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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
    I keep voting for John in best hairdo myself!! I'll go do it again! He does have the
    best hair! I wish we could vote twice a day on the kiss! I would love that myself self to JT in the top with their kiss! It's HOT!
    I agree... it's the hotest, most passionate kiss I have seen in any Stargate ep.... the others pale in comparsion.


      Originally posted by Mayra View Post
      Nina is going to love it!!!!. Very pretty especially the colors!!!

      Also wanted to say Congrats to Linda on 400!!! Awesome your a Death Glider Pilot now! YAY!
      YAY,let's go kick some Wraith butt!

      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      Teyllia..he wrote Rachel and BABY!!!!!!!!! He did confirm it.

      Am I the only one understanding it this way?

      I think you are Camy,some of us are a bit slow


        Originally posted by Camy View Post
        O R'lly...that's good to know!

        Anywho, listened to the interview and wow...

        Mallozzi mentions that the show will end very dark or something about a dark season long story arc..could it be that Teyla will go completely dark on us? or did I misinterpret this again? He's always said that they wanted Teyla to go dark. hmm.

        I have a feeling that they are going to leave us with a cliffhanger. And if Season 5 is not picked up we will have to wait on movies like SG-1. I"ll so hate that!

        What do you guys think?

        We have to have a S5,there is nothing worse than ending a show on a cliffie......HELLO.....FARSCAPE......At least we eventually got a 2 part TV movie to end it but it would pretty much suck if they didn't pick up Atlantis for a fifth season,they're ain't too many really good sci-fi programmes out there at the moment!


          Also wanted to say Congrats to Linda on 400!!! Awesome your a Death Glider Pilot now! YAY!
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            Oh i missed this....Congrats scifan on 1900

            Congrats MrsB on 900


              I have voted for fave kiss, ship eppy and yes also for shep's hair. He must be so proud of his hair.


                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                Oh i missed this....Congrats scifan on 1900

                Congrats MrsB on 900
                Oh crap all I have is ...ah forget it.
                Congrats Scifan Mrs.B and all others hitting milestones



                  Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                  I have voted for fave kiss, ship eppy and yes also for shep's hair. He must be so proud of his hair.
                  Well done....

                  I hope everyone keeps voting each day... I'm away for a week from Friday so I want to see our favourite duo at the top of the polls..... and Shep has the best hair .... no doubt about that.


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post

                    Made some goodies. Go and check it out in the Galleria.

                    Posted all my votes and caps this morning already.

                    Read some fics last night. BTW, Mrs. B Oasis and Nightmares don't show up when search John and Teyla. You should change your settings to have John and Teyla as characters.

                    Post and List your Top Ten John and Teyla Glances
                    Somehow Camy I feel the exact same, mostly because we are currently on my home planet and the party went on until about..... oh I don't remember it ended about... seven hours ago

                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    Oh dear....I just made this up for no reason


                    John was held on either side by large Wraith males, both faces shrouded with a faceless, blank mask. Neither of them spoke nor gestured as they dragged his beaten body down the long, echoing, green hallway.

                    John’s head was pounding and his heart wrenched at the thought of what he would find behind the looming, large double doors at the end of the hall.

                    The hallway seemed endless and when they finally arrived, the guard to his left held open the door as the other led him in silently.

                    His feet dragging as he was pulled, they approached an ornate throne decorated with what resembled human bones of all shapes and sizes. Two more faceless Wraith stood erect and motionless on either side of the throne with long spears held regally in their clawed hands.

                    John gasped as he tried to contain his sudden urge to be sick, as at last, his gaze rested upon the throne and the elegantly robed creature that rested somberly upon it.


                    Her face was mangled as a Wraith, but still much remained of her beautiful Athosian features. Her body slightly discolored and her hair a wispy silver white lay curved upon her shoulders and she was clad in a long, deep, red robe that extended far beyond her length of body.

                    The guards held John taut as he felt his knees weaken in despair and called out her name in a breathless gasp, “Teyla…..”

                    Her eyes fixed on him and her chin raised high, she gracefully stepped down from her throne, taking confident strides towards him, her robe trailing neatly behind her. She neared him and with an evil look she snarled deeply, peering in his face. “I am Attar and you will kneel when you speak to me, human.”

                    One of the guards kicked him hard behind his knees and he dropped wincing towards the floor. She bent down to his disbelieving face and leaned in close, dragging a long, clawed fingernail across his cheek.

                    His face was defiant and yet his eyes revealed his true emotions.” Your lover is gone, Colonel. Your lingering desire for her is pathetic. You will do what we ask of you, for your Lantian gene may very well save your worthless, little life.”

                    John stared into her face and had never felt so alone in his life. “Teyla, I know you’re in there somewhere. Please.... hear me,” he begged as his eyes filled with tears. “You can fight this, you’re the strongest person I know! You have to be strong! Please!”

                    Teyla stood staring down at him, her head tilted to the side listening. Her blackened eyes seemed to waver for a moment and she held out her hand cupping his trembling chin and watched the torment dance upon his face. John thought for one gleaming moment he saw her beautiful brown eyes pierce through the darkened features and felt her hand quiver against his skin.

                    But then…

                    “Take this thing from my sight,” she scowled at her guards. “He will do as we ask or he will suffer a fate much worse than death.” And she gave Colonel Sheppard a sickening smile, baring her mangled teeth. As he was being roughly hauled back through the double doors, his heart sank and he continued screaming a name that no longer belonged to the beautiful woman he once knew. “Teyla!…..TEYLA!! PLEASE!!””
                    MrsB you aren't by any chance doing Challenge number 3 at the Arena are you?(I'll have the link to the Arena in my sig shortly)

                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Ok guys. I changed the title of my fic. Just a little. It's: The Ties That Bind Us.

                    It was my choice so I don't want this going back on Suz. I just don't want any confusion about the two different stories.
                    Scifan I think that works better, in fact I was thinking of renaming Unbreakable Bond to, Our Unbreakable Bond, does that sound better for a title?

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                      OASIS - PART 12

                      John's eyes fluttered wildly in the pitch black. He felt cold and was lying on something hard and uneven. His breath came hurriedly as if his lungs were full and could handle little air. He moaned softly and tried to move but a great pain burned white hot at the side of his head, his left leg, and his abdomen.

                      "God damn," he muttered through bruised lips as he tried again to lift his body from the rocky surface. With a loudly mustered grunt, he finally began to rise as the pain shot deep throughout his body, almost causing him to fall back.

                      Feeling the side of his head with his hand, his fingers slipped over the blood that was pooling around a large wound and he sighed deeply, holding his other hand to what he was sure was a bruised and broken ribcage. He remembered falling, it had felt like he was flying, flying forever, flying through the dark.

                      His thoughts traveled to the moments before. He had kissed Teyla and told her how he felt for her, something he had hidden for what felt like an eternity. He laughed at himself and immediatley regretted it, holding his side even tighter now. He had recalled he did not get a chance to see her reaction and thought perhaps it was better that way. It didn't matter anways, he thought, he was glad he had tasted her, glad he had confessed, for now was surely to be his end.

                      He heard a scuffling in the dark and turned towards it. Many sets of red eyes were bright against the blackness, all gazes directed towards him. He gulped and then smiled to himself and said aloud," Oh hey guys. I was getting lonely down here."

                      The eyes didn't come any closer, as he was sure they would have surrounded him by now. His hand silently groped for his weapon which he was relieved to find still strapped around his heaving chest. If he was about to die, he would at least take some of them with him. " What are you guys waiting for? An invitation?"

                      Suddenly, he heard a loud rumbling, almost like distant thunder. It came in even intervals, and the ground trembled, boom........boom.......boom, an uneasy sound in the dark. The red eyes turned from him, facing a different direction now.

                      And then with utter horror, John realized what the thunder was.

                      Oh thank god,he's still alive,who's coming!

                      Hmmmm,wonder if there's any more updates,*rushes through pages*


                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        Oh i missed this....Congrats scifan on 1900

                        Congrats MrsB on 900
                        Thanks Linda.

                        Here's a little something that came to mind. Just for fun. I don't have a title.


                        John is sitting on his bed in his quarters. The lights are off and he has a beer in his hand. The door opens and Ronon walks in, “Hey.”
                        John looks up at Ronon, “Hey.” He returns hanging his head down and looking at his beer.
                        “I just heard about Teyla. Are you ok?” ask Ronon in a soft concerning tone.
                        John gives a deep sigh, “Yea, I’m ok. She just told me during the quarantine. She says she doesn't remember how it happened.”
                        “You mean you don’t believe her?” responds Ronon.
                        John makes a face and stares into his mug as he swirls the last bit of his beer, “You know I want to believe her. She’s never really lied before, but how can you not know? I don’t even know why it’s bothering so much. It’s not like it’s any of my business.”
                        “Now who’s lying? You know why this is bothering you. It’s because you what her to be with you. You hate the idea that she was with someone else and that she’s having their baby. What if this wasn’t consensual? Wouldn’t she remember if it was something she wanted?” scolds Ronon.
                        John looks up at Ronon with a surprise look on his face, “I never thought about that. And you’re wrong about how I feel.”
                        Ronon smiles as he sits next to John, “Who are you trying to kid. I see how you look at her. I see how she looks at you and others see it too. She was trying to hide it, but I saw her crying just before I got here. I think she was going to her quarters.” Ronon gets up and starts heading toward the door. “Tell her John. Tell her how you feel. She needs you and you know it. She already feels alone because of her people, do you want to make it worse?” He walks out and leaves John in the darkness.
                        John waits a long time before he gets the nerves to see Teyla. He was so cold to her when she told him and the sadness of her face nearly broke his heart. He didn’t mean to, but it just came out that way. He knew that Ronon was right and he had to tell her. He finally gets up, walks out of his room and towards hers.
                        John waves his hand over the crystals to sound the door chimes and hears a faint, “Come in.” from Teyla. She hides her face as she wipes her tears away. When she turns around she is surprised to see that it was John.
                        John walks closer to her and takes her hand, “Teyla, I’m so sorry for being a jerk. I… I guess I was just…” He couldn’t say it. He starts to turn back to the door, but Teyla grabs his arm.
                        “You were what John? What is it that you want to say?” she pleads.
                        “I was jealous! I guess I got jealous think of you with someone else and having someone else’s baby.” He hangs his head in shame, but she takes her hand and lifts up his chin. Her eyes meet his and she gives him a smile. “Tonight Ronon made me see something that I tried to keep buried.” He pauses, “ I love you Teyla Emmagan.” There he said it.
                        Her smile became bigger, “I love you too John Sheppard. That is why it pained me to tell you. I wish I knew more.”
                        John takes her in his arm and comforts her tightly. He whispers in her ear, “I will be here for you. No matter what.” They both close their eyes and enjoy each other’s embrace.
                        The End.


