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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
    OMG !!! Nina they are hilarious.
    The pic with Joe and Rachel are awesome.. I've never seen JF with such a huge grin on his face.
    The pics where they are pointing out Joe's pink underpants are hilarious.. and Rachel with her hand on his backside.... is Joe really unaware that all this is going on behind him, hehe..

    It shows how close they all are and how well they get on together. Thanks so much sharing these..
    Yeah those are so funny...
    The big smiles on Joe and Rachel's faces when they were goofing off on that balcony... *lol*

    yeah and them pointing out his underpants... you know blue...they seems to be the ones that peeked out under his jeans at the Expo too *lol*
    And Rachel *lol*
    Well I'm not sure... but I wouldn't put it past him if he just acted like he didn't notice...
    Sigs by Scifan


      Yes,what is it with the folks from Stargate and thye're wacky sense of humour....Me think you have to be a little crazy to get a job on Stargate


        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
        Yes,what is it with the folks from Stargate and thye're wacky sense of humour....Me think you have to be a little crazy to get a job on Stargate
        *lol* I'm just glad to see they can have so much fun together... just how great set of friends they are... they tease eachother... they have fun but they seems also so supportive of eachother... oh if my workplace had been so much fun I wouldn't mind going to work
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
          *lol* I'm just glad to see they can have so much fun together... just how great set of friends they are... they tease eachother... they have fun but they seems also so supportive of eachother... oh if my workplace had been so much fun I wouldn't mind going to work
          Yeah me too.. they really seem like a great bunch of folks who get on so well together and can have a good laugh too.

          Who is Colin McRae.... it's very tragic regardles and my heart goes out to his family.


            HAHAHAHAHA! Nina those pics are HILARIOUS! I can't wait to get my DVD. They come out on the 18th...WOOOHOOO!

            Scifan....your Season 4 fanart is to DIE FOR! wohooo! love it!
            and you better make that a quick temporary break...this thread is gonna go wilder when S4 begins and you have to be here! WOOHOOO!

            So, what have I missed!

            Oh, blue...LOOOOOVE your new sig!


     let's get going...

              What do you guys think of John and Teyla in 38 Minutes...
              How she is the one to basically take care of him while he is laying there on the floor of the jumper???
              And just the overall feel of them in this episode...

              I also might be jumping over a few epis there and here,,unless you all want to go through each of them
              But I thought I left this one in there since they are in that closed compartment together for basically the whole episode
              Sigs by Scifan


                Hey Camy -
                I read and reviewed your latest chapter, Awesome story man. You have a little bit of everything in there, desire, angst, family, and death. My kind of story lol. update soon dude.


                  Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                  here is a from where it leaves off!
                  "Well that is one way of putting it" Laden said brushing himself off, "so, I hear you are now married, is that right?"

                  "Nothing ever gets by the Genii" John muttered, as he nodded, "yup, I had to stun my wife to calm her down as you can see."

                  "Yes well, hopefully you can tell her that I had nothing to do with hen, if he was killed by a Genii weapon there is nothing I can do. We were trying t ofind other planets to trade with, this one was the first we went to, only when we got here we found him like he is." Laden explained as Teyla slowly came to, thankfully John had the thing on its lowst setting, which would knock her out for a minute or so.

                  She heard Laden's voice speaking of how they had gone to the planet in hopes of trading with those there, only that would be hard because there was no-one on the planet anymore. Standing up slowly she said to John, "radio Dr. Beckett, have him take my father back to the city, there is someplace I need to go to." she started walking towards the lake where the settlement used to be.

                  John radoed back then he Laden and Kiro followed Teyla, to the old City, to a house. Teyla entered the house, as she did so she pointed to a spot of red blood, it was fresh, "This appears to be new, it was most likely that of my fathers blood." she said before entering the house, the power was out, turning on her P90 light she looked around the darkened place, there was more blood in the city of the entery area, Laden brought up his light to show more things in the place, the floor was covered in dust, only in places did anyone notice the footprints.

                  Teyla made her way to a stairway and went up, the trail of blood seemed to go either up the stairs or down, upon entering a room she stared at what she saw, memories hit her as she watched herself as a child with her father in the place before the Wraith came, then she saw herself fleeing, leaving everything behind, and not looking back. She was startled when John arrived next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "My father made a choice. He was still alive in this place, where I was born, and he made a choice that I would never make."

                  "Hey it's OK, come here." John took Teyla into a hug, she sobbed int ohis shoulder, "what was the choice he had to make?"

                  "He had to choose either to fight or die." Teyla said, "he had to choose either weapons or death. I think he chose the wrong choice." Teyla looked back at the room she was born in as well as grew up in. "I was born in this house." Teyla spoke up after a few tense minutes of nothing but quiet, save for the sounds of Kiro and Laden downstairs looking around.
                  Now things get really sad in chapter seven and a old friend arrives back in Atlantis.
                  OH, Tey...I have to force myself to make time to read your fics...this is WONDERFUL! I love the part where John has to
                  stun Teyla....can you imagine what she would do to him!?


                    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                    Yeah me too.. they really seem like a great bunch of folks who get on so well together and can have a good laugh too.

                    Who is Colin McRae.... it's very tragic regardles and my heart goes out to his family.
                    He's Scottish,he's a rally driver...He's won the World Rally Championship (WRC) before!


                      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                      Hey Camy -
                      I read and reviewed your latest chapter, Awesome story man. You have a little bit of everything in there, desire, angst, family, and death. My kind of story lol. update soon dude.
                      Thank you Mrs. B..I did see that..I think I replied to you already. But then again, I"m so out of it lately! LOL

                      That fic has morphed into so many ideas in my head, that I can't even begin to tell you where it's going to go from here! LOL

                      It's going to be hard but once things settle, which I don't see that happening any time soon, I should do the next chapter. I won't give up on it though.

                      Thanks, Mrs. B!


                        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
               let's get going...

                        What do you guys think of John and Teyla in 38 Minutes...
                        How she is the one to basically take care of him while he is laying there on the floor of the jumper???
                        And just the overall feel of them in this episode...

                        I also might be jumping over a few epis there and here,,unless you all want to go through each of them
                        But I thought I left this one in there since they are in that closed compartment together for basically the whole episode
                        Ah, great minds think alike..I was just going to ask you if you had posted 38 minutes.....

                        I'll be right back....


                          Nina...No, no...go through every single one of them even if it's an episode without much JT but season 1 had JT so have to do it them all one by one and in order...pretty please?

                          Okay....38 minutes....WOW! took me a couple of episodes to really get into this show....I came thinking that John was going to be too much like O'Neill and I hated that idea.

                          So, Teyla was the one that reeled me in and then by the end of Season 2 I was hooked and sold on John. There were some things about him that I didn't particularly find intriguing and interesting, because he's really the regular hero personna, but Joe Flanigan has able to really flesh out John with the little that they give him to say in the show that he's really turned this character for me as definetely up there with Teyla....

                          Now 38 minutes..I missed the first time, and the second time and the third time it aired..I ended up seeing it either after the end of Season 2 or during the mid way of Season 2. I didn't come to this forum till after the second half of Season 2 so I didn't know what I had missed in 38 minutes. And there wasn't much around either.

                          So, long story short. I think it's one of the shippiest JT stories ever! It has action, angst, and clear signs of how these two care for one another.
                          I love the interaction between them from the very beginning. Teyla stands very close to John and trusts him wholeheartedly as well as John. I just love the part where they go up that hill...AH! It's so damn cute to see him helping her. And the irony is that I betcha that was all Joe's doing cause you would think that Teyla would have no problem going up that little hill afer leaving in that type of terrain all her life!

                          In addition, you see how he sends them to leave when they are being attacked and that's when he also pushes Teyla out of the way so that she isn't shot herself. And well, during the entire ordeal, you see not only Teyla's concern but you see how John is concerned for her as well. I love the little bit where he wakes up and asks her "are you okay?" and even Teyla is surprised that he's thinking of her and not of himself. Love it! The care and worry on her face during the entire thing is priceless and finally when she carries him through the event horizon, risking herself for him....AWESOME!
                          These two had this instant connection from the start...they risked it all for one another unquestioningly..and that is something that I think is so damn inspiring and rare. It's genuine, it's pure and it's real....and I love it!


                            Rising Mini movies:



                              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                              This is true... yay for neanderthals -
                              don't you just want that to lead to a conversation between John and Sam, preferably in front of Teyla:
                              Sam - Ah, neanderthals... that takes me back...
                              John - Quite far, I'd imagine.
                              S - ha ha, no I mean that I and a lot of people at the SGC were infected by a virus and started to turn into neanderthals.
                              J - That's so much cooler than turning into a bug.
                              S- I wouldn't say it was cool - more like embarrassing! I jumped General O'Neill. Colonel, he was then.
                              Teyla - What do you mean by jumped?
                              S - I leapt on him and started kissing him. It was mortifying - we'd only been working together for a few weeks and I just leapt on him. You should be glad that nothing like that happened to you, John.
                              J -Er, yeah...

                              lol But I think I remember Rachel comparing the Bolokai to Reavers from Firefly. And honestly, I find Reavers more terrifying than Neanderthals.
                              For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, this is a Reaver.

                              my ships


                                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                                some pics from the DVD features...
                                First pics of Rachel and Joe having fun...and the other pics,,,of David, Jason and Rachel having fun with Joe...
                                Oh how I wish I was Rachel at that particular moment! LOL

                                my ships

