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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
    I know I left myself open. It really sad. I'm slipping.

    Where did Ruby go? Did she go to bed to? I was too slow with my response to the Terror MP. Dang it!
    I don't know. She didn't say she was going to bed. Maybe something came up. Funny MP though. LOL.


      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      Thank you Camy.
      I love seeing you in here cuz we miss you, but...... GO TO BED!!!

      Get better soon. Don't you have sick days at work?
      yes, but considering that I just started less than two weeks ago and already on my first week I took one day off for my surgery, I don't think I should take any more sick days....LOL

      Not if I want to be there for long! Thanks...Now I'm all hyped because of the Nyquil. Not to mention that the boys are wrestling so no sleep for me!

      thanks hon...

      Mrs. B...I just posted The Queen in Beya...woohooo! I"m so behind with posting things in there...

      Ruby, I hope you post your finished fics in there as well.

      Scifan, when you get the chance I hope you post your MP and Elff, you have no excuse not to post yours as well and YC and everyone else in here!

      Go and check it out. You can view it even if you aren't a member. I'm not sure that you can comment though.


        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
        It was great! All of you gave me such beautiful gifts! I was really touched by all of them. I really mean that. I even got to have some birthday brownie...YUMMY!
        Well now you deserve it! You cutie pie you..hey, did you do the newsletter this Friday?


          Yay! Going to check it out Camy....


            You know Mrs. B...I just realized that I don't think you named it The Queen...LOL...did I do that?


              Camy: you are more then welcome to post The Dream and Broken Stargate on Beya if you like only I did supply a very lovely picture (hand drawn) of Teyla as a Drow Elf from Forgotton Realms (part of D&D roleplaying game) to use in the fic cover, that is, igf anyone wants to give it a try

              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                You know Mrs. B...I just realized that I don't think you named it The Queen...LOL...did I do that?
                LOL The Queen is absolutely fine, I honestly don't think i ever had a real title! I kept calling it "Wraith Clippet" whatever the hell that means!!

                It looks great, thanks again Camy!!!!!


                  Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                  Camy: you are more then welcome to post The Dream and Broken Stargate on Beya if you like only I did supply a very lovely picture (hand drawn) of Teyla as a Drow Elf from Forgotton Realms (part of D&D roleplaying game) to use in the fic cover, that is, igf anyone wants to give it a try
                  Oh, yes...yes...hon...of course..don't mind me...I"d like to give it a try...but I can't promise it will be tonight! Okay!


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    Oh, yes...yes...hon...of course..don't mind me...I"d like to give it a try...but I can't promise it will be tonight! Okay!
                    You are more then welcome to take your time in posting both ficlets as well (though somebody just has to make a fic cover for it, I wonder how it would look... *has a minds eye of Teyla in the Drow armor in the center of the cover with different scenes around it*) if you can try to make the cape a bit redder (this is a note to any of those that try their hand at making fic covers)

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      CONGRATS ON 3100 POSTS SCI

                      CONGRATS ON 100 POSTS SARIANA
                      I second that! Congrats Scifan and Sariana!!!

                      Sig by Camy


                        Originally posted by Camy View Post
                        yes, but considering that I just started less than two weeks ago and already on my first week I took one day off for my surgery, I don't think I should take any more sick days....LOL

                        Not if I want to be there for long! Thanks...Now I'm all hyped because of the Nyquil. Not to mention that the boys are wrestling so no sleep for me!

                        thanks hon...

                        Mrs. B...I just posted The Queen in Beya...woohooo! I"m so behind with posting things in there...

                        Ruby, I hope you post your finished fics in there as well.

                        Scifan, when you get the chance I hope you post your MP and Elff, you have no excuse not to post yours as well and YC and everyone else in here!

                        Go and check it out. You can view it even if you aren't a member. I'm not sure that you can comment though.
                        Poor Camy. I understand that. I'll post my new MP at the end of the week. I know I have more coming and I'm saving for Thursday.

                        Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                        I second that! Congrats Scifan and Sariana!!!
                        Thanks Mayra.


                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          Nightmares Part 8


                          Captain Lewis looked strangely at his own blood as it began to seep through the material of his clothes and then looked murderously at the poised Colonel, whose gun still smoked from the bullets release.

                          Colonel Sheppard’s eyes reflected a sad moment as the two men stared hard at each other and after a moment, John moved forward to aid the swaying soldier. He was about to call up to Dr. Keller, when Captain Lewis made a move that John would never forget.

                          Clamping down one hand against his mortal wound, he gave Colonel Sheppard a disgusted, defiant glare before using his free hand to pull angrily at the trigger and shoot blindly one-handed into the crowd.

                          As the bullets scattered wildly in every direction, Teyla turned and threw herself atop the closest group of people, knocking them down hard to the ground.

                          John screamed a cry of helplessness as he again raised his weapon and shot the Captain directly through his head, watching his face slump terribly from the impact as his finger released one final spray of bullets into the air.

                          When the Captain lay motionless on the floor, John let his eyes wander out onto the platform, terrified of what he might find. Finding Teyla’s inert form, he rushed to her side placing a strong hand on her back as she began to slowly stir. Relief poured quickly into his heart and mind and he aided her ascent as the two of them looked around the room and their eyes began to silently count the number of bodies that lay eerily too still.

                          “This ends now,” John said as his face twisted in anger.

                          “Do you have a plan?” she asked skeptically as she noticed the others from the control room had rushed onto the floor and were checking for wounded.

                          “Not really a plan, more of an idea…..” he said as he began to kneel down beside the still cowering people lying flat on the floor, letting them know they were safe.


                          Colonel Sheppard and all the others gathered together discussing his idea after the wounded had been tended to and the deceased were placed carefully in a line, all of their faces covered.

                          “So that’s it?” Rodney scoffed. “We just have to believe we're awake and we magically wake up in our beds? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard, Colonel.”

                          “No, Dr. McKay,“ said Dr. Heightmeyer. "I believe this could work. It’s all about manipulation of the mind. Here, I’ll show you.” She looked around and her eyes rested on Ronon’s deep gashes as he stood there silently among them, with his arms crossed.

                          “May I?” she asked him softly. He begrudgingly looked towards her kind smile and let her hold out one of his mangled arms.

                          “Now, Ronon, I want you to imagine these wounds are already healed. See them deep in your mind’s eye, focus on them with your thoughts, believe in what you are seeing.”

                          Ronon looked at her with an expression of utter disbelief.

                          Colonel Sheppard made a face of annoyance and said loudly to him, “Could you at least try?”

                          Ronon made a face and then hesitantly closed his eyes, obviously concentrating on his task.

                          His eyes remained shut and his face silent in concentration as Kate held his arm in her slender hands for all to see.

                          Almost an entire minute had passed and Rodney was just about to make a loud comment about everyone being on drugs when miraculously Ronon’s dark, shredded arms started to change.
                          Oh Wow MrsB!!!...So much drama, excitment and emotion all mixed into one!!! Love it!!!!.

                          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                          I just uploaded ch6 of Living Memory:


                          It's the preview again, hopefully it will work...

                          Off to catch up on the thread now!
                          YAY!!! you updated your fic!...i finally caught up! LOL!. Just like MrsB, i just love the way you describe the intensity and emotion of the scene!.
                          i wonder how much John possibly could have changed the future??? will Teyla remember him from when she was a little girl???

                          Sig by Camy


                            Thanks everyone for the Congrats!!! and thank you Scifan for the dancing Shep!!!. i could never get tired of watching that gorgeous man more his hips like that!

                            Sig by Camy


                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              LOL I posted the links for the pics - she's holding a little doll of herself hahahaha
                              I love that! LOL!...i hadn't seen that pic before! very cool!

                              Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                              And chapter 2. . .


                              Chapter 2

                              For a moment, the three men just stood there, looking at the smoldering remains of the village. Ronon was the first to break the silence.
                              “Come on,” he said, “let's go check for survivors.”
                              “But- isn't this the village where Teyla was supposed to be?” asked Rodney.
                              “Yes,” said John shortly.
                              “If she was here-”
                              “Let's hope she wasn't,” said John. “Let's go.”

                              Ash, dust, and the acrid smell of smoke filled the air as they entered the remains of the village. Half-collapsed, still burning houses lined the streets, and fallen rubble blocked the road in places. They had taken only a few steps into the village when they saw the first dessicated corpse leaning against a wall.
                              “Wraith,” Ronon hissed, unholstering his blaster. John flicked the safety off his P-90 and brought it to the ready, and Rodney took out his pistol. As they walked down the wreckage-strewn street, more fed-upon corpses came into view, some with a crude weapon of some sort, but nearly all wore bedclothes.
                              “They must have come at night,” John said looking with mixed disgust and pity at the shriveled face of one of the bodies.
                              “I'm getting something,” said Rodney, starting at the LSD. “One life sign, coming from that house.” he indicated a somewhat intact dwelling to their right.
                              “Teyla?” John asked.
                              “Or a wraith,” Ronon said.
                              “Alright,” Sheppard said, “McKay, you stay out here in case we need backup. Ronon, you're with me.” Ronon nodded, stepping into the doorway. “Okay, let's go.”

                              The house creaked and groaned in a very unsettling way as they entered. The whole thing could fall down on them in a matter of seconds, and there wouldn't be a thing they could do about it. John went in first, holding the LSD next to his P-90. They passed what seemed to be the kitchen, the table charred and tipped over onto the ground. What looked to be the remains of the occupant's last meal were strewn on the floor. Their boots crunching on rubble and broken pottery, they slowly neared the blinking life sign on the screen. There, in the corner of the kitchen, was a pile of debris with a
                              small, childish and very unwraith-like foot sticking out of it. John dropped his gun and rushed forward, with Ronon right behind him. They dug quickly through the rubble, and soon uncovered the very scared face of a nine-year-old boy.
                              “It's okay, kid, you're alright now,” John said comfortingly.
                              “Who are you?” he asked, his voice trembling with fright.
                              “We're friends of Teyla's. Do you know her?” John asked.
                              “Yes,” came the slightly less fearful answer. “I am Jonti. My father was the leader of our village, Teyla stayed with us.”
                              “Do you know where she is now?” asked John. A look of distress passed over the boy's face.
                              “Yes--” he started to say, but he was cut off by a loud groan from the house.
                              “We should go,” Ronon said.
                              “Yeah,” Sheppard agreed. “Jonti, can you walk?” the boy shook his head.
                              “My leg is broken,” he said. John swore under his breath as the house grated and screeched again.
                              “Alright, we're gonna have to carry you then. Ronon, you ready?” the runner straighted from where he was stooping behind the table. He was holding a pair of boots.
                              “Yeah. I'll take him.” he bent over and picked up Jonti, the boy's face screwing up in pain as he did so.
                              The house started to creak and groan, and this time it didn't stop.
                              “Run!” John yelled, and followed Ronon as they sprinted toward the door. Just as Ronon rushed out into the street, the house collapsed.
                              “Sheppard!” Ronon shouted. He quickly set Jonti on the ground and ran to the pile of rubble that was once a house.
                              “Sheppard!” he yelled again. This time, an answering groan reached his ears. He moved closer, and saw John laying in the wreckage, pinned down by a beam. Ronon pulled it off him, grunting with effort, and let it crash off to the side.
                              “Are you okay?” he asked.
                              “Yeah,” Sheppard groaned, “I think my shoulder's dislocated.”
                              “Which one?” the runner asked.
                              “Left.” Ronon reached over, grabbed his shoulder and popped it back into place with a sickening crunch. Sheppard turned a few shades whiter.
                              “Thanks a lot.” he ground out between clenched teeth. “Help me up.” Ronon hauled him to his feet and steadied him when he swayed a bit. “Okay. I'm all right now.”
                              Rodney had leaned Jonti against a pack while Ronon was occupied, and now they walked over to him. Ronon knelt on the ground in front of the boy, and John sat heavily next to him, nursing his sore shoulder.
                              “You know what happened to Teyla?” Ronon asked. The same look of consternation passed over Jonti's face as the first time they had asked.
                              “Yes,” he replied slowly. “She saved my life. When the wraith came, my brother and I were in our beds. We heard-” he broke of for a minute, almost in tears, “We heard our parents, screaming as the wraith took their life.” he took a deep breath, then continued on. “We rushed downstairs to the kitchen, but Teyla told us to stay, to try to find a way out. My brother pushed past her into the kitchen. She tried to stop him, but the wraith had already seen us. One of them—one of them fed on my brother, and the other raised his gun and aimed it at me.” He took another shuddering breath. “Teyla jumped in front of me, pushing me into the corner, and part of the roof fell on me. The last thing I saw was them taking her away.”
                              “Did they feed on her?” Sheppard asked quietly, his face pained.
                              “No. The beam meant for me hit her when she jumped in front of me, she collapsed and the wraith took her. I don't know what happened after that.”
                              “Stunners,” Ronon muttered. Sheppard nodded, his brow furrowed. Then he stood.
                              “Come on,” he said, “We need to get back to the jumper.”
                              “Wait a second,” McKay said, “I'm only wearing socks here. I can't walk all the way back to the jumper like this!” Wordlessly, Ronon thrust the pair of boots he had picked up in the house into McKay's arms. Rodney looked down at them for a minute, speechless.
                              “He didn't need them anymore,” the runner said grimly. McKay looked like he was going to be sick for a moment, but then put them on. Ronon picked up Jonti, and they began the long walk back to the jumper.

                              The trip back to the jumper was mostly silent, leaving the three men to ponder the sobering news. Despite his trying to hide it, John was very worried about what happened. Where could they have taken Teyla? What if they couldn't find her? Worse yet, what if they did find her, but she was already dead? No, she couldn't die! John banished the thought from his mind. They would find her. It was just a matter of time.

                              thanks for reposting your fic, i hadn't had time to read it since i've been trying to catch up on all that has been posted. So i just read it!...i love it, i hope you keep continuing your wonderful fic!

                              Sig by Camy


                                Hey Mayra, didja see the hand drawn art of Teyla in Drow armor (almost Teyla actually the artist is allowing me to use it as I see fit as long as i credit her.)

                                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress

