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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    LOL Morning Linda!! - I was cracking up last night at that ep. Carson is a gawd dang riot I tell ya.
    "Mom?.....I can't do this!"

    "Where was I?.... Oh leadership......" Although the part where he speaks to his sister is so sad. *Sniff, sniff*

    Ok back to writing


      Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
      Ok, the sig shows up in my controls, so why isn't it on the screen? (growls)
      Other than that, I added on to my McKay snark fic. Tell if I should continue! If so, I'm gonna need a bit of help cuz I'm not sure what to do from here. Here it is!


      The next twenty minutes of the trip were remarkably peaceful, as McKay's whining wound down from pleasantly ignorable to practically nonexistent. John actually found himself enjoying the walk, and wishing more of the missions the team went on could be so uneventful. However, all good things must come to and end, and this end was rather wet. And rushing. About half a mile out from the village, a wide, remarkably bridgeless river crossed the path.
      “Oh, marvelous!” Apparently, this turn of events had restarted McKay's complaint mill. “what kind of idiot people would live right on top of a river and not build a bridge?”
      “I wouldn't say that, McKay,” said Sheppard as he stood near the bank. “looks like there was a bridge here. Just not anymore.” He waved his hand at the ground, indicating a fairly recent-looking pile of rubble.
      “Of course it's washed out.” McKay said tiredly. “This is the planet's rainy season. The river must have flooded and taken the bridge with it.”
      “Well, that's just dandy,” said Sheppard. “Ronon, have you been to this planet before?”
      “Yeah.” the runner replied.
      “Is there another bridge over this river?” Sheppard asked.
      “Yes, but it's nearly twenty-five miles north of here. It would take us way to long to go there.”
      “No kidding,” agreed the colonel.
      “Looks like we're gonna have to wade it,” said Ronon.
      “No no no no no, I am not wading across that river!” Rodney said almost hysterically.
      “And why not?” asked Sheppard, turning toward him.
      “Because I barely passed swimming one when I was a kid, and there is no way I am crossing a rushing, flooded river that's who knows how deep!” replied McKay.
      “It's not that deep, even when it's flooded,” Ronon said.
      “And this is supposed to be comforting? You could have gotten a basketball scholarship on Earth, “not that deep” for you is probably over my head!”
      “Shut up McKay.” Ronon said darkly.
      “Right. Yes. Sorry.” he said quickly. Sheppard gave him a look, then turned to Ronon.
      “Ronon, I don't know if this is such a good idea,” Sheppard said quietly. “I might be able to cross this thing, but I doubt Rodney could.”
      “How else do you plan on getting to the village?” said Ronon.
      “I don't know, we'll have to figure something else out.” said Sheppard. Ronon nodded and started to turn, then stopped.
      “Do we have any rope?” the runner asked. Sheppard looked confused for a minute, then realization dawned on his face and he smiled.

      A few minutes later, Ronon had one end of the rope tied to his waist, the other end tied to a tree, and was halfway across the river. It looked to be chest high at its deepest point, but the runner seemed to have no difficulty. Sheppard was glad they had him along. Just then Ronon reached the other side, got out, and tied the other end of the rope to another tree. He waved to them, telling them it was ready. Sheppard looked over at McKay, who had sat down on the beach and was untieing his boots.
      “What on earth are you doing, McKay?” he asked.
      “First, we're not on earth, and second, I happen to have very sensitive skin, and if I go tromping around in wet boots I'll get blisters and jungle rot and sorts of unpleasant things,” McKay said, slinging his boots around his neck and stuffing his socks in his vest pocket. “Now, are we going to do this or not?”
      “Yes Rodney, as a matter of fact we are.” John said.
      They stood there a minute.
      “Any time now, McKay,” Sheppard said.
      “Oh, yes, right, of course.” said Rodney. He started to move reluctantly out into the river, holding tightly to the rope. The trip was uneventful, if rather slow, until they reached the middle of the river. Then McKay tripped on a submerged rock and went down, almost losing his grip on the rope.
      “McKay!” John shouted, grabbing hold of Rodney's vest. He pulled him up out of the water, but not before Rodney's boots slipped free from around his neck and floated merrily downstream.
      “Are you okay?” Sheppard asked.
      “Fine. A little wet.” he leaned on the rope until he got his breath back. “Okay, let's go.” he said.
      Sheppard smiled.
      “Ladies first,” he said. Rodney rolled his eyes.
      “Immature little. . .” he muttered under his breath, but kept moving.

      They reached the other side before Rodney noticed his boots were missing.
      “Oh, great! Blisters and jungle rot were bad enough, but I'd prefer those to whatever alien fungus I'm going to get now!” he complained.
      “you're the one who decided to take your boots off in the first place, McKay,” said Sheppard. “ Now let's keep moving. The villagers are bound to have some boots they can lend you.”

      For about five minutes, they walked in relative silence. Sheppard was shocked McKay hadn't complained more than he did when his boots were lost. He know it couldn't last long, though. . .
      “What now, Rodney?” came the annoyed voice of Col. Sheppard.
      “I just stepped on some stupid native's idea of a practical joke, that's what!”
      “What are you talking about?”
      “A trap! I stepped on a stupid trap! Does that clear things up for you, captain oblivious?”
      Ignoring him, Sheppard turned to Ronon.
      “Think you can get it off him?”
      “Yup,” came the laconic reply. He stepped over toward Rodney bent down toward the other man's foot.
      “Hey—Ow! Watch what you're doing, you unevolved ape! That's very sensitive! OW!”
      “Trap's off, said Ronon.
      “Yes, thank you so much!” said Rodney, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Did you really have to pull so hard? The concept was to release the thing, not rip my foot off! Good grief, I think you broke the skin!”
      Ronon looked like he was going to shoot him. Sheppard rolled his eyes, slapped Ronon comfortingly on the arm, and turned to continue down the path.
      “Buck up, McKay,” he called over his shoulder. “It's just a scratch.” Ronon followed him, leaving Rodney no choice but to do the same. But not as quietly.
      “Oh, that's right. Mock the injured, shoeless man! You know, if Conan here hadn't insisted that we wade that river I wouldn't even be in this predicament. Did you see the rust on that trap? I could get tetanus! I'm going to have to get a shot when we get back to Atlantis. . .” Here McKay trailed off, mumbling under his breath about the unfairness of the world. Sheppard and Ronon just looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

      “How far is this stupid village?” asked Rodney, sounding rather like a petulant child. An annoying petulant child. “We've been walking for hours.”
      “Actually, it's only been fifteen minutes, and it should be just over this hill,” said Sheppard.
      “Oh, thank goodness,” said McKay, sounding genuinely relieved. Just then, he realized that Ronon and Sheppard had stopped at the top of the hill and were staring open-mouthed at what lay below. He looked down at the scene before him.
      The village had been completely decimated.

      Geez can Rodney whine or what,i would huv shot him already

      OH NO,not another one that likes cliffies,did you not read what i told MrsB about cliffies


        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
        Yay, it's up properly!

        I'm gonna go write chapter 6 now...
        Really great update....
        Poor Teyla for having to go through it ...and poor John that had to watch it happen,,, and how she didn't wanna leave her father...
        But what in the world is John doing with the device... it's not like he could bring Teyla back to where he is from... or is risking something for her..

        You seems to have picked up MrsB's nack of cliffhangers
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
          well that sneak peek was for Chapter three, which is, by the way posted now, and I'm working on chapter four now....


          QUIZZ TIME!!!

          1st quizz :: How heated should Halling and Teylas "reunion" talk be?

          1 just a simple "hi how are you doing" talk
          2 after the hellos they start to talk of what the future holds for Teyla
          3 after the hellos they al but come to blows over what Teyla should do concerning her future and that of the Athosians.
          4 Halling has Teyla choose between being an Athosian and being a Earthian
          5 Forget quizz

          2nd quizz :: If Teyla makes the wrong choice, how will the Athosians treat Teyla?

          1 They continue to regard Teyla as their leader with Halling as second in command
          2 They continue to regard Teyla as an Athosian but not the leader any longer
          3 Her remaining family besides Charin disown her because of her marriage
          4 Before the Athosians can make their decision the Wraith come for a culling and Halling is killed in the attack.
          5 Forget quizz

          and the 3rd and final quizz for this chapter :: When returning to Atlantis what is the first thing that Weir will tell both John and Teyla after meeting Kiro?

          1 "Keep the Drow away from Ronon"
          2 "Get the Drow more clothing"
          3 "She'll have to be under guard until we trust her"
          4 "The Brig is full and Wraith's Bane has a few openings"
          5 "If I have to respond to calls via security because of a 'Wraith' I'm going to kill something"
          6 Forget quizz
          hmmmm,let me see
          3,3 and 5

          Originally posted by Camy View Post
          Can't wait to read the update Rubs....Mrs. B...I LOOOOOOVED Misinterpretations, but I think I still want an epilogue. I left you some questions in the review. You know me, I love all the mushy, cheesy stuff! However, IT WAS WONDERFUL! WOOOHOOOO!

          I have to find time to update Beya and post this one and the Queen.

          Now, this is for Elff. I know that I'm a day late...but....I hope you like it!

          and these are for you as well...or if you want to give them away that's fine too.

          WOW,that is AWESOME!


            Hey WP. How are you doing with sig?


              Not so good! I tried what you said, but it didnt work. I'd also tried just a plain text sig, but that didn't even work. Do I need to have a minimun number of posts before I can have a sig or something?
              || twitter || tumblr ||


                Hey! it worked! never mind
                Thank you so much SCI!!!
                || twitter || tumblr ||


                  Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                  Hey! it worked! never mind
                  Thank you so much SCI!!!
                  Yea!!!! Let me know it you want it center. I just saw that you did it. Never mind.
                  I'm glad it worked. LOL.

                  Now next time you change it, just change the sig. You don't have to touch anything in the post window and you don't have to delete anything. I hope that makes sense.


                    Nightmares Part 7 Entirety found @ ()

                    John removed his vest and placed it over the technicians face and chest and he, Dr. Keller, and Dr. Heightmeyer stood somberly over her, together silent for a few long moments. "Ok we better get to the control room fast. People need to know what's happening before there are any more...accidents," John said grimly eyeing the Major.

                    Dragging Lorne behind him by his rope, he led the women as swiftly as he could back towards Rodney and Teyla. When they got there, they found they were not alone. Ten to twenty other people had collaborated and had crowded themselves onto the platform before the Stargate, all acting out their own nightmares, without barely any regard towards their surroundings. People were screaming and crying, swinging fists at invisible enemies and running from unseen terrors.

                    John dropped Lorne, who had slumped into an eerie silence at the bottom of the stairs and hurried up to find Rodney and Teyla.

                    He found them but they were no longer alone in the control room. Ronon had joined them as well, sitting slouched in a corner, back against the wall, his arms covered in deep gashes and a bloodied knife gripped in his hands as he stared blankly at nothing.

                    "Ronon?" John said eyeing him warily. Ronon did not move from staring eerily at a spot on the floor.

                    "He will be fine," Teyla responded as she walked towards John, a shaky look upon her face. "It took some time to calm him but I believe we succeeded in enlightening him to the situation. But Colonel, there was another problem..." her voice trailed and he followed her eyes as they closed on a person, lying on their back in the corner, their face covered by a jacket.

