out a hand towards Colonel Sheppard’s dripping wet head. “Its…..just……flat….”

                    Colonel Sheppard pushed Rodney’s hand away, giving him a dirty look as Ronon chuckled quietly.

                    An impossibly loud creak came as one of the heavy double doors began to slowly open inwards, causing them all to look on in anticipation. Soon, an old man dressed in black stood before them in the doorway. Although, he was covered in large faded liver spots and his spectacles were thick as steel plates, he stood regally and well postured, as his magnified eyes seemed to look past them, almost unfocused, as he said in a monotonous voice, “Good evening.”

                    Colonel Sheppard gave a lopsided smile and replied, “Well, a good evening to you too sir. My name is –,”

                    The old man cut him off.

                    “No need to explain sir, you are expected.” The old man turned sideways and held the door in a polite gesture for them to pass.

                    “Expected?” Colonel Sheppard repeated as he looked back curiously towards his friends.

                    “Oh, who cares at this point? It’s dry in there, isn’t it?” Rodney said rudely as he pushed past his friends and entered into the grand house, giving the old man a half feigned smile as he dramatically wiped his feet on the rug.

                    Sheppard looked at Ronon and Teyla who smiled and shivered as he turned to enter the house with the two of them in tow.

                    The inside of the house was unbelievable. The foyer in which they stood was enormous, at least the size of the control room back on Atlantis. The walls to the right were covered in magnificent blackened armor and shields, all emblazoned with strange carvings of serpents and rams.

                    Paintings of many men and women dressed in exquisite robes and gowns covered the opposite wall, most of their expressions smug and the paint eerily faded from obvious years of exposure.

                    Ronon peered closely at one particular painting. A beautiful woman, no older than him, sat obviously posed for the portrait, a saddened smile across her lips as she peered out a closed darkened window. Ronon stepped closer to the painting as the others shook the rain from themselves and he felt momentarily captivated by the woman’s haunting beauty.

                    Movement in the painting caused Ronon to gasp, stepping back quickly as he wiped the straggling rain from his eyes. He thought he had seen the woman’s eyes move from peering out the window to staring straight at him. “Impossible…,” he whispered aloud.

                    A hand on his arm caused him to jump and Teyla stood there looking surprised. “Ronon, what is it?” she asked gently looking towards the painting.

                    “Nothing….,” he replied, turning and looking back at the image one last time before joining the others.
                    Well this is getting weird

                    *lol* not everyday you see Ronon spooked...*lol* I geuss the house they have entered is going to be so weird..wonder what they might be seeing in there...

                    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                    Please has anybody got the link for Beya as ive been trying to find it to look at everybodys fics artwork and that
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      Well I have to jet as I am going to take in a bit of culture and go and see some Shakespeare.

                      Have a nice evening/afternoon/night everyone! Much JT love...

                      Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                        Thanks guys!!!

                        hahah Ruby this ones for you

                        A Stargate Halloween Part 2

                        The four team mates stood crowded together under the slight overhang of the doorway, glad for any kind of relief from the intensity of the storm. Teyla’s teeth were chattering loudly that although Rodney made a pained face, he hesitantly put his hand around her shoulder and rubbed her arm violently, trying to give her some warmth to which she gratefully smiled.

                        John looked back once towards his sopping wet team before he raised a closed fist towards the looming doors and rapped loudly three times.


                        “Wow…” Rodney said softly.

                        The others turned quickly and looked at him as he stared intensely at Colonel Sheppard.

                        “What is it Rodney?” Teyla asked through her chattering.

                        “Your hair….,” he said, reaching out a hand towards Colonel Sheppard’s dripping wet head. “Its…..just……flat….”

                        Colonel Sheppard pushed Rodney’s hand away, giving him a dirty look as Ronon chuckled quietly.

                        An impossibly loud creak came as one of the heavy double doors began to slowly open inwards, causing them all to look on in anticipation. Soon, an old man dressed in black stood before them in the doorway. Although, he was covered in large faded liver spots and his spectacles were thick as steel plates, he stood regally and well postured, as his magnified eyes seemed to look past them, almost unfocused, as he said in a monotonous voice, “Good evening.”

                        Colonel Sheppard gave a lopsided smile and replied, “Well, a good evening to you too sir. My name is –,”

                        The old man cut him off.

                        “No need to explain sir, you are expected.” The old man turned sideways and held the door in a polite gesture for them to pass.

                        “Expected?” Colonel Sheppard repeated as he looked back curiously towards his friends.

                        “Oh, who cares at this point? It’s dry in there, isn’t it?” Rodney said rudely as he pushed past his friends and entered into the grand house, giving the old man a half feigned smile as he dramatically wiped his feet on the rug.

                        Sheppard looked at Ronon and Teyla who smiled and shivered as he turned to enter the house with the two of them in tow.

                        The inside of the house was unbelievable. The foyer in which they stood was enormous, at least the size of the control room back on Atlantis. The walls to the right were covered in magnificent blackened armor and shields, all emblazoned with strange carvings of serpents and rams.

                        Paintings of many men and women dressed in exquisite robes and gowns covered the opposite wall, most of their expressions smug and the paint eerily faded from obvious years of exposure.

                        Ronon peered closely at one particular painting. A beautiful woman, no older than him, sat obviously posed for the portrait, a saddened smile across her lips as she peered out a closed darkened window. Ronon stepped closer to the painting as the others shook the rain from themselves and he felt momentarily captivated by the woman’s haunting beauty.

                        Movement in the painting caused Ronon to gasp, stepping back quickly as he wiped the straggling rain from his eyes. He thought he had seen the woman’s eyes move from peering out the window to staring straight at him. “Impossible…,” he whispered aloud.

                        A hand on his arm caused him to jump and Teyla stood there looking surprised. “Ronon, what is it?” she asked gently looking towards the painting.

                        “Nothing….,” he replied, turning and looking back at the image one last time before joining the others.
                        Oh Man!! Awesome update. I can't wait for more.
                        LOL. About John's hair. Have you seen the DG caps with Shep's wet spikey hair? LOL

                        I 'm working on the last chpt now. I'm hoping to be done soon.


                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          Thanks guys!!!

                          hahah Ruby this ones for you

                          A Stargate Halloween Part 2

                          The four team mates stood crowded together under the slight overhang of the doorway, glad for any kind of relief from the intensity of the storm. Teyla’s teeth were chattering loudly that although Rodney made a pained face, he hesitantly put his hand around her shoulder and rubbed her arm violently, trying to give her some warmth to which she gratefully smiled.

                          John looked back once towards his sopping wet team before he raised a closed fist towards the looming doors and rapped loudly three times.


                          “Wow…” Rodney said softly.

                          The others turned quickly and looked at him as he stared intensely at Colonel Sheppard.

                          “What is it Rodney?” Teyla asked through her chattering.

                          “Your hair….,” he said, reaching out a hand towards Colonel Sheppard’s dripping wet head. “Its…..just……flat….”

                          Colonel Sheppard pushed Rodney’s hand away, giving him a dirty look as Ronon chuckled quietly.

                          An impossibly loud creak came as one of the heavy double doors began to slowly open inwards, causing them all to look on in anticipation. Soon, an old man dressed in black stood before them in the doorway. Although, he was covered in large faded liver spots and his spectacles were thick as steel plates, he stood regally and well postured, as his magnified eyes seemed to look past them, almost unfocused, as he said in a monotonous voice, “Good evening.”

                          Colonel Sheppard gave a lopsided smile and replied, “Well, a good evening to you too sir. My name is –,”

                          The old man cut him off.

                          “No need to explain sir, you are expected.” The old man turned sideways and held the door in a polite gesture for them to pass.

                          “Expected?” Colonel Sheppard repeated as he looked back curiously towards his friends.

                          “Oh, who cares at this point? It’s dry in there, isn’t it?” Rodney said rudely as he pushed past his friends and entered into the grand house, giving the old man a half feigned smile as he dramatically wiped his feet on the rug.

                          Sheppard looked at Ronon and Teyla who smiled and shivered as he turned to enter the house with the two of them in tow.

                          The inside of the house was unbelievable. The foyer in which they stood was enormous, at least the size of the control room back on Atlantis. The walls to the right were covered in magnificent blackened armor and shields, all emblazoned with strange carvings of serpents and rams.

                          Paintings of many men and women dressed in exquisite robes and gowns covered the opposite wall, most of their expressions smug and the paint eerily faded from obvious years of exposure.

                          Ronon peered closely at one particular painting. A beautiful woman, no older than him, sat obviously posed for the portrait, a saddened smile across her lips as she peered out a closed darkened window. Ronon stepped closer to the painting as the others shook the rain from themselves and he felt momentarily captivated by the woman’s haunting beauty.

                          Movement in the painting caused Ronon to gasp, stepping back quickly as he wiped the straggling rain from his eyes. He thought he had seen the woman’s eyes move from peering out the window to staring straight at him. “Impossible…,” he whispered aloud.

                          A hand on his arm caused him to jump and Teyla stood there looking surprised. “Ronon, what is it?” she asked gently looking towards the painting.

                          “Nothing….,” he replied, turning and looking back at the image one last time before joining the others.
                          Your hair?...It's...just...FLAT!! I could not stop laughing from there! HAIR WHUMP!!!!!! NOT the HAIR WHUMP!!! Ronan jumping at movement in the paintin'...Where are the SCOOBY SNACKS!! I would so out there at the stuff movin' in the paintin'. 'Cuz, let's face it, if ain't some roaches or whatever...Elfie is gettin' the heck out Dodge.! The others can find their ouwn way home!! I love'em but, I would havin' ta go!!
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Thanks guys !!! Its October right, why the hell not

                            Elf -No not teh hair lol

                            Sci - Waiting for your update dude!!

                            Ruby - Yours too!


                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              Thanks guys !!! Its October right, why the hell not

                              Elf -No not teh hair lol

                              Sci - Waiting for your update dude!!

                              Ruby - Yours too!
                              This is for you Mrs B when you get home and can see images! It goes very well with the second chapter of your fic!!

                              sig by Sci!

                              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                                MrsB, I'm loving your story, my dear! LOL about...

                                the flat hair. It reminds me of my 3 year old daughter...when my husband comes out of the shower she tells him "You have Steve (the guy from Blue's Clues) hair. Go make it spikey." LOL

                                Sci, I should have your story back to you today...we'll see if my little ones will give me a few minutes of peace (HA HA)....
                                Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain

