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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Lorr54 writes: “Todd works for me for a Wraith name, however, will we learn his real Wraith name in Season 4?”

    Answer: Coincidentally, Todd is his Wraith name as well, spelled “Ttod“.

    Dani writes: “When you write the script for an episode do you plan out where the commercial breaks are going to be as you write?”

    Answer: Yes. When we outline a story, we break it down into acts (five acts and a teaser), and each ends with what I like to call a “Tum tum tum TAAAA ta-da-DA!” moment.

    Anonymous #1 writes: “Will the Pegasus Replicators be as much of a threat to their galaxy as the Milky Way Replicators were to ours?”

    Answer: Yup. Things will develop on many fronts early in season four.


      WE can not be going down the page DADGUMIT!!!

      WE have to be on the top of the page!!!
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz Wake up people. Where did Scifan go???


          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz Wake up people. Where did Scifan go???
          I do not know. I PMed her too!
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            *wakes up* to whoever put the air horn to my ears I'd like to kill you in the next sparring session.


            I'm here, only I'm working on Teyla vs Adra part 2.....

            and I have passed a milestone! no doubt you all seen my warning

            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


              Hi everyone....

              Now that I"m a working woman...the big boss, I will be here less and less and beleive it or not, I"m saddened by that.

              But anywho, I went to the shippy episode thread..and WOOHOOO! We made another milestone...

              YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!

              So, I went ahead and started with Rising. I hope that is what Nina and I had decided from last time, right....
              So, here are some Rising Caps...OH, Donna....nicole is going to get that sig for you. Once she emails it to me, I'll post it here.

              Rising caps!

              This wall is done by Nicole as well.


              I have a ton of Rising caps. I have to upload them unto PB but this should do and I"m sure Nina has more!

              Alright, I'm going to see if I can catch up on things. Scifan, did you get someone to help you on ohw to post in LJ?


                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                Misappropriations Part 6


                John awoke suddenly, his eyes snapping wide and taking a sharp breath. He squinted hard into the darkness, searching, remembering. ‘Where is she?’ he thought as he felt the warm bed with a wandering hand. Pulling the clean, white sheet back to reveal his bare body, he quickly rose and groped for a light he believed was somewhere to his right.

                “Teyla?” he called softly into the dark, stumbling over something that felt like a shoe. He was beginning to get worried when she did not answer. From her window, he could see the first pink splinters of dawn slowly peeking from over the horizon and he gratefully located the desk lamp to his right, pulling its chain and quickly scanning the room.

                If he were not in her quarters at this very moment, he might not have believed last night had actually transpired at all. It had been the most blurry, passionate, tender, important night of his life. Since he did not feel he could express to her what she meant to him verbally, he had channeled everything he could into his actions, hoping she would understand him, with each gentle stroke of hand, each burning kiss, each meaningful look of disbelief and awe that this was actually happening.

                He quickly located some clothes and dressed, checking the time on his watch. One hour until they would meet for morning mission reports, the same as every other day. He ran from the room letting the door slide shut behind him as he carefully examined the hallway and began making his way towards the mess hall.

                The halls were mostly empty and John was glad for it as he dashed from one to the other in search of where she could be. Finally, he spotted her not far from where he was heading, speaking to one of the science technicians John recognized from Rodney’s team. He darted behind a shadowed corner and watched her with anxious eyes, waiting for her to approach.

                After a few moments, she finally finished speaking and began making her way towards him, greeting others she passed with a friendly good morning. When she was near him and practically isolated, John stealthily emerged from the dark corner and threw a hard hand over her mouth, pulling her into the shadow with him as she squealed into his smothering palm in surprise.

                He threw her against the wall and removed his hand, quickly placing his mouth on hers devouring her in a heated frenzy. She grabbed his head and pulled him tighter as they hid in the shadow, trying to remain as silent as possible, just off the hall where people passed by oblivious to them.

                He felt reckless and free, something he didn't often experience and it felt good. It felt liberating. It felt exhilarating being with her, loving her, and he couldn’t imagine how he had lived before as only her friend.

                They pulled apart from their passionate embrace and she said breathlessly to him, “Is this how we will say good morning now?”

                He smiled and pressed himself hard against her, panting quietly. “You bet your ass it is.”

                After making sure the halls were once again empty, they carefully stepped out one by one and walked together towards the briefing room, a constant smile etched on both their faces. They were nearing the end of the living quarters when they heard a loud voice booming through the air not far away.

                “DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!!” Ronon’s voice came like an angry roar of thunder. John and Teyla had hurriedly rounded the corner coming to a skidded stop just outside one of the living spaces, the one that belonged to Jennifer Keller. Two guards were standing tersely in front of Ronon who was dressed only in shorts and had obviously just woken, looking angrier than either had ever seen him.

                His glowing eyes were fixed upon Sergeant Ray who was quietly leading the pretty doctor away from the scene, a guiding hand behind her back. She turned back towards him, a worried look across her paling face as she whimpered, “Ronon?”
                Oh Crap! Oh CRAP!!!
                Wow that was sooo hot for John and Teyla, but oh crap for Ronon and Keller.

                Ok. Chpt 6 is done. I warning now to get out your tissues. I'm gonna try to catch up on the thread and then post it.


                  Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                  I JUST REMEMBERED....

                  Hey Y'all it Camy's anniversary in here tomorrow! I just remembered that! WE
                  have to do something for her any of you have any suggestions?

                  Remember she said there had better be a party or something up in here!!

                  I put the that link in the newsletter what was it three weeks ago...but I do not have it bookmarked.

                  Nina-Do you still have it bookmarked? maybe we can do something with that! I don't do artwork so, that lets out a wallie by Elf;inc.

                  What do y'all think? We've got to do something! I think it is going to be two years for her!
                  Woohoo! I'm in. I'll see what I can do tonigh.


                    *all but squishes Camy in a great big * THREAD MOMMY!!!!!

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Originally posted by Camy View Post

                      I like that last one and the two before it, the ones with Teyla I mean, ! *snurches*

                      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                        Alright did ya miss me going back and forth! ....

                        I am so glad we are not over half way down the first page again!!

                        It makes Elfie happy

                        (((((HUGS))))) to you all for that! I see Camy stopping by to check on us...
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                          This is really lame - please bear in mind that it's gone 1am here...

                          anyway, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY CAMY!!! xxx


                          That is so cute Ruby. I think she'll love it.


                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            Well done.

                            I need a crash course on LJ... that site just confuses the hell out of me. I am clueless when it comes to doing anything there. Tried to join beya but don't know how to friend a community so I'm stuck again..
                            Blue, what is your LJ username? What I will try to do is one of two things. We can have a LJ night on one of the off topic threads. We can actually use the Coffee shop over in the Off topic Chatter. What day is good for you guys?

                            I will post the directions there and see if that helps and we can do something together. The other thing I can try is to have someone here who knows how to do lj LIVE to answer your questions. But I have to arrange that. I know that Nicole knows and has posted things here in the past. Also, Nytel has posted things here in the past. Ubi and Wikked are very good as well.

                            So, let me chat with the girls and see what day and time is good for them. What is best for you guys? Day, and time?

                            And I"ll see what some of them can do.

                            The best thing would be also to post questions for me. Email me or PM me the questions on what you are having trouble with and I will see what I can do.

                            here are some things I can help you with Blue....if you have a LJ account and you want to join Beya, go here....


                            You will see this....

                            Community Info
                            Community Information
                            Below is information about the "Beya: A Stargate Atlantis John and Teyla Shippers" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

                            Click on join this community. Click on the screen when it tell you to add this community. And then it will tell you that you only have viewing access and not posting access. It will tell you to contact the maintainers. You don't need to do that. Once you join the community. Go back to that profile page link up above or click on user info on the main page and then read the rules and guidelines underneath the welcome sign.

                            Welcome to sga_beya, a John/Teyla community. This community is primarily for the posting of John/Teyla oriented fanart, multimedia and fanfic, however on occasion, the mods will also run John/Teyla themed challenges.

                            Beya means beautiful in Spanish. This site is dedicated to all the beautiful artists that find inspiration in John and Teyla, for they are beautiful. Enjoy.

                            1. No flaming, trashing or any other kind of personal attack on a character, a pairing, an actor, or of a fellow fan is allowed here.
                            2. Please credit for anything that you take, and or use.
                            3. No discussions or spoiler speculations are allowed in this community.
                            4. Please use tags. A tag will be created for you when you apply for posting access.
                            5. Please use the posting format provided when posting.
                            6. Please use disclaimers.
                            7. Completed fics only. No work in progress (WIPs) please, as this is an archive. Any post with a fic that is not completed will be deleted.
                            8. Include warnings in fic for spoilers, character death, squick, and others.
                            9. If you wish to use a fic cover, you may do so. Fic covers should be no larger than 400px wide. If you wish, you may request a cover for your fic here.
                            10. Teasers: No more than 3 icons or 2 thumbnails for larger graphics. Please keep any thumbnails to less than 400px wide.
                            11. Members will post their own original works only. Only mods and administration will post links or the actual original works with artist permission. Any post that does not follow this rule will be deleted.
                            12. Challenges and any other announcemnts will be posted by administration and mods only.
                            13. If you want posting access, please comment here with the word 'beya' to indicate you have read the rules.

                            Posting format:
                            Category: Video/fic/icon/wp/banner/etc
                            Title: Insert title here
                            Author: Author’s name
                            Rating: G/PG/PG-13/M/R
                            Warnings:spoilers/character death/squick/etc.
                            Disclaimer: The characters, etc, of SGA don't belong to us. For fun, not profit.
                            Size: 30MB/3000words/1280x1024/etc
                            File Format: WMV or Word or .jpg
                            Comments: Anything extra you wish to add.

                            LJ header made by jeyla4ever and layouts done by ubiquitous_girl

                            WELCOME and ENJOY!

                            Once you read that in its entirety, it gives you links on how to post things and it gives you instructions on what you need to do to have posting access. Once you follow those steps, voila! You are in the clear. There are some in here who are member but have still not done the rules and regulations and that's why you don't have posting access.

                            I"m going to post my Motivational Posters tonight and I hope the rest of you do as well. Simply follow the format on the rules and regulations page, please.


                            Just keep asking questions and if I can't reply them, I"ll get someone to help you guys. Once this is done then I will also see if I can find people to help you out on how to setup your own lJ. I know I've neve done mine!

                            Guys, did Ruby see her cover and her fic there? Did she like it?


                              Again I say this....

                              THREAD MOMMY! Come'ere Camy!

                              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                                This one is definately only for Elf
                                Now why would you do such a horrible thing to Elff. Only the mommy in here can discipline!