                          Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                          Somehow Camy I feel the exact same, mostly because we are currently on my home planet and the party went on until about..... oh I don't remember it ended about... seven hours ago

                          MrsB you aren't by any chance doing Challenge number 3 at the Arena are you?(I'll have the link to the Arena in my sig shortly)

                          Scifan I think that works better, in fact I was thinking of renaming Unbreakable Bond to, Our Unbreakable Bond, does that sound better for a title?
                          Thanks Teyilia.
                          Yes, I think it does sound nicer. I like the other one too. Whichever you feel comfortable with.

                          Thanks Maffieg.


                            Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                            Is that an X-wing smiley??
                            Not sure,doesn't say what it is!

                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            Oh dear....I just made this up for no reason


                            John was held on either side by large Wraith males, both faces shrouded with a faceless, blank mask. Neither of them spoke nor gestured as they dragged his beaten body down the long, echoing, green hallway.

                            John’s head was pounding and his heart wrenched at the thought of what he would find behind the looming, large double doors at the end of the hall.

                            The hallway seemed endless and when they finally arrived, the guard to his left held open the door as the other led him in silently.

                            His feet dragging as he was pulled, they approached an ornate throne decorated with what resembled human bones of all shapes and sizes. Two more faceless Wraith stood erect and motionless on either side of the throne with long spears held regally in their clawed hands.

                            John gasped as he tried to contain his sudden urge to be sick, as at last, his gaze rested upon the throne and the elegantly robed creature that rested somberly upon it.


                            Her face was mangled as a Wraith, but still much remained of her beautiful Athosian features. Her body slightly discolored and her hair a wispy silver white lay curved upon her shoulders and she was clad in a long, deep, red robe that extended far beyond her length of body.

                            The guards held John taut as he felt his knees weaken in despair and called out her name in a breathless gasp, “Teyla…..”

                            Her eyes fixed on him and her chin raised high, she gracefully stepped down from her throne, taking confident strides towards him, her robe trailing neatly behind her. She neared him and with an evil look she snarled deeply, peering in his face. “I am Attar and you will kneel when you speak to me, human.”

                            One of the guards kicked him hard behind his knees and he dropped wincing towards the floor. She bent down to his disbelieving face and leaned in close, dragging a long, clawed fingernail across his cheek.

                            His face was defiant and yet his eyes revealed his true emotions.” Your lover is gone, Colonel. Your lingering desire for her is pathetic. You will do what we ask of you, for your Lantian gene may very well save your worthless, little life.”

                            John stared into her face and had never felt so alone in his life. “Teyla, I know you’re in there somewhere. Please.... hear me,” he begged as his eyes filled with tears. “You can fight this, you’re the strongest person I know! You have to be strong! Please!”

                            Teyla stood staring down at him, her head tilted to the side listening. Her blackened eyes seemed to waver for a moment and she held out her hand cupping his trembling chin and watched the torment dance upon his face. John thought for one gleaming moment he saw her beautiful brown eyes pierce through the darkened features and felt her hand quiver against his skin.

                            But then…

                            “Take this thing from my sight,” she scowled at her guards. “He will do as we ask or he will suffer a fate much worse than death.” And she gave Colonel Sheppard a sickening smile, baring her mangled teeth. As he was being roughly hauled back through the double doors, his heart sank and he continued screaming a name that no longer belonged to the beautiful woman he once knew. “Teyla!…..TEYLA!! PLEASE!!””

                            YAAAAA,you gotta continue
                            John's gotta save her!
                            after you've finished the other fics of course


                              Well I think everyone is having Teyla turn i nto a Wraith, some people have her a a Hive Queen, and some (me I think) have her as a Wraith Drone (with that bony mask) In fact my Ascension Trilogy has both Teyla AND her child turn into a Wraith Drone (same ship, same room on the ship, same racing against the clock with MORE WRAITH to kill) .... ahem...

                              I like it MrsB

                              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                                Didn't JM say something about....
                                Teyla and about her becoming a Wraith or a Wraith Queen. Did I read that wrong or was he pulling out legs.... Again.