                    "Who-" John started as he walked over. Teyla gripped his shoulder tight, preventing his movement. "Do not bother, John. It is Major Ray. His wounds were beyond medical attention and there was nothing we could do. Captain Lewis gunned him down believing he was the enemy, although we were unable to apprehend the Captain and I am afraid he is still loose around the city."

                    She looked down onto the chaotic Stargate platform below. "I am afraid even those who we normally consider as friends would not hesitate to fire upon us if they believed we were not who we claim to be."

                    John watched her stand at the open landing as she peered down below. He watched her face change from a sad expression to one of horror. "Teyla?" he asked worriedly.

                    She ran quickly from the banister and fled past him towards the staircase as John heard someone's angry voice echoing from down below. John followed her telling the others to stay above as he passed them.

                    Captain Lewis was standing at the edge of the platform his gun aimed into the messy crowd, a look of frustration and confusion on his sweaty face, the same look as Major Lorne had wore just before he shot the technician.

                    Teyla ran in front of his aimed weapon waving her arms up over her head as she called for the other people to get back behind her. "Please Captain! Lower your weapon, we are not your enemy! These are innocent people!" she called loudly.

                    John reached the bottom of the stairs and drew his weapon, beading carefully upon the trembling soldier. "Do as she says Captain!"

                    Captain Lewis looked quickly at his superior officers gun poised towards him and then back to Teyla and the cowering people behind her. When he spoke, his words were directed at Teyla and his eyes burned through her like fire-lit paper.

                    "I know what you are Teyla Emmagan. I won't be fooled by a Wraith BI.TCH like you!" His finger clamped down on the trigger but before it pressed down far enough to click, he felt a white hot pain shoot through his side and he lowered his weapon awkwardly, peering down at the slowly widening red spot between the slits on his flak jacket.


                      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                      Nightmares Part 7

                      John removed his vest and placed it over the technicians face and chest and he, Dr. Keller, and Dr. Heightmeyer stood somberly over her, together silent for a few long moments. "Ok we better get to the control room fast. People need to know what's happening before there are any more...accidents," John said grimly eyeing the Major.

                      Dragging Lorne behind him by his rope, he led the women as swiftly as he could back towards Rodney and Teyla. When they got there, they found they were not alone. Ten to twenty other people had collaborated and had crowded themselves onto the platform before the Stargate, all acting out their own nightmares, without barely any regard towards their surroundings. People were screaming and crying, swinging fists at invisible enemies and running from unseen terrors.

                      John dropped Lorne, who had slumped into an eerie silence at the bottom of the stairs and hurried up to find Rodney and Teyla.

                      He found them but they were no longer alone in the control room. Ronon had joined them as well, sitting slouched in a corner, back against the wall, his arms covered in deep gashes and a bloodied knife gripped in his hands as he stared blankly at nothing.

                      "Ronon?" John said eyeing him warily. Ronon did not move from staring eerily at a spot on the floor.

                      "He will be fine," Teyla responded as she walked towards John, a shaky look upon her face. "It took some time to calm him but I believe we succeeded in enlightening him to the situation. But Colonel, there was another problem..." her voice trailed and he followed her eyes as they closed on a person, lying on their back in the corner, their face covered by a jacket.

                      "Who-" John started as he walked over. Teyla gripped his shoulder tight, preventing his movement. "Do not bother, John. It is Major Ray. His wounds were beyond medical attention and there was nothing we could do. Captain Lewis gunned him down believing he was the enemy, although we were unable to apprehend the Captain and I am afraid he is still loose around the city."

                      She looked down onto the chaotic Stargate platform below. "I am afraid even those who we normally consider as friends would not hesitate to fire upon us if they believed we were not who we claim to be."

                      John watched her stand at the open landing as she peered down below. He watched her face change from a sad expression to one of horror. "Teyla?" he asked worriedly.

                      She ran quickly from the banister and fled past him towards the staircase as John heard someone's angry voice echoing from down below. John followed her telling the others to stay above as he past them.

                      Captain Lewis was standing at the edge of the platform his gun aimed into the messy crowd, a look of frustration and confusion on his sweaty face, the same look as Major Lorne had wore just before he shot the technician.

                      Teyla ran in front of his aimed weapon waving her arms up over her head as she called for the other people to get back behind her. "Please Captain! Lower your weapon, we are not your enemy! These are innocent people!" she called loudly.

                      John reached the bottom of the stairs and drew his weapon, beading carefully upon the trembling soldier. "Do as she says Captain!"

                      Captain Lewis looked quickly at his superior officers gun poised towards him and then back to Teyla and the cowering people behind her. When he spoke, his words were directed at Teyla and his eyes burned through her like fire-lit paper.

                      "I know what you are Teyla Emmagan. I won't be fooled by a Wraith BI.TCH like you!" His finger clamped down on the trigger but before it pressed down far enough to click, he felt a white hot pain shoot through his side and he lowered his weapon awkwardly, peering down at the slowly widening red spot between the slits on his flak jacket.
                      Ooh, good one Mrs.B. Your stories read very well.
                      || twitter || tumblr ||


                        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                        Nightmares Part 7 Entirety found @ ()

                        John removed his vest and placed it over the technicians face and chest and he, Dr. Keller, and Dr. Heightmeyer stood somberly over her, together silent for a few long moments. "Ok we better get to the control room fast. People need to know what's happening before there are any more...accidents," John said grimly eyeing the Major.

                        Dragging Lorne behind him by his rope, he led the women as swiftly as he could back towards Rodney and Teyla. When they got there, they found they were not alone. Ten to twenty other people had collaborated and had crowded themselves onto the platform before the Stargate, all acting out their own nightmares, without barely any regard towards their surroundings. People were screaming and crying, swinging fists at invisible enemies and running from unseen terrors.

                        John dropped Lorne, who had slumped into an eerie silence at the bottom of the stairs and hurried up to find Rodney and Teyla.

                        He found them but they were no longer alone in the control room. Ronon had joined them as well, sitting slouched in a corner, back against the wall, his arms covered in deep gashes and a bloodied knife gripped in his hands as he stared blankly at nothing.

                        "Ronon?" John said eyeing him warily. Ronon did not move from staring eerily at a spot on the floor.

                        "He will be fine," Teyla responded as she walked towards John, a shaky look upon her face. "It took some time to calm him but I believe we succeeded in enlightening him to the situation. But Colonel, there was another problem..." her voice trailed and he followed her eyes as they closed on a person, lying on their back in the corner, their face covered by a jacket.

                        "Who-" John started as he walked over. Teyla gripped his shoulder tight, preventing his movement. "Do not bother, John. It is Major Ray. His wounds were beyond medical attention and there was nothing we could do. Captain Lewis gunned him down believing he was the enemy, although we were unable to apprehend the Captain and I am afraid he is still loose around the city."

                        She looked down onto the chaotic Stargate platform below. "I am afraid even those who we normally consider as friends would not hesitate to fire upon us if they believed we were not who we claim to be."

                        John watched her stand at the open landing as she peered down below. He watched her face change from a sad expression to one of horror. "Teyla?" he asked worriedly.

                        She ran quickly from the banister and fled past him towards the staircase as John heard someone's angry voice echoing from down below. John followed her telling the others to stay above as he past them.

                        Captain Lewis was standing at the edge of the platform his gun aimed into the messy crowd, a look of frustration and confusion on his sweaty face, the same look as Major Lorne had wore just before he shot the technician.

                        Teyla ran in front of his aimed weapon waving her arms up over her head as she called for the other people to get back behind her. "Please Captain! Lower your weapon, we are not your enemy! These are innocent people!" she called loudly.

                        John reached the bottom of the stairs and drew his weapon, beading carefully upon the trembling soldier. "Do as she says Captain!"

                        Captain Lewis looked quickly at his superior officers gun poised towards him and then back to Teyla and the cowering people behind her. When he spoke, his words were directed at Teyla and his eyes burned through her like fire-lit paper.

                        "I know what you are Teyla Emmagan. I won't be fooled by a Wraith BI.TCH like you!" His finger clamped down on the trigger but before it pressed down far enough to click, he felt a white hot pain shoot through his side and he lowered his weapon awkwardly, peering down at the slowly widening red spot between the slits on his flak jacket.
                        Good god MrsB,you had me worried for a minute there,i really thought he was going to shoot Teyla,i should have known better seeing as John was there,he would never let anyone hurt her!


                          Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                          Ooh, good one Mrs.B. Your stories read very well.
                          Thank you

                          Damn right Linda


                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            Nightmares Part 7 Entirety found @ ()

                            John removed his vest and placed it over the technicians face and chest and he, Dr. Keller, and Dr. Heightmeyer stood somberly over her, together silent for a few long moments. "Ok we better get to the control room fast. People need to know what's happening before there are any more...accidents," John said grimly eyeing the Major.

                            Dragging Lorne behind him by his rope, he led the women as swiftly as he could back towards Rodney and Teyla. When they got there, they found they were not alone. Ten to twenty other people had collaborated and had crowded themselves onto the platform before the Stargate, all acting out their own nightmares, without barely any regard towards their surroundings. People were screaming and crying, swinging fists at invisible enemies and running from unseen terrors.

                            John dropped Lorne, who had slumped into an eerie silence at the bottom of the stairs and hurried up to find Rodney and Teyla.

                            He found them but they were no longer alone in the control room. Ronon had joined them as well, sitting slouched in a corner, back against the wall, his arms covered in deep gashes and a bloodied knife gripped in his hands as he stared blankly at nothing.

                            "Ronon?" John said eyeing him warily. Ronon did not move from staring eerily at a spot on the floor.

                            "He will be fine," Teyla responded as she walked towards John, a shaky look upon her face. "It took some time to calm him but I believe we succeeded in enlightening him to the situation. But Colonel, there was another problem..." her voice trailed and he followed her eyes as they closed on a person, lying on their back in the corner, their face covered by a jacket.

                            "Who-" John started as he walked over. Teyla gripped his shoulder tight, preventing his movement. "Do not bother, John. It is Major Ray. His wounds were beyond medical attention and there was nothing we could do. Captain Lewis gunned him down believing he was the enemy, although we were unable to apprehend the Captain and I am afraid he is still loose around the city."

                            She looked down onto the chaotic Stargate platform below. "I am afraid even those who we normally consider as friends would not hesitate to fire upon us if they believed we were not who we claim to be."

                            John watched her stand at the open landing as she peered down below. He watched her face change from a sad expression to one of horror. "Teyla?" he asked worriedly.

                            She ran quickly from the banister and fled past him towards the staircase as John heard someone's angry voice echoing from down below. John followed her telling the others to stay above as he passed them.

                            Captain Lewis was standing at the edge of the platform his gun aimed into the messy crowd, a look of frustration and confusion on his sweaty face, the same look as Major Lorne had wore just before he shot the technician.

                            Teyla ran in front of his aimed weapon waving her arms up over her head as she called for the other people to get back behind her. "Please Captain! Lower your weapon, we are not your enemy! These are innocent people!" she called loudly.

                            John reached the bottom of the stairs and drew his weapon, beading carefully upon the trembling soldier. "Do as she says Captain!"

                            Captain Lewis looked quickly at his superior officers gun poised towards him and then back to Teyla and the cowering people behind her. When he spoke, his words were directed at Teyla and his eyes burned through her like fire-lit paper.

                            "I know what you are Teyla Emmagan. I won't be fooled by a Wraith BI.TCH like you!" His finger clamped down on the trigger but before it pressed down far enough to click, he felt a white hot pain shoot through his side and he lowered his weapon awkwardly, peering down at the slowly widening red spot between the slits on his flak jacket.

                            Ahhhhh!!!!! I just left you a review on FF. I hope there'll be more today.


                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              Good god MrsB,you had me worried for a minute there,i really thought he was going to shoot Teyla,i should have known better seeing as John was there,he would never let anyone hurt her!
                              Yeah I know I thought the same thing. And I guess we know how the Captain feels about her. Bates wannabe.


                                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                                Nightmares Part 7 Entirety found @ ()

                                John removed his vest and placed it over the technicians face and chest and he, Dr. Keller, and Dr. Heightmeyer stood somberly over her, together silent for a few long moments. "Ok we better get to the control room fast. People need to know what's happening before there are any more...accidents," John said grimly eyeing the Major.

                                Dragging Lorne behind him by his rope, he led the women as swiftly as he could back towards Rodney and Teyla. When they got there, they found they were not alone. Ten to twenty other people had collaborated and had crowded themselves onto the platform before the Stargate, all acting out their own nightmares, without barely any regard towards their surroundings. People were screaming and crying, swinging fists at invisible enemies and running from unseen terrors.

                                John dropped Lorne, who had slumped into an eerie silence at the bottom of the stairs and hurried up to find Rodney and Teyla.

                                He found them but they were no longer alone in the control room. Ronon had joined them as well, sitting slouched in a corner, back against the wall, his arms covered in deep gashes and a bloodied knife gripped in his hands as he stared blankly at nothing.

                                "Ronon?" John said eyeing him warily. Ronon did not move from staring eerily at a spot on the floor.

                                "He will be fine," Teyla responded as she walked towards John, a shaky look upon her face. "It took some time to calm him but I believe we succeeded in enlightening him to the situation. But Colonel, there was another problem..." her voice trailed and he followed her eyes as they closed on a person, lying on their back in the corner, their face covered by a jacket.

                                "Who-" John started as he walked over. Teyla gripped his shoulder tight, preventing his movement. "Do not bother, John. It is Major Ray. His wounds were beyond medical attention and there was nothing we could do. Captain Lewis gunned him down believing he was the enemy, although we were unable to apprehend the Captain and I am afraid he is still loose around the city."

                                She looked down onto the chaotic Stargate platform below. "I am afraid even those who we normally consider as friends would not hesitate to fire upon us if they believed we were not who we claim to be."

                                John watched her stand at the open landing as she peered down below. He watched her face change from a sad expression to one of horror. "Teyla?" he asked worriedly.

                                She ran quickly from the banister and fled past him towards the staircase as John heard someone's angry voice echoing from down below. John followed her telling the others to stay above as he passed them.

                                Captain Lewis was standing at the edge of the platform his gun aimed into the messy crowd, a look of frustration and confusion on his sweaty face, the same look as Major Lorne had wore just before he shot the technician.

                                Teyla ran in front of his aimed weapon waving her arms up over her head as she called for the other people to get back behind her. "Please Captain! Lower your weapon, we are not your enemy! These are innocent people!" she called loudly.

                                John reached the bottom of the stairs and drew his weapon, beading carefully upon the trembling soldier. "Do as she says Captain!"

                                Captain Lewis looked quickly at his superior officers gun poised towards him and then back to Teyla and the cowering people behind her. When he spoke, his words were directed at Teyla and his eyes burned through her like fire-lit paper.

                                "I know what you are Teyla Emmagan. I won't be fooled by a Wraith BI.TCH like you!" His finger clamped down on the trigger but before it pressed down far enough to click, he felt a white hot pain shoot through his side and he lowered his weapon awkwardly, peering down at the slowly widening red spot between the slits on his flak jacket.
                                Yay, Nightmares update!!!

                                And as usual it was great! WTG John, though it must have hurt him to have to shoot one of his own men...

                                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig

