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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    JM is to funny....

    I left the following message on Robert Cooper’s voice mail: “Hey, Rob. I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is that most of the fans really enjoyed Doppelganger. The bad news is that most of the fans really enjoyed Doppelganger.”

    No mailbag this time... pics from wrap party..but none of JF or RL..
    Sigs by Scifan


      I think the dark lighting in the infirmary had do with both the mood of the episode and the fact that the majority of the episode took place at night.

      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      JM is to funny....

      I left the following message on Robert Cooper’s voice mail: “Hey, Rob. I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is that most of the fans really enjoyed Doppelganger. The bad news is that most of the fans really enjoyed Doppelganger.”

      No mailbag this time... pics from wrap party..but none of JF or RL..
      He might post more pics tomorrow.

      my ships


        Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post

        OK, thanks. They need to get some better lighting in the infirmary before somebody gets hurt! (Let's see now, where did I put that syringe? Was it here or--Ow! this would be so much easier if the LIGHTS were on!!)
        That's the same as my hubby's LOL. I know your not as old as him though. LOL


          Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
          I think the dark lighting in the infirmary had do with both the mood of the episode and the fact that the majority of the episode took place at night.

          He might post more pics tomorrow.
          yeah maybe he will... hopefully...
          Sigs by Scifan


            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            That's the same as my hubby's LOL. I know your not as old as him though. LOL
            Hey, that's pretty cool. Too bad I don't have enough self-control to save an episode to watch on my birthday.
            || twitter || tumblr ||


              Trip...I agree with you about the
              the hug. I saw it been led up to that point clearly as both were shown..I forgot that Teyla was shown too. Wasn't she lying in bed or something already. The connection was there, they both needed comfort or to give comfort and they sought each other out. Remember when Ronon went to comfort Teyla in Lifeline, it can never compare to this...never! Also, I mentioned this to someone else, the look and expression that John gives here while hugging Teyla is the same as I saw in Sunday, and in Sateda. He's serious, confused, full of emotion and his feelings are on overdrive...

              I loved JM's comment...nice!


                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                OMG!!! Camy!!! these are gorgeous!!!!. I know you have been very busy so you probably didnt' see my post...way back when but i had asked you if when i make the big 2,000 post...i know, i know, the rate that i'm going, it will be until season 8! LOL!..but if it would be possible for you to make me a new banner and icon for the big occasion????
                I"ll start working on it now, or maybe I'll wait till I get good caps from S4. Not a problem, sweetie. yeah, nowadays, you sort of have to PM me! LOL


                  Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                  Thanks Sweetie...

                  Trips, are you going to keep that sig or did you like the ones that I made better? Let me know cause others are asking for the sigs. I wasn't sure if that was the cap that you were talking about with JT together.

                  Night, everyone....I think I"m calling it a night. I'll go to sleep with visions...what, I"ll see DG again! LOL


                    Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                    Hey, that's pretty cool. Too bad I don't have enough self-control to save an episode to watch on my birthday.
                    LOL. I wouldn't either.


                      Scifan...would you agree that Teyla was pretty much saying this in DG...MAJOR SPOILERS!



                        Originally posted by Camy View Post
                        Trip...I agree with you about the
                        the hug. I saw it been led up to that point clearly as both were shown..I forgot that Teyla was shown too. Wasn't she lying in bed or something already. The connection was there, they both needed comfort or to give comfort and they sought each other out. Remember when Ronon went to comfort Teyla in Lifeline, it can never compare to this...never! Also, I mentioned this to someone else, the look and expression that John gives here while hugging Teyla is the same as I saw in Sunday, and in Sateda. He's serious, confused, full of emotion and his feelings are on overdrive...

                        I loved JM's comment...nice!
                        VERY well put, Camy!! I saw exactly the same thing.

                        And yes, while Carter is talking, we see John sitting on his bed in his room and Teyla sitting on her bed in her room, both deep in thought. Then we see John again, standing up to go talk to Teyla, and Teyla being a step ahead of him and already at his door. It is a very clear lead in to the hug as we do not see Ronon, Rodney, or anyone else while Carter is talking, only John and Teyla. At this point in the episode, the dreams and the consequences have had the greatest impact on them. (Not counting Kate of course here since she's dead at this point in the ep). Teyla fighting to still see John as who he really is and then losing her friend indirectly because of John. And John feeling the weight of guilt and failure and blaming himself, even though he obviously wasn't to blame. On a side note, I was glad to see they made a point to show Keller also being drawn to the crystal just like John was. It shows that it could have happened to anyone. And while John knows this logically, emotionally, he is struggling to deal with it, as is Teyla at first. The others dreams didn't have this kind of an impact on their relationship with John. So it is very fitting that they show both of them thinking about the other and then both of them coming together and sharing comfort. I LOVE that the writers used this ep as a test of their relationship and ultimately bringing them closer together.

                        To answer EC's question, I see the hug as being comfort on both sides. Teyla went to him seeking comfort. Her tears and clenched fingers show that. But she also went to him showing absolution, giving him comfort in return to ease his guilt and pain. I don't think she went there planning to hug him. It happened naturally after his words. I think they touched her, showing her John's feelings and vulnerability in all this for the first time. She recognized that shared pain and went into his arms. John is at first surprised, hesitant, wracked with guilt and pain. His creased forehead shows him fighting powerful emotion as we've only seen that look from him a few other times.

                        Am I over analyzing? Of course! But that's what we shippers do! It all sounds like over analyzing, but really it's very simple. They are both suffering and they both recognize the impact it had on their relationship with each other. This hug repairs and reconnects them. Whether people want to believe it's friendship or more, that much is obvious at least.
                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          [QUOTE=girlinabox;7164021]I think the dark lighting in the infirmary had do with both the mood of the episode and the fact that the majority of the episode took place at night.

                          Totally agree! The lighting was fitting for the style and mood of the ep.
                          It wouldn't sense or have the same effect if it was bright sunshine throughout. The lighting matches the mood of pain and guilt and fear.

                          Nina--thanks for the links to the caps!!!! Much thanks to the Whump thread for capping them!!! LOL!
                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            Very well put, Steph..

                            interesting point again...I never even thought if Teyla went knowing that she would hug him. I don't think anyone ever thinks of hugging someone, you just do it when you think it's right! I know she definetly went to comfort him and to find comfort. I think a part of her also felt relieved and in that hug was when I think she let go of her dark feelings and uncomfortableness for John. I think in times of tragedy even when we are mad at one of our loved ones, we forget about it and we then realize what is more important. And I think that clinging to John was the fear in Teyla that she might have lost him in the sense that she felt different being around him after her dream and in this hug a lot of emotions were running through both of them...

                            STOP IT Steph...Now I"m overanalyzing too! You realize tomorrow we could be cursing TPTB!


                              You know the only one that I couldn't figure out his dream was Ronon!

                              what was that all about!!!!! Ronon is afraid of dying without a fight?!


                                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                                Scifan...would you agree that Teyla was pretty much saying this in DG...MAJOR SPOILERS!

                                DG spoiler:
                                I really saw it after the first infirmary scene. After John touched her back with his hand and he leaves, you can see the look on her face. Kinda a longing thing. There's alot of hints about how Teyla feels. That's why I'm confused about this other guy thing. Oh well. It just better be done tastefully and a way that we will understand why she would put those feelings aside. Maybe this will open John's eyes too. Right now he seems a little clueless, but that's my POV.

                                We have tons of John cap for DG, but what about Teyla. I want to some art with those. LOL

