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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
    I was in London for 2 days in May. It rain both days! The first day we decide to walk to the restuarant for fish and chips from our hotel. We got lost in the pouring rain. Thank God, it was not thundering or lightning.
    You should come to bonnie on second thoughts,maybe not,it rains alot here too!

    Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
    Yeah it's been raining here since April. Of course we Brits have greatly enjoyed this summer because of it...

    Fun fun fun til daddy takes the t-bird away and all that.
    Yup,gotta love the RAIN in the SUMMER

    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
    *Elfie run and tackles hugs Linda* Where's my smileys Linda?

    Mrs B is whumped with sickness...she's ill....there's no abundances of DUDE up in here...I need some...HELP ME!!
    Dude,air supply...I need to breath!

    Yeah i'm not really in the mood to look through the smileys the day!

    Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
    Parallel 3


    The Ronons glanced at each other before nodding in the exact same manner and starting to walk towards the treeline. Luckily the alternate Ronon’s dreadlocks were shorter than his Ronon, or else John wouldn’t be able to tell them apart since they were wearing the same outfit.

    As the two McKays started walking towards the other John and himself, John looked over at the two Teylas, who were starting to follow the Ronons. He had avoided looking at the two of them too much, because two Teylas standing next to each other was the weirdest thing of all.

    He was completely freaked out by this situation, but his imagination couldn’t help going into overdrive when he saw the two of them.

    John mentally kicked himself several times. He was sick and wrong, and he needed serious help. Dear lord.

    The other John suddenly laughed out loud, and John looked at him in confusion, wondering what was so funny. His counterpart wasn’t looking at him though – he was looking at the Teylas.

    “Hey, Teyla, wait up!” The other John called out, jogging over to them.

    The two Teylas turned round and looked at him, and the alternate Teyla said something to his Teyla and walked back towards the other John. His Teyla kept walking.

    The other John walked right up next to the other Teyla – right up next to her; there was barely an inch between them – and then he bent his head and started whispering something in her ear.

    John’s eyes widened as he watched them. The other Teyla had a small smile on her face at whatever the other John was saying to her.

    The weirdness of this had just reached an all-time high.

    John was just turning away from the strange sight of himself whispering in Teyla’s ear when he noticed the alternate Teyla’s expression change. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She stepped away from the other John and hit him on the back of his head.

    The other John laughed and the other Teyla shook her head and walked away, though John could see she was trying very hard not to smile.

    The other John walked back over to John, a huge grin on his face. “I’m gonna pay for that tonight,” he said. “But it was totally worth it…”

    John’s jaw had dropped, but he hadn’t noticed. What the hell???

    The other Teyla was still walking away but she looked over her shoulder at the other John and smiled at him. He responded with a very suggestive wink.

    Rodney stepped up next to John and gaped at the alternate John. “Wait a minute – are you and Teyla…?” His voice trailed off and he looked at John.

    John closed his mouth and looked at his alternate self, who seemed puzzled.

    “Yeah,” he said. His eyes widened and he stared at John. “Why, aren’t you?”
    Ok,why did you have to write a fic that i actually have to use my brain to keep up heh,jk....It's great,even if i do have to read it about 3 times to get what's goin on!
    Last edited by Linda06; 05 September 2007, 10:51 AM.


      Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
      For Mrs. B and Scifan. It's not much. I am fooling around with this story. Haven't proof read it. I know, I am not as good as some of you guys in here.


      A few weeks later.

      With anticipation, John entered the offices of Beckett, Caldwell & Sumner for his meeting with Teyla. He was looking forward to seeing her in the person although he has spoken with her a few times over the telephone to discuss business matters. They never seem to discuss anything personal in nature even though, he had tried on more than one occasion to invite her for dinner on the pretense that they could discuss the detail of his father’s will in a more comfortable and relax atmosphere. Of course, she always politely declined his invitations. Their conversations were always about business. To say, he was looking forward to see her face to face was an understatement. She was becoming his obsession. He couldn’t stop thinking about her.

      Her secretary showed John to the conference where he was to meet with Teyla. John couldn’t believe how nervous he felt. John heard voices outside the conference room door. Then the door opened, in walks William Sumner. John tried to hide his disappointment has he extended his hand to shake Sumner’s hand. He exchange pleasantries with Sumner and inquired why Teyla was not present at the meeting. Sumner advised him she would be joining them later.

      Sumner started the meeting. The provisions of his father will were straight forward. Papers had to be file with Court. An estate had to be open. The main issue was his father’s company. A company he knew nothing about. John was contemplating these issues in his mind when she walked in.

      John felt he was struck in the gut. He did not want to stare at her. He thought she is one of the most beautiful woman he had every laid his eyes on. Although she was wearing a jacket, the jacket was not button, so he could see outline of her breasts. His pulse started to race. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail. He chided his self to concentrate at the business at hand. He acknowledged her presence. She smiled at him. The meeting lasted for half hour more as they discuss the company’s financial records.

      William Sumner exited the conference room. John took a seat next to Teyla. He looked at her intently. He wanted to get to know this woman in the worse way. She haunts his dreams at nights. He thought about her all the time. His hands seem to move on it owned. He gently touched her cheeks. Teyla looked up from reviewing and gathering the papers on the conference room table. John could see the question in her eyes, as her body stiffen from his touch.

      “Please have dinner with me. We need to talk.” John begged.

      “About what?” she quietly asked.

      “About us getting to know each other a little better” he responded with a boyish grin.

      “John, you are a client of this firm. We can not… ah, I can not get involved with you.” she replied calmly as got up from out of her chair to put some distance between them.

      “Is this company policy or your policy?

      “Both.” She responded firmly.

      “Rules are made to be broken when you want something or in this case someone bad enough.” He replied with a sheepish grin.

      Teyla felt her cheeks colored with embarrassment. She stared at him with exasperation. She had been deflecting his invitations for dinner for the last few weeks. Yes she found him attractive, but the complication of being in any kind of romantic relationship with a client is a complication she did not need. She did not want to be part of any office gossip. A woman could get a reputation in the workplace that why she kept her personal life private. She had to work very hard to be judge by her intelligent and not her looks by her peers in the business.

      John watched as various emotions played across her beautiful face.

      “You know John” she started to reply but stopped when they heard the door of the conference room being opened.

      Please let me know what you think.

      Lunch is over. I have to go back to work. I will try and catch up later with the thread.

      Bye guys!
      This is a great start Hope! Do not be the way about yourself and your fic. I do not write fic, I really just review and ask all the annoying questions in between... As you know, I look for the whump percentage..*LOL*
      So Keep it UP! You are off to a Great Start!
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
        I did not know that. Scifan, often do you visit Florida?
        It's usually ever two years or so. I wish it was more.

        Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
        For Mrs. B and Scifan. It's not much. I am fooling around with this story. Haven't proof read it. I know, I am not as good as some of you guys in here.


        A few weeks later.

        With anticipation, John entered the offices of Beckett, Caldwell & Sumner for his meeting with Teyla. He was looking forward to seeing her in the person although he has spoken with her a few times over the telephone to discuss business matters. They never seem to discuss anything personal in nature even though, he had tried on more than one occasion to invite her for dinner on the pretense that they could discuss the detail of his father’s will in a more comfortable and relax atmosphere. Of course, she always politely declined his invitations. Their conversations were always about business. To say, he was looking forward to see her face to face was an understatement. She was becoming his obsession. He couldn’t stop thinking about her.

        Her secretary showed John to the conference where he was to meet with Teyla. John couldn’t believe how nervous he felt. John heard voices outside the conference room door. Then the door opened, in walks William Sumner. John tried to hide his disappointment has he extended his hand to shake Sumner’s hand. He exchange pleasantries with Sumner and inquired why Teyla was not present at the meeting. Sumner advised him she would be joining them later.

        Sumner started the meeting. The provisions of his father will were straight forward. Papers had to be file with Court. An estate had to be open. The main issue was his father’s company. A company he knew nothing about. John was contemplating these issues in his mind when she walked in.

        John felt he was struck in the gut. He did not want to stare at her. He thought she is one of the most beautiful woman he had every laid his eyes on. Although she was wearing a jacket, the jacket was not button, so he could see outline of her breasts. His pulse started to race. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail. He chided his self to concentrate at the business at hand. He acknowledged her presence. She smiled at him. The meeting lasted for half hour more as they discuss the company’s financial records.

        William Sumner exited the conference room. John took a seat next to Teyla. He looked at her intently. He wanted to get to know this woman in the worse way. She haunts his dreams at nights. He thought about her all the time. His hands seem to move on it owned. He gently touched her cheeks. Teyla looked up from reviewing and gathering the papers on the conference room table. John could see the question in her eyes, as her body stiffen from his touch.

        “Please have dinner with me. We need to talk.” John begged.

        “About what?” she quietly asked.

        “About us getting to know each other a little better” he responded with a boyish grin.

        “John, you are a client of this firm. We can not… ah, I can not get involved with you.” she replied calmly as got up from out of her chair to put some distance between them.

        “Is this company policy or your policy?

        “Both.” She responded firmly.

        “Rules are made to be broken when you want something or in this case someone bad enough.” He replied with a sheepish grin.

        Teyla felt her cheeks colored with embarrassment. She stared at him with exasperation. She had been deflecting his invitations for dinner for the last few weeks. Yes she found him attractive, but the complication of being in any kind of romantic relationship with a client is a complication she did not need. She did not want to be part of any office gossip. A woman could get a reputation in the workplace that why she kept her personal life private. She had to work very hard to be judge by her intelligent and not her looks by her peers in the business.

        John watched as various emotions played across her beautiful face.

        “You know John” she started to reply but stopped when they heard the door of the conference room being opened.

        Please let me know what you think.

        Lunch is over. I have to go back to work. I will try and catch up later with the thread.

        Bye guys!
        WOW. I really like this AU story. Nice job.


          Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
          For Mrs. B and Scifan. It's not much. I am fooling around with this story. Haven't proof read it. I know, I am not as good as some of you guys in here.


          A few weeks later.

          With anticipation, John entered the offices of Beckett, Caldwell & Sumner for his meeting with Teyla. He was looking forward to seeing her in the person although he has spoken with her a few times over the telephone to discuss business matters. They never seem to discuss anything personal in nature even though, he had tried on more than one occasion to invite her for dinner on the pretense that they could discuss the detail of his father’s will in a more comfortable and relax atmosphere. Of course, she always politely declined his invitations. Their conversations were always about business. To say, he was looking forward to see her face to face was an understatement. She was becoming his obsession. He couldn’t stop thinking about her.

          Her secretary showed John to the conference where he was to meet with Teyla. John couldn’t believe how nervous he felt. John heard voices outside the conference room door. Then the door opened, in walks William Sumner. John tried to hide his disappointment has he extended his hand to shake Sumner’s hand. He exchange pleasantries with Sumner and inquired why Teyla was not present at the meeting. Sumner advised him she would be joining them later.

          Sumner started the meeting. The provisions of his father will were straight forward. Papers had to be file with Court. An estate had to be open. The main issue was his father’s company. A company he knew nothing about. John was contemplating these issues in his mind when she walked in.

          John felt he was struck in the gut. He did not want to stare at her. He thought she is one of the most beautiful woman he had every laid his eyes on. Although she was wearing a jacket, the jacket was not button, so he could see outline of her breasts. His pulse started to race. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail. He chided his self to concentrate at the business at hand. He acknowledged her presence. She smiled at him. The meeting lasted for half hour more as they discuss the company’s financial records.

          William Sumner exited the conference room. John took a seat next to Teyla. He looked at her intently. He wanted to get to know this woman in the worse way. She haunts his dreams at nights. He thought about her all the time. His hands seem to move on it owned. He gently touched her cheeks. Teyla looked up from reviewing and gathering the papers on the conference room table. John could see the question in her eyes, as her body stiffen from his touch.

          “Please have dinner with me. We need to talk.” John begged.

          “About what?” she quietly asked.

