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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Awesome job on the newsletter Elfie

    It's Saturday here


      Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
      YC, thanks so much for doing this, I do plan on snagging one. And the originals were past cool

      Gang, haven't been here in awhile, but a quick fly-by and hello's.

      First a HUG for Steph. Glad things turned out relatively fine w/your co-workers, but sad to hear of some of their losses. Know you and they are in my thoughts and prayers

      Linda06 I know you are one.
      MrsB...I know you've been here awhile, but a big Texas wave to you also!
      By the way, I'm loving you stories. You sure know how to swing those emotions from one extreme to the other...excellent!

      If I've missed some(which I'm sure I have), please forgive way too many pages for me to retrace and remember all. But a big hug all around w/lots of JT loving

      Congrats on some milestones posters:
      Camy, Nina, MrsB...again, there are others and I cann't remember, but know a big congrats to you too!!!

      All the fics are AWESOME: MrsB as I've already commented. Scifan also great job! What a lot of fic noms and new material we have to look forward to for the 2008 JT Awards...YAY...never too much of that!

      Keep both the fics and art coming w/that in mind. Meanwhile don't forget to go and vote for this years awards. Remember it's success is in each of our hands, so make those votes COUNT!!!

      GREAT JOB ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      jtjaforever: Thank you.


        hi Linda! hows the future?

        also guys I have a little chapter preview for a very DIFFERENT story that I am currently yet very slowly writing, on it is titled "Meeting the Red Devil" yet this will be in one of the new chapters since it featres both galaxies at this time(alternating bettwen galaxies every three chapters(three for SG-1 and same for SGA))

        Rodney felt a hand on him and looked to see Sheppard being the owner of the hand, Rodney nodded and peeked over the rocks, the sound of footfalls was getting louder as if it was a horse or the like on the rock hard path.

        From over the rise a hooded figure was seen, then two more appeared, followed by two more, then three more pairs of two, each was riding what looked like a six legged horse, which explained the loud clanking sounds.

        The leader of the group stopped and looked down the path, seeing the Probes moving and carrying the ore, the leader started moving again, this time at a faster speed, the Lost One had been awakened after so many years.

        The group on the animals tore past where the team was hiding, not looking their way, Ford was the first one out and looking down the way the group went, "what were those things?" he asked, "they looked like horses but then they had six legs"

        "Aye, they had six legs, and my guess is they are horses too, just because we don't have them back on earth does not mean it is not known here, here in the Pegasus galaxy things like these are an every day thing of life."

        The Probes were surprised. They turned to faced the charging locals. For a moment they calculated their situation. They decided ignor the primitive locals. Then the Probes were surprised very much when the leader of the riders produced on his arm a armor like device. From it came out a long blade almost 2 metres. It shivered as if it was made of smoke. It was the Warp Blade of the Dark Templars of the Protoss. The shield of great strength was nothing to the massive damage of the Warp Blade, even if it was wielded by non-Protoss. Five quick slashes ended the shield and six more slashes destroyed one of the ore carrying Probes. The rest of the Probes turned and ran. The leader of the alien ordered his people to pick up the large ore. It was as big as half a man.

        The group threaded faberic under the ore and picked it up between for riders, the hooded figures moved seemingly like a machine, once the faberic was ready, four riders picked it up and started down the path.

        the pair of eyes watched the team go off the pathway into the ditch, then saw the hooded riders pass them by, then came the sound of a thud of metal hitting the ground.

        The Elders would know more about this goings on the person watching Sheppard and his team thought as the figures moved off the pair of eyes followed, on the other side of the pathway, running at a fast speed tp try and see where the riding group was headed.

        Rodney stepped out onto the path, the LSD beeped and he pointed, "Somebody is coming I think, but I am not sure we should hide again" He said.

        Dex looked back the way the group riding the odd animals came from, "Someones coming, but not on the path." He said, bringing up his three barreled shotgun-like weapon.

        Ford brought up his P-90 and aimed it down the path, a odd colored form seemed to run across the path at the rise in it, going from one point to the next, it was on two legs but was moving at a good speed. "What was that?" Ford asked.

        "obviously someone that lives on this planet maybe, the LSD shows whatever it is pretty close by" Rodney said.

        "Is there no way of knowing whom this being is, and if it is friendly or not?" Teyla asked, looking down the way the group had gone and the thud of metal came from.

        "Keep your cover!"

        Sheppard brought his own P-90 to bear on the thing sweeping toward the group, ready to open fire if met with hostility.

        The destroyed probe found itself unable to self-destruct as it should when incapacitated. It was badly damaged and only one of the seven hover drives were working. It tried to drag itself back to home but its main navigation system was fried and its visual recognition sensors were out of place. It began to move toward where SGA-1 was hiding, dragging bits of glowing wires and metals behind it.

        Whatever was coming at the team was moving fast, like the phatoms the Wraith made, whomever it was, was not there, but on the other side of the path.

        there came a scraping sound of metal on rocks as the probe dragged itself into view, only to get aimed at by Ford.

        "Sir, I think we found the cause of the sound of the metal thud" Ford aimed at the probe as it dragged itself up the path.

        The phatom-like thing seemed to pass them by, stopping so it seemed as it went through both Teyla and Sheppard before moving on. Ther ecame a sound of claws on metal just around the bend where Dex was watching, he backed up to the rest of the team, nearly tepping on the probe

        "whatever that was it used the same thing as the Wraith, either this world has Wraith like people on it, or these are something else." He said
        the story itself is a mix of three sci-fi show/games the Protoss are from Starcraft then I have SG-1 and Atlantis as well

        Also I plan on having a very JT ship in the latter half of the story(and the game itself)
        hope everyone likes

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          DOXY!!!! So good to see you hon!

          I made something that I think you will like!

          But before that...Elff..I have no time to look at the newsletter but it looks GREAT from here...

          Thanks everyone who liked my lame posters...the others are WAY better..but it's really fun. Everyone should give it a try...

          Yappichick, were you asking for this....

          Don't forget to post the caps in the games guys! I"ll be gone for the entire weekend and maybe longer. Nina or Donna if you could post daily caps for Conversion along with the link, I"d appreciate it! Not many of you are participating in that and that is too bad cause we'd own the place if everyone participated.

          And Scifan, and Elff and the others please take care of my Galleria and don't leave it challenges, caps and new and old fanart....that would be so good!
          Gosh, I feel like I"m leaving or something! LOL

          Steph, Cyn...I"ve missed you guys in here!

          Please don't forget to vote in the SGA Awards...that was done for all us! Lots of work has been put in that community!

          And to leave you...Doxymom...I've actually thought of you and I remember the sig you made of John with these words and this picture I thought was perfect for it...TEyllia..I don't know why but I can't see any of your gives me some message about the link...



            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
            Sci...Or Camy...

            Do you have the link to the poster thread?
            Here Jess. I hope this helps.

            DM: Thanks for your input and I hope you're right.


              JM BLOG UPDATE

              PG-15 writes: “1. Harmony: is it the episode filling the last empty slot? 2. You mentioned breaking the Shep-on-Earth story next week, but I thought you guys have already spun it out, or at least broken it already? 3. So, Martin Gero is doing "Harmony"? Wow, so he's writing his "Three's Company" episode, the JF-pitched story, AND Harmony? He's going to be busy.”
              Answers: 1. Yes, Harmony takes the last empty episode slot. 2. We started spinning the story but took a break to work on Harmony, then will switch gears again to work on the Sheppard on Earth story next week. 3. Martin was writing the Sheppard on Earth story but, having finished Trio (formerly Three’s Company), he will start on Harmony while Alan McCullough assumes writing duties on the JF-inspired eppy.

              Promogirl writes: “You mentioned in a previous blog that Carter would come face to face with a Wraith. Can you tell us in what episode that will occur?”

              Answer: Do you mean an actual face to face rather than an encounter? If so, then The Seer is your episode.
              Wolfen writes: “Speaking of which, I second the wish someone had yesterday for some good McShep -- er, McKay/Sheppard friendship moments, of the not-nearly-so-snarky, plenty-angsty variety.”

              Answer: Millers Crossing.
              Anonymous #2 writes: “You already said that you weren't going to deal with Sam's love life on atlantis.”

              Answer: That’s right. We will not be dealing with Sam’s love life on Atlantis. However, a passing mention of her personal life during a candid moment is another matter.



                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                Thanks jtja!!!!

                Linda your the kewlest!!

                Scifan I havent even begun!!! Were there any good stories you hadnt read previously??

                Yea, There is tons of stories. I've just begun and I hope I get in gear to read them. YC,Ruby,Camy, your, mine and many others are up for voting. Lots of hard decisions. Vids are going to be hard too. We've go Quania, LC and Mayra are in the same catagory. I hate choosing between all my friends.


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  JM BLOG UPDATE

                  PG-15 writes: “1. Harmony: is it the episode filling the last empty slot? 2. You mentioned breaking the Shep-on-Earth story next week, but I thought you guys have already spun it out, or at least broken it already? 3. So, Martin Gero is doing "Harmony"? Wow, so he's writing his "Three's Company" episode, the JF-pitched story, AND Harmony? He's going to be busy.”
                  Answers: 1. Yes, Harmony takes the last empty episode slot. 2. We started spinning the story but took a break to work on Harmony, then will switch gears again to work on the Sheppard on Earth story next week. 3. Martin was writing the Sheppard on Earth story but, having finished Trio (formerly Three’s Company), he will start on Harmony while Alan McCullough assumes writing duties on the JF-inspired eppy.

                  Promogirl writes: “You mentioned in a previous blog that Carter would come face to face with a Wraith. Can you tell us in what episode that will occur?”

                  Answer: Do you mean an actual face to face rather than an encounter? If so, then The Seer is your episode.
                  Wolfen writes: “Speaking of which, I second the wish someone had yesterday for some good McShep -- er, McKay/Sheppard friendship moments, of the not-nearly-so-snarky, plenty-angsty variety.”

                  Answer: Millers Crossing.
                  Anonymous #2 writes: “You already said that you weren't going to deal with Sam's love life on atlantis.”

                  Answer: That’s right. We will not be dealing with Sam’s love life on Atlantis. However, a passing mention of her personal life during a candid moment is another matter.


                  Thanks Mrs.B very interesting.

                  Great job on poster Camy.

                  Elf awesome job on updates.

                  Hi to everyone. I'm sorry if I missed anyone.


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    TEyllia..I don't know why but I can't see any of your gives me some message about the link...

                    HAVE A GREAT WEEEKEND!
                    That is very starnge, what if i post the pcitures from my LJ only ON my LJ? would that help?

                    and that picture is classic!!!

                    I hope you guys like my little chapter preview

                    will soon have the new chapter for my now renamed story "The Ascenion Trilogy part 1 Ascension" posted soon!!!

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Teyilia, I see Jack's quote on your post everyday and I forgot to this earlier. I thought you might like it.



                        That's Jack for you! Thanks! that is most surely going on my LJ!! *hugs* *snags* *then runs for the bar!*

                        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                          Completely OT:

                          Hehehe, did anyone notice the third pic down in JM's blog tonight of his new puppy?

                          Link here

                          Yellow Chicken lives.
                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            OK I gotta stop but I can't!! thanks you so much Elf: Mental note cut back on the coffee doseage for Elf....


                            as well as a link which hopefully Camy can see it too

                            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Yea, There is tons of stories. I've just begun and I hope I get in gear to read them. YC,Ruby,Camy, your, mine and many others are up for voting. Lots of hard decisions. Vids are going to be hard too. We've go Quania, LC and Mayra are in the same catagory. I hate choosing between all my friends.
                              I know how you feel...I've been avoiding categories with my buds in there. I know I will have to choose was so easy nominating three people.
                              Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                                That's Jack for you! Thanks! that is most surely going on my LJ!! *hugs* *snags* *then runs for the bar!*

                                I'm so glad that you like it and thanks for the hug.