          “About us getting to know each other a little better” he responded with a boyish grin.

          “John, you are a client of this firm. We can not… ah, I can not get involved with you.” she replied calmly as got up from out of her chair to put some distance between them.

          “Is this company policy or your policy?

          “Both.” She responded firmly.

          “Rules are made to be broken when you want something or in this case someone bad enough.” He replied with a sheepish grin.

          Teyla felt her cheeks colored with embarrassment. She stared at him with exasperation. She had been deflecting his invitations for dinner for the last few weeks. Yes she found him attractive, but the complication of being in any kind of romantic relationship with a client is a complication she did not need. She did not want to be part of any office gossip. A woman could get a reputation in the workplace that why she kept her personal life private. She had to work very hard to be judge by her intelligent and not her looks by her peers in the business.

          John watched as various emotions played across her beautiful face.

          “You know John” she started to reply but stopped when they heard the door of the conference room being opened.

          Please let me know what you think.

          Lunch is over. I have to go back to work. I will try and catch up later with the thread.

          Bye guys!
          Well, I liked it, even though you didn't ask my opinion...

          I love AU stories and this one is shaping up to be really interesting. I love that John and Teyla already knew of each other and that John was after her even though he didn't even know what she looked like!

          It was also very well-written - great descriptions and visuals, and the dialogue was very realistic. A couple of grammar hiccups but that doesn't affect the greatness of it.

          Great job and can't wait to read more!

          btw have i missed the first part of it?

          Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


            Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
            For Mrs. B and Scifan. It's not much. I am fooling around with this story. Haven't proof read it. I know, I am not as good as some of you guys in here.


            A few weeks later.

            With anticipation, John entered the offices of Beckett, Caldwell & Sumner for his meeting with Teyla. He was looking forward to seeing her in the person although he has spoken with her a few times over the telephone to discuss business matters. They never seem to discuss anything personal in nature even though, he had tried on more than one occasion to invite her for dinner on the pretense that they could discuss the detail of his father’s will in a more comfortable and relax atmosphere. Of course, she always politely declined his invitations. Their conversations were always about business. To say, he was looking forward to see her face to face was an understatement. She was becoming his obsession. He couldn’t stop thinking about her.

            Her secretary showed John to the conference where he was to meet with Teyla. John couldn’t believe how nervous he felt. John heard voices outside the conference room door. Then the door opened, in walks William Sumner. John tried to hide his disappointment has he extended his hand to shake Sumner’s hand. He exchange pleasantries with Sumner and inquired why Teyla was not present at the meeting. Sumner advised him she would be joining them later.

            Sumner started the meeting. The provisions of his father will were straight forward. Papers had to be file with Court. An estate had to be open. The main issue was his father’s company. A company he knew nothing about. John was contemplating these issues in his mind when she walked in.

            John felt he was struck in the gut. He did not want to stare at her. He thought she is one of the most beautiful woman he had every laid his eyes on. Although she was wearing a jacket, the jacket was not button, so he could see outline of her breasts. His pulse started to race. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail. He chided his self to concentrate at the business at hand. He acknowledged her presence. She smiled at him. The meeting lasted for half hour more as they discuss the company’s financial records.

            William Sumner exited the conference room. John took a seat next to Teyla. He looked at her intently. He wanted to get to know this woman in the worse way. She haunts his dreams at nights. He thought about her all the time. His hands seem to move on it owned. He gently touched her cheeks. Teyla looked up from reviewing and gathering the papers on the conference room table. John could see the question in her eyes, as her body stiffen from his touch.

            “Please have dinner with me. We need to talk.” John begged.

            “About what?” she quietly asked.

            “About us getting to know each other a little better” he responded with a boyish grin.

            “John, you are a client of this firm. We can not… ah, I can not get involved with you.” she replied calmly as got up from out of her chair to put some distance between them.

            “Is this company policy or your policy?

            “Both.” She responded firmly.

            “Rules are made to be broken when you want something or in this case someone bad enough.” He replied with a sheepish grin.

            Teyla felt her cheeks colored with embarrassment. She stared at him with exasperation. She had been deflecting his invitations for dinner for the last few weeks. Yes she found him attractive, but the complication of being in any kind of romantic relationship with a client is a complication she did not need. She did not want to be part of any office gossip. A woman could get a reputation in the workplace that why she kept her personal life private. She had to work very hard to be judge by her intelligent and not her looks by her peers in the business.

            John watched as various emotions played across her beautiful face.

            “You know John” she started to reply but stopped when they heard the door of the conference room being opened.

            Please let me know what you think.

            Lunch is over. I have to go back to work. I will try and catch up later with the thread.

            Bye guys!
            mmm,yes....Me likey likey so far,keep going!


              Elf Congrats on 3800 posts!!!!


                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                Mrs. I a complicated girl? Am I not the perfect JT citizen? Have I not been named the thread mommy now for the past 2 years? What is it that makes Camy tick? What would make this hot chicky momma happy besides John declaring his undying love to Teyla, Teyla loosing all her self control and throwing John against the wall as her body, lips and soul pours out her every feelings for him, Rodney finally shutting up his mouth and just letting Teyla lead the way, and finally Ronon washing and brushing his hair...Really, I'm simple...but if you must know...well, I trust you. I just....well...since you've asked...let me put it to you this way, I have a feeling you are going to make me scream at the end of the epilogue if yesterdays comments have any indication of the direction that you were trying to go! ROF
                Yes he needs to do that. He'd look so much better. Of course I prefer John over Ronan any day.
                Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                  Oh yes,i forgot.......AGAIN so don't shoot me,



                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    OOhh watching Eureka and the SGA preview was just on...nothing new though ...booooo
                    At least it had Teyla. I saw her twice.
                    Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                      Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                      Well, I liked it, even though you didn't ask my opinion...

                      I love AU stories and this one is shaping up to be really interesting. I love that John and Teyla already knew of each other and that John was after her even though he didn't even know what she looked like!

                      It was also very well-written - great descriptions and visuals, and the dialogue was very realistic. A couple of grammar hiccups but that doesn't affect the greatness of it.

                      Great job and can't wait to read more!

                      btw have i missed the first part of it?
                      Sorry.......... Ruby. Please forgive.


                      Thank guys for the kind words.


                        Originally posted by Cuddleumpkin View Post
                        Hi all! I'm really new, and I thought that my first countable post should be here! I've been a Shep/Teyla shipper since I saw The Rising. Well, I just love John Sheppard, and I think he and Teyla are well matched

                        I just re-watched an episode from the 3rd season. The one where everyone's out in the woods, hallucinating- Phantoms? I don't remember the name. Anyway, when I saw Shep carrying Teyla, injured through the forest, I went "Awww!" And then felt like a dork because my friend was looking as me like But I'm not alone here! I can't tell you how much better it makes me feel to be surrounded by like-minded folks!

                        Anyway, Hi!
                        Welcome to the Family!
                        Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          Elf Congrats on 3800 posts!!!!

                          Thanks Scifan! (((((HUGS))))!

                          Only 200 more posts to go before I hit 4000! Woohoo!
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                            Thanks Scifan! (((((HUGS))))!

                            Only 200 more posts to go before I hit 4000! Woohoo!
                            I love how you thought you weren't going to get to 3000 before series 4... BIG MOUTH!!!


                            Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                            Sorry.......... Ruby. Please forgive.


                            Thank guys for the kind words.
                            Lol I was kidding... just don't let it happen again Again... kidding!!!

                            I'll go find the first part... or you could re-post it?

                            Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                              what I miss guys, has Winged been in yet?

                              Hi Padme have you read Teylas version of Grievances yet?

                              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                                Oh yes,i forgot.......AGAIN so don't shoot me,

                                LOL. Thanks Linda.

                                Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                                Sorry.......... Ruby. Please forgive.


                                Thank guys for the kind words.
                                You are welcome. I hope to see more soon.

                                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                                Thanks Scifan! (((((HUGS))))!

                                Only 200 more posts to go before I hit 4000! Woohoo!

                                I bet you'll get to 5000 before S4 starts.

